Protecting His Wolfe (5 page)

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Authors: Melissa Keir

BOOK: Protecting His Wolfe
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Unable to contain herself, Betsie
arched her body up to meet his mouth and cried out as waves of pleasure flooded
her body. Reaching for his cock, she wrapped her hand around it and slowly
pumped it up and down watching his expressive face as his desire shook his
body. Running her tongue along the tip of his cock, she slowly took it into her
mouth, tasting the pre-cum.
, beginning a rhythm
with her mouth, she drew his cock further and further into her mouth.

Moaning, “Please stop baby, I won’t
last and I want to feel your tight warmth around my cock.” Jonah grabbed a
condom from his nightstand and rolled it onto his erection. Laying Betsie on
her back, he slowly entered her until he was fully gripped within her body.
Taking a deep breath, he began slow movements in and out, trying to control his
need. Soon, desire took over. He began to thrust into her pussy driving his passion
higher and higher.

Betsie was hardly breathing because
of the intense feelings that Jonah was eliciting from her body. His cock
completely filled her, driving her lust out of control. Unable to stop from
screaming his name, she came again just as his own climax occurred. Curling up
into his side with her head on his chest, she was lost in a haze of passion and

Jonah couldn’t believe how wonderful
to was to make love with her. She was perfect in every way. Pulling her closer,
he kissed her forehead. “That was amazing. How are you feeling? I hope I wasn’t
too rough. I couldn’t hold back. You felt so good.”

“I’m fine. You were wonderful. I
think I forgot to breathe there for a moment. But what does this mean for us? I
hope you know that I’m not expecting a relationship. This was just a moment of
comfort. I was very upset and one thing led to another.” Betsie felt the need
to clarify things so that he didn’t feel obligated to her, although her words
were lies. Having been raised to wait for the right guy, Jonah was the one for
her and all she wanted was a lifetime with him.
However, she wasn’t going to force the issue.
I love
him so much that I gave him this gift but I’m too afraid to admit my
I don’t want to force him to
love me.

“No that wasn’t it
at all.
I’ve had
feelings for you for a while but hadn’t acted on them. Since the moment that I
saw you wrapped in that gray wool blanket, my heart has been yours. I’m in love
with you, the way you smile and your eyes light up, especially when joking
around and your caring heart. I’d like to hope that you feel the same way. I’d
like nothing more than to have you in my life for a long time.

Betsie didn’t know what to say.
Jonah’s words echoed how she’d been feeling to but was afraid to say it. “Oh
Jonah, I’ve been in love with you since you rode to my rescue that first night
after the murder and took charge of me. I’d love nothing more than to be a part
of your life.” She said with tears in her eyes.

“First though we
need to catch the person who’s been threatening you.
As I said, I’ll check with my
captain and take the photos into the station tomorrow. Hopefully we can end
this thing soon. Let’s curl up under the covers and snuggle for a while. I’d
love nothing more than to sleep for a bit with you in my arms.”



Wednesday morning, Jonah and his
brothers held a secret meeting about what was going on. They didn’t want to upset
Betsie and wanted to keep her protected.

Luke’s face was livid about the
photographs and vowed that no one had been close to the house. “They must have
been taken with a high-powered camera. I don’t like that someone was nosing
around here though. I’m going to keep a closer eye on things, maybe even set up
some perimeter alarms so that if someone does get close, we will know about

“I’m already sitting outside her
office all day but I’ve not noticed anyone lurking. But since some of the
photos were of inside her office, my guess is that they had someone inside
taking them.” Marcus declared.

“That’s what we think too. In fact,
Betsie witnessed something going down between her boss and another man. We
think this may be the reason she is being targeted. The person thinks she knows
too much. On a different note, Betsie and I are in love.”

“Finally,” both brothers said at

“Congrats, we knew it all along,”
stated Marcus.

“She’s a great girl. We want you to
be happy. But we need to get this guy first,” replied Luke.

“We will. I’m heading into the
station to talk to the captain. I’ll see you later tonight. Take care of her
for me.


Jonah walked into the captain’s
office with the envelope full of the threatening photos.

“Captain Monari, do you remember that
murder case I’ve been working, Johnny Bott from Anderson Trucking? Well, I
think the situation is bigger than we thought. Miss Betsie Wolfe who was the
young woman who found the body has just received these threatening photographs
and was almost run over by a car matching the description of the car seen on
the night of the murder.”

“Detective Pigg, we in conjunction
with a federal task force have had Anderson Trucking under suspicion for a
while for drug running and money laundering, but murder? It sounds like you are
onto something. What else you got?”

“Miss Wolfe also overheard a
conversation one night between Mr. Anderson and another man talking about
drugs. It wasn’t a friendly conversation and threats were exchanged. This
conversation happened just days before Mr. Bott’s murder. I believe they’re all
connected. I’ve asked Miss Wolfe to come in and file a statement, but I don’t
think we have enough evidence to bring Mr. Anderson in on any charges yet.”
Jonah expressed.

“Let the guys in the lab take a look
at the photographs and envelope to see if they can find any evidence that will
link Anderson Trucking to it. I understand that you have Miss Wolfe staying at
your house for her protection. Let’s see if someone makes another play at her.
Maybe we’ll get lucky can catch them in the act. Keep me updated.”

With that, Jonah was dismissed. He
hoped that it wouldn’t come to someone trying to harm Betsie again. He didn’t
think he could handle it if anything happened to her, especially since they’d
just begun to plan for their future.


Returning to work after the photos
was challenging. Even knowing that Marcus was right outside wasn’t enough of a
reassurance to make her feel safe. She was second-guessing who might have been
watching her, who might have been threatening her, and who might want her dead.
Was it someone from the secretarial pool or was it Mr. Anderson? She’d never
seen anyone watching her, but now she thought everyone was.

Keeping her focus on the work in
front of her, Betsie jumped when her phone rang.

“Hello, Miss Wolfe speaking. How can
I help you?” she said in a professional tone.

“Hi there, darling.
I just wanted to check on you. How
are you feeling this morning? I didn’t get a chance to see you before leaving
for work.”

Jonah’s voice was a lifeline on a
chilling day. “I’m fine, just as nervous as a cat in a rocking chair factory.
But I’ll be fine. Thanks for checking on me. I missed you this morning. I was
hoping for some steamy sex before work.”

“We’ll do the steamy sex after
dinner. Would it be possible for you to leave during lunch and come to my
office to give your statement about what you heard? I can have Marcus drive

“That should be fine. Everyone will
think that my new boyfriend is taking me out to lunch. Miss Hildebrand told me
yesterday that she thought Marcus was my boyfriend.”

A sharp pain upset Jonah’s stomach at
the idea of someone else being her boyfriend.
Is this what jealousy feels like? I’d trust Marcus with my life. He
wouldn’t go after my girl but what will happen if we ever broke up? We’ve only
talked about a relationship and love, not marriage. What are my feelings about
marriage? Do I plan on her being my wife?
Jonah thought warily. “Alright,
I’ll see you around noon. Take care.”




Giving a statement was painless.
Captain Monari sat in with Jonah and another detective while Betsie told them
the details of what she overheard. The detectives also had her fill out
statements on the attempt on her life and threatening photos. All that was left
was signing the three statements and leaving the policemen to catch the bad

“Thank you Miss
Wolfe for coming in and filling out the statements.
We’ll do everything in our power to
keep you safe and capture the criminals involved,” the Captain said.

Jonah walked Marcus and Betsie back
to the car. “I can’t leave now but I’ll see you later and remember what we
planned after dinner,” he whispered as he kissed her cheek.

Grabbing a salad from the local
drive-thru, Marcus dropped her back off at the office door. Carrying the salad
back to her desk, she decided to eat it at her desk, when Miss Hildebrand
stopped by.

“Eating at your desk? I thought you
and your boyfriend were going to have lunch out somewhere. Don’t tell me you
two got into a fight.” She said with a sarcastic tone.

“We decided to stop by a little
jewelry store instead and missed lunch,” Betsie responded to her taunts.
Wow. The lies just keep coming. My poor dad
is going to make me say a million “Hail Mary’s” to make up for all the lies
I’ve told.

“Well, you’d better plan on staying
after a tonight to make up for the time you spent on your lunch and for now
eating your lunch during your work time.”

Putting a plastic smile on her face,
Betsie acknowledged her comment with a nod.
this lady ever get laid? She is so uptight. I bet that she practices holding
her nose up high enough to look down on everyone around her. I wonder since her
nose is so high in the air, if she ever is in danger of drowning during a
Sitting at her desk, Betsie tried to think of as many nose jokes
until her temper calmed down.
Miss Hildebrand as the brunt of the
eased her

The afternoon went by quickly.
Paperwork could be monotonous but for Betsie, she really enjoyed it. At least
with paperwork, she knew what to expect. Each file was similar in formatting
and allowed her to feel a sense of accomplishment when she completed one or
filled a customer’s shipping order.

Knowing that she was going to be
forced to work late because of her lunch, Betsie decided to call Jonah and let
him know.
that he gets worried. I remember what happened the last time. I almost became a
road pancake.

Getting his answering machine, she
left a message. “Hi Jonah, it’s me. Because of my long lunch, Miss Hildebrand
is expecting me to work later tonight, and I wanted to give you a head’s up so
you don’t worry. I know Marcus will make sure to bring me home. Could you let
him know that I’ll be a little late? I’m looking forward to seeing you. Bye.”
With her phone call done, she went right back to work entering the next set of
data on the customer invoice.


Miss Hildebrand, the last employee to
leave, stopped by Betsie’s desk at six o’clock to remind her about staying
late. “Remember, your lunch went long, so you probably should stay for another
half hour or so to make up the time. I’m going to turn off the lights in the
front office and lock the door. You do still have the set of keys for the
office, right? Just make sure you lock up again when you leave.”

Working on the remaining pile of
invoices, Betsie didn’t even notice how much time had passed until she heard a
footstep in the front area where Miss Hildebrand’s desk was. Frightened, she
called out. “Hello. Is anyone there?” However, silence was her only response.
Deciding to try calling Jonah again, Betsie picked up the phone; however, the
dial tone was missing. The line was silent.

Terrified of what was going on,
Betsie grabbed her purse to dig out her cell phone when she heard another noise
from the darkened front office. Looking up, she spotted Miss Hildebrand
standing in the doorway. Feeling foolish now for worrying about the phone and
noises Betsie set her purse on her desk and stood up to meet Miss Hildebrand.

“Betsie, please come here. I need
some help.”

Smiling as she walked toward Miss
Hildebrand, she didn’t expect it when her hands were grabbed from behind and
tied behind her back. “What’s going on? Who has me?” Turning she noticed that
Mr. Anderson stood behind her. He pulled a pistol out of his waistband and
pointed it at Betsie. Too afraid to make a sound, she remained quiet and
watched as Miss Hildebrand pulled a handkerchief out of her sleeve and stuffed
it into Betsie’s mouth.

“Thank you for your help Abigail.
Miss Wolfe and I have to be leaving now. I hope you’ll excuse us.” Mr. Anderson
was saying politely, “You’ve done a good job making things look like a robbery.
I appreciate all your help.” Then to Betsie’s horror, he pointed the gun at
Miss Hildebrand and shot her in the chest.

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