Pseudo (7 page)

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Authors: Samantha Elias

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers, #Spy Stories & Tales of Intrigue, #Espionage

BOOK: Pseudo
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Back in Langley, Mr. Madison was burning the midnight oil, reviewing the operation documents, all the moves that had been made so far by Duarte and her crew. “There is something else that could be being done here. Something isn’t going as planned. Duarte is usually more efficient than she is right now. I’ve got to get a second opinion,” thought Mr. Madison as he reached for his phone.


SJ was sound asleep in his room when his phone rang “Yep, its SJ,” he replied seemingly still half asleep.


“Yes, SJ, it’s Mr. Madison. I need to talk with you. Something isn’t going right and we need to find out what it is.”


“Huh? I don’t know what you’re talking about. Elizabeth is doing her thing, she’s gotten close to the guy and is getting him to get her where we need her. That is exactly what we want and what we need. Unless you have some other idea of how we are supposed to get the deal on what these guys are doing,” replied SJ with a bit of attitude.


“Look, SJ, whatever happened to the old style of once you’ve got an in, jump on the criminal and take ‘em in?” replied Mr. Madison.


“Mr. Madison, with all due respect, Duarte is a full agent. I am her back up. You’ve trained her to think with her instincts and do what she feels is going to get us what we need. She is good at that. I am not one to evaluate whether she is doing the best or not. All I know is that she is right in there with the man that we need to get. The closer we get to our enemies, the closer we are and when we’re close then we can take the action we need to against them. It would also seem from my viewpoint that if we are also trying to keep this particularly low-profile, the closer in we are, the further low-profile this goes.”


“Look SJ, you guys better be on top of this. I rarely go by what I sense but I sense something is off, something is not going totally according to plan.”


“Alright, we’ll get with Duarte in the morning and see what is up but I’m telling you, things are going according to plan,” replied SJ.


“Good, I want a report by noon on what you all have gone over and I do not want it any later than that, clear?” replied Mr. Madison very firmly.


“Yes, all clear,” answered SJ as he hung up the phone.





“Okay, I’ve figured things out. Let me carry out my operation as far as getting Juan pulled in and turned over to my team. You will be making an escape already which I will act like I know nothing about. I will then join you, but where?”


“I will be flying back to Russia, Sophia - I guess I mean Elizabeth - and I will arrange a small plane for you that will get you to Havana where we will join each other and fly on to Russia from there together. I can get you off the radar; I have nearly everyone in Russia in the palm of my hand. This means that when the CIA comes to look for you, which they of course will, they will gain no cooperation and we will be protected.” Elizabeth and Dmitry proceeded to go over their exact plan.


“Okay then, I will trust you. But you remember something, Elizabeth Duarte, by making this agreement, you are agreeing to be with me and by my side and never betray me. If you should once do anything that betrays me, know full well that I will end your life and the lives of anyone dear to you. I am a man of my word which means I enforce that others also keep their word and if they do not they are like garbage anyways which must be disposed of. I will not hesitate to operate in such a consistent manner with you just because you are my woman or my wife,” said Dmitry looking her straight in the eyes.


“Very well, Dmitry, I will keep my agreement with you and you can trust me, but I have one condition that I want YOU to agree to; I want you to agree to end your life of criminality. Just stop everything you have going and live life with me on the riches you have and the legitimate businesses you are running. This will provide happiness, future and security for you, our children and I.”


After a long moment of silence while Dmitry was thinking, he said: “Okay, Elizabeth, do you realize that you are the only person that has ever made me even contemplate changing my way of life? I am king of my world just as things are right now and I know that I would continue to live life as it is and would not have any problems. But, I have to tell you that we would be able to live like royalty for the rest of our lives with what I have accrued up to now. This being said, you have my word. I will arrange for all current matters I have ongoing to be closed and we will live on my estate in the countryside of Moscow.”


“Alright, then we have a deal,” said Elizabeth as she put her arms around Dmitry.


“Now, I have to get to work on getting Juan and Max. Where are they working from?”


“Well, today is actually supposed to be a brunch at the director of the bank’s house and you and I should attend that and then we can get to work tomorrow on taking Juan and Max in.”


“Okay, well, I should get back to my suite and then I will call all my guys in for a meeting and start setting things up. I want to just jump them in their hotel, before they have a chance to actually start anything. This way, you are not implicated in terms of having directed them to commence the theft and you have plenty of time to get out of Mexico.”


“I like that plan. Remember, they are in the Marriott Suites not too far from here. I will get word to you when I know they are there. For sure, they will both be there early tomorrow morning as they both are not accustomed to rising early.”


“Ok, good. I will wait for your word but get things in place,” said Elizabeth, giving Dmitry a kiss as she left his room.




Elizabeth returned to her room around 8am and immediately sent a message to SJ and Tommy: “Hey guys, well I survived the night alright. Nothing eventful. Want to meet with you and the rest of the team in 30 minutes in my suite. I’ll order some pastries and coffee for everyone. See you soon!” Immediately after sending it she ran to the bedroom, showered and put on a simple beige linen dress with a light blue cardigan and ballet flats.


“Oh shit, room service!” Elizabeth thought as she grabbed the phone to call room service for the coffee and pastries. “Yes, room service? I need ten lattes and a whole plate of various pastries such as croissants, Danishes, etc. Can you have this here in about fifteen minutes? Great, thanks.”


Just past 8:30 SJ, Tommy and the rest of the team showed up at Elizabeth’s door. “Hey guys, thanks for coming up on short notice. I have good
news, really good news and we are going to be busy today. We’re going to have these guys before this time tomorrow!”


“Really? Man, Elizabeth, don’t leave us hangin’ in mystery! Tell us what the scoop is!” said Tommy in response to Elizabeth’s excitement.


“Yeah, we can’t wait to hear what the deal is!” exclaimed SJ.


“Okay guys, grab your coffee and let’s get started. So, last night we went to dinner, as you all know since you were doing such a good job keeping tabs. I got him completely wrapped around my finger so he invited me up to his room. He told me everything he does in business and what they are planning to do here and when. They are going to steal money from the Bank of Mexico and the Fed - exactly as we were briefed on in Langley. There is an old industrial building just a couple blocks down the street from the central Bank of Mexico branch and this Dmitry and his two accomplices are going to be running their computer action from there while Dmitry is in the bank.”


“Not to be jumping the gun and all that, but did you get the name of the third accomplice?” asked SJ.


“Uh - no, see Dmitry never mentioned his name and I did not want to keep seeming so interested in his associates and what he does. Every time I got too inquisitive he would clam up, change the subject or get suspicious of me. He really did not like it and I did not want to blow my cover with him; it’s also not pertinent because I know what hotel these other two guys are at and when they will be there. What we are going to do is get these two before they even have a chance to start their operation. We’re going to ambush their hotel - well, quietly ambush them. We take them in and that way everything about this whole thing is low key, no media involvement and we have it made.”


“Well, this is all good, but what about their leader, Dmitry?” asked SJ.


“Oh, come on SJ! I thought I wouldn’t even need to say this! You’re funny. Dmitry is easy. We know where he lives and his schedule more or less - he does NOT like to wake up early. So, we get his two minions and then we get him as well. If he is not there for some reason then we have his two guys and put the fear of their lives into them if they do not tell on Dmitry and we get all three of them without any trouble and we all go home. Does that sound like a good plan?”


Everyone agreed with Elizabeth and started planning out what their own roles would be, what weapons were needed, what to tell the hotel staff, how to transport the criminals to, etc.


“Well, good, so who plays what role?” asked SJ.


“You all do your usual routine as we’ve done in all the other operations. The hotel that this Max and the other character are staying at is the Marriott Suites that is not too far from here. Tommy, you and I are going to go in together and bring them out to the boys. SJ, you need to be on site here keeping an eye on Dmitry. As soon as Tommy and I have delivered Max and John Doe to the boys, we will meet you here and get Juan. Tommy, one thing that is imperative for you and I is to make sure that these characters have no chance to contact Dmitry before we get to them or he will be on the run before we even have a chance to get him and we’ll be fucked. Alright. Do you guys all get what you need to do?”


“Yeah, we’re all good and ready. We’ll get everything prepared today,” replied SJ.


“Good, but Tommy, you need to shadow me for part or most of today. You don’t have to stay close but just be around in case anything goes wrong. I think I’ve gotten Dmitry wrapped around my finger and there is no way that he would want to do something to harm me but you can never be too careful. Around eleven I am going with him to this luncheon at the bank director’s house. This seems to be useless - only a social thing to keep my cover, he asked me to come and if I refuse he would start wondering.”


“Alright, Duarte - I got your back,” replied Tommy.


“Okay then guys; let’s get to work on everything. I need a bit of quiet time.” “Sure thing Duarte. Come on guys, get out of the lady’s room!” exclaimed SJ as he ushered everyone out.





After Dmitry got ready for the luncheon, he called Juan and Max to make sure they were sticking to their plan and not moving forward until he gave the word. “Yeah, Juan, what are you two up to?”


“Well, Dmitry, you didn’t give us much choice but to wait until we had some word from you so we’re just hanging around waiting for you.”


“Good, stay there. I am going to the luncheon but I don’t want you two to move out of the hotel unless you clear it with me. Understood?”


“Yeah, but if we need to get food and whatnot, we’re not going to ask permission for everything!”


“Well, my dear Juan, today you are. Are you the boss?”


“No, of course not.”


“Then that makes it clear, I believe, who’s rules you follow, does it not?”


“Perfectly clear. We won’t move until we hear from you.”


“Okay, I am off to the luncheon. Let me know if anything happens.”


After getting off the phone with Juan, Dmitry called Elizabeth; finding out she was ready to go, they agreed to meet in the lobby of the hotel.


Five minutes later Elizabeth joined Dmitry in the lobby. “Okay, my dear Sophia, are you ready?” said Dmitry with a smirk.


“Of course, my perfect-in-everyway man,” replied Elizabeth matching his sarcasm.


“I figured this time we will just take a car, not the limo - it sort of over does it for such an affair, don’t you agree?”


“Absolutely, plus, a Mercedes beats a limo any day!” said Elizabeth as she got into the car. “Dmitry, when we are married will you buy me a Mercedes?”


“I will buy you that - and a lot more. You have no idea the world that is in store for you. You will be the first woman that I will be able to honestly provide nearly anything your heart desires and do so with true love of you. Never having felt this before for someone - I have had women that I’ve just known for one day and I’ve bought them gifts from Cartier. But you, you I will provide for you - not to win you or your heart but simply because nothing will make me happier than to see you smile every time something makes you happy,” Dmitry said as he gently put his hand on Elizabeth’s cheek.


“Elizabeth, not to ‘break the moment’ or however you say this, but I need to let you know that I spoke with Juan and confirmed that he and Max will be in their hotel tonight and they are not to go anywhere without letting me know. If they must go somewhere, I will let you know. But this means you MUST let me know your guy’s moves as they happen and the whole plan that you have worked out. I know I will be leaving but I am sure you can understand that if I know what you are trying to do, I can assist you to accomplish our result. Make sense?”


“Yes, Dmitry, after the luncheon, we should go back to your room and go over everything I went over with my guys this morning. They have not suspected anything other than what I’ve told them. We are going to make this happen and it is going to be easy - at least in the beginning. I cannot imagine what will happen next, I mean once Langley catches on which will not be more than a few hours to half a day maximum.”


“Look, Elizabeth, once we get into Russia you are safe. I can guarantee that. I don’t know when or if you will be able to leave the country. It will be a major security feat to accomplish but there are places I can play a few cards but certainly would not risk it for a few years at least. You have to trust me on that.”


“I do trust you Dmitry, probably too much,” replied Elizabeth.


“If you love me as you say you do, there is no such thing as trusting me too much,” said Dmitry as they pulled up to Mr. Cortez’s, the bank director, estate.


“Ah, Mr. Sidorov, it is our honor to have you join us today,” said Mr. Cortez just having rushed to the drive in order to greet Dmitry and his guest knowing that if they were cared for and felt important enough, he would receive further business and more clients.


“Thank you Mr. Cortez. Allow me to introduce you to Ms. Sophia Hayward - I presumed you would not mind me bringing a guest. Sophia, dear, this is Mr. Cortez, the director of the Bank of Mexico with whom I have handled many of my affairs.”


“It’s a pleasure Mr. Cortez. I see you have quite a lovely estate here. Have you any children or family to keep it lively?”


“Oh, yes, yes Ms. Hayward. In fact I have been married for twenty years now and have four beautiful children as a testament to that! Unfortunately, they are on vacation with my wife in Acapulco.”


“And you won’t be joining them there?”


“No, Ms. Hayward, I have many affairs to attend to. If my week goes well I may join them for a day but they often take short vacations such as this which do not qualify as a ‘family vacation’ if you’ll understand.”


“Of course, business and family matters have to be well balanced.”


“Precisely!” replied Mr. Cortez, happy to have gotten through the conversation so far without having upset Dmitry who had a reputation for getting easily annoyed with petty social conversations of people in his social circles.


“Well, Mr. Cortez, would you care to show us around your ‘humble abode’?” asked Dmitry.


“Of course, it would be my honor,” said Mr. Cortez as he ushered them from the entrance hall to the living room. The entire mansion seemed to be made of marble inside, the exterior being the style of an old Spanish villa. “To your right is the general living room, all the furniture can be moved out in order to accommodate a merge of the dining and living room facilities for evening parties, fundraisers and so forth.”


“Well, you must have someone cleaning full time! Everything is white!” exclaimed Elizabeth.


“Well, we do have a few full time maids who take care of the variety of household matters.”


Mr. Cortez continued the tour of his mansion, which took nearly half an hour just covering the main areas. Elizabeth was keen to see how various areas were decorated, thinking of the new life she was stepping into. Dmitry could see that Elizabeth was paying attention with such great detail and knew what she was thinking. Knowing this, he pulled her aside “Excuse me, Mr. Cortez, your house is quite grand and we appreciate the tour. If you’ll please excuse us now.”


“Of course Mr. Sidorov, I will leave you two to enjoy the luncheon,” replied Mr. Cortez as he left them in his library.


“Elizabeth,” said Dmitry as he pulled her close to him. “I’ve noticed you’ve been eyeing everything about this mansion.”


“Well, of course, it is beautiful after all.”


“My dear Elizabeth, you have a mansion awaiting you in Russia that is beyond your wildest dreams. Yes, this place is beautiful but it is not original and is a copy of half of the other mansions in Mexico City. OUR home is twice the size, both the actual mansion as well as the grounds, has a pond, a garden, space for a playground, an indoor and outdoor swimming pool, each space individually decorated. You are going to live like a queen since you are my queen.”


“I almost can’t believe what you’re telling me. I want to but then I have five hundred million fears come to mind about being caught and what would happen then. Of never seeing you again and how everything could just go so wrong with one bad move,” exclaimed Elizabeth as she started to cry.


“Elizabeth nothing is going to go wrong. What we are doing is the right thing. Look at it: you’ve gotten me to agree to change my ways and live a normal, honest life with the resources I have. You are getting out of a marriage and job where you were never really happy. Where you were being lied to and things were being hidden from you - both on your job and in your personal life. You are going to be my wife, we are going to have beautiful children and live an amazing life together. Sooner or later, the CIA is going to drop everything having to do with you as the more they pay attention the more you are alive but if you show them you are not doing anything but living your life with me and I am not doing anything, they will leave you be as though you were dead,” explained Dmitry looking intensely into Elizabeth’s eyes, at the end of which he kissed her and then embraced her for what was only three minutes but seemed to Elizabeth to be an hour. In his arms was the only place she ever felt completely safe in her entire life.


“Okay, now, my Sophia Hayward, are you ready to go out there and be social with these people who have nothing better to do with their lives but talk about others?” Dmitry said with a laugh.


“Why, yes, I do believe I am!” exclaimed Elizabeth putting on her British accent to play her part.

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