Read Protecting His Witch (Entangled Covet) (Keeper Of The Veil series Book 1) Online

Authors: Zoe Forward

Tags: #Paranormal romance, #paranormal, #witch, #Covet, #billionaire, #romance, #Pleiades, #Entangled, #Druids, #curses, #Veterinarian, #PNR

Protecting His Witch (Entangled Covet) (Keeper Of The Veil series Book 1) (14 page)

BOOK: Protecting His Witch (Entangled Covet) (Keeper Of The Veil series Book 1)
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“Wildcat,” he choked out, threading his fingers through her wet hair. She whimpered when he pulled her hair a little too tight. “Sorry,” he whispered, loosening. “I can’t stand it.”

She smiled and repeated his words from earlier, “You can take it.” Her tongue rolled around his shaft, teasing.

He growled and pulled her away. She glanced up, questioningly. He hauled her to her feet. “I can’t go slow right now. Later, you can have your way. And don’t doubt I’ll enjoy it. You’re just too good.” He lifted her by her waist and balanced her against the shower wall. In one quick thrust he speared into her. She cried out and wrapped her legs around his hips. Both of them held as tight as they could with the slippery water. He led a fast tempo, ending for her in a release that was part desperation, part ecstasy. As his climax arrived with a bellow, she swore she felt a part of him sink deep into her soul.

And knew she hadn’t managed to do the same to him, which shattered her heart.

Afterward, as he washed her with liquid soap and a washcloth, she asked, “So, what are you? I need to hear it from you. I need to know.”

“Druid. Sentry Druid or at least I was. I walked away a few years ago.”

She nodded. “Thought so. And you had training?”

He paused in his sensual cleaning of her back and neck. “When I was young, my biological father, Quinn, appeared. He was a druid healer and Bryce’s second in command.”

“You didn’t live with him?”

“I was left with my mother, who was married to Grant Ryan.” His lips compressed tightly.

“The father who wasn’t nice to you and owned the company?”

“Yes, him.”

She played with the damp hair near his ear. “Why didn’t your real father take you?”

“Don’t know. Probably part of a deal with my mother. My brother went with Quinn.”

“Your brother…you’re twins. I was shocked when I saw Eli and realized there are two of you.”

He captured her mouth. Her brain forgot everything other than the swirling vortex of sensation created by his mouth and the downward exploration of his hands, which were slow moving toward her ass. He ended the kiss abruptly and growled, “There’s only one of me.”

She opened her eyes and bit her lip against a smile. “Yes. Only one of you. But you’ve got a brother that looks just like you.”

“But he’s not me.”

“You think I want to jump into bed with Eli just because he looks similar to you?”

“Just for admitting you thought about it, I’ll kill him the next time I see his ass lazing it up on my sofa.”

She punched him playfully in the arm. “No you won’t, even if he wasn’t very helpful when you were unconscious. Is Eli still a druid? Why are you no longer a druid and how exactly do you walk away?”

He sighed. “Eli is an active druid. I walked away from Bryce, them…the whole business about nine years ago. After the OLM murdered Quinn.”

“That was about the time when I found you in that place.” She paused and lowered her voice. “What they did to you… I can’t even imagine what they did to your father.”

“You don’t want to know. It was bad. The three of us were imprisoned there: Quinn, Bryce, and I. The things they did to Quinn made what they did to me seem trivial. Bryce forced me leave him there.” His voice faltered and he let go of her before he said, “Forced me to let him die.” His muscles tightened.

She turned and slid her arms around him. “I’m sorry you lost him.”

He didn’t hug her back. After a few seconds, she glanced up. His gaze was fixed straight ahead. Although the shower’s streaming water masked his face, she was fairly certain tears leaked from his eyes. This wasn’t a man that liked showing weakness. And probably despised what she saw now.

“You’ve got that amazing healing ability. Why didn’t Bryce let you do your thing on Quinn?”

“Bryce said my talent wasn’t developed enough. That I might’ve died. But I’d have preferred… Can we discuss something else?”

“All right. Let’s talk about undergrad.”

His head fell forward. “I’m sorry about that.”

“I thought we had a pretty good night—”

“Pretty good? It was better than
pretty good
,” he interrupted.

“Yeah, it was mind-blowing. But you pushed me out of your dorm room while your girlfriend ranted hysterics at you. I was naked!”

“You had a sheet.”

She scowled.

He snapped his lips closed over his grin. “Sorry.”

“You had a girlfriend. What kind of guy hooks up when he has a girlfriend?”

“I’d never done that…hooked up with someone I barely knew. I’d never cheated on a girl. Or pushed a girl out like that. It was a whole bunch of firsts for me. I was messed up and hung over. I’m sorry. As to the why I did it—why we ended up in bed—hell, wildcat, once we met leaving you alone wasn’t an option. And it scared the hell out of me.”

So true for her, too. The second he’d said hello, she could think of nothing other than seeing him naked, not that she’d ever done naked prior to that. “Did it even mean anything to you? Or was it just the alcohol?”

She strained to hear his reply.

“I searched for you for a long time. I thought it was because you cursed me and I needed you to reverse it. But after a while, it was more complicated. I wanted you. I didn’t care as much about the curse, although I did blame you for…when it wasn’t good with other women. I eventually even married someone who looked like you. The marriage didn’t work out because she wasn’t you. So, yeah, that night meant a lot.”

Her heart warmed. “Did you tell your wife about being druid?”

He shook his head.

“Did you plan to?”


“How did you hide that part of yourself? You use the ability all the time. I was suspicious after knowing you for twelve hours. Guaranteed if I lived with you for a few days, I’d have figured it out. I barely understand what I am, but magic is a huge and weird part of my life. I want whomever I’m with to know about it. If you had a child, he’d probably have some of your talents.”

He pulled her against him. “You’re right.”

“Are you ashamed of your abilities?”

“No. They just remind me of…my father.”

She whispered against his chest, “I’m sorry. I wish I could’ve met him. Well, I think I did meet him, but I wish I could meet him now.” She traced the contours of his chest. “What’s going on with you and…my father? Bryce.”

“No offense, but Bryce is a real bastard most of the time.”

“Are you just here with me as a part of whatever deal you made with him, even though it sounds like getting it on in the shower might be taking things a bit further than the bargain you struck?”

Matt calmly replaced the soap and washcloth but didn’t reply.

“Please tell me what you want from me. Or what my father wants. I don’t completely understand this thing between us, but I still want you so desperately right now that I’d probably give it to you, or speak to my father to get whatever you needed. You don’t have to play games with me.”
I need to know if what we’ve got is about us or my father.

Matt’s spine snapped straight. His gaze darkened. He curled his fingers around her forearm and pulled her out of the shower, hooking two towels on his way to the bedroom. He wrapped one towel around her and pulled the other around his waist. He pushed her to sit on his bed, her hair dripping rivulets that trekked between her breasts. He leaned in close. “Do I seem like someone who would whore to get what he wants? Do I seem that unscrupulous to you?”

“Matt, I didn’t mean—”

“The hell you didn’t. I made no
with Bryce. I wouldn’t fuck anyone for anything other than mutual pleasure. There isn’t a thing your father could do for me other than back the hell off threatening my sister. Even then, I wasn’t planning to do what he ordered, which was to bring you to him, unless that’s what you wanted. I don’t know what I would’ve done about his threat against my sister, but I’d have handled it.”

Oh God, she’d hurt him. She sucked at this relationship thing, not that she’d had a lot of practice. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” She tried to reach for his face, but he ducked away from her hand.

For a moment he gazed at her chest. Color darkened his cheeks. She glanced down. Her breasts were compressed and pushed upward by the tightly wrapped towel. If it slipped a few millimeters, her nipples would pop out. He pushed away from the bed with a curse, pawed through a bureau drawer, and grabbed a pair of pants. Within seconds he was clothed. He turned as if to say something, but slammed his lips closed and stalked out of the bedroom.

Chapter Twenty

Kat squirmed in the too-tight rayon blend dress that the butler-caretaker, Sam, presented her within minutes of Matt’s hasty departure. She stopped her hand’s path to tug the top upward. Wouldn’t help. She’d already tried at least ten times. The dress was intended for someone a little less busty.

She stared across the grandiose dining room table beyond Bryce, Eli, and Jason. She wondered how long they’d be stuck here, waiting. The wind ruffled the evergreens outside, swirling snow from their branches.
Don’t look toward the door
. But her peripheral vision worked too well. Matt sipped a Perrier while gazing out the opposite window. His body radiated the fury of an incensed feral tiger. As she’d entered, his eyes had swirled with dark emotion when they bumped into hers and then darted away.

She shifted to alleviate the pressure in her lower spine. The rigid angle of the designer chair might be beautiful, but it did nothing for long-term comfort.

Bryce and Eli worked on their smart phones nonstop. Jason intermittently blew out agitated sighs and ran his hand over his swollen face. He grumbled to Bryce about having better things to do. One glare from Bryce and all complaints ceased.

“Sit down,” Bryce snarled at Matt.

Matt flashed him a glower and ignored him.

She’d screwed up, but in the long run maybe this was best. She and Matt wouldn’t work, no matter what druids or other Pleiades thought. Sure the sex was amazing, but where could they go from here? He didn’t want long-term. She wasn’t into sharing when it came to him. And she could barely contemplate him dumping her. Once she fulfilled her obligations in this dimension, she’d return home where she’d stay. Far away from Matt. If Charlotte could bounce into her world, then she could notify when an appearance was required.

Panic squeezed her chest at the thought of never seeing him again, of him turning to another woman. In that moment she knew she’d made a drastic mistake. A horrible, irreversible mistake. She loved him.

She braved a glance his way. His arctic gaze narrowed. He turned his back to her.

Tears burned her eyes. Dragging in a hard breath, she struggled to remain seated. She wanted to rush out of this room and find a dark corner for some Niagara Falls action.

The tinkling of crystal announced Charlotte’s arrival. A strikingly handsome man followed Charlotte into the dining room.

“How’re you doing, Brian?” Bryce called out.

Brian waved, slouched against the doorframe and winked at Charlotte. She gazed up adoringly at him, then turned to face the rest of the room, very serious. She oozed power and confidence. After one directed glance at everyone in the room, she fanned the neckline of her gauzy dress and declared in a thick Southern drawl, “It’s hotter in here than a goat’s ass in a pepper patch.”

Kat’s lips twitched. Bryce rolled his eyes heavenward. Eli and Jason smiled.

Charlotte’s eyes connected with Brian, who Kat assumed was Charlotte’s husband. The man’s hard face softened. Kat opened her mind to catch his thoughts.
God, she’s spectacular.

Her heart squeezed. She wanted that.

Bryce said, “Charlotte, I needed her here—”

Charlotte held up a hand, silencing him. “Don’t you ever command summon one of us again. And I mean never ever.
. That could’ve resulted in a horrid incident. Imagine the mess if she’d been in a public situation. She’d become her dimension’s newest miracle.”

“I knew the risks. That’s why I didn’t try it until now. I could’ve done it at any time in the past two decades. But we need her here.”

Charlotte pursed her lips and gave a small headshake and eye roll that translated into:
“She jumped with Matthew Ryan, didn’t she?”

Bryce folded his hands in front of his massive chest. And nodded.

“Christ Almighty, Bryce, sometimes I think God passed you over when it came to giving out good sense.”

Bryce’s voice dropped. “Maybe I should’ve been patient. Maybe I should’ve asked you.”

Charlotte’s expression softened as she moved toward Kat. “Welcome. I know it’s been a bumpy beginning with us losing you in your alternate for so long. Then with Bryce doing this crazy thing. But my goodness, you’re the spitting image of Lynn.”
I need you here with your head in the game.

Another person with an agenda.
Was there anyone that didn’t want something from her? She nodded at Charlotte in greeting, but remained silent.

Charlotte caught Kat’s left wrist and smiled. She met Bryce’s gaze and announced, “He marked her. Fabulous.”

Bryce’s face splotched red as he stalked to Matt and grabbed his wrist. “You did what?” He raised Matt’s wrist into view and demanded of Kat, “Do you have this on your wrist?”

She nodded and exposed the mark.

Matt met Bryce’s gaze head on and gritted out, “It was a mistake.”

Bryce pushed away from Matt and thundered, “A mistake? That’s beyond a juvenile fuckup. You have no right.”

A mistake?
That hurt. Matt didn’t want her. She dabbed a finger at the moisture collecting the corners of her eyes.

Charlotte commanded, “Everyone leave us. Now.” Several seconds later she said, “You too, Matt. Get out. Don’t you be throwin’ eyes at me.” The second he left, she said, “Oh, honey. Tell me what’s got you worked up. I can tell you’re a mess,” Charlotte said.

She wasn’t about to reveal what really had her upset. “I don’t know much of anything about all this. My mother must’ve marooned me in the other world…” She trailed off, not sure where to go.

“And you survived. That’s the most important part. I am sorry you didn’t get to know her better. Lynn was a beautiful soul. And, gracious, did that woman adore you. But it’s not loss of her that has you so upset right now, is it?”

I screwed up with Matt
. “I’m just overwhelmed.”

“Sure.” She drawled out the word with more than a minor hint of skepticism. “If it’s got anything to do with one Mr. Matthew Ryan, then, honey, let me tell you that man has got issues, no doubt. But the boy has got it bad for you. You should’ve seen the moony eyes he threw your way when I arrived. I’ve been around the block and seen a lot of Pleiades find their man. The thing not to forget is that he walked away from us a few years ago. I don’t think he wants to come back. He also grew up knowing each of us usually has one Sentry that’s our destined. That scares the bejesus out of all those boys. I think they each pray to never be


“Fear. They’re terrified of being united with a powerful woman who is hunted in this dimension by the OLM. They fear being stuck with that one woman for the rest of his life, and have the responsibility of producing a female child to carry on her line. And protecting that child. That’s a lot for any man to come to grips with. He might be pissed at the semantics of this situation right now, but he’ll come around. They all do. So…what do you modern kids say? Chill out? Getting them in the bedroom helps them come around to accept destiny. I think we already established that you and he already…” She quirked a meaningful eyebrow.

Kat blushed. The conversation had all the awkwardness of a sex conversation with her ultraconservative aunt. “Yeah.”

“Then he ain’t gonna be tomcatting around. Trust me. Let’s get through this weekend.”

“You make it sound as if this is all so easy.”

“Easy? Nothing about you and him will be easy. You’ve got your father to contend with, who harbors some major ill will toward Matt. That man can be butt stubborn. Matt despises Bryce and has the same ass-stubborn streak. The two of them are alike, now that I think about it. Yep, that guarantees some family fireworks at get-togethers.” She broke into a wide grin. “But we’ve got skills, honey. You proved you got the mental thing your mother did by connecting all of us. Only you can do that. That mental skill works doubly strong here, in this dimension. So, use it on the boys when they get out of line. Might not work well on Matt if he’s your destined as I suspect. But it’ll work enough. Just remember, when all else fails, get him in bed.” She winked.

Kat didn’t think her face could get any hotter. Desperate to change the topic she asked, “What’s your power? Aren’t all of us different?”
And what do you want with me?

“There are seven of us. Seven Pleiades. I told the story at that Wiccan meeting. I’m an elemental, which means I can command elements. Wind, fire, water. And I can go to all the dimensions.”

“That’d be pretty cool. How many dimensions are there?” asked Kat.

“Cool, but the travel thing is confusing. There are seven dimensions. Each is similar, but not the same as I’m sure you discovered.”

“If we’re witches, can we do witchy things like wiggle our noses and get a wish?”

Charlotte laughed. “Wouldn’t that be nice? But, no. We are each born with one unique talent. Christians labeled us witches, but our ancestors were simply the children of gods. Demigods, I guess you’d call them. Now our line is a bit diluted and all we retain of godly status is the abilities.”

“Seems a bit far-fetched.”

“It is what it is.” Charlotte settled into the seat next to hers. “Let’s talk about this weekend. We’ve got to fly tonight since we need to be in Ireland tomorrow. Most of the others are already on the way.”


“Hate to get serious on you, honey, but this is the one thing that you must do as the representative of your line. Samhain is tomorrow. If you remember the story, every twenty years we have to convene to assure the veil between this world and the World of the Ancestors remains intact. The veil between our world and the world of the gods thins on Samhain, and the original seven must be reassured that their legacy continues. If not, then those original deities might cross, and in fury destroy our boys for failing to protect us, and then allow chaos to reign in the world. Armageddon-type stuff from that point.”

Kat couldn’t come up with a logical reply. This was all too much. She just couldn’t be

Charlotte clucked while glancing down. “Gracious, girl. Who gave you that dress?”

“I kind of popped over here without any luggage. Matt had this in his closet.” The last part came out in a very sour tone. She didn’t want to consider who wore it last and why it was still in his closet.

“We will have to fix this clothes situation. You can’t run around in a sundress. It’s freezing outside. You look pretty close to my daughter in size.” She plucked a cell phone from a mysterious pocket in her gauzy dress and hit a few buttons before putting it to her ear. “How’s my baby doing?” There was a long pause. “Oh, honey. I’m looking forward to seeing you. I need a little favor for Katherine. Yeah, Bryce’s daughter is back. She’s over here without any clothes… No, she’s not naked, but she might as well be in the getup they found for her. You think you can meet us at the airport with some items? I think she’s your size, if not a few inches shorter… You’re a gem, sweetie. See you in a few hours.” She kissed into the phone and hung up. With a brilliant smile she announced, “Problem solved. Now, tell me what you’ve been doing for twenty years.”

Matt gave up pacing to recline on the love seat across from Bryce in the sunroom. Jason and Eli had departed under orders to prepare for Ireland. This whole situation had him wound tight. Kat on the brink of tears for that half-hour of waiting had done macramé on his intestines. Christ. Her little sighs had ripped open a part of his heart he’d thought had been walled off eons ago. Now, he couldn’t stand not knowing what that matronly witch was telling her.

He still fumed that Kat accused him of having the morals of a weasel. He’d fought for over a decade to escape the compulsion to do another person’s bidding just to get ahead. To be his own man, ruling his own kingdom. When he’d been undergoing Sentry training he’d probably have done anything Bryce and Quinn asked, but he had a moral line beyond which he’d never cross. He’d watched Grant Ryan cross that line several times to get a deal closed. And Kat dared suggest him that despicable?

The last place he wanted to be was here, stuck with Bryce, who’d been texting on his iPhone since the second he sat.

“When will you be leaving?” Matt asked, desperate to distract his brain.

Bryce held up his forefinger and went back to texting.

His pissed off soared into dangerous waters.

A few seconds later Bryce said, “Well, I sure as fuck won’t be leaving without her. And she sure as hell won’t be leaving without you.” His phone chimed. He glanced at the message. “Damn it. We can’t find one of the other Pleiads. Serenity’s gone off the grid. That girl knows her ass has to be on its way to Ireland. This is a goddamned —”

“Clusterfuck?” Matt interrupted.

“You bet your ass it is. Here I thought I’d finally got all seven of those slippery women doing what they’re supposed to and then…damn it. You have no idea how fucking frustrating they can be.” Bryce slid his phone in his pocket and glared at Matt. “So, this thing with you and my daughter…”

“Maybe it’s some wild chemistry, but it’s not meant to be.”

Bryce’s eyebrows shot upward. “Are you buying into that wishful-thinking bullcrap?”

Matt shrugged. God he hated Bryce’s tone, which reduced him to a cornered teenager with his father about to give him a grow-up-and-get-real chat.

Bryce slumped down on the sofa and ran a hand through his hair. After a long sigh he said, “She’s all that I’ve got left of Lynn. Her whole life was stolen from me. Birthdays, learning to drive, graduating from school, first dates…the whole thing. Now she’s confused about this business and lost, although I’ve no doubt Char is in there setting her straight and God knows what else. I shudder to imagine what she’s telling her about us. I’m not ready to take that mental step from my-ten year-old to a thirty-year-old that’s shacking up with

“But you’d be okay with her and Jason getting it on?”

Bryce scowled. “I’m not okay with her and

“You could control Jason, though. I could see how that might look good from your perspective. But the wuss couldn’t defend himself against a Chihuahua. Acquisitions would roast his ass if he was against a fence, even if he does have some sort of telekinesis ability.”

BOOK: Protecting His Witch (Entangled Covet) (Keeper Of The Veil series Book 1)
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