PS02 - Without Regret (50 page)

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Authors: R.L. Mathewson

BOOK: PS02 - Without Regret
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about a half dozen people she didn’t know dragged him away.

Actually she was a little surprised that he was calm, well more surprised that they let him back on this floor since he’d

promised to tie her up and drag her off to the island himself, but then again it had been fourteen hours since she last saw him

and Ephraim and Eric probably talked some sense into him.

“For being too tired to make love to you tonight, Munchkin. I just got off a double patrol,” he explained.

“But don’t worry. I’ll make it up to you in the morning.”


Apparently they hadn’t managed to talk any sense into the man. In fact he seemed pretty delusional to her at the moment. Did he

really think she’d let him touch her? After the hell he put her through? It was over and if she hadn’t made that painfully clear

when he decided to leave her handcuffed inside a van then she needed to rectify that little misunderstanding right now.

“You’re not staying in this room with me, Chris. In fact you’re not staying in this suite with me. I already have a roommate,”

she announced firmly.

“Oh, you mean Joshua? He decided he’d rather room elsewhere,” he said casually, but there was no missing the satisfaction in

his voice.

“What did you do?” she demanded even as she made her way out of the bathroom and bedroom. She walked across the living

room and threw Joshua’s door open.

Joshua was gone and so was the double mattress, she noted, frowning.

“You son of a bitch!” came the muffled roar from the hallway.

She walked to her front door and opened it, not really sure what to expect, but what she didn’t expect to find was a bare

mattress secured to the wall across the hall with Joshua upside down and attached to it by what looked like a lot of duct tape

over bare skin. She winced, imagining the tape being yanked off.

The sign taped to his feet caught her attention and had her lips twitching. “Get Your own mate, asshole.”

“Do you want help?” she asked, stepping into the hallway, not really sure how she was going to get him down without hurting


“Yes!” he hissed out, struggling against his bonds.

“Don’t worry about him, Munchkin,” Chris said, startling the hell out of her.

She turned around to find him dripping wet with a towel wrapped around his lean hips and his glare narrowed solely on her.

“I’d worry about yourself if I were you,” he said coldly as he reached out and snagged her wrist.

“Wait a minute! Let’s talk about this!” she practically pleaded as he pulled her back into the apartment and slammed the door


“You bastard!” Joshua yelled, but he didn’t seem to care.

She stumbled back away from him as he started to stalk towards her. Her eyes widened when he slowly removed his towel and

began to dry off, but what really had her attention was the large angry looking erection between his legs that seemed to be

following after her.

“I’m curious as to how you managed to convince Eric to allow you to stay here,” he said casually as if he weren’t stalking after

her with a damn monster between his legs.

“It wasn’t that difficult. The Sentinel network needs an overhaul and I can do it. Not to mention that he wants my programs,”

she said with a casualness that she wasn’t feeling. She was so unbelievably turned on right now that she was having a problem


Did wanting a man she was pissed at make her a slut?

If it did she didn’t care. He wasn’t forgiven for turning his back on her, he probably never would be, but she wanted him. Now.

Her legs began to tremble as she quickened her pace away from him and she felt moisture pool between her legs. It frustrated

her that she could react to a man that wanted nothing to do with her or their baby like this.

What the hell was wrong with her?

She shouldn’t want him. She should be slapping him and screaming at him, but she couldn’t. She just couldn’t and she hated

herself for that.

“So, you tricked him into letting you stay here,” Chris surmised, still following after her. She nearly fell over an end table in

her mad attempts to get away from him.

“I didn’t trick him!” she snapped back. She hadn’t. All she did was point out the fact that his network sucked and that she could

fix it and of course Sebastian pointed out that the security they set up sucked. She would have loved to negotiate Sebastian’s

freedom, but he wouldn’t let her. The only thing he asked for was for someone to watch out for his family.

“Well, it doesn’t matter now. You decided you just had to play at being a Sentinel, so guess what, Munchkin?

You and I are going to play,” he said, sending a delicious shiver through her body.

“W-what do you mean?” she asked, licking her lips as she rushed around the couch to get away from him.

“Exactly what it sounded like, Munchkin. You want to live here in a Sentinel compound then you’re going to act like a Sentinel.

You’re going to train and do your duties without bitching. Since you’re mated that also means that you’ll keep house for me,

cook, doctor my wounds and spread your legs when I have excess energy,” he bit out, not sounding particularly happy about it.

That was okay with her because she wasn’t happy with his little assumptions either. She rushed around the coffee table as she

tried to decide with little misconception she should correct first.

“I work in the IT department, buddy, and whether or not you think that’s work, I don’t care. I’ll be putting in long hours and

probably won’t have time for anything else.”

“As long as you make time to have dinner on the table for me, a box of band aides ready and you’re wet for me,” he said,

reaching out to grab her, but she jumped out of the way at the last second.

“Another thing,” she said, forcing herself to keep moving and keep her eyes on his face to lessen the chances of become

distracted. “I’m pregnant and apparently will be giving birth in four months instead of nine months so I think it’s safe to say that

I can’t exactly train just yet.”

He stubbornly shook his head. “You will train. I already spoke with Eric,” he said and she just bet that he did. It was probably

more along the line so telling him to ship her ass off again. “It doesn’t matter that you are pregnant. You will fulfill your duties

if you want to live here. If you don’t……” he said, letting his words trail off pointedly.

If she didn’t she’d be going to the island. Yeah, she got that. She was going to make damn sure they didn’t try and ship her off.

At the very least she was going to buy some time to set up a life for her and her baby somewhere safe since she didn’t want to

try and raise a baby on the run. It wouldn’t be fair to the baby to grow up with that kind of fear.

“The only thing I can cook is pop tarts.” Which was sadly true. Although she did make a killer ice cream sundae, but she

doubted that counted.

“Don’t care. Have it piping hot and ready for me before I go out on patrol every night,” he said, prowling after her like a

hungry wolf.

“Also, who said I was going to let you touch me again? I told you that you lost your chance earlier and I wasn’t kidding. There

is no us, Chris. You blew it,” she said firmly, proud that she managed to talk when all she wanted to do was lick the drop of

excitement that leaked from the tip of his erection.

“I never said there would be an ‘us’, Munchkin. We’re mated, we’re partners, nothing more. I will protect you and you will

take care of my needs,” he said, reaching out for her and this time he managed to grab her wrist and pull her back against his

hard body.

“I’m keeping the baby, Chris,” she said, gasping when he turned her around until she was facing away from him.

“That’s your choice.”

“You don’t want it?” she asked, trying not to sound disappointed, but she was. She couldn’t think of a more perfect father for

her baby than him, well, the sweet version of him. The asshole version of him only seemed to piss her off and turn her on.

“If you’re still around when you have it I’ll protect it, but it’s your child, Munchkin,” he whispered coldly in her ear. “It would

be better and safer if you went to the island, Munchkin. There’s still time to reconsider,” he said as took her earlobe between

his teeth and sucked.

“I’m staying,” she said, reaching back to pull his hands up to her breasts where she needed him.

It was all the encouragement he needed. As he sucked and licked her neck as he rubbed and teased her breasts and ground his

erection into the small of her back. When he gripped her hair and tilted her head back, she didn’t even think about arguing with


Why would she when this was what she wanted to?

She wasn’t about to make herself suffer when she wanted this to, but if he didn’t change his mind when the baby arrived then

she wouldn’t even allow herself this. She’d lived a loveless childhood and would never allow that for her own child.

He slid one hand down her side, not touching her stomach where their baby was, she noted sadly, and moved between her legs.

Without a word she spread her legs and kissed him hungrily as he teased her wet folds.

He gently rubbed the tip of his finger over her swollen nub as she moaned into his mouth.

“Bend over,” he whispered tightly against her mouth.

As she leaned over, he gently guided her until she was bent over the arm of the thankfully comfortable couch.

She felt him move behind her and prepared herself for his invasion. Instead of the large erection that she was more than ready

for, she felt his mouth settle on her.

The first swipe of his tongue had her grabbing the couch cushion as she fought not to push back for more.

The second swipe of his tongue had her biting back a scream of pleasure so intense that she was shaking from it. He kept going

until her world shattered and she screamed his name.

With one last swipe of his tongue he stood up and slid inside of her. Two or three thrusts later and was screaming her release

again much to her embarrassment. She hated wanting this man this much or how he affected her body, but she wanted him,


Only problem was, she wanted the Chris that she fell in love with more.

As he thrust inside of her, each thrust harder than the last, he palmed her cheeks and spread them. She was too busy moaning

and begging him for more to really care what he did. That is until he rubbed the tight bundle of nerves there with his thumb and

then she was screaming out another release.

It didn’t take long before he joined her, but this time instead of pulling her into his arms and kissing her, he simply pulled out.

“I suggest you get some sleep. We have an early morning,” he said evenly as he walked away, wondering if her Chris was ever

going to come back.

Chapter 43

Three months later……

“Aw, fuck,” Chris said, gasping for air as Izzy dragged her teeth up his cock, only stopping to suck the head into her mouth as

she traced the slit with her tongue.

She had him close to begging and fucking knew it. He wasn’t sure what she enjoyed more, torturing him or making him beg and

as long as she kept sucking him off he didn’t fucking care.

He reached down and gripped himself and began stroking into her mouth, knowing how much she loved it when he did this. She

moaned around the tip and he knew it wouldn’t be long until she was telling him to fuck her.

The start of their day and the very end of their day were the only times he was content and it wasn’t just because of the sex.

Considering they went at it like rabbits at least four or five times throughout the day he knew it had very little to do with the sex

and everything to do with enjoying his mate without pissing her off.

It killed him to treat her like nothing, but he needed her to leave. She needed to realize that a life stuck in a compound was not

for her. At this point there was nothing he could do about the baby. She was as round as a human woman in her eight month and

it damn near killed him to watch her grow rounder and happier every day, knowing that he couldn’t allow himself to get

attached to the baby.

She needed to take the baby and go to the island where it could run outside and play all day and live a full and happy life.

Growing up in a compound where it was dangerous to step even one foot outside because of demons and shifters that lurked

outside at all hours of the day waiting for a chance to get their hands on Izzy was no life for any child.

With a little pained moan, she released his cock and began to climb on top of him, but her large belly had her falling sideways.

Trying not to laugh, because she’d either yell at him or god help him, cry, he reached over and grabbed her hips and helped her

straddle his waist.

He hissed in a breath as she slowly lowered herself onto him. She was wet and so fucking hot that he could cry.

As she ground herself against him she dropped her head back and moaned. He kept a gentle grip on her hips as she rode him,

taking her time and obviously enjoying herself.

For a few minutes he was content with just watching her. He memorized the look of rapture on her face, the way she licked her

lips, but mostly the way her touch made him feel complete. He loved this woman so fucking much that sometimes like now it

was a struggle to breathe through the panic, knowing this had to end.


If she wasn’t so damn stubborn she would have already left months ago, but she wouldn’t. No matter how hard he pushed her,

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