Prophet of ConFree (The Prophet of ConFree) (26 page)

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Authors: Marshall S. Thomas

Tags: #Fiction : Science Fiction - General Fiction : Science Fiction - Adventure Fiction : Science Fiction - Military

BOOK: Prophet of ConFree (The Prophet of ConFree)
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At first they were almost in formation. Then they scattered abruptly, moving almost faster than the eye could see. Some other aircraft appeared – Omni interceptors, darkish darts, corkscrewing through the sky, bravely going after the saucers, unleashing a torrent of antimat missiles. But it appeared the saucers moved too fast. In moments the Omni ships were erupting, burning, careening downwards trailing flames, violently hitting the surface and blasting apart, the saucers dancing after them as if in celebration. Soon the O ships were all down and the saucers resumed their formations. More saucers appeared – a lot more. They came very close to the rubble field, slowing down.

Then they began landing. Openings appeared in the saucers and squat figures in dark A-suits exited the saucers and began moving out to explore their new world. Each creature was encased in a flickering green sheen. They stalked through the rubble, searching for life. In a few instances, they found wounded O's that were still alive. They immediately blasted them to bits with what appeared to be directed energy weapons that shot out a burst of plasma and then blew the target apart. Long columns of aliens were leaving their saucers and taking possession of the rubble pile that had once been a peaceful home of another race.

The scene changed. Now the d-screen focused on a glowing green display that appeared to be some kind of monitor. It was overlaid with faint white grid lines. Suddenly it began registering something. Little green blips started appearing. Then more of them. Then even more. Finally hundreds of them, filling the screen. There was no information accompanying this display but somehow it was even more terrifying that way.

"That's it, gentlemen," the Director said. "There's more, but this will do for our purposes." The wall screen faded away. The picture window brightened, flashing light over the assembly. "Dragon, your techs have examined these images. Please summarize the findings."

The Director of the ConFree Legion didn't use notes. "These images are very valuable for what they reveal to us about the attackers," he began. "The saucer-shaped craft are alien spacecraft. They're from another universe and that universe contains some dimensions that our universe does not. These starships do not use artificial wormholes to traverse the vac like we do, but they accomplish the same thing with their interdimensional technology. They will suddenly appear in normal vac –in this universe – after the voyage from their universe. And the voyage did not include wormholes – at least not as we know them. That's what that last image showed us – an Omni defense sector monitor showing these enemy ships seemingly just appearing out of nowhere, without any associated star tracks. Fleetcom is now calling these craft IDAG saucers – for interdimensional antigrav ships.

"All right, what does it mean?" Dragon continued. "The creatures inside these ships are from another universe – that's what it means. They're from some place we cannot go, but they can leave there and show up here. They appear to have no difficulties here – in our universe – although we need more info on that. The reason we cannot enter that universe is that it has some extra dimensions in it – at least one. Our scientists call it Dimension X. I get the impression that they're not exactly sure where or what this dimension is, or even where the bubble universe is, but they assure me that it is quite real.

"These creatures have appeared in our universe – and in our galaxy – before, but it was in prehistoric times, before we had space flight. At that time there were other aliens, evidently from their universe as well, that also penetrated our universe. Several different types of aliens settled in our galaxy. But then they departed – we don't know why.

"Our problem is they are here. They're back, and we've got to decide what to do about it. These creatures were – in Earth's distant past – sometimes called devils, or beasts, or demons. From examining the images we just saw, they are smaller than we are, although somewhat squat and maybe strong. A few images allowed us to glimpse the D's head, inside the helmet. They have a strange flat nose or muzzle, and a small mouth with sharp teeth. Their eyes are set in the sides of their heads. It looks like they have large ears but we cannot see that well inside the helmets. We can assume high intelligence because of their capabilities. Their armor is shielded with a force field that accompanies them wherever they go. Their individual directed energy weapon produces a plasma burst and an explosive blast. We've seen how effective their antimat missiles are. They apparently have a whole lot of them and are not reluctant to use them. We've also seen how effective their IDAG saucers are in air to air combat, again using antimat technology.

"So – we're starting to call them Demons, in the Legion. We're not afraid of them, but they've evidently invaded at least one Omni planet, so we'd better get ready for them to attempt doing the same to us."

"Thank you, Dragon," Tara said. "That was most instructive. Yes, they're here. That is the problem. They have appeared in Omni vac and as you all know by now, they have also appeared in the Gulf. They seem to be doing recon runs in the Gulf – just as they previously did recon runs in Omni vac. All right, discussion. I'd like to know why they are here. Any ideas?"

The Minister for War responded. "How can we know? Suddenly they appear, after all this time. How can we know?"

"Something prompted it," Tara said.

"Well, that's a safe assumption," the Minister for War replied.

"Yes, we can start with safe assumptions and build on them. What prompts the movement of peoples – or races?"

"Migration is often prompted by famine, disease, natural disasters, poor economic conditions, and-or a promising destination," the Minister for Economy said.

"Or being attacked by other peoples or races, being chased away from their homes," the Director of Galactic Information added. He was a strikingly singular individual, very pale, with white-blond hair and hot pink eyes.

"Exactly," Tara replied. "All that – or a combination. Look at Earth's history. The Roman Empire collapsed when they were attacked by fierce barbarians who were fleeing even fiercer barbarians. There is a reason why these creatures are here. We don't know the reason or reasons yet, but let's keep it in mind. It's the underlying reason. That's extremely important."

"So how can we counter their attacks, if there are no startracks to warn us? They just suddenly appear, boom. Out of nowhere," the Minister for Science said.

"We need to detect vulnerabilities in their spacecraft. In their propulsion systems, in this interdimensional or interuniverse drive. In their shielding. That's the first thing. Nothing is invulnerable. We need to know more," Tara said.

"This is now our top priority," the Minister for Science said. "If there is a vulnerability, we'll find it, and exploit it."

"We must begin immediate preparations to counter a full-fledged attack – like the one we just observed," the Director of ConFree declared.

"How can we do that?" the Interior Minister asked. "We don't know how to counter them yet."

"Yes – but the peoples of ConFree must be protected from an attack like the one we just saw. We must begin now."

"How?" somebody asked.

"We're going to need strategic underground antimat shelters for all ConFree nationals, as soon as they can be built. They must fully protect our people from unexpected attacks from these foul creatures. All cities, all towns, all installations in ConFree, on every world, must be prepared to evacuate their peoples into these shelters, as soon as an attack comes, or appears imminent. This will be our first reaction to this coming plague. We must protect our people. Treasury – Economy – can we do this? Immediately?"

"Certainly," the Treasury Minister said. "We have huge surpluses. This will become our number one expense. If you want to do every town, every city, every world, it will be a colossal expense, but we can do it. A national emergency. We can certainly do it. Even if we run out of money, we’ll do it."

"Economy? Any problems?"

"We will do whatever must be done to protect our peoples."

"Interior? We need immediate plans for these shelters. They must be first-class shelters. No short cuts. "

"Consider it done."

"I'll consider it done when it's done. We may not have to follow through fully if we can uncover some weaknesses in these creatures that we can exploit. But if we don't, the shelters must be there for our people. Fleetcom? Get to work on strategic planning to counter these attacks if they happen next week or next month. "

"Will do!"

"What about the O's?" the Director of the ConFree Legion asked.

"What about them?" Tara responded.

"They've given us very important information. Aren't they asking for help?"

"Do we know enough yet to be able to help them?"


"That's right. We don't even know enough to be able to help ourselves. And our duty is to the people of ConFree – not to the O's."

"I'm no fan of the O's," Dragon said. "But we may need allies. Even if they hate us. And we hate them. Let's just keep it in mind."

"This O planet – it's orbiting around the Star Traunair. That's 6,500 light years from us. I don't – ever – plan on sending any forces there – Fleetcom or Legion. We need all our strength right here. The Gulf is as far as we're going to go."

"Fine with me," Dragon said.

"All right, let's get to work," Tara said. "I want reports by tomorrow on what each ministry is going to do to support this new, critical national mission. First the shelters, second the aliens and plans to counter them. Have I forgotten anything?"

"Yes," the Director of Galactic Information said. "What do we tell the people of ConFree?"

"Good point, Snow Leopard. Your motto is: Know the Truth. Prepare the press release. We tell our people the truth. Without revealing any military secrets. The shelters will become public knowledge anyway. Have the info ready by tomorrow and let me see it before we send it out. That's it. May Deadman be with you all."


We departed the Gulf unexpectedly. It seems the
was needed elsewhere. We went into stardrive. I didn't know what it was all about. Of course, I'm nobody, so why should anyone tell me? Naturally, I went to the Professor for information. I caught up with him in the galley, for lunch.

"We're headed for the Inners – for Pandaravos," he told me.

"Pandaravos! That's the Assidic's home planet, isn’t it?"

"Sure is. And you remember that shuttle that docked with us yesterday? It delivered a passenger, an Ambassador-at-large. We're taking him to Pandaravos."

"No kidding. What's an Ambassador-at-large?"

"It's when Interstellar Relations can't decide where to send somebody, but he's a big deal so they have to give him a title. I think that's how it works."

"But they are sending him somewhere. They're sending him to Pandaravos."

"Well, we've already got an Ambassador on Pandaravos so he must be going there to do something that the Ambassador can't do. I don't know. But you'd better brush up on your diplomatic skills."

"They didn't teach us diplomatic skills either in Basic or on Planet Hell – as you know. What do diplomats do?"

"They lie, cheat and steal for their country, same as we do. Only they kill people with words instead of xmax."

"I see. What's Pandaravos like?"

"It's quite a place. The star is very impressive – Algenib, a blue subgiant, a little over 330 light years from Sol. Pandaravos is the eighth world from the sun. It's an independent world now – they seceded from the System when they had a chance. The star lies just outside United Mocain Coalition vac. Nobody bothers them because they get cranky when they are disturbed."

"Hmm. Why are we going there?"

"Beats me. I guess we'll find out."


Saka and I stood before the simport, taking in the spectacular view of the star Algenib as the
approached, now in normal space. It was a glaring, blue-white subgiant, silently crackling in space, surrounded by an astounding blue halo. It hung there in solitary magnificence in a field of vac black, dazzling my eyes. Beyond its glare, billions of glittering stars and milky molecular clouds painted a primal, stirring view of the cosmos.

"That's where my ancestors came from," Saka said. He appeared to be transfixed before that lovely star. "From here, we built the empire, and nothing could stand before us. I'm so excited to be here! I've never seen Pandaravos before."

"Well, from what they said in Basic, it sounds like there's some kind of renaissance going on."

"Yes, they're calling Assidics home, from all over the galaxy. You can't imagine how that resonates with us. It's our home – Pandaravos is our home! Even if we've never been there. My parents taught me all about our people, our nation, our history, our ancestral home. And now I'm going to see it with my own eyes. I can hardly wait. I'm so excited I'm almost shaking."

"Well that's great, Saka."

"Do me a favor, Prophet. Don't call me 'Saka' when we're downside. I don't want them to think the Outwolders treat us as some kind of exotic pets."

"Oh. Well, sure. I mean, we don't."

"I know, I know. But they don't know that."

"I'll just call you Zhang, all right?"

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