Protected by Shadows (20 page)

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Authors: Aliyah Burke

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Protected by Shadows
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“Not bad, if I do say so myself.”

When he stepped out of the bathroom, clad in only a towel, Lexy was home. Her gaze moved over him possessively, but she merely sighed and put her hands in her pockets.

“I’m ready to go when you are.”

“Just let me throw some clothes on.”

Her pupils dilated a bit on that statement. Their passion was too great for it to be ignored as she was apparently trying to do. He went to his room and dressed quickly before throwing some extras in a bag. Hefting the handles, he scanned the room, making sure he’d not forgotten something. Content, he left to find her outside by her car, leaning against the driver’s door with the top down.

“You’re driving?” he asked.

“All my materials are already loaded. Let’s go.”

He tossed his bag in the back seat and it landed next to hers, which said Navy on it.


“Gift from Jaydee.” Lexy got behind the wheel as he climbed in and buckled up.

“Have you talked to her lately?”

“No. I didn’t want them involved in this. It’s enough I have to worry about Hector and Eugene. If I had to worry about her or the triplets, I’d drive myself batty. Plus Halyn, Liev and Gina. Not to mention Gio or Enzo.” A deep shuddering breath. “And your parents. No, it’s best I cut ties from her for a while.”

She started the engine and backed out of her drive. He watched her in silence. “You know you can use my phone to call her. There’s no way that one will be traced.”

Her fingers clenched around the wheel before she shifted to first and drove on. “I may do that. Sometimes it’s just good to talk to her.”

“How did the two of you become friends? Don’t take this wrong, but you’re not exactly alike.”

“We met when her father brought her here. Some kids at school were trying to pick on her. It didn’t work and since she wasn’t responding they were beginning to get physical. So I stepped in.” A small grin lifted the corner of her mouth. “I began bringing her home to meet my family. She would have holidays with us since her father didn’t celebrate them. It grew from there. When she went off to Annapolis I figured we’d be growing apart. I was wrong.”

“You can say that. I’ve never seen two women closer. It’s like you know what one another are thinking.”

This time she laughed. “I’ve been told that before. We both have.”

“So being so different and living so far apart, how do you manage to stay so close?” He was intrigued by the dynamic of their friendship—had been since he’d first met them both.

Lexy never took her eyes from the road. “We accept each other for who we are. I understand her lack of social skills and know when she’s had enough, so I can get her out of there or step in to intervene. I’m safe for her to allow herself to try new things because she knows I’m fiercely protective of her and won’t let anything happen. From her point—erm, I can’t answer that for her. I reckon it’s ’cause we are so different, we just fit.” They left the small town, one of many that dotted the road they were on, and sped up again. “You are closer to Ethan and Beauregard than your own brothers. And
different from either of them. Especially Beauregard.”

He tensed at her casual mention of them. Ethan wasn’t as much of a concern as Beau was—that man oozed sexuality and never met a woman he didn’t flirt with. The staggering amount of jealousy that smacked him also was a surprise to Valentino.


“That they’re laid-back Southern men and you are Italian and way uptight.”

He ground his jaw. “I meant, what’s your point about that I’m closer to them than Gio or Enzo.”

“That. Why such good friends with them?”

He readjusted his legs and drummed his fingers on the outside of the car door. “We’ve shared experiences, heartaches and loss. I’m not sure they would consider me a friend, though.”

He did recall recently Beau called him one in Zurich.

“If they’re not your friends, you need to relearn the definition. All of them, Red included, think very highly of you.”

Anabelle Lee hated that nickname. “We’re partners.”

She laughed and looked at him briefly. “Admitting you have friends, Val, won’t kill you. May make you a bit more human.”

Her assessment of him hit much too close to home and he struck out in the way he knew, with bitterness and sarcasm. Being cold and emotionless.

“Is that your problem with me, Lexy? I’m not kind enough for you? I don’t heap platitudes on people and I prefer to stay in the background instead of being the center of attention like you do?”

Her hands flexed on the steering wheel. “Nope.” The single word had as much warmth in it as his statement had possessed. “I don’t give a damn about it in the slightest.” Her drawl grew thicker and he knew she was pissed off. “My mistake for believing you wanted my opinion when you asked a question, but hey, that’s my bad. I forget what I bring to this debacle of a business arrangement.”

With that, she turned up the music and he fought the wince as KISS blared through the speakers.
Great, pissed her off again.
He didn’t want to acknowledge her words had more than just basic merit. Hell, he’d shrugged off Beau’s friend comment with another snide remark.

Lexy had hit it square. Ever since Alyssa had ruined his life, he’d closed himself off. The few friends he’d had were gone. Family—he kept at an arm’s length. Beau, Ethan and Anabelle Lee put up with his antics. They were always there for him, whether or not he wanted to admit it. Or if he deserved it or not, which he doubted he did.

The rest of the trip to Blacksburg, Lexy didn’t say a word. It was as if she had tape over her mouth and blinders on her eyes. She didn’t look at him or even acknowledge him. Despite the heat of the summer night, he felt the chill from her as if he stood in a walk-in freezer in his skivvies. And she did it all without a single word or glance.

Darkness had fallen when she parked before the hotel she’d chosen. She put up the top and jumped out, snagging her bag along the way. He followed her and the beep of her car alarm activating came shortly after he shut his door. They went to the front counter.

“Good evening and welcome.”

“I have a reservation.”


“Dr Lexy Camden.”

He nearly interrupted and said her name was Cassano. But he managed to hold his tongue.

The man typed on the computer before him. “Yes, ma’am. Your room is ready. Room five-two-eight. How many?”

“Two. My husband decided to join me.”

The concierge barely glanced up. “Very good. A key for each of y’all.” He slid them across the counter. “The Continental breakfast begins at six. Elevator bay is to the left.” He put a sheet of paper before her. “Enjoy your stay.”

She signed the receipt. “Thank you.” Hefting her bag, she walked away. Valentino smiled at the man then went after the woman who wanted nothing to do with him. As had happened in the car, this ride was silent.

Lexy opened the door to their room and the first thing he noticed was the king-sized bed. He slanted his gaze to her—she wasn’t paying him any mind. In fact, she was hanging up an outfit he presumed was for tomorrow. Then she vanished into the bathroom and the shower kicked on. His phone rang as she was in there.

“Cassano.” He stared at the door separating him from the soapy, naked body of his wife. He wanted to be in there with her, not out here on the phone.

“Have you heard from Ethan?”

Masters. Valentino sobered and focused totally on the call. “Not a word. Any news on where he may be?”

“Not a fucking thing. It’s like he’s vanished into thin air.”

Valentino tossed his bag onto the chair next to Lexy’s and went to the window overlooking Blacksburg. He slid the curtain to the side and peered out. People walked the street below and he moved his gaze by them, taking it all in.

“He’s not contacted Anabelle Lee, or Beau even?”

“Just got off the phone with them, they’ve heard nothing. Tell him to call me ASAP if you do hear from him.”

“Yes, sir.”

“What are you doing in Blacksburg?” Masters asked, tone curious.

“This habit you have of spying on me is truly unnerving, Masters. I accompanied Lexy up here. She’s giving a speech to the veterinary class on something tomorrow.”

“Married a smart woman, Cassano. She’s good for you. Makes you more human. I’m approving of that.”

“I live for your approval, sir,” Valentino said dryly.

Masters laughed. “As you should.” He was gone in the next instant.

Valentino put his phone down on the bed after he stepped away from the window. Lexy walked from the bathroom and he nearly lost the breath he’d just taken. Innocence. Sexy. His. Three words that rotated through his mind like a pinwheel.

Tonight is going to be hell.

Tonight is going to be hell.

Lexy barely paused to look at the man—her husband—who stood near the only bed in the room. When she’d booked the hotel before all this had happened, she had been fine getting the king-sized bed. Now that she knew Valentino would be in it with her, it looked more like a twin to her.

She walked to her bag and dug for her hair wrap. Still seething from his remarks in the car, she did not intend to talk to him. She was an expert at giving someone the silent treatment and she could do it to him just as easy as she could anyone.

Or that was the lie she was telling herself. He went to the bathroom and she hastened to the bed, slipping beneath the blanket and sheet. Lord, she was exhausted. Today she’d had her own work then helped at the equine barn. Hector was up here today giving his speech. Or rather he had been—he was on his way home now. Tracy would take over for her tomorrow and handle things.

She yawned and rolled onto her side, facing the window. The light near Valentino’s side of the bed she left on, but she had to get some rest. She would have been here two hours ago if she hadn’t had to go home and wait for him. Ignoring her hunger, she closed her eyes just as she heard the bathroom door open again.

The bed dipped as he lay down beside her. The light clicked off and the room plunged into darkness.

“Night, Lexy.”


She burrowed into the comfortable mattress and cursed herself as she realized how much she’d rather be lying against him, using him as the pillow.

* * * *

When she woke later on, that was what she was doing. Her body lay flush against his. She had one arm around him and her leg was wedged between his as her head rested against his strong chest. The familiar and soothing beat of his heart sounded beneath her ear.

His arms were locked around her, holding her tight. Close. As if she meant the world to him. Right now, she’d take it. She nearly moved away but as if he knew what she was thinking, he tightened his grip.

“Don’t,” he murmured. “Stay.”

She relaxed a bit more and his fingers moved along her back, gentle and soothing. This was what she’d missed, just being with him. Even when they’d meet for a quick fuck—well, with Valentino it wasn’t ever
—at night they would sleep this way. Him holding her as he was doing now. Making her feel like so much more than a booty call.

She burrowed closer to him and inhaled deeply, his scent sinking into her and bringing with it the comfort only this man could bring to her. Her exhaustion overtook her again and she gave in, determined to accept what she could from him at the moment.

* * * *

The next time she woke, need was driving her. His hand was beneath her tank top and curled around her breast. The tip was drawn taut and rubbed against his callused palm. His thick erection pressed into her belly and she whimpered, canting her hips, trying to bring it closer.

“Lexy,” he muttered, nuzzling her neck, nipping the skin and sucking slightly on it.

In the back of her mind, she knew she should stop him. She was supposed to be so strong when it came to him, not allowing herself to be swept back up into the craziness that came with being involved with this man. Regardless of what she knew, her body didn’t care and only wanted the intense pleasure only this man had ever been able to deliver.

“Please,” she moaned, rubbing against him.

His rumble echoed through her and he rolled her over to lie beneath him. She had her legs wide to accept his weight and bring his shaft closer. His hair tickled her face as he lowered his head to suckle her breast. Through the shirt, he drew it into the heat of his mouth.

“Shit!” Her back bowed, placing more of her flesh into his mouth.

He shoved up the material of her shirt and latched onto her breast. He nipped the tip and she shuddered. He tugged and pulled on her other nipple in time with his mouth.

He didn’t talk, just swapped his attention from breast to breast until she was writhing beneath him. Her nails dug into his shoulders as he pushed her closer to the precipice she longed to be launched over. Needed it. Craved it more than she would ever admit.

Valentino slipped down her body, laving and licking. He paused at her waistband for barely a second before his hands drew her underwear down and he continued on his way. She kicked one leg free and he positioned her knees on his shoulders and covered her pussy with his mouth.

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