Prowler: Forsaken Ones MC (4 page)

BOOK: Prowler: Forsaken Ones MC
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His lips found one of my hardening nipples and encircled it. His tongue flicked the tip and sucked on it, pulling it into his mouth. Bright white-hot pleasure shot through my body.


“Yes, Hawk. Please. I want you so bad right now,” I pleaded with him.


A firm hand gripped my other breast and gave it a squeeze. His hand covered me completely. He pressed his thumb against my nipple, pinching it gently between his thumb and forefinger. The slight added pain made me arch my back again and cry out.


His lips were on my neck now, then on my chin. His teeth grazed my skin as his fingers pushed my blindfold back. His weight pushed my body down into the soft silk sheets as he pressed his head against my tight lips.


Our mouths met again. Our tongues wrestled for dominance between us as we kissed passionately, deeply.


I moaned as he pushed into me, spreading me open around his thick shaft. I tried to pull my head back, but he put a hand around behind my neck and held me in place to continue kissing me. I continued moaning into his mouth as he slid deeper into me. I could feel every inch of him pass through my entrance.


He stretched me around him. I could feel him straining inside of me as he grew harder after entering me. He pushed all the way into me and pulled back, and again, rocking his hips against my open legs.


I was no stranger to using sex to get what I wanted, but I had never been spread open for someone to use this way before. It made everything so visceral, so intense. I panted as his thrusts pushed my body against the lush pillows at his headboard.


“Oh God, yes!” I cried out as he filled me completely with his head and shaft. He pushed himself into me all the way down to the base of his shaft. His firm body pressed against my hips.


I was powerless. I had no control over the situation. I was completely vulnerable to him, and even with the blindfold off, I kept my eyes closed to enjoy the sensations.


He kissed down my neck and over my shoulders while he continued to stroke himself with my tightening lips. I grabbed my restraints again and pulled against them to no avail. The pleasure I felt was growing into a wave of ecstasy that would soon be washing over me and crashing against his hard body.


I could feel every muscle in his body against me. I felt each one flex against my legs, my stomach, and my tender breasts. I tensed up my legs, trying to use my restraints as leverage to rock my hips against his.


I pressed my slit against him, forcing my clit against the firm, hairless skin above his sex. With each thrust, he pressed against my clitoris, pushing me closer and closer to orgasm each time. My muscles tightened around him. He started using slower, more measured thrusts, running his shaft along my front wall, stroking my g-spot with each push and pull of himself inside of me.


My body trembled in front of the coming wave of ecstasy.


“I’m going to come,” I told him.


“Good, baby. Come for me,” he ordered me, breathlessly. His body had started to tremble as well, ever so slightly. Oh God, was he about to come with me?


I pushed myself against him, and he held himself deep inside of me, growing harder, steadily harder, until I felt his shaft jerk as we both erupted at the same time.


He groaned above me and started sliding back and forth, emptying himself as my body shook beneath him. Each stroke sent a wave of ecstasy washing over me. My head fell back, and with my eyes closed, it felt like I was falling through his bed.


We panted together as our bodies relaxed. He pulled back, sliding himself out of me, and I looked down to see him pull the rubber off of his shaft. He left me tied to the bed as he tossed it in the trash before coming back to untie me.


I stared at this gorgeous specimen of man in wide-eyed amazement as he set me free, free to lie back on his bed and melt into the sheets after the intense pleasure he’d just given me.


Chapter Five




“So, was that what you were expecting?” I teased beautiful Felicity while we lay naked against each other afterwards.


“That was so much more than I had expected,” she purred. She pressed herself against me. Her soft skin rubbed against my body, and I felt a tiny spark of desire ignite inside me again.


She wasn’t short, but she was still fairly petite against me. I had never fit someone so perfectly, though. She was taller than average, easily just under six feet, making her just short enough to fit against my body without being completely swallowed by my size. Her personality seemed to fit against me the same way. She was strong-willed enough that she wasn’t completely engulfed by my desires or wit.


I kissed the top of her head tenderly and squeezed her with my arm around her waist. She grabbed my hand and pulled it up between her breasts, where she held me in her soft fingers.


I felt her chest heave against me as she breathed slowly, deeply. I could feel the tense desire still in her body as we lay naked against each other between my silk sheets. If she wanted to go again, I knew I would have been ready. I could feel my shaft resisting the urge to come down completely from our last session as I kept myself pressed firmly between her soft, round cheeks.


“Well, there’s more where that came from,” I told her, whispering above her head.


“I think I’d like that,” she said absently, already starting to drift off to sleep. She shifted her body against me again, nestling herself against me.


She was so thin and warm, so soft and tender, and I couldn’t take my hands off of her. Holding her against me in bed felt like such a protective gesture, it made me wonder what was really going on here.


“Just don’t let go,” she said in a dreamy voice, and I assumed she was talking in her sleep.


Her body relaxed slowly next to me as she stopped trying to stay awake and let herself glide off to sleep. I couldn’t let go of her the way I would have anyone else. There was something about her that made me want her again and again.


Most of the time, when I would bring someone home from the club, or from the bar when I occasionally wanted something wilder, I would send them away afterwards, or at least make them sleep in one of the guestrooms. I didn’t have the heart to make this sleeping beauty get out of my bed. And besides, I wanted to keep her by my side so we could go again once we were both awake.


I wondered who this mystery woman was who had walked into my life earlier that night. Felicity. She knew who I was, and it had occurred to me that she probably knew more about me than she should have for meeting me for the first time at Paragon, but I knew almost nothing about her. I didn’t even know if Felicity was her real name.


However, I had known when I landed the Golden Diamond that there would be people hunting for it, and she either was one of them or had been sent by one of them to locate it. I smiled while I stared down at her delicious body. She wasn’t going to find it any time soon. No one was.


I had already taken control over her body. It was only a matter of time before I won her loyalty and got her to abandon her search, if that was in fact what she was doing here. She probably thought she was good at working people over. Well, she’d never come up against me before. I had amassed a small fortune by controlling people and always getting my way. That wasn’t about to change because of a sweet piece of tail like hers.


I pulled my hand out of hers and slid it down along her stomach. She moved against me in her sleep, rocking her hips against mine. She moaned quietly, sleepily. I let my fingers continue down the front of her thigh before sliding around to her side and coming back up.


“Yes, baby,” she said in her sleep, biting her lower lip.


I was already having an effect on her. I continued to gently stroke her silky smooth fair skin. I wondered who had sent her to meet me at Paragon. She certainly came across as powerful and in control, but she didn’t seem like she was the boss of the operation. Or maybe she was. The thought thrilled me.


I lay with my elbow propping me up on my pillow so I could stare at the shape of her body under my covers. She had made herself vulnerable for me. She had truly enjoyed being controlled and held down in the bed. I had felt how it had thrilled her to hand her sense of power and control over to me. Her skin had trembled underneath me. The muscles around her tight little hole had contracted around me almost continually.


Either she was very convincing, or I had already started to break down her professional wall to get through to the real Felicity. Watching how things went with her in the morning was going to be entertaining. I could tell already.


If she
on a job, she would want to stick around for a few days to earn my trust while she continued to look for the diamond. In the meantime, I would continue breaking her down with sex and enjoying her delicious body. If she continued to willingly play along with me, I felt certain I could get her to abandon her original mission for me.


The real question was whether or not I could keep my wits about me long enough to be able to throw her away once I was through with her. Then again, I wondered if that would even be necessary. She seemed to be a pretty good match for me already. If I could just continue to work that angle, I figured I might not have needed to toss her to the side like I had done with so many others. Maybe the fact that we worked so well together would be her saving grace.


Then again, it could have all been an act. I would know in the morning.


I smiled as I let my head fall onto the pillow, laughing to myself. I was already starting to let my guard down around her, which was dangerous. By catching myself thinking about what was going to happen later or down the road, I knew she was already getting to me. She was good. She was damn good, both in bed and professionally.


Regardless of what she was trying to do, she was too valuable to let go.


I ran my hand behind her leg and slid it up to the bottom of her ass. I parted her and pressed myself against her. Oh, I couldn’t wait until we were both awake in the morning. I couldn’t wait to have another go at her, to see how committed she was to her job, and to please her again.


I left myself pressed against her and slid my arm back around her waist. She moaned slightly in her sleep and pressed herself against my body again before relaxing her muscles sleepily. I closed my eyes and buried my face in her soft red hair.


I let the night come to take me away to sleep. I had forgotten how nice it felt to fall asleep next to someone and feel their warmth against me. It was strangely comforting and calming. It was dangerous, I knew, but surely one night wouldn’t undo everything I had built with The Forsaken Ones. One night in bed with a beautiful, cunning woman wouldn’t ruin my life.




I knew I needed to be careful with her. I needed to remember to stay in control of the situation and to stay in control of her. I had gone into Paragon looking for a fun little power struggle for the night. I hadn’t expected to find what felt like it was going to turn into a real struggle for dominance with another person.


Luckily, she didn’t seem to bring any extra clothes with her, so I figured she would be gone pretty quickly in the morning after getting some breakfast and maybe a good round of wake up sex. I would send her way without any questions about where she was going or who she really was, and that would be that. She wouldn’t gain any additional information about the Golden Diamond or my MC. She wouldn’t have anything to use against me, and she would be gone. Our night and morning together would remain that, just a night and morning spent together.


As sleep came closer, it got harder to make sense of it all, because I also knew that she would probably want to stay another night, and maybe a few more after that. She would probably snoop around while I was out of the house on business with the MC, trying to sell our valuable prize.


I grew excited again as I thought about letting her search for the diamond. It was a challenge for me and for my security team. It was a way to test my security to be sure she couldn’t locate the diamond. If anyone could find it, she probably could. She was just good enough to do it.


My sleepy mind decided I couldn’t let her go in the morning. I decided I had to keep her around to make sure she didn’t find anything. I decided to let her have her way for just a little while, because as she searched for the Golden Diamond I would be able to take her any time I wanted her. I would be able to enjoy that tight little body again and again.


My drowsy thoughts eventually came down to a week. I would give her a week, I decided, to either find the diamond, get out, or fall for me. I laughed at the thought of winning her over to that point. That certainly would have been quite a feat, even for me.


It was on. . If she found the diamond, she would have to go, and I had to accept that it probably wouldn’t be pretty. If she gave up and left, that would have to be okay. If she fell for me, I had to be prepared to deal with the attachment.


I opened my eyes to check and make sure she was still in bed with me. My mind was working overtime thinking about her and preventing me from sleeping.


“You’re already in my head,” I whispered to her while she slept. “Either you’re really good or I’m slipping. Which is it, Felicity?”


She shifted in her sleep, but she didn’t wake up. I envied her. She had fallen asleep almost immediately. As comfortable as the bed was with her in it, she wasn’t comfortable in my head. I sat up and watched her long enough to be sure she wasn’t going anywhere.


Eventually, as if she had felt my eyes staring at her, she rolled over and placed a gentle hand on my cheek. She didn’t open her eyes as she lifted her mouth to mine and kissed me.


“Go to sleep, baby,” she said. “It’s okay.”


She stroked my cheek sleepily, barely awake. Her fingers lingered on my jawline as her body relaxed again and she drifted back off.


She tilted her face down and pulled her arms down in front of her. I felt her breath on my chest as she curled up against me. Once again, her presence was physically comforting, and I decided I needed to simply accept that if I wanted to sleep next to her.


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