Pure Lust Vol. 2 (2 page)

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Authors: M. S. Parker,Cassie Wild

BOOK: Pure Lust Vol. 2
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I hadn’t missed the way my nipples went hard at the first brush of his chest or the way everything else in me went soft and lax.

I hadn’t missed it…

It wasn’t until he started to run his hand down my thigh to the hem of my dress that my head woke up. So caught up in his kiss, I’d half-forgotten where we were, but the feel of his palm, hot and certain against my skin, sent sparks of anticipation and terror swimming through me. With a cry, I tore back.

Flynn's eyes narrowed as he tried to pull me close again. I acted without thinking,
slapping him
hard enough to make my hand hurt.

Instantly, his cheek bloomed red.

Undeterred, he pulled me back against him.

“Don't,” I whispered against his lips. My arms were pinned between us, making it impossible for me to push him away.

He stilled, and I felt his words drift over my lips. “You can't pretend you don't want me.”

“I want lots of things,” I told him. “Chocolate every day, ice cream at every meal. I want lots of things that are bad for me. That doesn't mean I let myself have them.”

He slowly let me go, an unreadable look in his eyes.

“We're not doing this again.” Shaking my head, I backed away. I could still feel his lips on mine and I wanted to lick them, taste him on me, but I wouldn’t let myself. I reminded myself that this was some sort of game to him. He was just fucking with me, exactly like he had before.

I started to turn away, but Flynn’s voice stopped me.

“He won't like it, you know.”

“What?” I didn’t look back at him. I didn’t trust myself.

He came closer, not stopping until I could feel his body heat warming me through the thin fabric of my dress.

“The pictures. And if
Edward finds out you slept with me? You might want to tell him now, before things go any further. Get it over with.”

“Are you going to tell him?” My voice hitched as I asked the question I'd had on the tip of my tongue from the moment I'd seen Flynn.

“Nah.” I could see my reflection in the window in front of me. The shades were drawn, turning the surface into an unsteady mirror and even I could see the fear on my face.

Flynn was watching me in that surface. Studying me. He traced a finger down my arm and said, “It won’t matter to him that you hadn’t even met him yet. He’s got peculiar ideas on propriety,
. But you go ahead, try to hide it.” He leaned in, pressing his lips against my ear. “I kind of like knowing about your wicked side, Gabriella. Just know, Edward wouldn’t appreciate it.”




Chapter 2

Edward lay sleeping beside me, his back to me, his body a solid presence in the night. Guilt ate at me like tiny little ants and although I’d been half-lying earlier when I told him I didn’t feel well, it was entirely true now.

I’d ended up half-lost inside the country club and one of the people who worked there had taken pity on me and helped me find Edward, who had seen something was wrong right away. Since I couldn’t exactly tell him the truth—
your brother just kissed me and oh, by the way, we had sex right before I met you
—I’d lied and said I wasn’t feeling well.

He’d immediately made our excuses to his mother and stepfather. Flynn, strangely enough, had been nowhere to be found, so Edward and I had left and he’d brought me back to his mansion rather than returning me to my apartment. He'd put me to bed, not once trying to pressure me into anything physical. He'd been gentle and sweet...everything I'd ever imagined my prince to be.

Now, hours later, I lay in bed, unable to sleep, unable to stop thinking about Flynn, about what Edward would say if he found out what had happened.

I’m just not going to let him find out, then

It was easier to tell myself that than it was to believe I could keep this a secret for the rest of my life.

Guilt twisted and tugged inside me, fighting its own little war.
I did nothing wrong. It wasn’t like I slept with Flynn
I met Edward. And the pictures…
I mentally groaned. It was my body. I was still struggling to make a living. Edward had no idea what that was like, so he really didn’t have any room to judge me just because I let somebody take some pictures.

Okay. Not just somebody.

His brother.

And then his brother had put his hands on me…

My heart skipped a beat and I had to close my eyes.
Not thinking about that.

Yes, go to sleep. You go to sleep and don’t think about all the secrets you’re hiding from your fiancé,
a sly voice whispered.
Don’t let that ugly little secret keep you awake.

I almost shouted at myself to shut up. The inner voices of my conscience were going to drive me insane. Rolling onto my side, I stared into the darkness and tried not to think about the warm, strong body of the man next to me, or the hot, sexy intensity of his brother.

Every time either of them came to mind, I tried to push them away.

Edward…he wouldn’t understand.

Flynn, that sexy, smoldering smile.

Edward, we were made for each other.

Flynn...nobody had ever lit me up quite the way he did.

After an endless war, I finally managed to drift off into a restless sleep, so restless.

But at least it was an escape.


Edward’s hands drifted over me. His lips caressed my chin, slid along up to my cheek to brush my ear. “I love you,” he murmured.

He pulled me back onto the bed with him and I sighed as my body lined up with his. I could feel him, hard beneath me. His hands slid down my back to grasp my hips, his fingers stroking along the skin of my ass.

Everywhere he touched, warmth followed.

“Of course he does,” said a mocking voice from behind. “Why wouldn’t he love you?”

I jerked when Flynn flung himself down on the bed next to us, but Edward didn’t even notice. His mouth slid down my neck to the edge of my nightshirt. He cupped my breasts through the silk and I caught his hands, still staring at Flynn.

“Stop it,” I hissed at Edward. “Don’t you see…?”

“Ignore him,” Edward said.

Flynn laughed, that bright and careless noise that tried to tug a smile out of me. “Yes, ignore me, Gabriella. But really, of course Edward loves you. You’re his pretty, perfect doll. You love the same things he does. It’s easy to make you happy. He can dress you up and take you out whenever he wants to play with you.”

Edward’s mouth followed the path of his hands, pulling down the front of my shirt to bare my breast. Embarrassment flooded me as he circled my nipple with his tongue. “Don’t!”

“See?” Flynn studied us clinically. “He takes you out whenever he wants to play. When he doesn’t, he’ll just put you away again.”

“Ignore him,” Edward said, his voice suddenly angry. He lifted me, positioning me over his hard cock. I cried out as he pushed inside me, quick and hard. “He’ll go away if you do.”

Edward thrust himself in and out, his body rough, but his kiss on my breast was gentle.

“Ignore him,” he said again, using his arm around my waist to encourage my movement.

Behind me, I felt soft lips on my shoulder.

“Can you ignore me?” Flynn asked.

He slid his hands around me and I gasped at the feel. Cold, wet red covered my breasts, beading my nipples and the arousal that had been missing slammed into me.

Edward continued to urge me to ride him while Flynn teased my nipples, his mouth on my neck. He sucked on the skin until I knew he'd left a mark. A mark that Edward would surely see. But still, I couldn't push him away.

“I remember how you looked, wearing nothing but paint, standing in the sunlight in my studio,” Flynn rasped in my ear.

“Ignore him,” Edward said, twisting his hips and arching up, forcing his thickness deep, deep, deep inside me.

I wailed, my hands fisting on his shoulders.

“No.” Flynn kissed my cheek and plumped my breasts together. “No, I won't let you ignore me, because you want me. As long as you want me, I will always be here.”

I turned my head and looked up into his eyes and knew at once it was a mistake.

“You still want me,” he said again. “Admit it. Stop lying to yourself. To Edward.”

Then I was falling…falling…and when I stopped, it was just him.

Just Flynn.

And he came down on top of me, caught my mouth as he drove into me. Hard, fast strokes that made my body scream. Over and over until I was clinging to him and panting. Begging him never to stop...


I woke up with a half-sob caught in my throat, my body primed for orgasm, my skin ultra-sensitive and my head pounding. Even the brush of the soft cotton sheets was too much.

Edward was still sleeping next to me and the sky outside the windows was dark. I hadn't been asleep that long.

Drawing my knees up to my chest, I struggled not to cry.

I struggled not to moan.

My knees brushed against nipples so sensitive, just that light touch was enough to make me gasp.

You still want me…

Want him?

I was starting to realize I was seriously fucked up.

Edward made a low noise in his throat and I gave him a quick, nervous look. Scared I’d wake him, I slid from the bed and hurried over to the bathroom. I needed to pull myself together before I even attempted to go back to bed.

Once I’d ducked inside, I hit the lights and looked around. A bath. That’s what I needed. I’d take a hot bath. But as I was walking by the enclosed shower, I detoured and decided on a shower instead. I didn't feel patient enough to wait for the tub to fill.

As the steam enfolded me like a cloud, I rested my head back against the tiled wall and closed my eyes. It felt like heaven. My head continued to pulse and pound.

So did other parts of me.

I shot a look at the bathroom door and then slid a hand down my belly. Damp curls met my fingers and I bit my lip as I eased them lower. I swallowed a groan as I scraped the tip of my nail over my clit. It was swollen and throbbing. One slow circle, then another, and another…

I closed my eyes.
Think of Edward…

But it wasn’t his face that came to mind.

I saw Flynn’s face, that day in the studio. Hard and intent, as he painted me with streaks of color and then stood over me, next to me, kneeling in front of me as he snapped picture after picture.

When I climaxed against my searching fingers, I was picturing him on his knees, driving inside me.


“Lunch?” Edward kissed me lightly on the lips before he climbed out of the car. We’d swung by the Bouvier building first. It was closest.

I wasn’t entirely lying when I shook my head regretfully. “I’ve got a feeling my boss is going to let me have it for coming in late. I might end up having to work straight through
and stay late.”

He frowned, then stroked his fingers across my cheek. “If you ever want to find something that makes you less unhappy, just say the word. I can help out.”

“I’m fine.” I wasn’t even going to consider that. I was paying my dues, I told myself. Paying my dues. I didn't want to be one of those women who only made it because of who she was sleeping with. Or, in my case, marrying.

Once he was striding toward the towering spire of the Bouvier empire, I looked up in the mirror to see Paul waiting for my instructions. “My place first. I need to change.”

And face Kendra
. I’d already let my work know I’d be in late. Which was why I was already prepared to work through lunch and stay after for a bit.



She stared at my face, not at the ring I’d been waggling at her.

“Engaged.” I smiled, but it fell flat. “You know, love, marriage…I dunno, maybe a baby carriage somewhere off in the future?”

I’d hoped to elicit a laugh, but she just stared at me as if I had gone crazy.

After a moment, she turned away, pacing over to the window seat where she sat down. “Gabs, you barely know this guy. Please, please, please…” She dropped her face into her hands and sucked in a breath.

I had the feeling she was bracing herself.

When she looked at me, there was a hard glint to her light green eyes. “If you haven’t at least found out his last name, I’m calling your mother and siccing her on you. She’ll talk some sense into you.”

“Oh, yeah.” I poked out my lower lip and huffed up some air, blowing a few strands of auburn hair out of my face. Moving over toward the chair near the window seat, I sat. “I learned his name alright. Ah, you remember how you kept thinking he looked familiar?” I hesitated.

Kendra arched a brow at me. “And?”

“Well.” I swallowed. “He…um…well, his family kinda owns Bouvier.”

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