Protector (13 page)

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Authors: Tressa Messenger

BOOK: Protector
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-Marie pauses for a minute and is surprised to realize that she has actually been okay this week.

“Good actually, I’ve been busy at work this week.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

As much as his anticipation for this moment has grown more and more throughout the past two weeks
, for this moment Alessandro feels awkward talking to her here.  He felt the same way the past two Fridays when unbeknownst to her, he followed her here and watched her from the big live oak tree a few yards away.  He felt like he was intruding on her time with Dylan, since she only comes here once a week.  That is why he did not approach her until today.

“Umm…You know what
?  I don’t want to interrupt your visit.  We can talk when you’re done, okay?” Alessandro says in a slow and awkwardly.

“Sure, are you going to be around for a while?” 
She asks somewhat disappointed.

Alessandro looks around, “Yeah, I’ve been here for a little while now, but I can wait for you if you’d like.”

“Oh, okay.  That’ll be great.  Maybe we can go for tea again.”

Alessandro smiles his crooked smile, “I’d like that.”

He turns around and heads toward his favorite tree to sit under its grand willowy shade.  He has always had a fascination for willow trees.  This one in particular is huge and old, probably older than he has ever seen before.  He is sure it has witnessed quite a bit during its long life.  Strangely, it reminds him of his father.


Anna-Marie has a hard time directing her attention back to Dylan, so she sits back down on the ground and soaks in the silence of the beautiful day. 

After a few minutes of blissful silence
, she remembers Alessandro is waiting for her, so she gets up and kisses Dylan good-bye.

She walks a few yards over to where Alessandro is laying under a massive
willow tree. “Wow, this is one heck of a tree.  It’s funny, but I don’t think I ever paid it much attention before.”

Alessandro opens his eyes and smiles.  “How could you miss a tree this big?”

“I don’t know, but it sure is beautiful.”

“You ready?”

“Yep, all done.”


They go to the same coffee shop as before, only this time they each drive their own cars to avoid the same meltdown as before. 

The conversation flows easily between them about everything, from their childhood to their dreams.  Alessandro was nervous at the start of the conversation, but his mom tried hard to give him a normal life, aside from
living with vampires, being half vampire himself, the home schooling and training he had since he could walk.  Everything else was pretty much the same as hers.  He was a very happy child, with amazing parents who adored him, as well as each other. 

-Marie looks down at her cup and bites her bottom lip.  “Alessandro, I don’t mean to sound too forward, but I have been curious since the day we met.”

Alessandro swallows hard

Has she seen me watching her? 
“I don’t mind forward.  What’s on your mind?”  He finally says.

“Where did your name come from?  I mean it is a mix of cultures and it has completely stumped me.”

Alessandro can’t help but to laugh.  “Really?  That has really had you stumped?”

-Marie was nervous to ask her obviously ridiculous question and at first she was offended by his laughter at her, but now she finds herself unable to stop from laughing as well.  “Yes, really!  I’m a writer, remember? That makes me curious by nature.”

, my parents always tried to give me the best of both worlds.” 
Boy was that an understatement
.  He thinks to himself.  “Alessandro means protector in Italian, which is where my mother was from.  Pierre is obviously my father’s last name.  He is French, originating from New Orleans, Louisiana.”

, wow, that is really awesome.  I could see the Italian, but definitely not the French.”

“That’s because I am a spitting image of my mother.  How about you?  Where did your name come from?”

Anna-Marie thinks for a minute.  “You know what?  I really don’t know.  Oddly I don’t think I’ve ever thought about it before.  My mom’s name is Anna, so I obviously got that from her, but Marie, I don’t know anyone in our family named Marie.”

, who do you look like, your mom or your dad?”

She looks back down at her tea and chews on her bottom lip, than
takes a deep breath and lifts her chin high. “Neither, I was adopted when I was a baby.  I never knew my birth parents.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s fine.  I have known since I was a teenager and I had a wonderful life with wonderful parents.  Those other people are merely strangers to me.”

“Wow, I’m impressed.”

Anna-Marie looks at him, waiting for an explanation.

Alessandro sees the defensive look on her face, “No offense, I assure you.  I’ve seen people who were adopted and they usually feel a lot differently than you
; resentment.  When I say I’m impressed, I really mean it.”  Her expression softens, but Alessandro decides to be safe and change the subject anyway.

Trying to talk about the future was the hard part.  Alessandro never thought much
about the future before.  He is a Protector after all, which means although they live longer than a normal human, they do still die, especially with the kind of job they have.  Alessandro never worried about the future because he never knew from day to day if it would be his last.

It seems difficult for
Anna-Marie as well.  Not because of the knowledge that her days are numbered as a mortal, but more because she has no clue how to live anymore.  To Alessandro her reasons are much sadder and tragic. 


And so this becomes their little ritual for the next three weeks.  They meet on Fridays at the cemetery and when they are done with their individual visits with their loves, they go out for tea and talk. 

-Marie is so happy to have found a friend who cannot only relate to her with what she has been going through, but who is also not a constant reminder of her past life with Dylan.  He is like her fresh start and she embraces it fully.

Each week Alessandro notices a difference in her.  The life is slowly coming back into her emerald green eyes and her laughter is so beautiful.  He wishes he could have known her before Dylan’s death. 
He imagines she was spectacular.

At the end of every
Friday evening as the sun starts to set, they say their good-byes, each going in the opposite direction, her to her lonely apartment and him to his secret life at the manor.  Even though they meet every week, he still watches over her when they are apart.  From the early morning when she leaves for work until all is quiet in her apartment at night, he is across the street.

Alessandro hasn’t spoken to his father very much in the past three weeks.  He intentionally stays out until after sunset until he knows
Anna-Marie is okay, and when he does go home, he heads straight for his quarters.  He knows his father expects to be kept up to date on the situation, but there’s really nothing to report.  However, Marquis is patient and understanding; he knows Alessandro will report when he is ready to.   

Alessandro knows
Anna-Marie has been witness to some stuff, but she has yet to confide in him about it.  It upsets him to think she is hiding stuff from him when they are supposed to be friends, even though he has his own secrets, but he understands why.  She probably isn’t sure what she has seen and doesn’t think anyone would believe her.  Why would they?  It is an unthinkable notion to accept that there are real live monsters walking the earth.  So he’ll patiently wait until she feels comfortable enough to talk to him about it.  Besides that, he feels like if he does report to his father about what he has been doing, it will make his new friendship with her seem less than what it is. 

This has become more than just a job for him.  He truly respects
Anna-Marie and she has been through enough.  She doesn’t need someone prying into subjects that are apparently, and rightfully, very hard for her.

As Alessandro enters the manor, he doesn’t bother searching out Michael as he would normally
do.  He hasn’t spoken to him very much either in the past few weeks.  He knows he is around somewhere, but he is trying hard to avoid his best friend.  Michael would never understand what he has been going through lately and knowing him, he would most likely give him grief about it.  Hell, he doesn’t even understand it.

Tonight h
e has finally come home early enough tonight to catch his father before he goes out.  He can’t put it off any longer, so he figures he might as well get it over with.  At this time of the evening he knows his father is most likely downstairs, so that’s where he goes.

He doesn’t appear to be in his quarters or the dining room, so he heads to the chapel on the next level down.  Inside he sees his father with his head bent in prayer.  Alessandro stands by the door as he waits for his father to finish praying.  Alessandro isn’t a religious man, by no means, but he is respectful of his father
and his beliefs.

Once he sees his head come up, he walks down the aisle to his father.

“Hello, Alessandro.  How have you been?”

“I’ve been good
, and how is mom this evening?”

Alessandro smiles at his father and he smiles right back.

“Beautiful, as always.”

“Good, you’ll have to tell her hello for me next time.”

“Or you could tell her yourself.”

“Yeah, okay
,” he says sarcastically. “I wanted to speak to you about Anna-Marie,” Alessandro says as a way to change the subject.

Marquis stares at his son waiting
, for him to elaborate.

“I’m not so convinced anymore that she knows a whole lot.  I think she became curious after hearing and seeing a few things, but I think that has died down now.   We talk every week and she confides in me about things in her life.  The subject has never come up.”

“And I hear you watch over her apartment at night.”

“Umm…yes.  Should I even bother asking how you know that?”

“No, I’m sure you are well aware there is Brotherhood out there at night.  You have been seen across from her rooftop on many occasions.  It gave me enough insight to continue to sit by patiently as I waited to hear from you.”  Marquis pauses and looks at his son harder.        “Alessandro, what are you doing?”

“What do you mean?”

“You are getting close to this girl?”

“Isn’t that what I’m supposed to do?  Haven’t you been telling me for years now to explore more of my human side?”

“Yes, of course, that is what I want.  Just don’t let it blind you from the task at hand.”

“I won’t
, father,” Alessandro whispers.

“Alessandro, I’ve been around a lot longer th
an you give me credit for.  I know that look in your eyes, plus you’re watching over her so closely.”

Alessandro doesn’t say anything, he just stares at the goddess’ statue by the alt
ar.  He knows his father is right.  It’s undeniable.  It is everything he never wanted, but he can’t seem to stop it. 

Alessandro looks down at his hands in his lap, feeling very much like a small child.  “I know
, father.  I don’t know what to do.”

, trust me, there is nothing you can do.  You can try to fight with your whole being against what fate has in store for you, but it will be pointless.  It is a battle no man, or even vampire, can win, no matter how strong.”  He stares at his son.  He has rarely seen him look so vulnerable before.  “Son, don’t be ashamed of how you feel and stop trying to deny it.”

Marquis slaps his son on his back as he stands to leave.

Once again, Alessandro finds himself sitting in this chapel alone just starring at the beautiful statue.

“Dude, Alessandro, where the hell have you been?”  Michael yells from the doorway.

“Hey Michael, I was just talking to my father.  What’s up?”

, man, I haven’t seen you in awhile.  I was wondering if you wanted to hit up Styx with me later.  They have a kick ass band tonight.”

Alessandro thinks about the past few weeks with
Anna-Marie and what his father has said. 

Hating himself inside for becoming soft and weak over a female, Alessandro stands up and walks over to Michael and tells him, “You know what, yeah.  It’s been a few weeks since we’ve hung out.  I need to let loose.”

Michael smiles.  “Sweet!  I’ll meet you upstairs in a couple of hours.”

, man.”










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