P.S. I Love You (5 page)

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Authors: Cecelia Ahern

BOOK: P.S. I Love You
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“Ooooh,” John and Sharon sang with excitement, “he’s getting cryptic!”





OLLY LAY ON HER BED like a demented woman, switching the lamp on and off with a smile on her face. She and Sharon had gone shopping in Bed Knobs and Broomsticks in Malahide, and both girls had eventually agreed on the beautifully carved wooden stand and the cream shade, which matched the cream and wooden furnishings of the master bedroom (of course they had chosen the most ridiculously expensive one, it would have been wrong to spoil tradition). And although Gerry hadn’t physically been there with her as she bought it, she felt that they had made the purchase together.

She had drawn the curtains of her bedroom in order to test her new merchandise. The bedside lamp had a softening effect on the room, making it appear warmer. How easily this could have ended their nightly arguments, but perhaps neither of them wanted to end them. It had become a routine, something familiar that made them feel closer. How she would give anything to have one of those little arguments now. And she would gladly get out of her cozy bed for him, she would gladly walk on the cold floor for him, and she would gladly bruise herself on the bedpost while fumbling in the dark for the bed. But that time was gone.

The sound of Gloria Gaynor’s ‘I Will Survive’ snapped her back to the present as she realized her mobile phone was ringing.


“G’day, mate, I’m hooooome!” shrieked a familiar voice.

“Oh my God, Ciara! I didn’t know you were coming home!”

“Well, neither did I actually, but I ran out of money and decided to surprise you all!”

“Wow, I bet Mum and Dad were surprised all right.”

“Well, Dad did drop the towel with fright when he stepped out of the shower.”

Holly covered her face with her hand. “Oh Ciara, you didn’t!” she warned.

“No hugs for Daddy when I saw him!” Ciara laughed.

“Oh yuck, yuck, yuck. Change the subject, I’m having visions,” Holly said.

“OK, well, I was calling to tell you that I was home, obviously, and that Mum’s organizing dinner tonight to celebrate.”

“Celebrate what?”

“Me being alive.”

“Oh, OK. I thought you might have an announcement or something.”

“That I’m alive.”

“O…K. So who’s going?”

“The whole family.”

“Did I mention that I’m going to the dentist to have all my teeth pulled out? Sorry, I can’t make it.”

“I know, I know, I said the same thing to Mum, but we haven’t all been together for ages. Sure when’s the last time you’ve even seen Richard and Meredith?”

“Oh, good ol’ Dick, well, he was in flying form at the funeral. Had lots of wise and comforting things to say to me like, “Did you not consider donating his brain to medical science?” Yes, he’s such a fantastic brother all right.”

“Oh gosh, Holly, I’m sorry. I forgot about the funeral.” Her sister’s voice changed. “I’m sorry I couldn’t make it.”

“Ciara, don’t be silly, we both decided it was best you stay,” Holly said briskly. “It’s far too expensive to be flying back and forth from Australia, so let’s not bring it back up, OK?”


Holly quickly changed the subject. “So when you say the whole family do you mean…?”

“Yes, Richard and Meredith are bringing our adorable little niece and nephew. And Jack and Abbey are coming you’ll be pleased to know, Declan will be there in body but probably not in mind, Mum, Dad and me of course, and you
be there.”

Holly groaned. As much as Holly moaned about her family she had a great relationship with her brother Jack. He was only two years older than her so they had always been close when growing up, and he had always been very protective of her. Their mother had called them her ‘two little elves’ because they were always getting up to mischief around the house (this mischief was usually aimed at their eldest brother, Richard). Jack was similar to Holly in both looks and personality, and she considered him to be the most normal of her siblings. It also helped that she got along with his partner of seven years, Abbey, and when Gerry was alive the four of them often met up for dinner and drinks. When Gerry was alive…God, that didn’t sound right.

Ciara was a whole different kettle of fish altogether. Jack and Holly were convinced she was from the planet Ciara, population: one. Ciara had the look of her father, long legs and dark hair. She also had various tattoos and piercings on her body as a result of her travels around the world. A tattoo for every country, her dad used to joke. A tattoo for every man, Holly and Jack were convinced.

Of course this carry-on was all frowned upon by the eldest of the family, Richard (or Dick as he was known to Jack and Holly). Richard was born with the serious illness of being an eternal old man. His life revolved around rules and regulations and obedience. When he was younger he had one friend and they had a fight when they were ten, so after that Holly could never remember him bringing anyone home, having any girlfriends or ever going out to socialize. She and Jack thought it was a wonder where he met his equally joyless wife, Meredith. Probably at an anti-happiness convention.

It’s not as though Holly had the
family in the world, it’s just that they were such a strange mix of people. These huge clashes of personalities usually led to arguments at the most inappropriate times, or as Holly’s parents preferred to call them, “heavy discussions.” They
get along, but that was with everyone really trying and being on their best behavior.

Holly and Jack often met up for lunch or for drinks just to catch up on each other’s lives; they had an interest in each other. She enjoyed his company and considered him to be not only a brother but a real friend. Lately they hadn’t seen much of each other. Jack understood Holly well and knew when she needed her space.

The only time Holly caught up on her younger brother Declan’s life was when she called the house looking for her parents and he would answer. Declan wasn’t a great conversationalist. He was a twenty-two-year-old ‘boy’ who didn’t quite yet feel comfortable in the company of adults, so Holly never really knew that much about him. A nice boy, he just had his head up in the clouds a bit.

Ciara, her twenty-four-year-old little sister, had been away for the entire year and Holly had missed her. They were never the kind of sisters to swap clothes and giggle about boys, their tastes differed so much. But as the only two girls in a family of brothers, they formed a bond. Ciara was closer to Declan; both of them dreamers. Jack and Holly had always been inseparable as children and friends as adults. That left Richard. He was out on his own in the family, but Holly suspected he liked that feeling of being separated from those in his family he couldn’t quite understand. Holly was dreading his lectures on all-things-boring, his insensitive questioning of her life and just the whole feeling of being frustrated by comment after comment at the dinner table. But it was a welcome-home dinner for Ciara and Jack would be there; Holly could count on him.

So was Holly looking forward to tonight? Absolutely not.

Holly reluctantly knocked on the door to her family home and immediately heard the pounding of tiny feet flying toward the door followed by a voice that should not belong to a child.

“Mummy! Daddy! It’s Aunty Holly, it’s Aunty Holly!”

It was Nephew Timothy, Nephew Timothy.

His happiness was suddenly crushed by a stern voice. (Although it was unusual for her nephew to be happy about Holly’s arrival; things must be especially boring in there.) “Timothy! What did I tell you about running in the house! You could fall and hurt yourself, now go stand in the corner and think about what I said. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, Mummy.”

“Ah come on, Meredith, will he hurt himself on the carpet or on the comfy padded couch?”

Holly laughed to herself; Ciara was definitely home. Just as Holly was contemplating escape, the door swung open and there stood Meredith. She looked even more sour-faced and unwelcoming than usual.

“Holly.” She nodded her head in acknowledgment.

“Meredith,” Holly imitated.

Once in the living room Holly looked around for Jack, but to her disappointment he was nowhere to be seen. Richard stood in front of the fireplace dressed in a surprisingly colorful sweater; perhaps he was letting his hair down tonight. He stood with his hands in his pockets rocking back and forth from his heels to the balls of his toes like a man ready to give a lecture. His lecture was being aimed at their poor father, Frank, who sat uncomfortably in his favorite armchair looking like a chastised schoolboy. Richard was so lost in his story he didn’t see Holly enter the room. Holly blew her poor father a kiss from across the room, not wanting to be brought into their conversation. Her father smiled at her and pretended to catch her kiss.

Declan was slumped on the couch wearing his ripped jeans and
South Park
T-shirt, puffing furiously on a cigarette while Meredith invaded his space and warned him of the dangers of smoking. “Really? I didn’t know that,” he said, sounding worryingly interested while stabbing out his cigarette. Meredith’s face looked satisfied until Declan winked at Holly, reached for the box again and immediately lit up another one. “Tell me some more, please, I’m just dying to know.” Meredith stared back at him in disgust.

Ciara was hiding behind the couch throwing pieces of popcorn at the back of poor Timothy’s head. He stood facing the wall in the corner of the room and was too afraid to turn around. Abbey was pinned to the floor and being bossed around by little five-year-old Emily and an evil-looking doll. She caught Holly’s eye and mouthed ‘Help’ to her.

“Hi Ciara.” Holly approached her sister, who jumped up and gave her a big hug, squeezing Holly a bit tighter than usual. “Nice hair.”

“You like it?”

“Yeah, pink is really your color.”

Ciara looked satisfied. “That’s what I tried to tell them,” she said, squinting her eyes and staring at Richard and Meredith. “So how’s my big sis?” Ciara asked softly, rubbing Holly’s arm affectionately.

“Oh, you know,” Holly smiled weakly, “I’m hanging in there.”

“Jack is in the kitchen helping your mum with the dinner if you’re looking for him, Holly,” Abbey announced, widening her eyes and mouthing ‘Help me’ again.

Holly raised her eyebrows at Abbey. “Really? Well isn’t he great helping out Mum?”

“Oh, Holly, didn’t you know how much Jack just loves cooking, he just
it. Can’t get enough of it,” she said sarcastically.

Holly’s dad chuckled to himself, which stopped Richard in his tracks. “What’s so funny, Father?”

Frank shifted in his seat nervously. “I just find it remarkable that all this happens in just one tiny little test tube.”

Richard let out a disapproving sigh at his father’s stupidity. “Yes, but you have to understand these are so minuscule, Father, it’s rather fascinating. The organisms combine with the…” And away he went while his father settled back down in his chair and tried to avoid eye contact with Holly.

Holly tiptoed quietly into the kitchen, where she found her brother at the table with his feet up on a chair munching on some food. “Ah, here he is, the naked chef himself.”

Jack smiled and stood up from his chair. “There’s my favorite sister.” He scrunched up his nose. “I see you got roped into coming to this thing as well.” He walked toward her and held out his arms to offer her one of his big bear hugs. “How are you?” he said quietly into her ear.

“I’m OK, thanks.” Holly smiled sadly and kissed him on the cheek before turning to her mother. “Darling Mother, I am here to offer my services at this extremely stressful and busy time of your life,” Holly said, planting a kiss on her mother’s flushed cheek.

“Oh, aren’t I just the luckiest woman in the world having such caring children like you,” Elizabeth said sarcastically. “Tell you what; you can just drain the water from the potatoes there.”

“Mum, tell us about the time when you were a little girl during the famine and the spuds were gone,” Jack said, putting on an exaggerated Irish accent.

Elizabeth hit him across the head playfully with the tea towel. “Ah, sure ‘tis years before my time, son.”

“Sure ‘tis true,” said Jack.

“No, you t’aren’t at all,” joined in Holly.

They both stopped and stared at her. “Since when is there such a word as t’aren’t?” laughed her mum.

“Ah, shut up the both of you.” Holly joined her brother at the table.

“I hope you two won’t be getting up to any mischief tonight. I would like this to be an argument-free zone for a change.”

“Mother, I am shocked the thought even crossed your mind.” Jack winked across to Holly.

“All right,” she said, not believing a word of it. “Well, sorry my babies, but there’s nothing else to be done here. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes.”

“Oh.” Holly was disappointed.

Elizabeth joined her children at the table and the three of them stared at the kitchen door all thinking the same thing.

“No, Abbey,” squealed Emily loudly, “you’re not doing what I tell you,” and she burst into tears. This was shortly followed by a loud guffaw from Richard; he must have cracked a joke because he was the only one laughing.

“But I suppose it’s important that we all stay here and keep an eye on the dinner,” Elizabeth added.

“OK everyone, dinner is being served,” announced Elizabeth, and everyone made their way to the dining room. There was an awkward moment like at a child’s birthday party while everyone scuffled to sit beside their best friend. Eventually Holly was satisfied with her position at the table and settled down with her mother on her left at the end of the table and Jack to her right. Abbey sat with a scowl on her face between Jack and Richard. Jack would have some making up to do when he got home. Declan sat opposite Holly and wedged in between him was an empty seat where Timothy should be sitting, then Emily and Meredith, then Ciara. Holly’s father got a raw deal sitting at the head of the table between Richard and Ciara, but he was such a calm man he was the best one for the job.

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