(Psychic Visions 01) Tuesday's Child (32 page)

BOOK: (Psychic Visions 01) Tuesday's Child
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"Nope. Like right now. I think you're right." His grin blew her away. She couldn't help but respond to the lightness of his tone. She never knew lovemaking could be so much fun. She quickened her pace, pulling his shirttail out of his jeans and down his arms.


"Whoa, take it easy. We've got all night." He shrugged out of his shirt, dropping it to the floor.


Sam snorted. "Like hell." She reached for his belt buckle, when the tantalizing bulge just below sidetracked her. Her fingers wandered, caressing with exploratory strokes before finally wrapping around and gently squeezing.


"Jesus Christ," he yelped, trying to put some distance between them. "This will be over before we ever get started if you don't stop that."


Sam grinned, feeling a lightness to her soul she'd never experienced before. "I don't care."


"What?" he responded, outraged. "Oh you don't, huh? Well, two can play that game." In a smooth move she hadn't even seen coming, her sweater and t-shirt were pulled over her head and wrapped around her arms, holding them above her head. He applied gentle pressure and Sam found herself lying on her back. Using only one hand, Brandt easily held her there while undoing her jeans and tugging them down her hips, to send them flying across the bed.


He grinned, his smile sensuous and teasing. "Now, it's my turn."


Sam's eyes widened. Expecting to be ravished, his slow sensual assault slid under her defenses.


Ever so gently, his tongue stroked around her nipple. First on one breast, then the other. Tiny nibbles followed the moist path, close, but not quite touching her nipples. She sighed and moaned, twisting closer, then moving sensuously away.


When he did finally take her nipple into his mouth, she arched her back. "Oh God," she whispered almost in prayer.


"You don't need his help tonight. This is nothing you can't handle."


She groaned as he teased the other breast, his lips nibbling and nudging, but never quite taking. She struggled to free her arms, but he'd have none of it.


"Please, I want to touch you. I need to touch...you."


Her arms – instantly set free – wrapped around him, pulling him down on top of her. He groaned as his bare chest slid across her heated skin. Sam slid her hands down to his belt, only to find it and the jeans they'd held up were missing. Her hand stalled, then slid down to the smooth, muscled buttocks. His skin was so soft. She couldn't get enough of the silky expanse.


He willingly offered her every part of himself for her pleasure. Sam took full advantage. Pushing up on his shoulders, he rolled over onto his back, swinging her on top of him. Sam laughed joyously and accepted the invitation. Using her fingers, her lips, and her tongue, she traced, teased, and tormented Brandt until he could stand it no more.


Without warning, Sam found herself flipped over, tucked under him, her legs hooked over his hips. Brandt waited until Sam gazed into his eyes. Then dropping his forehead to hers, he plunged deep.


Sam cried out. Her back arched, sending him deeper. The sensations roiled through her. Her head dropped to the side, her eyes drooped slightly…she was overwhelmed by sensation.


Brandt moved once slowly, then a second time. Need twisted through her, sending her higher and higher. Fragile and yet edged in steel, Sam twisted against the tension whipping through her.


"Brandt," she cried out, almost afraid.


"I'm here sweetheart. Let's go together." He hooked her leg higher and seated himself at her very center.


Sam's senses exploded.


Dimly in the background, she heard Brandt cry out as he found his own release. A long moment later, he collapsed on top of her, rolled to one side, and tucked her firmly up against him.


Well-being and satisfaction permeated the air. Sam curled against him and closed her eyes.


2:10 am, June 22


The phone rang.


Brandt opened his eyes, struggling to orient himself to the unfamiliar lack of space. He raised his head to find Sam splayed out, fast asleep on his chest. Her bed wasn't intended for someone his size.


The phone rang again.


"Shit." Carefully, he extricated himself from her arms, reaching for his discarded pants and the cell phone in the pocket.


"Hello." Brandt's heart dropped at the voice on the other end. "Right, I'm about a half-hour out."


Standing up, he put the phone away and searched for his briefs. He didn't want to wake her. Neither did he want her to wake up alone. Putting on the briefs, he grabbed his jeans next. While closing the buckle, he glanced over at Sam. She stared at him.


He immediately went to her. "I'm sorry sweetheart." He bent down and kissed her. "I have to go. We have a new victim."


2:15 am


ce slipped over her soul at his words. At least they'd found her. She'd been waiting for someone to call this last victim in. She wrapped the blankets tighter around her. The cabin temperature had dropped with the news. Blue crept through her fingers, and her legs had already turned numb. She tucked her legs under and reached for yet another of the cheap blankets stacked on the floor beside her.


"It's her. The one we've been waiting for. The brunette. Her name..." Sam's voice caught in the back of her throat. "Her name is...was Caroline."


A shadow crossed Brandt's face. He nodded to her as he walked out.


"Brandt?" Sam raced to the front door.


Brandt turned to gaze at her, one eyebrow raised. "What?"


"Be careful."


He acknowledged her comment with a nod then he strode over to her, gave her a seriously dangerous kiss, and walked out into the night.


2:55 am


On any other day, Brandt would have made record time. But it was just after three on a Sunday morning, and the Saturday night partiers had the city in full swing. Getting to the city was no problem. Navigating to the crime scene was.


"Jesus, Brandt, you must have had a hot date tonight. You aren't usually this late showing up." The forensic team had already arrived. Brandt took their ribbing in good humor, without offering any clue to his whereabouts.


Walking into the suburban brick house, the sense of normalcy struck him. How often did a family-oriented neighborhood hide a heinous crime? Regular two-story homes on city-planned lots surrounded him. Somewhere close would be the elementary school with a high school a little further away, and within walking distance would be the standard corner store.


Bad things did happen to good people. Grimly, he walked into hell.


The odor hit him first – the flies second.


The crime scene had to be several days old. A body in the heat of summer decomposed quickly.


Photographers worked at detailing every little thing. One of the CSI crew stood over the victim, the flashes from his camera creating an irregular staccato pattern. A victim with brunette hair. Brandt stopped in his stride. Amongst the dried blood and body fluids, the pasty white skin shone with an eerie light. Brandt struggled for objectivity. He walked through slowly and calmly, giving each area close scrutiny. Not knowing what to search for, yet he knew he'd recognize it when he saw it.


At the victim's bedside, all attempts at a cool demeanor vanished. The scene was incredibly familiar. Too familiar. Not the hair, not the features...but the injuries. God, the injuries were all too familiar.


Her boyfriend had been out of town. Caroline was supposed to have picked him up at the airport.


"Hey Brandt. The killer took a trophy this time."


With a sinking feeling, Brandt turned to face Kevin and Adam. Kevin couldn't wait. "He cut off her ear."




Brandt paused for a moment to honor the dead woman. Now, more determined than ever to catch this killer, he got down to work.


9:10 am


Sam checked the roster. There were two new surgical cases to deal with. One still under anesthesia, while the other was awake and definitely pissed. She couldn't blame the poor thing.


He was a lop-eared rabbit who'd lost part of an ear to a dog. A large bandage covered the right side of his head. Sam quickly cleaned his cage and moved on.


With the basics taken care of, Sam headed to the lunchroom to find a cup of tea. She'd held her thoughts locked up until she saw the lunchroom was empty. With a sigh of relief, she collapsed at the table and dropped her head to her arms. Her heart and mind were a mess. She couldn't help being worried about the colonel's fate. Maisy was such a warm loving character, Sam hated her to be suffering the pain of waiting and not knowing.


Brandt had been on her mind all morning, then that was to be expected after last night. Her heart smiled as memories flooded her. Only to be shut down as Deputy Brooker slammed into her thoughts. She looked around nervously. Could he have tracked her to her place of work?


The door opened, startling her.


"Good morning, Sam." A chorus of greetings startled her. She smiled at the group of noisy women collecting around her. Somehow, she'd managed to create friends, without even trying. She didn't know how or why, but found gratitude welling up inside. It helped not to be so alone.


Their chatter swelled and receded and swelled again. Sam rode the waves of utterly bewildering topics from the latest color trend in shoes to the murder victim reported on the morning news. She stayed quiet, not wanting to listen and found it hard not to. The last thing she wanted to do was relive the experience. The thoughts turmoiled around, keeping her off balance and struggling to focus. She worked on keeping her emotions under control. The very name of the victim hurt her deeply. That poor woman.


Eventually, the coffee break ended, sending everyone to their jobs.


The friendly atmosphere followed Sam as she returned to the animals. She realized this was close to the normal life of other people. Instead of an inherent wariness with a guard always in place, other people laughed and joked, at ease with each other. Sam was suddenly hungry for more.


Dr. Wascott came to check on the dog coming out of his drugged state. Sam waited a few minutes, watching the dedicated caring so evident in his actions.


When he was done, she brought up the one subject she'd been waiting to discuss. "Sir," she said diffidently, "Soldier has re-injured himself."


The vet frowned. "How bad? What did he do?"


When she described the wound, the vet nodded. He went over to one of the many floor-to-ceiling cabinets and took out a small tube.


"Here is an antibiotic cream. Use this on the open wound for a few days. If it doesn't get better then you'll have to bring him in."


"I don't think he'll like that."


The vet grimaced. "Truthfully, neither will I. Only we can't have him getting an infection from his ripped stitches."


"Okay, I'll see how he responds to this."


Her day almost done, Sam quickly finished up, grabbed the new cream, and headed out. Once free of work, her thoughts automatically returned to the one subject she'd refused to focus on. Caroline.


She grimaced. Caroline had become the ultimate victim and Sam had been acting like one all along as well. She'd let this asshole control her every waking moment and many of her sleeping ones too. In order to regain control, she had to stop being afraid. In order to control the fear she had to be progressive. And just how the hell was she supposed to make that happen? The fear wouldn't stop overnight. She'd possibly have it forever.


Running a hand over her tired face, Sam vowed to stop letting the fear control her. It was going to take constant vigilance to stay on top of this. She'd been afraid most of her life and this wasn't going to stop simply because she'd decided differently this moment. Still, power welled deep within her. She couldn't just sit here any longer and wait for him to pull her strings like a puppeteer.


It was time she pulled a few of her own.


9:24 am


"Finally." He punched his heavy fist in the air. Jesus H. Christ, he could die himself before the fucking police actually got their heads on straight. He bet this was all over the Internet.


He rubbed his thick fingers over the top of his almost bald head. He'd need to shave again soon. But now he could relax. His victim had been found. Finally. He was tired but happy. There was no joy when his prize was decomposing without someone to watch and fuss over her. He grinned – that lopsided endearing movement as women described it. Before they got to know who and what he really was.


How long before the police actually received his surprise. He felt a moment of misgiving at his spontaneous action, then tossed it off. They'd never figure it out. He rubbed his thick hands together and gloated.


The gift should be nice and ripe by then.

BOOK: (Psychic Visions 01) Tuesday's Child
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