Read Proposition Book 1, EROS INC. Online

Authors: Mia Moore,Unknown

Tags: #bdsm, #erotic, #threesome, #sex, #prostitution

Proposition Book 1, EROS INC. (3 page)

BOOK: Proposition Book 1, EROS INC.
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“Suck him Cerise.” Nick’s voice was a growl in my ear.

I opened my mouth and tasted Dev on my tongue. He was salty
and so thick I couldn’t take more than the head of his cock in me.

Nick raised his upper body, resting on his elbows, slowly
moving inside me, watching me suck Dev.

It was all getting to be too much--the hard cock moving
slowly, filling my cunt, the stroking my clit was getting and the thick cock in
my mouth. Oh God, this was better than any fantasy. I moaned in lust having two
hot and horny businessmen fucking my mouth and my cunt. It was a wet dream come
true. My mind screamed for them to use me, fuck me harder. Waves of bliss
rolled over me and my body arched upward releasing Dev’s cock when I moaned.

“Please Sir, harder, fuck me HARD!” I begged.

I could feel the pulsing of Nick cock spurting into me. His
body stiffened, diving deep into my core. My hand raked across his back.

My breathing slowed and I looked to the side. Dev was
smiling down at me, his hand still slowly stroking himself.

“May I?” He glanced at Nick.

Nick was still out of breath and could only manage a nod as
he withdrew from me. I watched his length withdraw, glistening with my juice
and his. A dribble of come was leaking out. I sat forward for a second, smeared
my fingers with it and lay back licking them clean. We tasted so sexy.

I watched Dev’s knee press down on the bed beside me as his
other leg swung over. His cock was rock hard hugging his firm stomach when he
lowered himself onto me. His hand guided the tip to my opening. I could feel it
sliding in, helped by my slipperiness. He was half way in when he withdrew and
wet his fingers with his mouth. He rubbed my cunt with his hand to make me
wetter. Again he pushed into me, deeper and deeper. Ohmygod, the stretching
sensation was deliciously painful.

Dev was pumping into me faster now. The fullness in my cunt
was making me wet again. Dev didn’t have the stubble Sir Nick had on my clit. I
slid my hand down and my fingers stroked my clit faster and faster. There was
no way I was having this horse cock inside me without having an orgasm again.

Sir stroked my hair and leaned over to kiss me. His tongue
thrust into my mouth mimicking what Dev’s cock was doing to my other lips.

I could feel Dev go deep inside me and go still. He groaned
and jerked deeper a few times setting my orgasm off once more. I lay back
gasping for breath, my heart thumping hard in my chest. My pussy throbbed and ached
with pleasure at the rough handling of the two men.

Nick smiled at me and stood up. He stroked my cheek before
walking out of the room.  My eyes riveted to his tight ass with that delightful
hollow in the side that athletic men have. His legs were long and muscular.

“That was great baby.” Dev whispered before kissing and
nibbling playfully at my nipples. He grinned at me. “You can start work for me
any time.”

Nick returned carrying two glasses. His deep blue eyes met
mine and once more my knees turned to jelly. I sat up and took the glass he

“Easy Dev. We agreed that I would be the one speaking to her
about this. Sorry Buddy, you’ve got to get your own drink.” Sir Nick sat down on
the bed next to me and stroked my hair.

When Dev left the room I turned to him. “What are you saying

“We’re offering you a job. We own an adult club and we’ve
just lost the manager. She got married and quit. I’m the senior partner and
you’ll report to me.” His fingers touched my chin and he turned my head to look
at him. “There are many things you must learn and I’m looking forward to
teaching you Cerise. Why don’t you try it for six months? If at the end of that
time, either of us aren’t happy, we can part ways.”

I looked into those steady blue eyes. “But I don’t know
anything about managing a club. I’m a physiotherapist. What exactly happens at
this adult club? It’s not a brothel is it? You know, this is my first time
hooking and I only did that because I’m desperate.” If he was expecting that
I’d be a Madam, then he was asking the wrong girl. Tonight had been beyond my
wildest dreams and well…I’d like to do this again with Sir Nick and Dev. They
were both hot and I’d liked the whole Sir thing.

“You will be making one hundred thousand dollars a year plus
expenses. Do you think it’s worth giving it the old college try?” His eyes
crinkled above lips that were wide in a grin.

Dev returned and sat on the other side of me, his knees
tucked and bent before him, Indian yoga style. “So Cerise. What do you say?”

“It’s an incredible offer. I’d be a fool not to accept.” I
reached to the side and shook Dev’s hand before turning to kiss Sir Nick’s

“Well buddy, it looks like we have our new social director for
the club.” Dev and Nick exchanged a look that I wasn’t able to read. What was I
getting myself into?




It was late when I floated from the taxi to the door of my
building. I didn’t know if I was a little drunk from one glass of champagne too
many or it was the fact that I would be making an enormous amount of money in
the next six months. Who knew that when I started this evening, broke and
desperate, embarking on the shady path of hooking, that I would meet two
gorgeous knights in shining armor.  As I opened the dark wooden door, I glanced
around. Was there a fairy godmother flitting over my shoulder?

I opened the door and tiptoed up the old wooden stairs to
the apartment I shared with Maddy. Argh. She had left the apartment unlocked
again. How many times had I told her that we were living in a big city now?
When we lived in Picton, it hadn’t mattered. The worst crime that had ever
happened there were kids after a night of drinking, going cow tipping. The
apartment was dark and I felt my way down the hall to my room.

“Shit!” the next thing I knew I was grabbing for something
to hold on to and BOOM I was spread eagled on the wooden floor, rubbing my
elbow which had taken most of the brunt of my fall. I heard a door open, lights
flash in my eyes and Maddie’s round freckled face appeared near me.

“Are you alright Cerise? “ Her voice was full of concern as
she reached under my arm to help me up. This wasn’t an easy thing for her as
she was waif-like. A puff of wind could blow her away.

“Do I look alright? “ I saw the hamper of clothes that I had
tripped over. I shook my head as I got to my feet. “Ditz. I’d give you hell if
I wasn’t so deliriously happy.” I grabbed her thin shoulders and pulled her to
me, planting a wet kiss on her cheek.

“Are you drunk? And what’s with the clothes? Tell me you
didn’t go out looking like that.” Maddy’s grey eyes were wide as her hands held
my arms pushing me away. Her golden hair hung in a disheveled mess, a curly
wisp threatening to enter her pale full lips.

“Maddy, all my money problems are solved. I was offered a
job tonight that pays one hundred thousand a year! My student loan will be
history in six months and I’ll live the life I was born for. I still think our
bassinettes were mixed up at the hospital.” I wagged my finger in her confused
looking face before hiccupping my way into the kitchen. It was a bitch walking
in these stiletto shoes. I lifted each foot and tossed the irritating shoes
aside. That was better. Now I needed water, lots of it, maybe a few aspirin.

“Cerise, where were you tonight? And what were you doing? I
can’t believe you. You warn me about being careful living in the city and you
go out looking like a hooker—and to top it off you’re drunk.” Maddy followed me
into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door.

I sat down in a chair at the small table and looked around.
The room was barely big enough for the table, had practically no counter space,
a faucet that dripped perpetually despite out attempts to get the landlord to
fix it, and the stove was only a temperamental two burner. Yeah, typical ghetto
type student rental. But that would all end soon. It wouldn’t matter to Maddy.
She was leaving at the end of the month to go home and work in her father’s
dental office.

“Maddy, you’ve been my best friend since grade school. You
know all of my secrets and I trust you like a sister. You better take a seat
honey, ‘cause what I’m about to tell you may come as a shock. I’m wearing this
outfit because tonight I tried my hand at being a hooker. I--”

“Cerise! No. You’re joking right? Trying to shock me.” Her
head dropped, leaning towards me, mouth open. Unconsciously her hand flew to
the sides of her pink bathrobe pulling then closer together and tight to her

“Look I needed the money, plain and simple. And the two guys
I met were really nice. They run a successful engineering firm. They own
another business venture and offered me a job running it.” There was no way,
even as tipsy as I was, that I could tell her it was an ‘adult club’. She’d
have a stroke.

“Why can’t you take the money I’ve offered you? It would buy
you a couple of months to find a job and you could afford to stay here. Who
knows who these guys really are? You could be sold into some kind of sex slave
ring.” She reached across the table and placed her hand on top of mine.

“You know I can’t take money from you. I would hate myself.”
I shook my head and set my mouth, my fingers tightened on the glass. She meant
well but just couldn’t bear the thought of being a charity case.

“But running a club? What kind of club? You’re a
physiotherapist. And you’ll make a damned fine one if you give yourself the
time to find that job. What do you know about business?” She took a sip of
juice from the glass she had poured, and rolled her eyes at me.

“I’m smart. I can learn. And it turns out they want someone
inexperienced who can’t come to them with set ideas. They want it ran a certain
way and they’ll teach me. Honest, they’re really nice guys and I have their
business cards.” I cupped two aspirin in my hand and washed them down gulping
all of the water in the glass. Pray God, it would help. I was supposed to be
having lunch with Nick tomorrow at his office.

“I’m not sure I really want an answer to this… You had sex
with them, right?” Her lips were pulled tight and her eyes looked up under
drawn eyebrows at me.

“Awesome sex.” I grinned at her. The thought of Nick’s cock
deep inside me, while he commanded me to suck Dev made me tingle. I shivered
and set the glass on the table.

“Tell me they used protection.” Her words were clipped and
her eyes flashed.

“Of course.” I lied. The dripping tap caught my attention.
Should I have another glass of water?

“I’m not judging you. Have sex with twenty men for all I
care. Just be careful. Do a search on these guys in the morning to see if
they’re legitimate. Maybe now that they’ve offered you a job, you’ll never need
to do what you did tonight—picking up strangers for money. Although I do think
they’ll have expectations of a repeat performance as part of that job offer.”
She rose and put the carton of orange juice back into the refrigerator.

“I can only hope.” I giggled. Yes, another glass of water
was in order. I rose and turned the tap on.

Her hand went around my shoulder pulling me closer and
planting a kiss on the side of my forehead. “I love you and worry about you.
The offer of a loan of money still stands. Promise me you’ll be careful.”

I set the glass down and turned to hug her close. “I’ve
always tried to be like you, y’know. Study hard, dress nice, be sweet and
ladylike. I’m gonna’ miss you when you leave.” Was it the champagne that was
making me maudlin? A tear rolled down my cheek. We weren’t students anymore. We
were entering the real world taking different paths.

Chapter 4
– Nick’s Office


It was ten minutes before noon. Cerise would be here soon. I
looked around my office wondering what she would think of it. It was a big
corner office with a fabulous view of the city and the bay in the distance. I
straightened the architectural plans on my desk and rose to stretch my legs. I
missed being onsite, in the fresh air, watching my plans become concrete and
steel before my eyes. Dev hadn’t been to the site in a week and had asked to
supervise there for a few days. Actually, that would work out. As fun as it had
been last night sharing Cerise with him, it would be good to get to know her
better, alone.

I took a step down and straightened the leather chairs set
next to the low table in the conversation pit of the room.  But she wouldn’t be
sitting in a chair. No. I smiled as a picture of her long legs, crossed
seductively while she reclined on the sofa, flitted across my mind’s eye.

There was a buzz from the telephone. I walked to the large
walnut desk and punched a button on the phone.

“Cerise Morgan is here for your twelve o’clock.” It was
Annie’s voice, my personal assistant.

“Please show her in.” I eased down to sit on the corner of my
desk waiting for her.

A moment later Annie, wearing her usual navy suit appeared
at the door, standing back slightly to allow Cerise to walk by her. The green
knit dress, accentuated her olive complexion and brown eyes. But where were the
flowing dark locks, that had tickled my skin last night? When she turned to
thank Annie for showing her in, I noticed that she had pulled her hair up,
pinned in a French roll at the back.  Well, that would never do. One of the
things that had attracted me in the first place had been her long flowing mane
of hair.

“Hello Cerise.” I gave a quick look at Annie. “Please bring
our lunch in now and hold any calls.”

Cerise walked over to where I sat, her hands clasped
together, and looked at the floor between her feet.  “Hello Sir.” I glanced
over her shoulder. Good. Annie had closed the door and hadn’t heard.

“Cerise, you may call me Nick when we’re in public or in my
office. When we’re alone together, like last night, I am Sir.” The poor kid
looked so uncomfortable, her fingers playing with a hangnail on her thumb. But
calling him Sir, without any prodding had shown promise for later.

BOOK: Proposition Book 1, EROS INC.
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