Read Protected by Shadows Online

Authors: Aliyah Burke

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Protected by Shadows (12 page)

BOOK: Protected by Shadows
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“You sound skeptical.”

“You sound nosy.”

“Your brother Hector is traveling today, is he not?”

Cold fear slithered through her belly. “Don’t hurt him.”

“You really need to learn to control that tongue of yours.”

The retort threatening to slip free had to be wrestled back under control. Minding what she said wasn’t anything at all like her. And it appeared this man knew it. Or woman—she couldn’t tell because of the alterations to the voice.

“No comeback?”

That’s it, just keep baiting the bear. When I find you, you bastard, I’m going to kick your ass so hard even your momma won’t be able to recognize you.

“What do you want? My husband will be back in the room soon.”

“That’s right, he was with you this morning. It doesn’t appear he likes your choice of music.”

She met Val’s gaze and shrugged as his eyes narrowed dangerously.

“Never forget we’re watching you, Alexsa.”

“Okay, it’s official, I’d much rather have you call me Alexsa than that freak.”

He took her phone from her and she didn’t fight, just went to the seat he’d been in before and sank with a groan. After rubbing her eyes, she looked up to see Valentino on the phone, talking low and pacing back and forth before her brother’s bed. When the tall Italian stared at her, her breath caught in her throat.

The charcoal-gray suit fit him like it had been custom made for him and him alone. Probably had. The vest only added to his hotness and she wanted nothing more than to explore the hard planes of his body before removing that damn suit, one article at a time. She spent her time focused on him and was glad when her pulse and breathing calmed. He had that effect on her—sure he could turn her on in the space of a heartbeat, but if she needed to be calmer, she could just watch Valentino. He always came across as so sure, so confident that he could handle anything, she didn’t have to worry. And she’d never tell him how much it helped her to know his arrogant attitude went a long way in making it easier for her to pull herself back under control. One more thing she was grateful to him for.

He was off the phone by the time the nurse entered the room. Lexy made quick introductions then they left after she’d kissed her brother. In the elevator, when she began to say something, Valentino shook his head sharply and she snapped her mouth shut. At her car, he showed her a written note on a piece of paper. She arched her eyebrow at him but all he did was shake the note twice.

After they left the hospital’s parking lot, she made her way to a Panera. He made sure to leave her phone in the car as they got out. They placed an order and waited for it, before he carried it to the table and she sat across from him.

“What is going on?”

“Your car is bugged.”

A feeling of violation swept her and she put down her bagel with a shaking hand. “What?”

“Quite possibly your phone as well. I’ll have Ethan check it when we get back.”

“What the hell do they want with me?” Her voice had gone up an octave as she asked her question.

“Right now it seems like they are playing games with you.”

“Games. This is all a game to them?” Fury unfurled in her belly as the man across from her nodded.

“Looks that way.”

They will rue the day they ever thought to cross a Camden.

Chapter Seven

Valentino swore over and over to himself as he pounded along the asphalt. The afternoon was cool as clouds had overtaken the sun, bringing with them the promise of rain.
Still humid though
. He shook his head, unsure how people could and did, willingly, live in these conditions.

None of this was making sense. The Watchers hadn’t been known for playing around before. Trevor Mansfield was a serious sort.

Ethan had found the bug on Lexy’s car when he’d changed the oil in it, and had found one in her phone. Thankfully it hadn’t allowed them to see his stuff or hear his conversations when he’d done the force pairing. At least that was good news.

Lexy was at work right now and Anabelle Lee had gone in with her. He ran over the discussion Lexy had had with the voice on the other end of the line. Odd. That was all he could come up with. It was just odd.

Glancing down at his watch, he figured out how much farther he would run. It was an activity that normally allowed him to think things through and come to decisions. Right now, all it did was get him more and more irritated at how this was playing out.

Playing out. That was it—there had to be another player involved in this. Someone personally connected to Lexy. They really needed to talk. Shoving it to the back of his mind, he continued on his run, needing the workout to bring him back to center. Lexy had a way of knocking him off kilter and he had to be on his best game or there was a possibility that this would end very poorly for her.

Even as he progressed along, his brain wouldn’t give him a rest. He constantly played her words from last night in his mind. She was setting out to push him away, get him to leave and divorce her.

“Not going to happen, Lexy.” He slowed to a walk and began his cool down. “You can be as bitchy as you want, but we’re married now.” Something, which, despite his attitude that he showed to Lexy and everyone else, he was extremely pleased about. “And married we shall be.”

Unfortunately, the other issue raising its ugly head from his past was what had happened with his first wife. He scowled and shook his head, as if that action would rid himself of her memory.

She lied to you. Perhaps Lexy is as well.

“No way.” He knew Lexy. She wouldn’t do that.

Thought you knew Alyssa as well. How’d that turn out for you?

Damn his thoughts and memories. He stomped up the front steps then entered the house. Reaching for the chain around his neck, he frowned when his fingers didn’t come in contact with the ring he’d worn there for years. His personal reminder.

But Lexy had refused to let him continue to wear it. So he’d given in and put it away. Ignoring his desire to go check and make sure it was where he’d put it, Valentino made his way to the bathroom and stripped.

After adjusting the water to his preferred temperature, he stepped under the pulsing spray. He braced his hands along the tiles and dropped his head as the water worked out the stiffness in his neck.

All he could see was Lexy. Her naked body in the steam with him. Her tight pussy gripping his cock. Her pants and screams heightening his own pleasure as he took her hard and fast against the wall of the shower.

He groaned and gave into his urge. Gripping his cock with one hand, Valentino began to stroke himself. Up and down from base to tip, he worked his hard length. It didn’t take much imagination to picture Lexy’s hand on him, her grasp strong as she jacked him. His nose filled with her scent and he recalled what it was like to have her hourglass curves pressed against him.

He pinched the head of his cock, not willing to come so soon. His balls were drawing up, telling him there wasn’t much time left before he came. Faster and faster he moved his hand, holding out to the very end until it could no longer be stopped.

His erection jerked beneath his touch as he shot his load all over the wall of the shower. His orgasm was so intense, his knees buckled slightly and he had to scramble to brace himself.

“Lexy.” Her name was dragged out of him as he continued to shake.

He was still hard as he made short work of the rest of his shower, but at least the edge had been taken off. Stepping from the shower, he reached for a towel only to freeze at the sight of Lexy standing there in the doorway.

The turquoise silk robe she wore shot fire through him, and his shaft, which had been slowly softening, became rock hard in seconds. “What are you doing in here?” His question came out in a croak.

“That was some impressive display you put on in there.”

Lord, she’d been watching him jack off? That was even more of a turn-on for him.


Her fingers teased the end of her sash, slowly drawing on the material. His gaze was glued to her French manicure standing out against the vibrant blue.
Pull it, baby. Expose that smooth brown skin to me. Let me see your naked body.

“I can’t seem to stay away.”

“I don’t want you to,” he admitted, ignoring the towel and reaching out for her.

Thankfully, she didn’t argue, just stepped to meet him. With a low growl, he yanked her to him and slammed his lips over hers. God, the feel of her against him again was nothing he could ever explain.

His hands made contact with her bare skin as he slid them inside the silk of her robe. Settling them along her waist, he ground against her. Lexy countered, placing her hands around his neck and curving up into him.

Their tongues dueled as he removed the robe from her body. He cupped her breasts and she moaned into his mouth. Tugging on her nipples, he backed her up to the wall. She lifted herself and wrapped her legs about his hips. He tore his lips off hers and suckled one taut tip in his mouth.

“Fuck!” she cried, arching her back, shoving more of her breast into his mouth.

She wriggled against him and soon they both moaned in pure pleasure as he sank deep inside her.

“Lexy,” he began.

“Shut up, Val. Don’t ruin this by talking.”

He bit back his frustrated retort and focused on taking the woman in his arms. It wasn’t anything romantic and gentle. This was hard. Fast. All about each of them finding release—how it had been between them previously.

She ground against him, flexing her internal muscles around his thrusting cock. Lord, no one had ever held him so tight. Not just her pussy either, Lexy held him as if she couldn’t bear to let him go. In and out he thrust, nipping and laving her breasts as he alternated between the two of them.

Her grip in his hair neared painful, but he didn’t care. Nor did he stop. Her panting increased as did the pitch of her voice.

“Mine,” he rumbled around one pebbled nipple. A statement he punctuated with three forceful strokes.

She cried and came in a rush around him. It didn’t take him long to follow and shoot his release deep inside her with a guttural cry of his own. Palming her ass, he stepped back from the wall and carried her to the bed he’d been staying in before laying her down, remaining buried in her core throughout. Then he began all over again, his hunger only piqued for her, not assuaged in the slightest.

* * * *

Valentino woke to the sound of something hitting the floor. Bolting upright, he scanned the darkness as his hand slipped beneath his pillow to grip his Walther PPK. More banging and thudding had him sliding from bed. He shoved into his slacks and made his way out of the room, moving with caution but speed.

Lexy hadn’t been in the bed so he knew it could be her, but that wasn’t a chance he was willing to take. After spinning around the final corner, he stood there, weapon at the ready, and paused.

“What the hell are you doing?” he demanded, staring at Lexy who stood amongst what appeared to be most—if not all of—her cookware lying upon the kitchen floor. The one piece that wasn’t at her feet was suddenly sailing through the air toward his head.

He ducked and it chunked into the doorframe beside him then clattered to the tile.

“Lexy, it’s me!”

“I know.” Her tone cold and hard.

Wait, what?
She knew? “You knew? Then what the fuck are you doing throwing something at my head?”

She stared unapologetically at him. “Had I wanted to hit you I would have. It was merely a warning. Why? Because when you come thundering into
kitchen with a pistol and aim it at me, do you think I won’t react? Or is it because I didn’t scream like a little girl and wait to be saved? Put that away.”

“Are you insane? I heard noises.”

She threw up her hands in obvious disgust. “This is my house, jackass, I’m allowed to make noise if I so desire. If it bothers you so damn much, go elsewhere.”

He lowered his pistol and bent to pick up the heavy cast iron skillet she’d launched at his head. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw the dent in the doorframe.
Christ, had that hit me I’d be knocked unconscious. Or worse.

“Let me try this again. What are you doing?”

“Cleaning,” she snapped. “What’s it look like, genius?”

She was more agitated than usual and he really had no clue on how to respond. Before, he would have continued to antagonize her. Right now, he really wanted her back in bed. Preferably with him.

He backed up then checked the rest of the house, mostly to appease himself and partly to give himself a moment to calm down. What logical woman faced an armed man with an iron skillet? Alexsa Camden, that was who. And she wasn’t logical. What she was was fearless and headstrong. Not necessarily a good combination.

He paused in the doorway to her kitchen. She knelt before the cabinet and scrubbed, her head partway in the open space. His gaze lingered on the addictive sway of her ass in her pink and black plaid boxers. She was his wife.
. The question was, why did that word send a bunch of funny feelings through him?

BOOK: Protected by Shadows
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