Purge (Death Crusaders Motorcycle Club) (3 page)

BOOK: Purge (Death Crusaders Motorcycle Club)
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Chapter Three

My Sweet Dreams


They say that when it comes
to naked bodies that men just are not so pleasing to the eye. Women’s bodies on
the other hand can be very beautiful and nice to look at even if you don’t bat
for the other team. But oh that Blade! He is the exception to the rule. He’s
just come out of the shower and has a blood red towel draped carelessly about
his waist. The soft material only just covers his delicious privates as it has
slipped far south of his navel. His smooth, muscular chest is rendered even
tastier by the droplets of water running from his long blond hair, down over
his shoulders and down his gorgeous pecs.

I let my eyes do the walking
and let them drift down his thighs to his finely sculpted calves. Few people
know the power of a nice pair of calf muscles until you see the pair Blade has
on him. It’s no wonder that implants there are one of the most common plastic
surgeries for men these days. He even has nice feet. Who has nice feet? I
don’t. His toes are long and nicely shaped; no hammer toes there. If I had a
foot fetish, and I’m not saying I do, but one could get carried away with his.

“Lose the towel buddy.” I
command as he comes walking over to the bed.

My eyes drop down to the top
edge of the towel, licking my ruby red lips in anticipation. Strong hands, long
fingers grasp the towel and with a single tug on the black Egyptian cotton it
drops to the floor about his ankles and I get a feast for the eyes. I can’t
help my reaction here. My mouth drops open and my eyes bulge out as they sweep
down his taut stomach to the base of his cock and my knees buckle on their own
accord. As I go down my tongue draws a wet line from the strong line of his
jaw, down his neck and over his muscular chest. My nostrils flare as I inhale
his masculine scent and the aroma sends a chill up and down my spine. I wonder
absently how a man who wears leather and rides a Harley smell like some Greek
God and not some kind of smoky, oily cyborg. The taste of his skin is difficult
to describe; it’s good. I think I’ll just leave it at that.

My nose tingles as blonde
hairs tickle, causing a very
sexy sneeze. His muscles ripple in
reaction to the sudden burst from my mouth but before I totally wreck the mood
I plant my open mouth on the base of his cock. I can feel a steady throb
against my tongue as I lick my way to his engorged head. Blade gasps as I
inhale and the power goes straight to my head and pussy alike. It never ceases
to amaze how such a powerful guy like blade can wind up in my thrall, helpless
to stop what’s happening to him even if he wanted it to stop.

His buttocks clench beneath
my fingers and I can’t resist the temptation to dig in my nails…just a little.
He gasps thrusts and nearly loses it, but I still have complete control. Just
to prove my point I stop my lingual caress and he slips out with an audible

“Don’t stop!” He gasps as he
tries to force the issue.

“No no no…” I reply, turning
my head to the side so that he thrusts into my ear.

“Oh yes, yes, yes…” He
replies, swiveling his hips to give me a penis smack down across my left cheek.

“Wow, like that’s ever gonna
work Mister.”

I grab his cock again with my
left hand and use it like a hammer smacking it against the palm of my other

“Damn woman.” He gasps.

I flash him a wicked smile
and rise to my feet. The second our lips find each other the heat of our
passion rages like an out of control conflagration and it’s like we can’t even
get enough of each other. We break off our kiss just long enough for me to
raise my arms allowing him to strip off my shirt. Our lips fasten together
again as his fingers fumble with my bra. Who’d have thought the act of swapping
spit could be so damn hot! If we keep kissing like this I’m going to have to
take a break and pour cold water over my head before I burst into flames.

He finally successfully
navigates the clasp and pulls off my bra. Then his fingers approach the
crisscross of scarring on my back. As they get close I can feel myself getting
tense and hyper aware of his every move. Even the slightest wrong move will end
it for me here. His fingers trace an invisible line down my spine to the
beginning of my scars. He pauses for a fraction of a second as he encounters
the thick hardened lines formed from past abuse. I put both hands on his chest
and push. I can’t do this today or any day for that matter.

“What?” He asks me.

“I think you know what.”

“You’re a survivor Jen, and
you should be damn proud of that fact. You went through more as a child than
most adults will ever have to face in their whole life and that’s something to
be proud of. Most would crumble and break under the pressure but not Jennifer
Clarkson. These lines on your back, they’re just one part of you that makes you

Okay I must admit, he could
not have said that better and just so he knows he’s on the right path, when his
fingers trace a scar I purr with pleasure even though the tough skin is void of
sensation. Emboldened by my reaction he keeps going until his hands reach the
elastic waistband of my slacks. Normally I would invite him to stop in his
tracks but not tonight. Instead I shift around my weight so that he can get to
my zipper. The thin fabric parts to reveal deep maroon Victoria’s Secret. He
slides the thin material down over my knees revealing the real secret to my
panties; they’re almost not even there.

With the flick of a finger he
moves the thin sliver of fabric to one side to reveal what he came for. A sharp
intake of breath registers my surprise seconds before his first thrust into my
sex. He’s a big man. He fills me up and then some. At first I feel…stretched.
Then I just feel a deep ache of pulse pounding pleasure that seems to start in
my kitty and then goes straight into my brain rocking my world. Mounted and
splayed out on my belly, Blade thrusts into me like a jackhammer until he
explodes in sync with my own body; this could not have gone better. I feel his
weight sliding off me so I roll over, reaching out to him to pull him back into
me but he just starts fading. I grab at him over and over but my hands come up
with air. Something is wrong here and I’m helpless to stop it.



Chapter Four

My Harsh Reality


When I first wake the
remnants of the dream keeps me wrapped in a cocoon of warm steamy goodness.
Then the harsh reality of recent events comes crashing down around my
shoulders. While I was off in Belize soaking in the sun someone was burying my
best friend. What a fucked up world this is. I’m going to find out who killed
her and take my revenge if that person(s) is still alive. I owe her that at
least. The trouble is I don’t know where to start. I guess I should talk to her
patrol partner but I don’t even have a name. I guess Blade must know who her
partner was but for some reason I don’t feel like including him in my
investigation. I just have this feeling that somehow he or his club is in some
way responsible for her death. I’m going to need to find out on my own what
happened. I’m also not too keen to reveal to local law enforcement that I am
back in town.

I look around me. I’m in
someone’s bedroom. To my surprise, Piper’s gun is sitting on the nightstand.
There’s a note.

“Hey Jen,

Thought you could use some
protection, and since you already know how to use Piper’s gun it makes sense
that you should carry his until he’s able to again. Take it easy now. I’ll be
back tonight to check in on you.


Cautiously I pick up Piper’s
9mm. I drop the magazine and eject the round still in the chamber. This one
appears to hold a dozen or more bullets. I’m not sure how I feel having a gun
with me but if the past is any indication of my future I’m going to need it. I
deposit the weapon in my handbag. I look at the clock. I don’t know how long
I’ve been sleeping but it’s almost eleven in the morning. Time to get out of
bed and test my leg. I peel off my covers and swing my legs over the side of
the bed and sit up. A low groan escapes my lips as the pain in my lower left
leg announces itself. Looking down at the bandage I’m surprised at the size of
it. I thought this was supposed to be a flesh wound. I start by just standing
with all my weight on my uninjured leg, the gradually putting weight on my bad

I gasp as pain shoots up my
leg. It’s enough to make me sit right back down on my ass. Okay, maybe I can
take it easy for a day or two. It’s not like I have any pressing issues now.

I spend far too much time
watching daytime television. Good thing Blade has Xfinity on demand. After all,
there’s only so much a person can handle of shows like Jerry Springer and Maury
Povitch or whatever the dude’s name is. CNN saves the day. After six hours of
war footage in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Turkey, even I can’t stand anymore
and finally turn the TV off for good. Man the world is one messed up place.

By the time the front door
opens I have warn a trail in his carpet from the front living room window to
the bookcase to the tile kitchen floor and back onto the carpet by the coffee
table. The instant I hear the door opening I leap from the couch, sprint down
the hall and leap right into the arms of a strange man.

“Whoah doll…” He exclaims
catching me in his powerful arms. “Blade said you were a sweet girl but this...”

“And who the hell are you?” I
ask as he sets me back on my feet.

“They call me Digger.”

“Okay Digger, where’s Blade?
Is he okay?”

“Blade’s fine. He’s just
running late and wanted me to check on you and make sure you’re fine. Can I
tell him you’re fine?”


“How’s the leg?”

“Way better. When’s he coming

“Maybe not till late. Do you
need anything to eat?” Digger asks.

“No I’m fine really.”


I shut the door behind him
and collapse on the couch. No way am I gonna last another day in this place and
yet I am supposed stay here three or four more just to let my leg heal. Maybe I
can hurry up the healing process with more aggressive exercising. In the TV
room I noticed a stair climber and a treadmill. I decide to give the stair
machine a test run. I have always prided myself for being in good shape but
after fifteen minutes of torture on the machine I’ve had enough. Not only are
my legs incased in what feels like jelly, but my lungs are on fire as well. The
only thing that feels halfway normal is my shot up leg. That appendage actually
seems to have enjoyed the exercise and it feels a little better. I wobble into
the kitchen for some juice to drink, down two glasses of OJ and return to the
couch to rest. Before long my eyelids finally become too weighty to bear and
they close on their own accord. Five minutes later blessed sleep takes me.

My body tingles. It begins at
the bottom of my right ear and sends delicious chills down my neck. A soft sigh
escapes my lips as the feelings intensify. I shift from my side to my back and
take a deep breath and let it out slowly. As I inhale again my nostrils fill
with a familiar leathery minty scent that can only belong to one man! My eyes
fly open just as Blade’s lips reach the swelling at the tops of my breasts.

“Not so fast tough guy.” I

“I’m going slow.” He
breathes. My skin breaks out into tingly goose bumps everywhere his breath
caresses me.

“Not in my book you’re not Mister.
You’re more like a red Ferrari that’s just shifted out of second gear into
fifth, sliding into the fast lane. You just blew by foreplay and went straight
into sex play with that move buddy.” I say, as I extract his finger from my

“You don’t like where this is
going?” He breathes onto my exposed nipples.

“Oh I love the destination
but I also love the ride.”

“So you’re saying?” He

“Enjoy the ride already.” I

“Oh I will.” He reassures me.
“Right when I get to the enjoyable part.” He replies with a laugh.

“What?” I explode, slapping
him on the back. “The enjoyable part? My whole body is the enjoyable part

“Don’t get your panties in a
bunch babe. I still have to get them off.”

“Oh I highly doubt that’s
going to happen.” 

“Sorry to burst your bubble
sweetie, but they’re comin’ off.”

I play at resisting but we
both know what I want and we both know Blade also gets what he wants. Soon
words give way to other uses for lips, tongues, and mouths as passion escalates
to an indescribable intensity. It’s like my whole body is a giant bundle of
nerves singing the praises of Blade bedroom talents.

As much as I’m throwing
myself into the sex play, every time his hand or mouth touches a scar or a
discolored patch from the skin grafts I hit a stone wall and all the good
feelings are spirited away by my unresolved past issues. We don’t halt our
lovemaking but we both know I have drifted off again. The playfulness has gone
and so has the deep connection we were feeling in the beginning. It’s not to
say it wasn’t enjoyable or satisfying because it was. It’s just that I grow
tired of my past colliding with my present and I’m sure Blade feels the same on
some level. As these less than pleasurable thoughts permeate my consciousness I
begin to slip into a deep, grateful sleep.

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