Protected by a SEAL (Alpha SEALs, Book 6) (4 page)

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Authors: Makenna Jameison

Tags: #forbidden romance, #military romance, #alpha male romance, #Navy SEAL romance, #navy seal romantic suspense, #Military Romantic Suspense, #opposites attract romance, #navy seal erotic romance, #navy seal series

BOOK: Protected by a SEAL (Alpha SEALs, Book 6)
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Too bad it didn’t mean anything in the long
run. Any of the guys on their SEAL team would stand up for someone
who needed help. Help a woman in trouble. It was practically
engrained in their DNA to serve and protect. One moment in the back
of a bar didn’t mean she suddenly had a man on her side.

Not that she needed a man’s help.

Or Brent.

Ella was on her own, just like always. She’d
have to deal with her work situation with Frank by herself and
somehow figure out a way to make ends meet and finish her final
year of college. A guy like Brent who had a hotshot military career
and who’d been with countless other women would never have time to
worry about someone like her.

Chapter 3

Brent eased off his Harley, stashing the
helmet and sauntering down the street to the pool hall. A car
honked, and a group of co-eds waved at him as they whizzed by. He
smirked and shook his head, continuing on his way. He might’ve
known one of them—hell, it was possible he knew them all. And also
just as likely they’d spotted a man in the military and just wanted
to grab his attention. Normally he relished that sort of thing.
Lived for female attention. Hell if he wasn’t off his game tonight.
He’d blown out of Anchors like the place was on fire and sped off
into the night without so much as a goodbye to his buddies. Nothing
felt better than the wind whipping by him as he raced through the
darkness with the moonlit sky above him and his Harley between his

Well, bedding a woman was more exhilarating,
he thought with a smirk. And exactly why he usually took a new lady
home every night.

Tonight he just didn’t have the patience for
that game though.

Adrenaline coursed through his veins,
setting his every nerve ending on fire. After the brutal workout
today he should want to crash, but it had just the opposite effect.
He wanted more. Needed something to quell the burst of energy and
anger roaring through him.

As he’d raced down the highway on his Harley
he’d even gotten pulled over by one of the Virginia Beach cops, but
it was a dude he had met when Christopher’s girlfriend Lexi had
been kidnapped months ago. They’d worked together to track her
down, so the officer had let Brent off with a warning. This

Fuck this shit.

What he really needed was to ride off in the
middle of nowhere, where no one could bother him. He needed to be
somewhere that the memories weren’t always chasing him down. Where
he could take a moment and just fucking breathe for a change.

His phone buzzed as he crossed the street,
and he pulled it from the pocket of his leather jacket. He wasn’t
surprised to see his brother Brock’s name flash across the

Thinking of coming down this weekend. You

Brent clenched his fists.

What was worse—spending the anniversary of
his sister’s death alone? Or spending it with his brother? He’d
prefer to ignore the damn day all together. Forget that shit ever
happened, maybe even drink himself into oblivion. But ignoring it
sure the hell didn’t change the past. And his SEAL training
prevented him from over-indulging and really forgetting. Not that
he’d actually partake in that type of escape—not when his own
father had been a raging alcoholic.

A couple of drinks were okay to take the
edge off, but a whole damn bottle? Not in a million years. He and
his brother could go on the prowl though. Find a couple of pretty
women to take back to his place and spend the night with. Hell,
maybe they’d even trade. Lots of women would love to sleep with
both a cop and a Navy SEAL. And the next night they’d go out and do
it all over again.

He quickly thumbed a response to his

Yep. Unless duty calls.

Brock would understand. As a SEAL, Brent
could be called up to deploy anywhere, anytime. It wouldn’t be the
first time duty to his country came before friends and family. And
if they did buzz out on an op, it sure the hell wouldn’t be the
last. Just another damn reason he was better off on his own.

Brock’s response came a moment later.

Roger that. Just had drinks with a pretty
blonde. Chick’s got a thing for cops.

Brent smirked and thumbed a response.

And she’s interested in your sorry ass?
There’s gotta be better looking guys in the NYPD.

His phone buzzed with his brother’s

Spectacular tits and smokin’ ass. Gotta go
hit a home run.

Brent chuffed out a laugh and slid his phone
back into the pocket of his leather jacket. No sense in texting his
brother anymore when the guy was about to score. Man code and all

He pushed open the door to the pool hall,
nodding at some guys from base that he recognized. The low-lit room
held the scent of stale cigarette smoke and booze, and rock music
played over the sound system. The unmistakable sound of the crack
of the cue ball making the break shot filled the air, and suddenly
Brent was itching to grab a cue and sink a few balls. Forget about
the rest of the world for a few hours. Maybe even place a friendly
little wager with some of his teammates. He could smoke them at
pool with one hand tied behind his back, but that didn’t mean they
didn’t like trying to beat him.

Hell, they used to all hang out here some
nights, playing for hours. Their lives had done a complete 180, but
it was better this way. They could have their notions of
happily-ever-after, and he could have reality. The cold, hard

Brent was alone. Always had been. Always
would be.

He strode toward the cashier, taking in Evan
and Alison standing there. “Flip,” he muttered, addressing his
teammate by his nickname. His gaze slid to Allison, who was holding
her stomach and looking pale. Worry instantly coursed through
Brent. She may have been Evan’s girlfriend, but he didn’t like
seeing any woman in pain.

“Ali’s not feeling well, so we’re gonna
split,” Evan said. “Can you tell the others we had to go?”

“Everything all right?” he asked in a low
voice. He eyed the slight swell of Alison’s stomach. She’d been
sick a few weeks ago, too, when Brent, Evan, and Matthew had been
down in Florida. He’d always thought morning sickness was reserved
just for mornings, but as some of his SEAL team could attest, that
was a load of bullshit. Then again, fatherhood certainly wasn’t in
the cards for him, so what the hell did it matter. Evan would take
care of Alison, but it sure wasn’t something Brent would have to
contend with. Ever.

“Just morning sickness again,” Evan

“More like morning, noon, and night
sickness,” Alison grumbled. “I may be a nurse, but damn. This
pregnancy is already kicking my ass.”

“Sorry baby,” Evan said. “Let’s get out of

Brent eyed his friend but didn’t say a word.
Normally he’d give Evan shit for knocking up his girlfriend, but
since she was sick? He’d have to bust his balls some other time.
And hell. At the rate they were going, next year he’d be lucky if
he saw any of the guys off base ever again. Now that they were
coupled up and popping out kids, he’d be shooting pool and hitting
up Anchors alone. They barely saw their SEAL team leader Ice, who
had a young son. No doubt the rest of the guys would follow in his

The rest of their group came walking in a
moment later, Ella trailing behind the two other couples. Matthew
and Mike each had their women tucked protectively beneath their
arms, and the couples laughed at something Mike said as they
approached the cashier. Matthew pulled out his wallet to pay for
Brianna and himself, and Brent watched Ella glance at the prices
posted above the cash register. Her lips parted slightly in
surprise, and Brent had the sudden urge to go to her and sink his
teeth into their rosy plumpness. Tugging. Teasing. Then backing her
against the wall and kissing her the way she deserved to be



Until she had no question that he wanted

He muttered a curse. He had no fucking
business being interested in someone like Ella. Hell, he must’ve
been at least a decade older than her. He’d seen shit she’d never
dreamed of. He’d joined the Navy when she was just a kid. And she
had her whole life stretched out before her—a life that wasn’t here
in Virginia. The Navy had sent Brent all over the world. Ella had
her degree to finish down in Florida. She probably had family
there, maybe even a boyfriend—not that she’d mentioned one.

“I think I’ll just watch you guys,” Ella
said to Brianna. “I probably won’t stay too long.” Brent’s gaze
shifted between the two women.

“You don’t want to play?” Brianna asked,
turning to her friend.

Ella hesitated, pulling her wallet from her
purse, clutching onto it tightly. “Well….”


She was a college student who had just quit
her job. Maybe she was embarrassed to let the others know she
didn’t have money to spare. Hadn’t Brianna paid for Ella’s flight
up here or something? Because Ella was helping her move?

Brent remembered all too well the days when
his mom barely had enough money to put food on the table. With
three growing kids, two of them teenage boys, someone had always
been hungry. She’d done her best, but Brent sure the hell knew what
it meant to go without.

“Let’s order some wings from the bar,”
Matthew drawled as he got his change from the cashier.

Brianna wrinkled her nose. “Those are way
too spicy for me right now. Let’s just get some fries. And a Coke
for me. What do you want, Ella?”

“Oh, I don’t need anything,” Ella said, her
voice soft. “I’m not really even that hungry.”

“You only had a salad at dinner,” Brianna

“I just—”

Brent detected the faintest hint of a blush
spreading across her cheeks. It was almost as pale pink as that top
she had on, and for a moment he wondered if that hint of a flush
spread everywhere. Down her chest. Across her breasts.

He stepped forward, unexpected concern
coursing through him at her unease. “Two hours,” he said to the
cashier, pulling out his wallet. “For both of us.”

Ella’s blue eyes flashed toward him. “You
don’t have to pay for me. I’m just going to watch everyone else
play a few games then head out.”

Brent watched the subtle swell of her
breasts as her chest moved up and down, as if she were flustered. A
tempting little gold pendant hung between them, and he longed to go
over and suck it into his mouth, teasing her. Then kiss his way
across her cleavage, tug down her little top, and lave some
attention on those gorgeous breasts.

Clearing his throat, he met her curious
gaze. “You’re here all alone. I insist.”

“She’s not going home with you,” Matthew
laughed, pulling Brianna closer. “So don’t get any ideas.”

“Cobra take home a one-night-stand?” Mike
asked with a smirk. “Never.”

“You guys are terrible,” Kenley said,
rolling her eyes. “I’m sure even Brent can play pool with a woman
without sleeping with her.”

“You’re assuming a lot,” Mike laughed.

“It’s just a game of pool,” Brent said, his
voice steel. “Of course Ella’s not coming home with me.”

Ella looked taken aback for a moment but
quickly recovered. Hell. Did that pretty little thing
to come home with him? Not that he’d suggest it. She was leaving in
a matter of days, and Matthew and Brianna would kill him for even
touching her. Hell, Mike and Kenley probably would, too. And
despite her sweet curves and appealing innocence, he felt
uncharacteristically protective toward her. A quick lay wouldn’t
work with a woman like Ella. And wasn’t that the crux of it—because
he excelled in wham, bam, thank you ma’am. And they fucking loved

“Thanks for offering,” Ella said, “but I
really don’t even know how to play pool.”

“We’ll teach you, darlin’,” Matthew said. He
suddenly looked around, confused. “Where did Evan and Ali go?”

Brianna sighed. “They left already because
she’s feeling sick again. Which means with my luck, I’ll probably
be sick forever, too.”

“Only nine months at the most,” Ella pointed

“Ha, ha.”

“But you get a cute baby at the end,” Ella
retorted. “Keep your eye on the prize.”

The others laughed as Brent raised his
eyebrows. That was just further proof she was all wrong for him if
she wanted kids and a family someday. What woman didn’t want that?
Not that the dudes on his SEAL team seemed upset that their women
were pregnant. Hell. Soon there’d be a bunch of little Matthews and
Evans running around. The other men, too, at the rate they were
going. Patrick had managed to stay in the SEALs despite having a
young son. Didn’t mean it worked for everyone though.

“Hell,” Matthew said. “I guess it’s just the
six of us then. Ladies verses men? Or couples against… you


Ella flushed. The idea of her and Brent as a
couple was absurd. They’d been thrown together this evening by
circumstance—the two odd ones out. Besides, according to Brianna,
he never even dated the same woman twice. The idea of him in a
relationship was laughable at best. And as for her? Well, she
certainly didn’t have the time or energy to date a guy that lived
down the street from her, much less someone who was several states
away. Not that Brent was exactly the dating type.

The last “date” she’d gone on had been with
a guy in her English Lit. class. They’d grabbed Mexican from a
nearby restaurant, and when he’d driven her home that night, he’d
tried to cop a feel in the front seat of his Honda Civic. It turned
out that he’d seen her working in her skimpy outfit at the cocktail
lounge and seemed to think that meant she’d put out. She’d slapped
him across the face, and he hadn’t been back in class Monday
morning. Or ever again. She and Brianna had gotten a good laugh
about it much later, but it just went to show that it wasn’t worth
getting involved with anyone at the moment. She had too much on her
plate to waste time with the wrong type of men.

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