Pure Illusion (31 page)

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Authors: Michelle M. Watson

BOOK: Pure Illusion
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grunts lowly, fingers almost painfully digging into my sides. Hunter’s
movements slow and become jerker.
“So fucking tight.
love your pussy so fucking much.” He comes brutally, holding me down just the
way I like.

heaving chests rise and fall together in unison. We lie on my bed, gazing into
one another’s dilated eyes. This is such a monumental moment for me. I always
dreamed of having sex with Hunter Knight in my bed, in my room.

everything, he’s really here, with me.

promised you wouldn’t let me go, Isabel. You promised no matter what I did you
wouldn’t let me go. I got back to the house, you were gone.”

there are things you don’t know…Tyler, didn’t kill himself. I think your mother
killed him. I think…I think she’s trying to kill me too. I didn’t fall from the
cliff. I lied about that. Someone, and I think that some is Grace, shoved me
off before I could draw in a breath to scream.”

eyes are narrowed and shrewd, scanning my eyes for something. “You promised me
you wouldn’t let me go. You promised to keep me in your heart forever. And now
you hide things from me. How am I supposed to protect you like that?
What the fuck, Isabel?!”


At me?

While he is still buried deep inside me?

is that even possible?

brows furrow, astonishment washing over my features.



He screws his
eyes shut, dropping his head on my shoulder.

heart stutters in my chest from the fierceness of his voice. “Hunter, calm

hide shit from me, Isabel.
Deception doesn’t set
well with me. If Grace had anything to do with this, I’ll find out. Let me take
care of it. Don’t you dare try to solve this on your

not doing this on my own anymore. Max is helping.”

me?” he growls.

I told him everything. He’s been helping. His dad may have the actual footage
of what happened on the bridge that night.”

harshly thrusts into me, eliciting a gasp and shudder. “Don’t talk about Max
while my dick is still inside your sweet pussy. Go to sleep. I’ll handle
everything.” Hunter rolls on his back and we stay connected. I lay my head on
his chest, over his heart. The steady and familiar tempo is a pleasure to hear.
After a while we both settle into one another.

warm and comforting hands slide up and down the line of my spine in a soothing
rhythm that has me nodding off. “I’m bleeding on you,” I whisper sleepily.

“Baby, hush and go to sleep.
Nothing is
going to prevent me from sleeping inside you tonight. Bleed on me; I relish in

I tease, kissing and licking his neck.

have no idea, but if you keep kissing and licking on me like that, I’m going to
show you just how perverted I really am,” he warns in deathly quiet tone that
is not to be toyed with.

shiver, my internal muscles clenching around him.

a greedy pussy you have,” he laughs softly. “I’m gonna have to fuck you all
over again.”

I’m tired.”

provoking me and sleep, then.”


I close my eyes and marvel at my favorite lullaby pulls me into a deep slumber.

Chapter forty-six

Mama’s Lullaby



age 7

age 4



Mommy loves to sing to us. She showers our faces in a flood of kisses and sings
us her special lullaby right before we go to bed.



little moon-pie, you make me so brave

little moon-pie, you make me so strong

little moon-pie, I sing you this song to remember me when I am gone.


forget that I love you so much

the days when you’re crying and making a fuss

big green eyes always give me a rush

is no one like my sweet little moon-pie.


pray for my little moon-pie every morning and night

answered back with a bundle of delight

of his angels from heaven took flight

And blessed me with two more little


loves you more than hearing the sound of her own heartbeat.

always remember that after I die.

love you my sweet little moon-pie.

Chapter forty-seven

Winter Ball




pray for my little moon-pie every morning and night

answered back with a bundle of delight

of his angels from heaven took flight

And blessed me with two more little


wake with a sharp jolt, gasping and choking for air. My mother was referring to
Tyler and Naya in her lullaby. All this time she was talking about Naya. I had
no clue. I vigorously glance around my bedroom. I am alone again. Hunter is
gone. Something fierce and aching spreads throughout my body. I notice a plain
sheet of white paper with Hunter’s handwriting on the pillow beside me: 






We’ve came so far yet we haven’t quite moved.
We are stuck. I don’t think we have much of a future together. I wished for it.
I dreamed about it. But you and I are simply incapable of fitting together the
way we should.

We don’t match.

I do love you, and I need you to understand
with absolute clarity that I’ve always loved you. I’ve only loved you. But, to
be honest and fair to you, I’m not your prince.

Max, Max makes a good prince. Max isn’t
tarnished the way I am. He’s stable and righteous. He’s exactly what you need.


I’m not good enough for you. I’ll never
be good enough for you. I tried to tell you I wasn’t in the beginning. I think
you just misinterpreted what I was saying.

An illusion you see.

But the delusion ends here, and so do
we. I know I can’t help myself from wanting you. I don’t have the willpower, so
it’s ultimately up to you.

I know I’m contradicting myself at this
point. I just have to write what’s been cramped in my head; whether you can
comprehend what I’m trying to say is the ultimate goal.

I need you to choose him, Isabel.

Don’t come back to me.

You’re strong.

I know you can move on, past me.

I’ll only continue you to break you if
you do. The most insane part is that I actually enjoy the process of breaking
you down, watching you crack when I put just enough pressure on the most
vulnerable part of you.

Sick, isn’t it?

That is what I’m trying to protect you
from. You should not fret anyway. I have always been your dragon.


PS-Give yourself
one night to be carefree.
Max and I have
figured everything out. We’ll let you in once the Winter Ball is over.





wiping the tears away with the backs of my hands, I rip the note, completely
tearing it into a million pieces of white confetti. Laughing hysterically, I
stand and grip handfuls of it and toss it high in the air. I twirl as it
flutters all around me like falling snowflakes. This could be it; the part
where I actually go insane.

much can one human really endure?

as if I fell down the rabbit hole and have been living in a world full of
illusion and reverie.

am I?

do I want?

do I like?

do I aspire to be?

most devastating part is that I can’t think of anything worth repeating. I
stumble backwards and land on my wooden floor, crying. I guess there is a
silver lining in this storm cloud: at the end of the ball, I finally get
justice for my brother. For the sake of Tyler, I regain my composure. I can’t
lose my mind tonight. I have a ball to attend.






bristles of a variety of cosmetic brushes glide across my face. He paints my
skin in silky powders, creamy and foamy liquids that feel like heaven. Victor
has been buffing away at my imperfections for the last twenty minutes. After he
is satisfied with my makeup, his skilled hands move to my hair. His slender
fingers twist, pin, and weave. I don’t see precisely what he’s doing because I
keep my eyes shut during the entire process. Vic will be a legend at what he
already does. When he finishes school, he wants to become a costume designer
for the rich and famous. Falcon is more about graphics and illustrations; he
wants to create comic books and video games. Either way, they’re a creative and
artistic pair. Everything’s visual with them.

wonder what Victor drew his inspiration from with me tonight.

need you to stand and disrobe for the next part.”

and keeping my eyes shut, I undo the knot in belt and remove the robe, the
material pools at my feet. A breeze does chill me since everything is freshly
waxed. I hear Vic lower the dress for me to step in. I do and he pulls the
silken inside up my naked body. He strings the silk ribbons through the loops
that line the back of my corset on either side, fluffing out the bottom of my

Victor whispers.

my eyes, I nod and he spins me around to face the full-length oval mirror. It
isn’t difficult to see where he drew his inspiration from. I am winter. The
makeup on my face is subtle but also very complex. Icy blues, metallic silvers,
frosty whites are distributed flawlessly across the lids of my eyes. My lashes
are thick and dark, perfectly framing my shimmering eyes that can’t decide
whether to be green or hazel brown. The rest of my face is pale in comparison.
 My hair is styled in a loose and romantic way. The front portion of my
hair is in soft beach waves; the rest is braided intricately down my back with
sparkling embellishments weaved throughout the tail. Everything compliments my
princess gown. Then, I notice every spectrum of color winking back at me from
my ears. These are special rainbow diamond studs, Tyler bought me as Christmas
gift so many years ago. These are the same earrings I wore to his funeral. I have
no idea where Victor found them. I thought I lost them

smiles at me in the mirror, pulling me close to him. “Well, what do you think?”

have to contain the need to wail up. “I love it. Will I turn into a pumpkin at
the end of the night?”

Max replies, causally leaning into the doorjamb, gazing intently into my eyes
in the mirror.

stomach flutters and I suddenly feel sweaty and tingly all over. I notice he
wears all white too. He looks extremely handsome in a white tux; his wavy hair
is sleekly gelled back.
“On what?”

you kiss the prince or not,” he murmurs in such a seductive way that I feel his
soft words caressing my skin all over.  

his intense gaze, I release a shudder sigh. I have a feeling that tonight will
determine how the rest of my life goes.


center of town is so busy. The streets are lined with shiny limos and
ornamental horse carriages. All the huge cedar trees that surround the square
are wrapped in a billion luminous twinkle lights that look like Christmas and
fit in seamlessly with the scheme of the grand Cherry Creek Hotel. The hotel
doesn’t look like a hotel at all. It looks more like an exotic grand palace.
There’s even a red carpet and rows of photographers for the Cherry Creek Times.

don’t have to walk the carpet,” Max whispers into my ear.

shake my head; my rapid breathing instantly clouds the frigid air. I’m starting
new. Max is my new. We flatter each other in every way. What better way to make
our debut as a couple than having a picture taken for the world to witness?

clasps my hand, leading me onto the velvet carpet with a maroon and gold
backdrop. There’s a sudden uproar as we pause and pose. The photographers shout
our names. The sea flickering and flashing lights are blinding and harsh to the
eye, but I smile. I plaster on a fabricated smile and hold onto Max. He exudes
intensity and power. That gives me a sense of strength, even if it is

feel strong next to him.

am strong next to him.

I always be strong next to him

make our way through the double glass doors. I blink away the spots from the
brilliant flashes. The inside is just as extravagant as the outside. The
interior is decorated in plush and lavish furnishings. Everything from the
walls to the carpets is rich in color. The Winter Ball is held in the banquet

and I navigate our way through the hotel. Once in, I’m astonished at all the
residents of Bayham County. An array of colorful gowns and dapper tuxedos float
about. Some are chatting away in corners, others are dancing and dining. A live
band plays on the stage. It’s like I jumped into a fairy tale of someone else’s
book. Circular linen tables are piled high with selections of foods. Platters
of crisp fruit, delicate cheeses, fresh breads, thin sliced meats, and
waterfalls of wine are sorted throughout the room. You simply walk up to a
table and serve yourself. There are rest and lounge areas in the room as well.

walks me to an empty table on the side; we have a great view of the band and
dance floor. He actually pulls my chair out for me. I sit, feeling a little
awkward. Max caresses my cheek. “Relax, Pumpkin. We are here to have a night
off from the drama. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. Just breathe.

trying. It’s difficult,” I say, inhaling deeply but unable to soothe the
burning in my chest.

smiles and gives my chin a soft, reassuring pinch.


glances around conspiratorially. “I’m off duty, so I don’t mind if you have a
glass of wine.”

thanks.” I try not to sound sarcastic but fail miserably.

smile broadens and he gives his head slight shake. “Be right back.”

watch him stroll to a table full of elegant goblets filled with blood-red wine.
A dark-haired giggling woman in a royal blue dress stops and happily converses
with Max, it doesn’t surprise me. Being as attractive as Max, I’m sure he has a
continual supply of admires.

eyes dart around for Harmony, Flacon, and Vic. I spot the ruby gleam of
Victor’s shimmering tux jacket against the pale marble of the dance floor.
Victor says red is his signature color. It looks good on him. He notices me and
gives an enthusiastic wave. I sheepishly wave back and continue to scan. Falcon
is gathered at a table with other businesslike dominate males, but his eyes are
directly on Vic. Falcon smiles sinfully into his wineglass, probably
contemplating on testing Victor’s dance moves later tonight. His head cocks to
the side and he glances at me. I suggestively wiggle my brows and Falcon shoots
me a flirty wink. My gaze moves on. Harmony and Jason speak among themselves at
a table near a profusion of white flowers. I wonder what they’re talking about.
Harmony looks at ease and Jason is as handsome as ever. With eyes the color of
honey and richly brown skin, Jason reminds me of a sweet candy bar. I hope he’s
just as sweet in the inside. She nods and laughs at whatever he has said and
then her gaze drifts to me. She grins, flipping her bouncy, lustrous blond hair
over her shoulder. “He is ultra fine,” she mouths to me. Nodding, I agree.

suddenly, it’s like my entire body is lit on fire. I rotate my stiff neck,
gripping the back of it with my hand. My eyes sweep the place as if looking for
the source. The thought of someone producing a reaction from my body with only
a look alone is a silly one, but it doesn’t mean it’s any less true. I lock
eyes with the origin of my distress. Fiery blue sapphires stare openly right
back at me.

Knight stands at the entrance, dressed in an all black suit. His golden hair is
pulled into an untidy knot at the nape of his neck. The muscles in his jaw are
tense and his eyes are forced on me with that kind of eerily precision that
makes every fiber in my being tremble.

mouth helplessly falls open and I take what seems to be my very first breath
today. I have to desperately grip the edges of the table to keep myself
anchored and not run to him. God, I want to run to him. I want to run to him so
bad; it’s actually hurting me not to. I’m brought back to reality when a very
beautiful Candy nuzzles into him, wrapping her arms around his waist. Candy
wears a short lacy black gown that matches Hunter’s suit perfectly. Her red
hair flows elegantly down her shoulders in bundle of loose waves. She looks up
at him with all the awe and admiration in the world. Hunter breaks our eye
contact and sweeps strands of red hair behind her ear. There, around his left
wrist, I see a thin rope bracelet that matches all the colors in my earrings.

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