PURE OF HEART (21 page)


Authors: Christopher Greyson

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“They are Vereortu. They create fear and feed off it,” she said grimly.

“Vereortu?” Dean said. “Those are the things Norouk ruled.”

As Han turned to run, Bravic’s hand came down upon his shoulder. “We don’t know how many there are or if Norouk still rules them. It’s been many years since Norouk.” He tried to reassure the Elvana.

“But Volsur was around then.” Han struggled against Bravic’s hold. “And Carimus. And Ranadin. They’re alive. Why wouldn’t Norouk be?”

“Whether he is or isn’t,” Dean began, “we can’t run until we die of exhaustion.”

“You want to stay here?” Han asked.

“It’s almost morning. We’ve run half the night. We can’t run any farther. I say we stay and see.” Dean’s eyes searched the faces of the others.

Oieda leaned close to Han and whispered something in his ear.

“I’ll stay,” Han grumbled as he kicked a white stone at his feet.

They tried to sit and rest, but quickly rose and paced, peering into the darkness. After another anxious hour, Dean took watch while the others tried to lie down and rest. As the night sky began to lighten, Oieda came over and sat down beside him.

“Hey.” Dean smiled.

“It is almost first light.” She looked to the east.

“Thanks for calming Han down,” Dean said. She smiled. “What did you say to him?”

She shrugged and shook her head, causing her ponytail to bounce back and forth. “Nothing.”

Dean noticed her cheeks flushed. “What? Come on. I know you said something.”

Oieda’s eyes danced, and she blushed more. “I told him he had to be brave so you would not get scared.”

“Me?” Dean exhaled. “Yeah, I’m a big scaredy-cat.”

“I was trying to make him feel better.” She grinned. “You are mostly brave.”

Dean raised an eyebrow. “Mostly? I’ve never freaked out and got all girly scared.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Her smile vanished.

“Sorry. It’s just an expression.” He held up a hand. “A bad expression. I meant I haven’t like . . . gone all screaming and throwing my hands in the air.”

“What about with the skeletons?”

“The first time I saw a dead guy go back together freaked me out. You get a point for that.”

“The dragon?” Her dimple popped.

“It was a huge stone dragon walking out of a wall. Everyone freaked out.”

She leaned her head to the side and raised an eyebrow.

“Two points for you,” Dean muttered.

“What about—?”

“Enough.” Dean shook his head. “I get a little wigged out when something totally Twilight Zone wacky happens but other than that, I’m a rock.”

“A rock?” She nodded her head, and her lips pressed together.

“You’re smiling.” Dean leaned forward and looked at her mouth.

“I am not.” She shook her head.

“You are too! I can see it.”

“I am not!” She rolled her eyes, and her dimple popped out again.

“You are too. Your dimple shows when you smile.”

Her hand went to her face, and she looked away.

“What did I say now?” Dean shrugged. “I didn’t mean that in a bad way. It’s cute.”

Dean inhaled, and Oieda froze.

“I mean . . . I think . . . I don’t freak out, okay?” Dean rubbed his forehead.

A ray of sunlight swept down, streaked across the sand, and passed over them. Dean looked around the valley floor and felt as though someone had squeezed his heart and stopped it from beating. Mixed with the sand were thousands of bleached white human bones. He opened his mouth, but no words came out.

“So you admit you get this ‘freaked out’ way you speak of.” Oieda gazed over at the sunrise as she continued to tease him.

Dean exhaled and tried to keep his voice steady. “I think I know what valley we’re in.”

Oieda heard the change in his voice and turned to look at him.

Han sat bolt upright. “We’re in Grenadil,” he screamed as he looked at the bones.

Everyone jumped to their feet and drew their weapons. The sandy valley was surrounded by tall cliffs, and mixed in with the sand were bones, scattered everywhere.

Han gasped.

All around them dark shapes silhouetted in the faint light. The bent and twisted forms slowly scampered toward them. Hundreds of high cackling voices united into one twisted, evil laugh as they approached and jumped from side to side. From their midst a figure appeared, sunlight shimmering on his golden armor. The wicked beasts stopped their advance and quivered with excitement as the golden-armored man walked through their ranks and stopped a hundred feet from Dean.

“Norouk,” Dean spat as his hand gripped his sword.

“Welcome to the Valley of Death,” Norouk shouted as a curled grin crossed his gnarled face. “Four vagabonds. I wish you were more of a challenge for me. Be afraid. Before you stands the mighty Norouk!” He raised his sword.

Dean noticed Oieda had moved to their packs. He didn’t know what she was doing, but he was sure she was up to something. “Mighty Norouk?” Dean scoffed. “Whenever I’ve heard the name Norouk, the word mighty was never before it. It was more like that traitor Norouk or that dog Norouk. Mostly it was that coward Norouk,” Dean called out loudly.

Oieda rushed back to Dean’s side. “Do you always have to enrage your enemies?” she whispered.

Dean’s smirk vanished. “Get ready to run. I’ll catch up to you guys.”

“Do you intend to fight them all?” Oieda grabbed his arm.

“I’ll stall and give you guys a head start. I’m fastest, remember?” He tried to smile, but when he looked from Norouk and the Vereortu to his companions, his heart sank. Bravic was slowest. He’d never make it out of the valley unless Dean distracted the Vereortu. “I’ll run for the front of the valley and try to get them to come after me.”

“Come forward,” Norouk called out. “Kneel at my feet and surrender.”

“Let’s keep this between you and me. Maybe we can work this out,” Dean replied as he stepped forward.

Oieda grabbed his arm. “Dean, wait.” Her body pressed against his.

Dean looked down into her green eyes, filled with concern. As he peered closer, he could see little flecks of gold in the emerald green. His eyes traveled down to her lips. He tilted his head and leaned in to kiss her.

“What are you doing?” she asked as her lip curled.

Dean felt her press Graylen’s shield against his hand.

He cleared his throat. “I thought you were going to ki— Uh, thanks.” He grabbed the shield and rolled his shoulders.

“Come forward,” Norouk bellowed. “Or are you afraid?”

“You’re a big tough guy with a hundred guys backing you up. I bet you’re too cowardly to fight without your little twitchy friends,” Dean said, keeping the front of the shield faced away from Norouk. Dean glanced at Oieda and whispered, “Still, get ready to run.”

“You dare taunt me, boy?” Norouk screamed in rage, and the Vereortu cackled in glee. “You think you’re man enough to fight a warrior such as me?” The veins in his neck bulged.

“Man enough? I wouldn’t ask a dog to lower himself to fight you.” Dean held his hands out to the side, his sword pointed down and Graylen’s shield faced backward. “I think you’re all talk. If it wasn’t for your fear freaks, you’d be sucking your thumb and running away. I bet you’re wearing a diaper under that armor. That’s why it’s so yellow.”

Han laughed.

The Vereortu lifted their hands and clicked their claws together.

Dean’s blood ran cold, and his stomach twisted.

“Hold your ground,” Oieda snarled. “They cause this fear. Fight it.”

Dean glanced back at his companions. They were pale, but they drew their weapons. He shook his head. “Just me and him,” Dean said.

“Stay back,” Norouk ordered the Vereortu. “This is my fight.”

“You fighting your own battles? I guess there’s a first time for everything.” Dean continued to walk forward as Norouk stomped out to meet him.

“It’s a pity that Volsur wants you all alive,” Norouk said. “But he didn’t say I had to bring your friends back with all of their limbs.” Norouk smiled as he looked back at Oieda and the others.

Dean’s chest tightened. He stopped when ten feet separated them. “Your fight is with me.”

“You come to fight me, and you don’t even know how to hold a shield,” Norouk sneered.

“You want to see my shield?” Dean asked with a cold smirk. Dean spun the shield around and held it before him.

Norouk laughed.

Dean looked down at the shield, but nothing happened. “Crud. What gives?”

“Look out,” Oieda screamed.

Norouk stepped forward and swung his sword at Dean’s head.

Dean raised his shield just in time. The blow rang off the metal, and Dean stumbled backward.

“Nothing happened!” Han yelled.

“I know,” Dean called back. “Did I do something wrong?”

Norouk swung straight down, and Dean danced out of the way.

“Repeat the words,” Bravic said.

“Shake it around!” Oieda yelled.

“Shake it?” Dean rolled his eyes as he circled Norouk. “Like that will help.”

“You could try it.” Oieda threw her hands up.

“You’re in the wrong spot!” Han yelled.

Norouk lunged forward.

Dean blocked one blow with his shield and the next with his sword.

The Vereortu cheered as Dean staggered to the side from the force of the blow.

“You’re no match for me,” Norouk sneered.

“What spot should I be in?” Dean asked as he raised his shield and grimaced. His bicep throbbed, and the heavy shield was quickly tiring him.

“Up on that rock.” Han was now jumping up and down and pointing.

Dean looked over at a huge rock more than fifty yards away. The top of the rock was twenty feet in the air. A stone slope ran from the valley floor to a wide flat area on top.

“That’s the spot,” Han screamed. “That’s where he killed Graylen.”

At the mention of the name, Norouk turned to glare at the Elvana. He pointed his sword toward Han. “How do you know that name?” he demanded, taking a step forward.

Dean looked from the rock to Norouk’s partially turned back and took three huge strides.

Norouk started to spin around.

Dean lowered the shield and smashed into him.

Norouk flew backward and crashed to the ground.

Dean looked at the Vereortu who formed a circle around them as they watched the fight. “Bravic, I need to get to that rock.”

“Then you will,” Bravic roared as he charged forward. “Follow me!”

Bravic swung his ax in a huge arc, and the Vereortu darted out of the way. Dean moved behind him and Han darted behind Dean.

Oieda took the rear. Her spear flashed out. Vereortu screamed and shrieked, but they stayed back from the Elven warrior with the blazing green eyes.

“Get them! Do not kill them, but stop them,” Norouk commanded as he rose to his feet.

Han fired shot after shot in front of them. Vereortu fell screaming.

Bravic’s axe swept two aside. The Vereortu shrieked and rushed the Dwarf from all sides. Two jumped on his back. Bravic let out a loud battle cry. “RUN!” he bellowed. Bravic leaned forward and charged, dragging the Vereortu with him before he collapsed onto the ground.

Oieda spun around and jumped in front of Dean.

Han shifted to the back.

Dean’s sword cut down another. Oieda swept several Vereortu out of the way. Her spear cut a path through the Vereortu toward the rock.

Han shot one at point blank range. The beast’s body crashed into his, and Han stumbled back. Another creature lunged forward and knocked Han’s bow from his hand.

Dean’s sword killed the Vereortu that clawed at Han’s throat.

“Don’t worry about me,” Han said as he drew his dagger. “Get to the spot!” His little blade sliced into a Vereortu who grabbed his wrist.

Oieda’s spear drove through one Vereortu and stuck fast. She set her foot against its chest and ripped her spear free.

“Duck!” Dean yelled as a Vereortu leaped at her.

Oieda crouched, and Dean’s sword hacked the Vereortu who collapsed to the ground.

They were now only ten yards from the ramp.

Han tumbled forward as two Vereortu grabbed him.

“STOP THEM!” Norouk ordered as he pushed Vereortu out of his way. “They have Greylan’s shield!”

Oieda growled as a Vereortu clutched her spear. “Keep going!” she screamed at Dean as her dagger sunk into the creature’s chest.

Dean ran by her. Two Vereortu blocked his way. He smashed one aside with his shield and he cut down the other with his sword. His heart caught in his throat as he heard Oieda scream in rage. He glanced back. The horde of Vereortu had dragged down his three companions.

The Vereortu punched and kicked them. Bravic struggled to rise. Han’s little hands tried to cover his head as the beasts stomped him.

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