Prose (86 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Bishop

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Muser, Frani Blough


Nabuco, Joaquim

Napoleon Bonaparte

Narborough, John

Nash, Ogden

Nashe, Thomas

Nation, The

Uncle Neddy

Neruda, Pablo

“New Capital, Aldous Huxley, and Some Indians, A” (EB)

Newton, Isaac:

New Yorker, The

New York Review, The

Niagara Falls

Niemeyer, Oscar

Novaes, Guiomar



O'Connor, Flannery

“On Being Alone” (EB)

“On the Railroad Named Delight” (EB)

“Opinion” (Rio stage show)


Osser, Maya

Os Sertões

Ostrawer, Feyga

Ouro Prêto, Brazil

“Over 2,000 Illustrations and a Complete Concordance” (EB)



Paraná, Brazilian state

Paranhos, José Maria da Silva

“Paris, 7 A.M.” (EB)

Paris Review

Partisan Review

Passos, Pereira

Pasternak, Boris

Patriquin, Gwendolyn

Patterson, Rebecca:
The Riddle of Emily Dickinson

Pedro I

Pedro II

Peebles, Rose

Peixoto, Floriano

Penna, José Meira

Perro, Mr.

Perse, St.-John

Petrópolis, Brazil


“Philosophy of Composition, The” (Poe)

Picasso, Pablo

Pichia, Menotti del

Pillowbook of Sei Shonagon

Poe, Edgar Allan; “Chessplayer”; “The Philosophy of Composition”; “The Raven”


Poesias Infantis

Poetic Sighs and Longings


Portinari, Candido

Portinho, Carmen

Post, Frans

Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas
(Machado de Assis)


Potter, Beatrix

Pound, Ezra

Prentiss, Miss

Prestes, Luiz Carlos

“Primer Class” (EB)

Pritchett, V. S.

Prokofiev, Sergei

Proust, Marcel

Prudente de Morais,
Morais Barros, Prudente José de

Psichari, Ernest

Putnam, Samuel:
Marvelous Journey


Quadros, Jânio

“Quai D'Orleans” (EB)

Quarterly Review

Queiroz, Rachel de

Questions of Travel
(EB, collected poems)

“Questions of Travel” (EB, title poem)

Quincas Borba
(Machado de Assis)


“Rain Towards Morning” (EB)

Ramsey, Warren:
Jules Laforgue and the Ironic Inheritance

Ransom, John Crowe

“Raven, The” (Poe)

Rebellion in the Backlands

Rebouças, André

Recife, Brazil

“Refugee Blues” (Auden)

Reidy, Affonso

“Review of
Annie Allen
by Gwendolyn Brooks” (EB)

“Review of
The Riddle of Emily Dickinson
” (EB, on Patterson)

“Review of
XAIPE: 71 Poems
by E. E. Cummings” (EB)

Ribeiro, João

Riddle of Emily Dickinson, The
(Patterson): reviewed by EB

Rilke, Rainer Maria

Rimbaud, Arthur

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; architecture; as capital city; Carnival; Conceiçãozinha (Maria de Conceição) story;
Flamengo Park; open trolley cars; origins; Portuguese court in; samba; theater in; topography

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazilian state

“Riverman, The” (EB)

“Robert Lowell's
Life Studies
” (EB)

Robinson Crusoe

Romariz, Dora

Rondon, Cândido Mariano

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

Roosevelt, Theodore

“Roosters” (EB)

Rorem, Ned

Ross, Mary Bulmer (EB's aunt Mary)

Rossetti, Christina

Rothko, Mark

Rugendas, Johann Moritz

Ruskin, John


Sailing Alone Around the World

Saldanha da Gama, Admiral

Sandburg, Carl

Santa Catarina, Brazilian state

Sao João del Rey Mining Company

São Paolo, Brazil; Modern Art Week

São Vicente, Brazil

Scarlatti, Domenico

Schwartz, Otto

Schwitters, Kurt

Scott, Kate

“Scream, The” (Lowell)

“Sea and Its Shore, The” (EB)

Seeger, Pete

Selected Writings of Jules Laforgue

Sennett, Carmen

“Sentimental Tribute, A” (EB)

S.E.S.P. (Servico Especial de Saúde Pública)

Seurat, Georges

Shakespeare, William;
As You Like It

Shapiro, Karl

Shelley, Percy Bysshe


Shonagon, Pei

Sitwell, Edith

Sitwell, Osbert

Skidmore, Tom

Slave, The
(Brazilian opera)

“Slave Ship, The” (Alves)

Slocum, Joshua:
Sailing Alone Around the World

“Smallest Woman in the World, The” (Lispector)

Smith, William Jay:
Selected Writings of Jules Laforgue

“Some Notes on Robert Lowell” (EB)

Souza, Tomé de

“Spain” (Auden)

Spender, Stephen

Stein, Gertrude

Stevens, Wallace; “Harmonium”

Stevenson, Anne: EB's correspondence with

Stevenson, C. L.

Stewart's Cafeteria, New York City

Stowe, Harriet Beecher

Strachey, John

Strand, Mark

Swenson, May

Swinburne, Algernon Charles



Tarnowska, Countess

Tarquínio de Souza, Octavio

Távora, Juarez

Tennyson, Alfred

“Then Came the Poor” (EB)

Theresa, Saint

Thomas, Dylan; “Refusal to Mourn”

Thoreau, Henry David

“Thumb, The” (EB)

“Time's Andromedas” (EB)

Tiradentes (“Toothpuller”)

“To the Botequim & Back” (EB)

Todd, Mabel Loomis:
Letters of Emily Dickinson

Toklas, Alice B.

Tolkien, J.R.R.

Tourel, Jennie

Toynbee, Arnold


translations: EB translates stories by Clarice Lispector; EB's views on translating; excerpt from
The Diary of “Helena Morley
”; Marianne Moore as translator; Robert Lowell as translator

Treaty of Tordesillas

Trial, The

“Trip to Vigia, A” (EB)

Trollope, Anthony

Twayne Publishers

Two Years Before the Mast


Uialapiti Indians


“Uncle Neddy”;
see also
“Memories of Uncle Neddy” (EB)

“U.S.A. School of Writing, The” (EB)


Valdes, Gregorio

“Valentines” (EB)

Van Doren, Mark

Van Gogh, Vincent

Vargas, Getúlio

“Varick Street” (EB)

Varnhagen, Francisco Adolfo de

Vassar College

Vespucci, Amerigo

Vigia, Brazil

Villa-Lobos, Heitor

Villas Boas, Claudio

Villegaignon, Nicolas Durand de

“Visits to St. Elizabeths” (EB)


“Wading at Wellfleet” (EB)

Wagner, Richard

Waiting for God

Ward, Theodora Van Wagenen:
Emily Dickinson's Letters to Doctor and Mrs. Josiah Gilbert Holland

Watson, Sibley

Webern, Anton von

“Weed, The” (EB)

Wehr, Wesley

Weil, Simone;
Waiting for God

Welles, Orson

“What the Young Man Said to the Psalmist” (EB, on Fowlie)

Whitman, Walt

Whittier, John Greenleaf

Wilbur, Richard

Williams, William Carlos; “Asphodel”

Wilson, Edmund

Windsor, Duke of (Edward VIII)

Winters, Ivor

Wittgenstein, Ludwig

Woolf, Virginia;
The Waves

Wordsworth, William

World War I

World War II

“‘Writing poetry is an unnatural act…'” (EB)


XAIPE: 71 Poems
(Cummings): reviewed by EB

Xavante Indians

Xavier, Joaquim José da Silva;
see also
Tiradentes (“Toothpuller”)



Yeats, William Butler:
Last Poems and Two Plays


Zangwill, Israel

Zuleika Dobson


North & South

A Cold Spring

The Diary of “Helena Morley”
(translation) (1957)

(with the editors of
) (prose) (1962)

Questions of Travel

The Ballad of the Burglar of Babylon

The Complete Poems

An Anthology of Twentieth-Century Brazilian Poetry

(edited with Emanuel Brasil) (1972)

Geography III

The Complete Poems, 1927–1979

The Collected Prose
(edited by Robert Giroux) (1984)

One Art: Letters
(edited by Robert Giroux) (1994)

Exchanging Hats: Paintings
(edited by William Benton) (1996)

Edgar Allan Poe & The Juke-Box:

Uncollected Poems, Drafts, and Fragments
(edited by Alice Quinn) (2006)

Elizabeth Bishop: Poems, Prose, and Letters

(selected by Robert Giroux and Lloyd Schwartz) (2008)

Words in Air: The Complete Correspondence Between Elizabeth Bishop and Robert Lowell

(edited by Thomas Travisano with Saskia Hamilton) (2008)

Elizabeth Bishop and
The New Yorker

(edited by Joelle Biele) (2011)



Farrar, Straus and Giroux

18 West 18th Street, New York 10011

Copyright © 2011 by the Alice H. Methfessel Trust

Editor's Note and compilation copyright © 2011 by Lloyd Schwartz

All rights reserved

First edition, 2011

Published simultaneously in hardcover (as part of a two-volume boxed set with Elizabeth Bishop's
) and in paperback

Grateful acknowledgment is made for permission to reprint portions of the Life World Library volume “Brazil” by Elizabeth Bishop, copyright © 1962, 1967 by Time-Life Books, Inc. Reprinted by permission of Direct Holdings Americas Inc.

All facsimiles appear by permission of Special Collections, Vassar College Libraries, and the Alice H. Methfessel Trust.

eBooks may be purchased for business or promotional use. For information on bulk purchases, please contact Macmillan Corporate and Premium Sales Department by writing to [email protected].

Paperback ISBN: 978-0-374-53273-4

Boxed Set ISBN: 978-0-374-12558-5

eISBN 9781466889446

First eBook edition: December 2014

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