Protected by the HERO (72 page)

Read Protected by the HERO Online

Authors: Kelly Cusson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Military, #Multicultural, #New Adult & College, #Single Authors, #Multicultural & Interracial

BOOK: Protected by the HERO
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She sits her laptop on her desk and turns it on. Moments later she is looking through the pictures that she took of the Astara camp. The first few are of the market square. They show different vendors and their wares. Next comes a photograph of a small Astara girl with orange hair holding up a doll of some kind that her mom had just bought for her. Jamie smiles at the memory. The little girl had been fascinated with her camera and wanted to know what it did. When Jamie showed her how it worked and that you could look at the pictures it took, the little girl had begged for her to take her picture. The little girl was so overjoyed with having her picture taken that Jamie had used her portable printer to print out the picture. When she gave it to the little girl she had been beside herself with joy.

Jamie scrolls down on the computer screen. The next picture makes her stop and stare for a full five minutes. It is a picture of Bol standing outside of his home. As she looks over his smiling face and his golden eyes a tear runs down her cheek. Reaching out a hand, she gently strokes his face on the computer screen.

“I shouldn’t have left you.” She whispers. “Why did I leave you?”

In her head she hears his voice telling her to not forget him, but even louder she hears a voice telling her to go back to him. The louder voice is her own, and for the first time in a long time she decides to take its advice. In a few moments she is dressed and ready to go. She gathers up what things are hers and scrawls a hasty note on a piece of paper. Laying the note, her findings, and the equipment that was Larry’s on the table, she takes a final look around the room.

The lobby of the hotel is quiet as she slips out the door and heads up the street. The camp is a couple miles outside of town, but in her mind she can already see the walls.

“I’m coming Bol,” she tells the night as she hitches her bag to a more comfortable position in her hand.


Larry tries to call Jamie a few times the next morning, but he can’t wake her. He decides that she is probably sleeping in with the phone off the hook, so he goes up to her room and knocks on the door. The door swings open with his first knock. He steps inside and looks around the room, but Jamie is nowhere to be found.

“Jamie? Are you here?” He asks, but then he spots the equipment and stack of papers on the desk. Walking over to the desk he looks at the papers and notices the note on top. A smile breaks across his face as he reads it.

Dear Larry,

You’ve been a great boss and for that I want to thank you so much. I left your equipment on the table. The papers you will find under this note are all of my detailed findings. If you would give them to Professor Charles L. Langston of Boston, Mass. Tell him who they are from and he’ll understand. I hate to leave this way, but during my stay in the Astara camp I met a man. I believe I told you about him. Bol is his name. I fell in love with him Larry. I tried to deny it, but I know in my heart that there is no other for me and I can’t begin to think about living the rest of my life without him. I’m going to live with him, so please don’t try and stop me. Who knows, maybe if Charles writes a few good papers we might see each other again someday.

Jamie Gettner


“I’ll be damned.” Larry puts the note down and rifles through the papers. The words and notations mean little to him, but he is sure that the professor Jamie mentioned in her note will know what how to decipher them. Walking to the window that looks out toward the camp, he smiles. “I hope you’re happy Jamie. I really do.”


The guard doesn’t protest when Jamie tells him that she is back for more research. The hundred and eighty dollars, all the money that she has in her wallet, doesn’t hurt in his decision. As the gate closes behind her she breathes a sigh of relief. She looks around the square for anyone, but this late at night everyone is either at home or at one of the few drinking establishments.

As she starts across the square in the direction a Bol’s home a deep voice speaks to her from the shadows. She stops in her tracks and a smile spreads across her face. She would know the sound of that voice anywhere.

“Is it really you?”

“It’s really me.”

Bol steps out of the darkness and wraps her in a hug with his powerful arms. Tears stream from her eyes as she hugs him back as tightly as she can.

“I’m not leaving again.” She whispers into his shoulder. “I shouldn’t have ever left.”

“That doesn’t matter now,” he says. “All that matters is that you are here in my arms. Where you belong.”




Bonus Story 20 of 20

Loved by the SEAL


“Ma’am, the schoolhouse called and said Gunner has been waiting for over an hour.”

“Over an hour!” I yell at my secretary, as I stuff my laptop into my bag.  “Michael was supposed to pick him up today!  That good for nothing jerk!”  I swing my bag over my shoulder and run out of the office as fast as I can.

I hate the fact that my son has to wait. Worse, I hate that he’s constantly being let down by his dad. They were supposed to go to a baseball game and then get ice cream.  I should’ve known that he would never show up.  It’s not the first time and I know it wouldn’t be the last.

It’s half past three as I pull up to the private school. Gunner’s sitting on the stairs, patiently waiting. I park on the street and help him into the car.  I can see the look of despair on his face as he realizes, yet again, that his dad has forgotten about him.

“How’s school today honey?” I ask, hoping to lighten up the mood.

“He forgot, didn’t he Mom?”

“Well, honey, your Dad called and said he’s stuck at work.” I can’t believe I’m lying for this guy! “He says he’ll…”

“You don’t have to cover for him Mom.” I can hear the shakiness in his voice as he tries to hold back tears. “I know he forgot.” 

Gunner is only ten, but he’s so mature for his age. I couldn’t ask for a smarter or braver child.

“Well honey, I can’t take you to the baseball game, but why don’t we catch a movie and I’ll take you out for ice cream afterwards?” I hope this will change his mood.

“I just want to go home Mom. I have homework.” I quietly nod, and head for home.

Michael has been like this since we’ve been married—extremely flaky and inconsiderate, just plain rude and a temper not to be messed with. I don’t know what I ever saw in him. Not only was he a terrible husband, but he’s also a lousy father.

I can’t believe that we’ve been divorced for five years and Michael is still making my life a living hell. I have to pretend to be cordial with him for my son’s sake.  There’s no getting rid of him. Michael’s exact words when we signed the divorce papers were, “If I can’t have you, no one can.”

At first I thought it was a joke, but he wasn’t bluffing. Every guy I’d ever dated never came back after the first few dates. They’d always make excuses. But Michael w0uld rub it in my face that it was him who drove them away.  

Life was supposed to be better.

I know Gunner needs a father figure in his life. He needs a good role model and a hero. Try as I may, I can’t fulfil that role. My job as the CEO of an up-and-coming financial institution keeps me extremely busy.

Just then, my phone rings and snaps me out of my pity session. 

“Hello, Ms. Concordia speaking,” I answer.

“Ma’am, its Nancy.  I’m sorry to disturb you, but Mr. Henderson called and asked if you could bump his meeting up to 9 a.m. tomorrow morning. He says the board…” I let Nancy trail on while I go back to daydreaming.

Truth be told, I’m so tired of my job. I’m overworked and underpaid. I need to go on a vacation. I haven’t been on one since Michael and I got married. That was over ten years ago! Now we’re divorced.

“Nancy,” I interrupt. “Clear my schedule for the next two weeks.  Move all the important meetings out and cancel the meaningless ones.”

“Ma’am?” says a puzzled Nancy.

“You heard me right Nancy.  I’m going on a vacation.  My son and I both need some time away.”

From the back of the car I sense Gunner perk up. I can feel his aura change.

“Uh, yes Ma’am. About tomorrow’s meeting…”

“Move that meeting two weeks out until I return. The COO should be able to handle everything else while I’m away.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“And Nancy, no phone calls or emails while I’m on vacation. Understood?”

“Yes, Ma’am.” And with that I hang up. Wow, I’ve never done anything so spontaneous before. Aside from Gunner, my job is everything. Now I’m finally putting it on the back burner while I enjoy some time away.

“Mom, are we really going to go on a vacation?” Gunner asks.

“Of course honey! Why not?”

“Well, for one, I have school.” School…I forgot about Gunner’s school.

“I’ll figure that out honey. Don’t worry.”

I pull up to the driveway and into the garage. My dream house. My home. Finally, a home. I worked so hard for everything I got, despite all the obstacles in my way. This is definitely something to be proud of.

Inside, I pull out my laptop and plop it on the dining room table while Gunner runs up to his room.

“Honey, do your homework before anything else,” I yell out behind Gunner as I began my email.

To: [email protected]

CC: [email protected]

SUBJECT: Gunner Concordia

Ms. Tyler,

Please excuse Gunner from class for the next two weeks.

I pause. Well, I can’t say that Gunner will be going on a vacation. It wouldn’t be acceptable. What else should I say?

Due to my heavy workload, I’ve decided to take a vacation and Gunner is coming with me.

I decided against lying. I’m a horrible liar anyways.

I understand that its last minute, but I believe this will help Gunner. He will be refreshed upon his return, thus improving his schoolwork.

It’s not like Gunner needs a break from school to refresh. He’s a smart kid and is way ahead of his class.

If there is a cause for concern, please feel free to contact me.


Ms. Lexi Concordia

I press ‘send’ and immediately start searching for vacation destinations. I have no clue as where to go. I don’t want to go to a place that is too touristy.

I start with the Bahamas. I’ve always wanted to go there. Growing up in a poor family meant vacations and travels were up to how far my imagination would take me. Plus, the Bahamas was our originally going to be our honeymoon destination until Michael opted for a motel 50 miles away instead. Romantic isn’t it?

I bring up a map of the Bahamas on the search engine and pick the first island I lay my eyes on, a big island about 50 miles or so from Cuba.

I haven’t heard much about the Inagua Islands so it shouldn’t be too touristy. I’m aiming for some place nice and low-key.

“Mom?” I jumped.

“Geesh, Gunner. Don’t surprise me like that.”

“Sorry Mom,” Gunner says while rubbing his belly indicating that it’s time for dinner.

After dinner, I settle down into my bed and started searching for flights and hotels to Great Inagua Island. I book the flights but am not able to get accommodations for a hotel room. Oh well, I’ll figure something out when we get there. Happy with what just transpired, I log off my computer and lie in bed.

Loneliness creeps over me. It’s pretty lonely in this huge bed all by myself. But, I shrug it away. I’ve been own for years now, and I’ve managed to survive.


“Attention all passengers, flight 4242 will be boarding in 30 minutes,” the flight attendant calls over the speakerphone.

“That’s my flight Miss, can I cut in front of you!” the man behind me exclaims.

“Sure.” I usher him in front. So many people have no sense of time. That is why I’m always early for a flight. I don’t like doing things last minute and I don’t like doing things without planning ahead. 

So this last minute vacation is out of the ordinary for me. But it also feels very exhilarating at the same time. That will never happen again. I could very well be like this guy if I kept that up.

“I’m so excited Mom!” Gunner sounds like a kid now. Good thing too, I was starting to think he’s been an adult all of his ten years. He seems to be more cheerful today. He’s finally gotten his mind off his deadbeat dad.

Gunner and I finally make it through the gates a good one hour ahead of schedule. He reads his book while I flip open a magazine.  Just then, my phone rings.

“You’re taking our son out of the States?  Without MY permission?!” It’s Michael and he’s as irate as ever. No surprise, this seems to be the only mood he knows.

“Michael,” I calmly reply, “I don’t need your permission because I have full custody of Gunner. Let’s not forget that the only reason you’re in his life is because I’m allowing it.” Wow where did that come from? I’ve never been brave enough to stand up to Michael except for when I wanted a divorce. Even then, I almost succumbed to his rants.

“LEXI! ARE YOU THREATENING TO TAKE MY OWN SON AWAY FROM ME??! LEXI LET ME TELL YOU…” He screams through the phone so loud I know everyone within a one mile radius can hear.

Gunner stares at me wide eyed. I smile at him and hang up on Michael.  I quickly turn off my phone. There’s no point in trying to reason with a lunatic.

“It’s ok honey. We’re going on this trip no matter what,” I assure him, knowing full well the wrath I’ll get from Michael when I return to the States.

The flight to the Bahamas isn’t bad. I’ve traveled many times before due to my job. But, Gunner isn’t too thrilled during the ride.

“Mom, I’m feeling queasy,” Gunner tells me or, “Mom, I don’t feel good.” Poor boy, it’s his first time on an airplane.

The landing is hard for him, and I can tell he’s trying to put on a brave face. Once the plane lands, he’s more than eager to step foot on solid ground.

“I’ve always wanted to fly on a plane, Mom. But after that, I might have to re-think my traveling career,” Gunner jokes.

“Honey, you’ll get used to it,” I laugh.

We gather up all our luggage and head for the rental car lot. Gunner wants to explore and sightsee, but first we need to find a hotel.

“We have to find a hotel first honey. After we drop off our bags, we’ll go do whatever you want,” I assure him.

This was what I’ve been missing. I spend so much time working that I failed to notice that Gunner is growing too quickly for his age. Right now, he’s more of a child than ever. I can see the excitement in his face. He’s so anxious he can barely contain himself.

Unlike the other islands, Greater Inagua is not much of a tourist destination. I like this. No elbowing through people. Everyone here is so friendly, all the locals go out of their way to great us.

The island itself is beautiful. There’s just something about this island that’s making me a little frisky. It’s been awhile since I’ve been in a man’s embrace and right now, this environment is making me long for a man’s touch.

We’re lucky enough to find accommodations at our first stop. The flight exhausted me, so I’m eager to take the first available room they had.

“Mom! Mom! Mom! Let’s go see the water! Or the flamingos! Or the salt mine!”
Gunner can hardly contain himself now. He soaks in everything the locals tell us about this island and all the sights we should see. He’s jumping up and down on the bed like any excited 10-year-old should.

“Ok, ok honey. Calm down,” I reply as I turned my phone back on only to discover tons of angry texts from Michael. I roll my eyes, don’t even bother to read the texts, and shut off my phone again.

We start off just walking around the vicinity. Gunner is so talkative with the locals that I find myself having to kill the conversations. We come upon a local who introduces himself as Adon. He offers to take us snorkeling since he is on his way out there anyways.

That gets Gunner’s attention. He turns to me with droopy puppy eyes. I couldn’t resist. It isn’t every day that I get to see Gunner acting like he should; a 10-year-old boy.

It isn’t like me to just follow some local around for a tour and to go snorkeling, but I want to give Gunner a memorable time.  Plus, the crime rate is pretty non-existent on this island anyways so I feel pretty safe. 

Gunner and I go back to our room to gather our swimwear while the local chats with the clerk at the front desk. 

Once out there, the water is just beautiful. It’s a beautiful blue with a greenish hue. You can clearly see the fish swimming about the reef.

“You two can explore here, but don’t go far,” the guide says. It must be because I haven’t been with a man for a long time, but his accent sends thrills throughout my body. He gets bombarded with Gunner’s questions, allowing me some time to jump into the water and explore by myself.

I jump in, forgetting all my worries—forgetting about the job at home and the ex-husband, who after five years still hasn’t left me alone. I spot a beautiful fish down at the bottom and decide to dive deeper. Just then, I bump into something or someone.

It’s a man in full scuba gear who blended in so well with his surroundings that I didn’t see him. He grabs my hands and pulls me towards him.

I’m afraid. I look upwards to find the boat, but I must’ve gotten lost while I was daydreaming. I can’t see the boat. I can’t see Gunner. I try to get free. The man’s finger comes up to his mouth, to indicate for me to remain silent and still. Then he drags me upwards breaking the water’s surface.

What’s he going to do to me? 


Once we break the surface, I see the boat, but know that Adon won’t be able to see me. Freedom seems to be in reach, but I doubt I’ll be able to outswim this stranger.

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