Property Of Drex #2 (Death Chasers MC #2) (20 page)

BOOK: Property Of Drex #2 (Death Chasers MC #2)
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It’s vain to say this is all my fault, since it’s not, but for some reason, it feels like it would have never reached this level without my presence.

“Don’t worry, Eve. One thing is for certain… More people fear Drex than Herrin. This won’t go over well, but no one is stupid enough to start a fight with the son, when everyone knows the father is a coward.”

I look back up at him, but before I can speak, a shadow falls over me, causing me to turn my head to see Drex staring down at me with that stoic expression he wears too easily.

“Are you okay?” I ask him softly.

He nods slowly, studying me, but not speaking. Standing slowly, I watch him, but he just seems to be gauging me, almost like he’s waiting for a reaction of some sort. I move closer and put my hand on his cheek, and his eyes close as he leans into the touch and pulls me closer, tugging me by the waist until I’m against him.

“Let’s go upstairs,” he says before glancing over his shoulder. “Eyes on the cameras tonight,” he tells someone else. “Ears on the grid,” he adds.

I have no idea what that last one means, but I don’t ask questions. Instead, I turn and jog up the steps as Drex takes them two at a time behind me. The second we’re in the room, I turn to face him, but his lips come down on mine and swallow anything I was going to say as he pulls me against him and drinks me in like he’s searching for something.

Someone bangs on the door, and Drex breaks the kiss before turning and looking over his shoulder. “Yeah?”

“They’ve left the town limits. Looks like they’re heading back to the other warehouse in Culvan. Thought you’d want to know,” Rush calls through the door.

“Thanks,” Drex says before turning back to me, running his thumb over my chin. “Shit’s going to get real, baby. You still sure this is where you want to be?” he asks.

I see the dread in his eyes, so I don’t make him wait long for an answer.

“I’m not going anywhere. But I do have some questions about all that.”

He pushes a hand in my hair, tugging it to tilt my head back before dipping his head and tugging my bottom lip between his teeth. He sucks on it and teases it with his tongue before releasing it, and I shiver against him while pressing my front to his, keeping my neck craned back so I can continue to stare up at him.

“Ask me your questions later. Right now, I want you naked.”


Chapter 33




Eve is sprawled on top of me as the noon sun beams in on us. I should probably get out of bed and go downstairs, but I’ve barely slept, and my mind keeps replaying last night like it was all a dream. Pop isn’t going to just let us go and claim his territory. He’s a coward, but something like this will cause an uproar within his own group.

Hell will be coming.

My hands continue to roam up Eve’s back, and I think back to how her first concern last night was me. The first thing she did was ask if I was okay. My father came to kill her, and she asked if
was okay.

“So Sarah is really an assassin? I just can’t imagine that,” she says on a sigh, bringing me back to the conversation we’re having as her lips brush over my chest.

“It’s true.”

“And Herrin thinks she’s another FBI leak? What do you think?”

She peers up at me, and I look down at her while bringing her closer. She tosses a leg over my waist, and I let a hand slide down to the bare skin of her hip.

“I think it’s possible. She did betray her own father. But she knows more than the feds know, so… Fuck. I don’t know.”

She shakes her head. “Sarah wouldn’t do that to you guys. She loves Snake. She loves the club. She might have hidden her past, but she’s not like that. It wasn’t her. Please don’t hurt her.”

And that fucking look in her eyes is the reason I’m still in this room. She holds so much trust, so much everything…

“You didn’t realize your father wasn’t exactly a good guy either,” I remind her.

She frowns. “Still having problems believing he stole from you. My dad could literally hack anything. He chose to be good. Stealing from you would have been reckless and not at all smart, when he could have easily stolen from numerous other large accounts where the people were rich and not known for killing.”

I snort derisively. “If he had so many accounts, why were you all struggling financially?”

“He didn’t have enough accounts to keep things going after the accident. Hospital bills were outrageous. Our insurance was terrible. And then my sister’s funeral… Nothing was cheap. It hurt us, and it makes sense that he came to work for you. Under-the-table money, extra pay for illegal account flubbing… I can see him getting that desperate, but not desperate enough to steal.”

She blows out a breath, but I don’t argue with her. Eve doesn’t see the worst in people the way I do. The only person I can’t see the worst in is her.

“And your sister?” she asks, looking up. “I didn’t know you had one.”

I shrug and look back down.

“She’s younger than me by seven years—she’s twenty-one now. She left after she accused Pop of killing her mother. Then she went so far as to accuse him of killing mine as well. She was fifteen, I was twenty-two, and I believed everything Pop told me back then. He’d raised me on his own, and the entire club had told me what a junkie my mother was. Kara wouldn’t listen to me when I was trying to stop her from getting herself eighty-sixed. Pop had no tolerance for people stirring shit, and accusing him of something like that? Something that big? It was treason.”

She continues staring up at me with a perplexed look. How do you explain a life like mine to a girl who grew up like Eve?

“Rush mentioned something about why he hated Herrin having to do with the way Herrin did some girl. Your sister?”

Yeah… Shit really makes more sense with Rush by the second. Not that I would have understood it before Eve. Girls make you fucking crazy apparently.

“Yeah. I think Rush must have been closer to her than I realized. Makes sense why he hated me, since until recently, he had no idea what I did for my sister to save her life.”

Eve’s eyes widen.

“Herrin wanted to kill her for accusing him of killing her mother? Did he kill her mother?”

I shrug. “Don’t know. No one ever will. What almost got her killed—what made him put an outstanding hit on her—is the fact she went to the cops with her evidence. Pop got brought in and questioned, and the whole club got put under investigation for a long time. Heat got heavy. He had an alibi. He always has an alibi. At any given moment, eighty people will lie and say he was with them. So Kara never had a chance. When they turned him loose, she was hiding in a motel downtown, waiting on life or death to happen. I found her, gave her money, and stuck her in a used car I paid cash for. I gave her a burner phone and told her to only call me in case of an emergency, and gave her forty-eight grand—all the money I had left at that time.”

“She was just fifteen,” Eve says sadly. “What did she do?”

“She called me once to let me know she’d found a place to settle in, and was using her fake ID to pass as an eighteen-year-old. Told me she missed me, and wanted me to come out there with her.” I groan, feeling the guilty knot ball up in my stomach. “She didn’t say she was scared; she said she missed me. But in all honesty, now I know she was scared. She was just a fucking kid, even though you mature real fast around here. I should have done something about Pop back then, but I had been trained, Eve. You never go against the P. It’s a death sentence, and we all know it. The cops? Going to the cops painted my sister a target to anyone wearing our cuts. I did what I had to in order to keep her safe, but I should have gone with her.”

She kisses my chest like she’s consoling me for being a shitty brother and obedient son.

“Rush pulled up all the info on her. I gave him her last location. I had it traced from the phone she used back then, but never looked into it. She’s still there, Eve. Probably still waiting on me. She’s a waitress at a diner, has her own small house, and even has the same used car I bought her six years ago.”

She runs her lips up higher, slowly climbing up my body until she’s kissing my neck. I don’t want to talk about this anymore, and as much as I’d like to stay up here and hide from the world, there’s shit that needs to be done.

“Come on. Time to teach you how to shoot a gun,” I say, causing her to strangle on her own breath.

“What? Why?” she asks, panicking a little as I slide out from under her.

“We’ll shower first,” I say, winking as I head to the bathroom, feeling her eyes on me.

“I’m good with a shower,” she says dryly, and I turn to catch her eyes drinking me in. Yeah, we’ll take a while in the shower.


Chapter 34




Drex holds my hips as I fire and fire and fire the gun that is vibrating in my hands. I don’t get anywhere close to hitting the damn target. As I lower the gun, Drex pulls the earplugs out of my ears, and I hear his low rumble of laughter.

“You’re terrible at this,” he says while taking my gun away and putting it off to the side of the ledge in front of us.

They have their own firing range in the basement. At least no one else is down here to see how badly I suck at being a badass.

“Let’s just hope I never need a gun,” I grumble.

Surprisingly, he’s smiling at me as he leans a hip against the side. “Let’s hope I’m never standing next to anyone you need to shoot,” he jokes.

Never thought I’d consider a statement like that a joke.

“Try it again, and this time, aim for the target,” he says, biting back his smile when I roll my eyes.

I put the earplugs back in as Drex replaces the empty clip or magazine… or whatever it’s called… with a new one. We’ve been down here an hour, and I’ve only hit the damn target once. Maybe he needs to push that nifty little button and make the target come closer.

Taking a deep breath, I ignore the amused, mocking look on his face, and I take the gun back as he moves around behind me. Before I can fire the gun though, my breath hitches in my throat because Drex tugs the hem of my skirt up, pushing it above my waist.

“What are you doing?” I ask, but whatever he says is muffled because of the noise-cancelling earplugs.

I hold the gun with one hand, and tug an earplug out, trembling when his hand skates across the front of my very thin panties.

“What are you doing?” I ask again.

“Distracting you,” he answers before a warm kiss finds my neck. Reflexively, I tilt my head to the side, giving him a better angle. “Go head and try to hit the target.”

“I can’t hit the target when I’m focused. How is distracting me going to help?” I ask him, trying not to moan the words when his hand dips inside the lacy underwear.

“You’re wearing a fucking skirt, holding my favorite gun, and wearing one of those damn shirts that shows my name on you. It’s amazing I’ve went this long without touching you. The fuck did you think was going to happen when we got down here?” he asks, dipping his finger inside me and causing me to forget that I’m holding a damn gun. A loaded gun.

“Fuck, you’re wet,” he groans against my ear.

The gun falls out of my hand and slaps the floor as the back of my head falls against his chest. I grab his forearms, needing something to cling to as he continues to move his finger in and out of me.

When he removes his finger, a whimper of protest escapes me, but a sharp tug on my panties has the sound of fabric ripping resonating in my ears, and my protest dies on my tongue.

Just as he bends me over the small ledge in front of me, a door slams and echoes, letting us know we’re no longer alone. Drex stills behind me, but he doesn’t let me stand back up. The metal partition walls in place create a small privacy space for each shooting section. There are at least ten, and we listen as the two pairs footsteps carry down in the opposite direction.

Drex’s lips find my neck, and I bite back a moan as he shoves a hand between us to start undoing his jeans. The chatter from the other end is just distant noise to my ears when Drex lines himself up and starts to push inside me.

When the first gunshot rings out, I jump, but Drex slams all the way inside me at the same time while clamping a hand over my mouth with one hand, and holding my right hip with the other.

He sets a rhythm, and I grab onto the ledge in front of me, keeping myself from being slammed into it at the waist as his thrusts get harder. His hand on my mouth drops, and it slides down my body as he grabs my other hip, anchoring me to him.

“Touch yourself, Eve. Let me watch you,” he says against my ear, causing me to shiver as he thrusts in again. I glance over to see the reflection of us in the metal partition wall at our side. Drex is staring at it, waiting on me to comply.

The reflection isn’t as clear as a mirror, but it’s pretty damn close, even with all the fingerprint smudges on it.

With him holding me with both hands, I’m able to let go of the ledge and run my hand down to where he wants it until I’m running a circle over that bundle of nerves. Drex makes some throaty sound, still watching, but the intensity of the eye contact is too much, so I let my head drop as I try not to bring myself to orgasm too quickly.

He pulls out and pushes in again, and I cling to the ledge with one hand, while my other continues to work for Drex and me. His thrusts get harder, more demanding, and coupling it with what I’m doing to myself becomes too much to fight off any longer.

When I cry out his name, it’s in between spurts of gunshots drowning me out, and he bites down on my shoulder while going still inside me. My entire body shivers with the sensations left behind. Tensing and contracting muscles go a little crazy inside me, and Drex’s teeth loosen as he kisses the spot he just bit.

The gunshots are loud without my earplug in one ear, but I’m too busy trying not to collapse to worry about it. I almost pout when Drex pulls out of me, but I just push my skirt down instead as he bends and grabs my torn panties from the floor and shoves them in the pocket of his jeans before zipping himself back up and winking at me.

He grabs the loaded, forgotten gun from the floor and turns the safety on before tucking it into the back of his jeans.

“Let’s head up and see what the guys have heard about Pop or this other chaos after you get cleaned up.”

“You’re going to let me listen in?” I ask, surprised.

“You’re in this too deep now. Nothing left to lose,” he says before brushing his lips against mine. “Nothing left to lose but you, that is. Might as well let you stay in the loop just in case something said keeps you alive.”

He looks sincerely worried, and I lean forward, clasping my hands around his neck. “Don’t worry. If anything happens, I’ll protect you,” I tell him seriously.

His laughter breaks free, and I smile up at him, feeling like I’ve accomplished a small miracle.

“Just don’t shoot me,” he says, smirking before tugging my hand in his and pulling me toward the door. I really need some shower time.

Two pairs of eyes swing to us as Dash and Rush step out of their booths, seeming confused, but then Rush rolls his eyes and resumes shooting at the targets. I just smile while walking out of the basement with Drex, moving past a door with a crazy lock that I assume is hiding his cars.

The world might be against us, but Drex Caine really does trust me. And I trust him… with my life.


BOOK: Property Of Drex #2 (Death Chasers MC #2)
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