Proposition (14 page)

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Authors: Ola Wegner

BOOK: Proposition
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His really couldn’t feel any better when he left the pharmacy. His order at the restaurant was already waiting for him, so he managed to get back home in half an hour.

Amy ran to him when he opened the door.

“You shouldn’t get up,” he scolded her.

He put the bags from drugstore and the restaurant on the small table beside the door. His arm curled around her waist and he held her to him, while he closed the door. It always amazed him how small her midsection was, especially in comparison to that killer perky ass of hers.

“Well, do you have it?” she asked as she glanced at the bag with the drugstore logo.

In response, he handed her the paper bag.

She took it from him. “Was it very hard?”

“I tried to find it on my own but in the end the pharmacist helped me. Eventually I just showed her your note. Does it have to be so very complicated?” he asked incredulously. “What are grooves and wings?”

She let out a soft chuckle and rolled her eyes when she opened the bag and took a peek inside. “It’s not really difficult. And thank you, I can imagine how hard it must have been for you. You were very brave.” She gave him a peck on the cheek, before she padded towards the bedroom.

When she entered the kitchen a few minutes later, he was putting lasagna on the table.

He eyed her. She’d changed into fresh pajamas. “Everything okay?”

She nodded and then wrinkled her nose. “I’m not really hungry.”

“You must eat to regain your strength,” he announced firmly.

He sat her by the table, and put the plate with lasagna in front of her.

“I can’t.” she pushed her plate away. “It’s because of the antibiotics, I don’t have any appetite.”

“Come on, it’s your favorite,” he coaxed her, and pushed the plate back to her. “Lasagna with spinach from your favorite restaurant.”

He didn’t really believe in that excuse about the antibiotics and the lack of appetite. He was sure that she wanted to use her illness to lose a few pounds. He’d noticed she tended to skip her breakfasts, and a few times she’d made some unflattering remarks concerning her figure. His attempt to tell her she was perfect as she was, went past her ears. Sure, she was no stick, but he liked that in her, lush ass and the sexy rise of her belly. The last thing he wanted for her was to turn so thin he’d be able to count all her ribs.

“No.” She shook her head and again pushed the plate away.

Jake prayed for patience, she acted not much better than a small capricious child did. At least he knew what he could expect if they were blessed with a daughter one day. Instantly the image of a two-year old girl with long blonde hair, big green eyes and freckled little face came to his mind, and he melted inside.

“Jake?” Amy’s concerned voice brought him back to the present. “Are you all right?”

He shrugged. “Yes, why?”

“You were smiling, rather strangely just a moment ago.” She cocked her brow skeptically. “So blissfully.”

“It’s nothing.” His eyes swept over her warmly. She wore glasses. After some two weeks of pretending that she didn’t have them, she started wearing them in his presence. He thought it to be a good sign. “Perhaps I’ll tell you why one day,” he added with a tenderness he could rarely remove from his voice when talking to her. “Now,” his tone turned more firm, and he pushed the plate just under her nose. “You will eat this or I’ll phone your father.”

She stuck her tongue out at him, but started eating obediently.

When she finished the lasagna, he made sure she took her medicine and packed her into the bed with her Vogue. It took him a while to put the kitchen into order. He was tired and he was tempted to leave the dirty dishes for the night, but he knew very well how it would have ended. She’d have started washing them on her own first thing in the morning.

She was reading some article when he entered the bedroom. It had to catch her interest because she was chewing on her lower lip and curling the wisp of her hair around her finger. He’d noticed that habit of hers years ago, when he’d worked for her father, and she’d been coming to the factory after school, waiting for Thomas. She had always come with some book. The variety of genres she’d read had amazed him even then, beginning from some thick historical volumes, to cook books, crime stories, and quite often romances, judging by the covers with half naked woman with heaving bosoms in the arms of some packed guy. God, he’d been attracted to her even then, even though she’d never given him a second glance at the time.

Having taken a quick shower he crawled under the covers with a weary sigh, and reached for her automatically. But she threw the magazine away and giving him a peck on the cheek whispered. “I need to run to the bathroom.”

A short moment later, he felt her snuggling next to him.

“You ok?” he asked, as he rubbed her back sleepily.

“Mhm...” she murmured, but soon rolled onto her back, a slight frown on her face.

“Something wrong?” He glanced at her. “You’re not feeling well?” He checked her forehead, but it was cool.

“No, I’m fine, just my breasts are so swollen.” She stretched herself, as if wanting to find the most comfortable position for herself.

His eyes flipped opened and he stilled, not being sure whether he heard her right. Suddenly he wasn’t that sleepy as he thought a moment ago. His eyes went involuntarily to the front of her pajamas.

“Your breasts?” he managed, wondering if he heard right.

She nodded. “You know, during the period, especially the first day, they are so tender that it actually hurts.”

Her face still mirrored her discomfort. “I think, I can do something about it,” Jake said slowly. But when her trusting eyes met his, and he found there nothing more than permission, or perhaps even invitation, he stopped hesitating.

He supported himself on his elbow, and reached with a slightly trembling hand to the buttons of her pajamas top.

She lifted her head to smooth the hair falling on his forehead away. “You’ve been tired?”

“Not anymore,” he whispered, his gaze all but glued to her chest.

She had pretty breasts, rather on the small side, but high and perfectly formed, with nice wide pink nipples. There was a pattern of freckles scattered on them, just on the tops, which charmed him. His first impulse was to kiss those freckles off. But she was right, they looked swollen, and the nipples were puckered.

Not being able to stop himself, he reached his hand to touch her. After a few moments of gentle stroking, she started to literally purr.

“That’s so nice. Feels really wonderful,” she whispered closing her eyes. “You can do it to me every month when I have my period.”

“I can do it every night,” he murmured as he bent to kiss the spot just under her right breast.

Amy sighed and sank her fingers into his hair. But then she went silent and still. When he looked up, he found her sleeping.

After a moment of gazing at her, Jake removed his own t-shirt and gathered her to him. All he craved was to feel her, skin to skin. Soon he drifted to sleep as well, her hot soft breasts mashed against his ribcage.


Chapter Thirteen


It was Saturday; still Jake came to the office to catch up on some work. Theoretically, he could have done the paperwork at home, but he was well aware that he’d have done very little with Amy around. Those several times when he’d actually taken papers home, despite his best intentions to get things done, he’d accomplished almost nothing. Simply put, it was impossible not to get distracted when she was nearby.

All he wanted to do was to stare at her, kiss her, and touch her. The resolution to work was strong in him, it really was, and he’d even informed Amy that he had some important work to do, and needed some peace and quiet. On her part, she had taken great pains not to disturb him, and behaved very quietly. But by her simply providing him a cup of tea or even if she crossed the room to water the plants, she distracted him, his eyes following her devotedly.

Jake seriously doubted whether Amy was aware of the effect she had on him. She seemed to be completely oblivious to the fact that he was, lacking for better words, crazy about her. Everyone seemed to see it, her father, Claire, her friends and his employees, everyone apart from her. Did she really believe that he’d married her just because he needed a wife? In that case any woman would do. Couldn’t she feel it in his every word and touch? When he’d been proposing to her he’d decided to be cautious, believing that revealing his true feelings for her then would have only worsened the situation. She’d have probably thought him to be even madder than she’d initially believed him to be.

Jake presumed that her lack of self confidence had something to do with her own insecurities as a woman, and he wondered from where on earth it’d come from? Perhaps it was her mother’s fault. Amy never talked about her as if she hadn’t ever existed. All Jake knew about the former Mrs. Carpenter was that one day she’d simply left her husband and ten year old Amy and seven year old Peter, disappearing from their lives.

Once again, he was thinking about her instead of working. He shrugged inwardly, he couldn’t help that she was constantly on his mind, especially when things seemed to be progressing so nicely between them. Judging by her recent behavior, she was warming towards him, softening in her attitude, allowing new intimacies every day, willingly tolerating or even dare he say, purposely seeking his company.

Jake was perfectly aware that at the very beginning she’d been determined to treat him as a total stranger, keeping him at arm’s length both emotionally, and physically, which resulted in her attempts to fight him at every corner. Gradually he managed to break through this wall of her resistance that she’d built around herself, not only against him, but he presumed, against anyone else who would have tried to come closer. He was sure that even though she hadn’t admitted it yet to herself, she’d accepted him as a part of her life.

It wasn’t love on her part, not yet at least. He wasn’t stupid enough to fool himself that she loved him. But he was convinced that she felt something for him, even if it was only infatuation. The best proof for that was that she started accepting the intimate side of their marriage, clearly enjoying the way he touched, and kissed her. He wanted her so much, waking up hard after dreaming of her, but he wasn’t sure whether her reasons for deepening their intimate relations were the right ones. He desperately wished her to have at least a bit of genuine affection for him, before having sex with her. He craved their lovemaking, but also wanted it to be more than a mere physical fulfillment between them.

On the other hand, he had no heart to deny her the pleasure her eyes shyly asked for every night. From that evening when he’d first caressed her breasts, he’d been doing it every night. And because of her period there was no question to do anything more. She’d tried to return the favor, running her hand down his body, exploring shyly. But he stopped her gently, hushing her, and cradling her to him, not wanting to turn things too heated between them too soon, and frighten her away.

The situation repeated itself every night for the next week or so. They had engaged in light petting, caressing each other’s upper bodies, cuddling and kissing. But just last night, when they’d slipped under the covers and he’d peeled off her top, and started as usual playing with her breasts, it had been she who had made the first move. She’d taken his hand and guided it under the waistband of her pajamas pants. When he caught her gaze, wanting to make sure she knew what she was asking for, she’d looked so utterly vulnerable. He couldn’t say no to her. First, he’d just stroked her through the soft cotton of her panties, his lips nibbling at her throat. It had been enough to make her dripping wet, soft pants coming from her mouth. With one hand, he tugged at her panties, and she lifted her bottom to help him remove them completely. He had barely fingered her, stroking her labia, and grazing lightly over her clit with his thumb, and it was enough to make her come.

When she’d returned to her senses, she’d insisted on pleasuring him too, and he let her this time. Her touch though shy, awkward and unskilled, was still so impossibly arousing to him, that he’d come easily too, amazingly just from her almost innocent, unsophisticated stroking. It was clear she didn’t feel adventurous enough to give him anything even close to a blowjob yet, and though he’d have loved to feel her mouth on him, he had no intention of forcing her into anything she wasn’t ready for.

It amazed him, but for her age, she looked innocent to him. Not that he disliked the fact; on the contrary, it was more than fine with him. But the guy she’d been with before, that lawyer, had to know nothing about how to please a woman, or more probably hadn’t cared for her pleasure, the selfish bastard. From what he’d read about him from the report prepared by the detective agency he’d hired, this Michael Cummings seemed to be, to cut things short, sort of a loser. His marriage wasn’t doing very well, as his wife had returned to her parents a few months ago, so they were literally in separation. Moreover, he’d lost a few cases, making the firm lose one or two important clients. There was little doubt that it was only a matter of time before he would get sacked. The guy looked pretty pathetic to him, which explained why Amy had been interested in him in the first place, with her tender heart and nurturing instincts. Hopefully, one day, she would have a few of his babies to exercise those admirable traits.

With determination, Jake forced himself to concentrate on the numbers on his laptop screen, but soon his thoughts drifted to the previous night again. She’d been shy with him this morning; she blushed under his gaze, and he had no heart to tease her about it. There was a need and hunger in her eyes and he knew that she wouldn’t have protested having full intercourse now. That was heady stuff for him, that she’d reacted so fiercely to his touch, and went wild the moment he started caressing her. Something was telling him that it was just a matter of days before she’d be ready to make love.

He shook his head. How on earth could he focus on his work, knowing there was a probability that he would soon get laid with the woman he’d wanted for years? The sooner the better; he moved in his chair, trying to accommodate his growing erection.

He was in his thirties for god’s sake, and he really shouldn’t have an uncontrolled erection a few times during a day at his age. Gone were the years when he was a hormonal teenager. God, but when he got his hands on her that first time, there would be no mercy, he’d have her at least twice a day, every night, and every morning. But for the time being such musings didn’t help much, he realized, frowning reproachfully at the front of his trousers. At last he opened his belt buckle and released his aching cock, laying it on his belly. That was a bit better, he thought stroking himself leisurely, his head rolling on the headrest. Perhaps he should jerk himself off, otherwise there would be no work done at all.

His activity was abruptly interrupted with a soft knock at the door. Hastily he adjusted his clothes, wincing slightly when putting his still half erect penis back into his snug trunks, zipping his jeans.

“Come in,” he said, surprised to be disturbed. As far as he knew, the office was empty.

It was Amy, looking lovely, which wasn’t surprising. She always looked so nice, prettier every day. However taking a closer look at her, he noticed that today her hair looked different.

“You hair.” He focused on her new much shorter, sleek, hairdo. “What have you done with it?” he asked with a frown.

“Like it?” she smiled expectantly.

He gave her a long, appraising look. “It’s so straight,” he said, not yet decided whether to approve the new style or not.

Her hair was not exactly curly, but it had a slight wave to it. Now it was completely straight. She looked much more mature, and though her previous appearance of an eighteen-year-old teenager was very appealing, she looked sexier now.

“It’s nice,” he judged at last. “It suits you. But don’t cut it shorter,” he added more firmly.

“Excuse me?” She narrowed her eyes on him. “You intend to actually demand how long my own hair should be?” One brow raised high on her forehead, her hands on her hips.

“I...” Jake stammered, trying to figure out whether she was really angry with him or just kidding around.” I simply love it longer,” he managed awkwardly.” But the shoulder length is very nice too,” he assured her catching between his fingers the end of one sleek wisp which just brushed her shoulder.

Amy only rolled her eyes, and waved her hand at him, clearly indicating him to be a lost case. “My hair is not the reason I’m here,” she said, her tone bearing the quality of utmost importance.

Jake regarded her carefully. “Something happened?” he whispered, wincing inwardly at his own tender voice. He wasn’t able to quite believe how mushy he’d become since his marriage.

She shook her head and snuggled against him with trust. “Nothing’s happened. I was close by and...” she started but soon became aware of her husband’s aroused state, which only returned with force since she’d come.

“I’ve been thinking of you,” he acknowledged sheepishly, his gaze following hers down between their bodies.

She didn’t comment on this, just smiled saucily. Her hand moved down his chest and cupped him gently through the trousers.

“Amy...” he tried to brush her hand away, but she shushed him, lifted on her toes, and kissed him.

“Just relax,” she purred and pushed him back until he sat on the edge of his desk.

He didn’t stop her when she opened his trousers, and eased them down his legs together with his underwear. If she wanted to do this, he was the last person to try to convince her to change her mind.

Her fingers stroked him, very gently rubbing the tip, her mouth kissed his throat. “Yes, just like that, sweetheart...” he breathed, as she continued her soft stroking, pulling at his cock, and stroking the tip. She opened his shirt and started kissing his chest, rubbing herself against him.

“Yeah, just like that....” His knuckles turned white as he grasped the edge of the desk.

He fought the temptation to push her to his knees, take her head into his hands, and shove deep into her mouth. But it was too soon, he didn’t want to frighten her, or worse put her off. She was innocent, shy, and timid about sex. He respected and valued it.

When he couldn’t stand any more of this torture, in one swift, not so gentle move he lifted her up into his arms. He reversed their previous positions, sat her on the desk, and reached impatiently under the pencil skirt she wore. It took him some time to lower her pantyhose and panties. She didn’t stop him for a single moment, even helped him by lifting her bottom.

“Fuck,” he cursed in frustration, on realizing that the desk was too low for what he intended. Looking around he spotted a sofa, and without a moment of hesitation, he lifted her into his arm, awkwardly walking the length of the room, his legs still restricted by his trousers, tumbling around his ankles.

Gently, Jake deposited her on the sofa, and she readily lifted her skirt up, exposing her soft lower belly, rounded hips, and clipped triangle of chestnut curls. With a growl he covered her body with his, intending to rub himself between her soft, warm, thighs into oblivion. But she couldn’t quite manage opening her legs to accommodate him, as her pantyhose restricted her moving.

Lifting himself, red and panting, Jake began tugging furiously at the black nylon, trying unsuccessfully to push the damn pantyhose down her legs.

“That’s not funny,” he snorted, glaring at her when she started giggling at his feeble efforts. “I hate these damned things.”

He pulled at the elastic material again in frustration, without much success. It was like some kind of rubber. How on earth could women wear these and feel comfortable?

She took pity on him, pushing him off her, sat up and swiftly pulled the pantyhose down her legs together with her panties. Her legs opened again, and she brought him back to her body, clasped her thighs against his lean hips, wriggling impatiently under him.

“Don’t worry... I’m not going to...” he murmured into her lips, shutting his eyes against the wondrous sensation, while he rubbed himself tortuously slowly against her warm plump pussy. “I simply need to...” he growled into her neck, moving faster against her, while she curled her limbs around him and held on, stroking his back under his shirt, and spreading small kisses on the side of his neck.

It didn’t take long when Jake felt his release approaching and taking himself in one hand spilled onto her soft belly, careful not to get his sperm anywhere lower.

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