Pup (12 page)

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Authors: S.J.D. Peterson

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Adult

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“Then work with that,” Blake encouraged. “Use it to your advantage.”
“I think I may have already given him the wrong impression of me. I’ve coddled him a bit. Let him sleep in the bed, rewarded him with a cuddle on the couch. He’s having a difficult time putting the different sides of me together.”
“I never pegged you for a cuddler, sir.” Ty covered his mouth, but the snort of laughter was unmistakable.

Tackett glared at him. “I’m not!” he said adamantly. “At least I didn’t think I was.” Tackett blew out a huffed breath. “Okay, fine! I admit I kind of like it, but it isn’t going to do him any good for me to be soft.”

“It’s okay, sir. Master Blake is a major snuggler. It’s something simple I can do to please him.” Ty shot a quick glance toward Blake. “Plus it keeps me warm since he is a covers hog.”

“Mind your manners, boy,” Blake scolded, but there was no real heat in his voice and his smile was warm.

“Yes, Sir.” Ty returned the warm smile.
Tackett did his best not to roll his eyes at the look the two men gave each other. It was sickening to see two grown men give each other goo-goo eyes. Tackett waved them off. “That’s fine for you two, but it’s not helping me in the slightest.”
“It’s something you both enjoy. Why should you deny yourself the pleasure of Micah’s body?” Blake asked, his tone one of confusion.
“Because I think it’s sending the pup the wrong message. He’s learned quickly I can’t seem to control my urge to touch him and that he can manipulate me.”
“Then you already know what needs to be done. You must control your urges, Tackett. Micah’s job is to please you, yes. But it’s also your job to give him what he needs, to make him feel comfortable and secure so the only thing he has to worry about is your pleasure. If you provide an environment where he trusts everything else is taken care of, all his needs are met, he’ll be able to let go of the rest and focus on you. First, you need to win his trust, Tackett, not the other way around. Once you have won it, everything else will fall into place.”
“I don’t know if I’m the right person for him, Blake. I’m out of my element here and I’m not sure I can provide what he needs.”
“Then I suggest you turn him loose now,” Blake said quickly. “If you don’t trust yourself, then Micah never will and it would be unfair to you both.”
“I want to,” Tackett said quietly, hating how weak he sounded in front of Blake, and more so in front of Ty. He took another big gulp of his coffee, hiding his embarrassment behind his mug.
“Boy, could you give us a few moments?” Blake said to Ty.
“Yes, Sir.” Ty immediately went to his feet. “Would you like for me to bring out the pot of coffee?”
“That would be great, boy. Thank you.”
Ty brought the carafe and refilled Tackett’s and Blake’s mugs before setting it down on the table and leaving.
Tackett added cream and sugar to his coffee and then looked at Blake expectantly. “Okay, let’s hear it.”
Blake regarded him for a moment over the rim of his mug before taking a sip. “You already know what needs to be done, so the question really is, are you prepared to do it? To be what Micah needs?”
Tackett nodded. “I don’t know what it is about this boy, but yeah. I really do want to help him.”
“What do you need from me?”
“Advice, I guess. I have a plan, but I’d appreciate a sounding board. Make sure I’ve read him right.”
“Okay. First, tell me what’s happened since Bobby and Rig’s party to bring me up to speed.”
Over the next fifteen minutes, Tackett shared everything that had happened between himself and Micah. How it started out as nothing more than a fuck. The way Micah couldn’t stay focused. The anger and selfishness the boy had displayed when denied and the way Micah had then become so remorseful once he’d realized what he’d done. He told Blake everything, and even as embarrassing as it was, he told him about the funk he’d been in and his fears. Through it all, Blake sat sipping his coffee and taking it all in without interruption.
“I knew I needed help when I saw how distressed he was this morning. Beating himself up harder than I ever could. I left him with a long list of chores to occupy his mind and came here.”
“Micah is the kind of boy who will go to the ends of the world to please you. He wants this, Tackett. I have no doubt how much. My suggestion would be to set aside your own pleasure, your own needs, for the time being, and focus on his. The two really go hand in hand. You give him what he needs and he’ll return the favor.”
Tackett nodded. “Makes sense. I’m thinking a very tight schedule, lots of chores, along with very strict discipline and punishment. He viewed his discipline this morning as a chance to get off. I need to change that.”
“I know it’s going to be difficult to be stern with him at times. He needs so much. But you have to be consistent, give him structure and be hard-core with it. He’ll try to push you, will use that body and those looks of his. Trust me, you’ll be tempted. Just remember, Micah isn’t doing it because he’s trying to manipulate you, he’s doing it because he can’t help it, and for another thing, he wants to know you won’t allow him to get away with it.”
Tackett nodded again and looked down at his watch. His hour was almost up, and he still had another stop to make before heading back home. He downed the last of his coffee and set the mug aside. “Thank you for listening and for the advice. I think I already knew all this, but guess I just needed verification. I’ll let you get back to your afternoon. I have a sub to take care of.”
“My door is always open.” Blake followed Tackett to the door, holding it open for him. “I have complete faith in you, Tackett. I have no doubt you and Micah will make this work.”
Tackett shook his hand and stepped out. He appreciated Blake’s vote of confidence, and he was beginning to feel a little more of it himself. At least he now had a plan, a damn good plan, and hopefully both he and Micah would reap the rewards. But first, there was that little matter of a cock cage he needed to attend to first.

Chapter 12


penthouse was silent when Tackett returned. He set his keys on the table near the door and surveyed the room. The scent of floor cleaner and lemon furniture polish was thick in the air, mingling with the distinct smell of onion and garlic. Tackett set the bag on the freshly polished coffee table and headed toward the hallway, noticing the red light on the oven was shining as he walked by.

Peeking into the bedroom, the made bed and tracks in the thick carpet left by the vacuum cleaner satisfied him Micah had completed all his chores. He was very much impressed.

He stood against the bathroom doorjamb, silently taking in the sight of Micah stretched out in the large garden tub. Hair damp and pushed away from his face, eyes closed, he appeared to be sleeping. His head and neck, as well as his propped-up feet and calves, were the only parts of Micah peeking out from the excessive amount of bubbles he had added to his bath.

Tackett’s first thought was to climb in with Micah, followed quickly by the idea of pulling him from the tub, bending him over the side, and fucking him silly. Tackett pushed both thoughts away quickly. He’d have plenty of time to enjoy Micah’s body, but first, he had some new rules to set in place.

Stepping farther into the room, Tackett brushed a finger gently across Micah’s cheek, not wanting to startle the man. “Pup,” he said quietly.

Micah’s eyes flew open, and he jerked to an upright position, water splashing, forcing Tackett to take a step back. So much for not startling him.

“Sorry, Sir. I must have dozed off.” He sounded panicked, eyes darting around the room. “I got all my chores done, Sir. Honest.”

“It’s okay, pup,” Tackett said, wiping the water from his shirt. “I already checked. I’m impressed.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

Tackett grabbed a towel from a hook and held it out. “Get dried off and meet me in the living room, please.”

“Yes, Sir,” Micah responded, immediately taking the towel and standing.

The white bubbles flowed down Micah’s chest, and Tackett turned away quickly, before he could give in to his earlier urges. Without looking back, he tossed over his shoulder. “Get dressed in a pair of sweats and T-shirt.”

No way would he be able to concentrate on what needed to be discussed with a water-warmed and naked Micah sitting next to him. In fact, he wasn’t going to take any chances. When Micah entered the room, Tackett was sitting on the couch, and he pointed to the leather club chair on the other side of the coffee table. “Have a seat, please.”

“Yes, Sir,” Micah replied timorously and sat in the chair, his back straight, head down, and wringing his hands.

Not wanting to draw out Micah’s distress, Tackett pulled a folded paper from his shirt pocket and slid it across the coffee table. “That’s a standard contract the club provides. I’ve modified it to encompass your role for the next two weeks.”

“Do you have a pen, Sir?” Micah asked picking up the paper.
“Read it. Every single line, Micah. I do not want there to be any confusion about what you are signing up for.”
Micah unfolded the paper and started reading. The man had probably seen this contract, more than likely had signed a similar one in the past. He’d be aware of the basics which stated, once entered into, the submissive’s body belonged to his Dominant, to be used as he saw fit. It included the standard verbiage regarding the sub’s safewords and veto power.
The document also spelled out what Micah could expect from Tackett. In exchange for Micah’s submission, Tackett would care for and protect Micah and arrange for his well-being. Tackett would also commit to train, punish, and use Micah as he saw fit, with Micah’s best interests the main focus.
Knowing Micah would need detailed and outlined rules, Tackett had added each and every responsibility when it came to maintenance and completion of all the household chores, as well as cooking and caring for Tackett’s personal appearance. Above all, Micah was to place his Dom’s pleasure and needs above his own. The punishment for breaking a rule was simple: It stated Micah agreed to accept any punishment Tackett decided to inflict.
After a few moments, Micah set the contract down and once again asked, “Do you have a pen, Sir?”

Regarding Micah carefully, Tackett pulled a pen from his pocket, but before handing it to him, said, “I know it covers pretty much everything we discussed. However, I don’t think either one of us took it seriously when it was merely a verbal agreement. I need you to understand that once you sign it, Micah, that’s it. You will be completely mine for the next two weeks and you will do everything I tell you without question. I am promising to do my best to ensure all your needs are met, and I won’t accept anything less from you. Understood?”

Micah rubbed his hands along his thighs and sighed. “I need this, Sir.” He looked up, his eyes wet with unshed tears. “I need you.”

Tackett handed Micah the pen. “Sign.”
Micah took the pen and without a hint of hesitation, signed his name. He then turned the paper around to face Tackett and handed him back the pen. Tackett signed and dated it, folded the paper, and returned both the contract and pen to his pocket.
“Display, pup.”

Micah jumped to his feet and assumed the position. Tackett moved to sit on the coffee table directly in front of Micah and retrieved the bag. He took out one of the wrapped packages and opened it. “Do you know what this is, pup?” he asked, showing the device to Micah.

“Yes, Sir. It’s a cock cage, Sir.”

“And do you know why I bought it?”
“Because I focus on making my dick happy more than making you happy, Sir.” Micah’s words were clear, thoughtful, but Tackett heard the slight groan in his voice.
“Exactly, boy. This isn’t a punishment. It’s simply to help you remember. Pull your sweats down to your thighs, please.” Micah did as he was told, then returned to his display position.
The cage Tackett had chosen was made of stainless steel and very rigid. It would not bend or pinch, which was important for Micah’s comfort and safety. His pup would be wearing it for quite some time, and its low profile could be easily hidden under Micah’s clothes. Tackett didn’t plan to leave the penthouse much over the next two weeks, but there would be a few errands that couldn’t be avoided. The open design made the cage easy to clean without removing, which meant Micah could wear the device indefinitely. Tackett wasn’t cruel, so Micah would have the chance to earn the right to have it removed. Besides, Tackett hoped his boy was a quick study, as he loved the feeling of Micah’s cock in his hand or pressed against his own dick.
Tackett carefully slid the cage on, securing the metal ring around Micah’s balls, adjusting it until it was snug but not too tight, and locked it into place. “Very pretty, boy,” he praised, admiring Micah’s cock encased in surgical steel.
“Thank you, Sir. I’m glad it pleases you.”
“Oh it does very much, pup.” Tackett ran a finger over the cool metal. “They had another one I found quite intriguing. The blocking is done with a PA, preventing any escape. You would look very, very sexy with a Prince Albert piercing, pup.”

Micah gasped, and by the way his dick twitched, he wasn’t completely turned off by the idea of a PA. He filed that bit of information away for later. Tackett reluctantly pulled Micah’s sweats back up, hiding the cage from his gaze. It would be brutish to continue to play and tease at this point. He’d give Micah a chance to get used to it before he did that.

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