Protectors (14 page)

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Authors: Samantha Blair

BOOK: Protectors
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may have a plan.”

* * * *

Jeremy watched as the state police cruiser pulled out of the drive.

He was glad now that he’d decided to stay hidden in the woods.

Those cops must not be as dedicated as he’d originally guessed. They

were giving up already.

The sun was setting. In another half an hour, it would be safe to

move again. He could go back to his tree and pick them off through

the bedroom window. He could always take one of the horses back to

his truck after they were dead or take the queers’ truck. It was nicer than his own anyway. Maybe he’d figure out a way to keep it. He was



probably going to have to skip town after all of this. Stupid bitch had totally disrupted his life.

* * * *

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Sara asked.

Gage watched as Tyler’s hands slowed on the buttons of her shirt

where he was working to undress her.

“They said to go about our lives normally, just keep the alarm on,

and don’t leave the house,” Tyler responded.

“I’m not so sure that they’d consider all this sexual activity

‘normal living.’ You two are positively insatiable.”

“You complaining?” Gage asked, wrapping his arms around her

from behind. He took a deep breath, reveling in her earthy scent. “No, but I’m kind of freaked out by the idea that Jeremy could be peeking

in the windows or something.”

“He really scares you, doesn’t he?” Tyler asked softly, cupping

the side of her face in his gentle hands. “You’re shaking.”

“You don’t know him. He’ll never quit, not unless he’s dead or in

jail. He’s very dangerous.”

“Shhh,” Gage soothed from behind her. “Don’t worry about him

right now. We can draw the blinds if you want, but we’re going to

keep you safe.”

“Can we go upstairs? I think I’d be more comfortable in the


“Of course!” Just to make her laugh, Gage swung her up over his

shoulder in a fireman’s hold and ran up the steps.

“Put me down, you ogre!”

“Ogre! Well, I can’t put you down now. An ogre would never

allow a beautiful maiden to get away until he was completely finished ravishing her.”

Gage bounced her up and down forcefully, and she smacked his

ass in return.


Samantha Blair

Sara laughed as he tossed her down on the bed. Tyler pounced on

top of her as Gage moved to the side of the bed and pulled his shirt

over his head.

“I’m just gonna pull the blinds. No peeping toms allowed.”

“Mmm, but I like to watch,” Tyler growled.

“You don’t count.” Gage rolled his eyes at Tyler’s ridiculous


Gage moved over to the window, intent on pulling down the

blinds, when a flash of movement in the yard caught his eye. He

dropped to the ground yelling, “Get down!” just before the glass

shattered above his head.

Sara screamed, and Tyler shoved her off of the bed, knocking her

to the floor and throwing his own body over hers.

* * * *

After leaving the house, Detective Ryder and his partner circled

around the property, waiting patiently for any sign of movement in

the yard. It hadn’t been easy to get back into the woods undetected, but Gage and Tyler knew the property well, and they had been right

about the best access points. Ryder had been able to stay mostly in the grass, in the darkest parts of the yard, and he was certain that he

hadn’t been heard or seen by anyone except his partner.

He was banking on the suspect’s patience. Sara had been right

about the man so far, and she seemed to think that Jeremy would wait

in the yard for as long as it took. If he was still here, Ryder was

determined to find him.

After having a delightful meal with Sara, he wanted the abusive

man out of her life as soon as possible. She was a really sweet

woman, and she deserved a little happiness after everything that she’d been through. Ryder hoped that she might stay with Tyler and Gage

when this was all over. He’d only spent a few hours with them, but it


was easy to see that the three of them had a close, if unusual


A light appeared in the bedroom window where he could just

barely make out the shapes of three people. Gage came closer to the

window. A reflection from Jeremy’s gun in the tree caught Ryder’s


He yelled to Filley just a second before the shot erupted,

shattering the bedroom window. From the ground, he couldn’t see if

anyone had been hit. He and Filley both returned fire into the tree

where the shot had come from.

It was full dark, and the bright flare of the gun nearly blinded him, but he caught the motion of Jeremy’s large body falling out of the

tree. The suspect landed with a hard thud on the ground.

His partner beat him by a few steps. “Call for an ambulance,”

Filley said. “We shot him in the thigh.”

Jeremy was rolling on the ground, still fighting or possibly trying

to escape, but it was pretty clear that he couldn’t walk. Blood poured from his leg. His rifle hung from the tree, still half lodged in the

branches. Ryder pulled the gun down, just in case, and then picked up his radio and called for an ambulance while Filley struggled to put

handcuffs on the criminal who was swinging his arms in an attempt to

fight him off.

“Is anyone hurt up there?” Ryder yelled up to the shot-out


Gage’s head appeared through the broken glass a moment later.

“No, he missed us. Is it over?”

“Yes, we have him in custody. The ambulance is on its way.”

* * * *

Sara redressed herself, making sure that everything was in place,

before heading down the stairs with Gage and Tyler. Tears poured


Samantha Blair

down her cheeks, and she wasn’t even sure if they were tears of relief or pure terror. That gunshot had scared her half to death.

Burying her face in Gage’s shirt, she sobbed. “He could have

killed you! It would have been all my fault.”

“I’m fine, sweetheart. No one got hurt. Well, except Jeremy.” He

pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “It’s going to be okay now. I’ve got you.”

The ambulance arrived a moment later with siren blaring and

lights flashing. The two police officers dragged a limping Jeremy

around the side of the house.

“You bitch!” he called out to Sara when he saw her. “You’ll pay

for this!”

Sara lifted her face from Gage’s chest just in time to see Detective

Ryder plow his fist into Jeremy’s jaw.

Tyler laughed beside her. “We’ll pretend we didn’t see that.”

They shut the ambulance doors. Detective Filley was escorting

Jeremy to the hospital. Ryder stayed to finish the report and make

sure that everyone was okay. Gage drove him back to his police car

half an hour later.

* * * *

“Thank you for everything,” Gage said, dropping him off.

“I’m just glad that we got the bastard before he hurt her. You’ll

take care of Sara now, won’t you?” Ryder asked.

“Of course we will.”

“I kinda figured that was the case. You’re lucky men. She’s a

sweetheart. Give us a call if you need anything. I guess we’ll be

seeing you in court.”

Gage waited until the other man had started the car, and then

pulled out onto the main road again. He couldn’t wait to get home.

Ryder was right—she was a sweetheart, and he had every intention of

enjoying the rest of the evening with her.



Chapter 13

Sara looked up the comfortable spot in Tyler’s arms when Gage

walked through the door. Finally, he was home.

“Now there’s a welcome sight,” Gage said, indicating his two

lovers in a heated embrace on the couch.

“We were trying to wait for you,” Tyler said, “but you know how

fucking irresistible she is.”

Gage laughed. “I certainly do.”

“I taped plastic over the bedroom window, but I guess you’ll want

to replace it tomorrow. I thought maybe we’d spend the night in the

guest room instead. We were just thinking about heading up there.”

“That’s a good idea. “ Gage joined them on the couch and peeled

off his boots. “I guess in the morning we can get a window and take

Sara home.”

Sara tensed. They were planning to take her home in the morning?

She’d thought at first that this would be a one night stand—a once in a lifetime opportunity to be with two incredible men—but they

seemed to genuinely care for her. Had she misread their affections?

“What is it? What did I say?” Gage asked.

“You’re going to take me home?” Sara asked. She tried to sound

nonchalant, but her voice gave away the underlying worry she felt.

“I thought you wanted your stuff. You’ve been asking for your

clothes and your car since you got here.”

Tyler chuckled on her other side, catching on to the confusion

quickly. “Sara, baby, he’s planning to bring you back here as soon as you pack a bag. You’re staying with us. He’s not leaving you there for good.”


Samantha Blair

“That’s what you thought?” Gage asked. “Of course you’re

coming back. You’re stuck with us now. I’d never abandon you like

that. You will stay with us, won’t you?”

Sara threw herself into his arms. “Oh of course I will. I wasn’t

sure that you’d still want me, now that we’re on the other side of the mess.”

“Want you? We love you, Sara,” Tyler said softly.

“Oh, I love you, too. Both of you. So much.”

“Let us show you how much,” Gage said. “Come to bed with us.”

“Mmmm, I like the sound of that.”

Her men lead her up the stairs and into the guest room, shedding

clothes and sharing kisses along the way.

“I think I’m ready,” Sara whispered conspiratorially in Gage’s ear.

“Ready for what, baby?”

“I want to take you both. At the same time.”

Tyler moaned and wrapped his long fingers around his own

erection. “Fuck, Sara. I can’t wait for that.”

“Get on your knees, Tyler. Right there beside the bed,” Gage

commanded. “You’re going to watch me fill her ass.”

Tyler let out a tortured groan that was half arousal and half

complaint, but he did as he was told, dropping to the floor on his

knees so that he was eye level with where Sara was bent over on her


Gage took his time, slowing relaxing Sara with his hands and

mouth. She kept her eyes on Tyler, who returned her gaze with a

burning intensity. He stroked his cock slowly, the purple head leaking into his fist as Sara’s mouth went dry. God she, wanted to taste him, fuck him, anything! She went up in flames, unbelievably aroused by

his scrutiny and the feel of Gage’s solid body all over her. Who knew that just being watched would be such a turn-on?

Sara was begging to be fucked by the time Gage finally began to

spread lubricant around her virgin hole. She bucked hard on his finger as he pierced her. “Please, Gage. Give it to me.”



“Shhh, easy, sweetheart. I don’t want to hurt you. I want you to be

patient for me while I get you lubed up.” Pulling away for a moment,

Gage spread more lube on his cock. When he was ready, he pressed

the head of his cock against her tight ass. “Relax for me, honey. Let me in.”

Sara pushed herself back onto his steel erection one inch at a time.

She held her breath as the muscles gave way, and she felt the foreign burning sensation.

“Breathe, Sara,” Tyler reminded her from his position on the

floor. “You’ve got to stay loose. Keep breathing.”

The air rushed out of her lungs in one big burst, and Gage’s cock

slid another inch into her channel.

“Oh fuck,” Gage swore. “You’re so goddamn tight. You’re

squeezing me so hard.”

“Hot damn, you should see her face, Gage. Our little Sara likes

taking your big cock.” Sara looked at Tyler as she rocked back onto

Gage. The pain was lessening, and it was overridden by an intense

feeling of emptiness in her pussy. She bucked harder, taking Gage’s

cock all the way to the balls.

“I want you both,” she begged. “Please, Gage. Let him fuck me.”

“Come here, Ty. Get under her.”

Tyler scrambled up on the bed and positioned himself under

Sara’s rocking hips. They stilled for a moment, while Gage aligned

Sara’s pussy over Ty’s cock.

“Slide down on him, Sara,” Gage instructed. “Take him in your

hungry little cunt.”

Gage held her hips and helped her to balance until she’d taken all

of him deep into her pussy. “Oh that’s so good. Move. Please. I


“Shhh,” Tyler soothed. “Let Gage and me take care of you.” He

cut off any further utterances by claiming her mouth. His tongue

swept past her lips, tasting her as she cried out.


Samantha Blair

Gage slowly rocked his hips back and then pushed forward again

starting a pattern for them to follow. Controlling her hips, Gage

guided her easily up and down over Tyler’s cock. They worked in

time together, like one fluid unit. Sara closed her eyes and laid her head against Tyler’s shoulder, letting them use her body as they


“Yes, baby,” Gage cooed. Sara relaxed, surrendering to the

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