Promises (53 page)

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Authors: Lisa L. Wiedmeier

BOOK: Promises
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Don’t,” Callon growled. “Leave her be.”

Are you growing weak as well, Callon?” Maes snapped back.

No, I’m finally growing wiser.”

Maes snarled.

So it’s wise for her to think it’s okay to run away whenever things get tough?”

She’s not running away.”

Then what do you call what just happened? An accidental overdose?”

Callon didn’t reply.

Maes let go of me and stepped back, shaking his head. “You’re a fool, Callon.”

Fools never admit to their mistakes,” Callon shot back. “I’ve pushed her too far. I left her with few choices, and denied her the one thing that gave her happiness. This was bound to happen.”

So then what?”

We wait.”

Chey,” Daniel called out again. “You can do this. I believe in you.”

Tears I couldn’t control rose to the surface. Colt’s last words were
I believe in you…

I buried my face in my hands and curled into a tight ball. How could anyone believe in me? I was an utter failure. Everyone who came in contact with me suffered in some way. And the ones I’d opened my heart to…all were dead and gone. Was my love that tainted? Destined to hurt those it touched?

If that was the case, I truly deserved to be swallowed up in darkness.

I stared at the wall as I sat in the chair. Rain was pelting the window, falling from the grizzled sky. The sunlight and warmth were further away than ever, and slowly I felt the darkness slide closer. My only barrier against the endless pain.

Is she ever coming back?” Daniel whispered.

Callon replied with a deep sigh.

I feel so lost, Callon,” Daniel said. “I wish…”

So do I,” Callon said. “So do I.”

Time must have passed, but I wasn’t following, remaining in my seat. Food came and went, and I ate only what was needed. Why I still wanted to stay alive I didn’t understand, but something inside wouldn’t allow me to give up yet. Was it my rage, unwilling to forgive being dealt this awful hand, or was it something more? Was it a nagging feeling that maybe this was just a dream, I would suddenly wake up, and realized Colt had never died? Or was it that deep down I knew Colt would have wanted me to live? My parents would’ve told me to fight for what I believed in… but what
believed in was gone.

I’d never had a choice from the beginning. I’d been fooled into believing I could be with Colt, could choose the one I loved and wanted to be with, only to have it torn away.

They’d all played a part in this: destiny, Callon, and Colt. They’d each given me false hope.
It was supposed to be this way
, Callon had said.
We were always meant to be together
. But if we were always meant, then why did Colt have to work his way into my heart as well?

Callon had the rings, and he’d not hesitated to use them to his advantage just like Marcus. But Colt, he’d had my friendship. From the start he’d worked on me to fall in love with him. It’d felt natural regardless of the fact he was meant as my protector. With Callon I’d been forced into the situation. Yet while it’d been awkward to begin with, I’d grown to love him, too.

Really when it all came down to it, I had no choice of my own. Everything had been set out and I was forced to confront destiny. No matter how I’d tried, it had won in the end.

I had to follow its plan.

Happy Birthday, Cheyenne.”

Daniel’s soft voice caused me to look up. I’d been lying on the bed, as I often did since coming to Ireland. Everything had lumped together in a haze, and I’d not realized what day it was. I glanced towards him, and spotted a small pink cupcake on a crisp white plate set before me, a single candle burning.

My light…

I’m here, Cheyenne,”
Colt whispered.
“I said I’d always be your light, I promised to never leave you, remember?”
His fingers brushed the stray hairs from my eyes and I grasped for his hand, pulling it to my chest.

A carefree smile broke over his lips.
“You remember when I took you for a hike?”

I nodded.

I led you to a mountain meadow.”

I remember,” I whispered as my mind drifted towards that memory.

It was warm, the perspiration was running down my brow as I climbed the hill. Colt stood waiting, his playful eyes meeting mine.

Hurry up,”
he called out.

What’s the rush?” I asked knowing he was anxious to show me his surprise. I suddenly stopped and plopped down on a tree stump just to be stubborn. “I’m exhausted.”

He stalked towards me and I giggled.

Seriously, Cheyenne, you can do better than that.”
He rolled his eyes and grasped my hand.

You’re so pushy,” I laughed.

We paused at the top between the trees and I became still. He’d brought me to a field, where thousands of bright yellow wildflowers with patches of red poppies danced in the breeze. Colt pulled me forward and wrapped his arms around.

Look, your own personal patch of sunshine.”
He grew silent, more thoughtful. “
I didn’t think I’d ever find anything as close to heaven as this.”
He looked at me and I knew he wasn’t talking about the flowers.

You made me a crown out of flowers,” I said.

I did. I told you you’d always be my princess.”

I blinked away the tears.



You’ll always be my princess.”

I love you, Colt,” I whispered.

I love you too. I’ll always be with you…”

Tears streamed down my cheeks as Colt’s image faded from my vision.


My eyes cleared enough to see the remnants of the candle burning and Callon holding my hand.

I miss him so much.” Callon was speaking differently, in a tone of voice I’d never heard before. It cut through my despair, reaching far enough to touch my place of retreat. “I was breaking our family apart. I was the one who was so determined to push you in the right direction. I’m the one to blame for all of this, not you. It’s because of you that I realized how much my family meant to me. It’s because of you my heart aches…because of what
put you through. I’m so sorry…” His head lowered as the candlelight faded away.

The thin wisp of smoke trailed upwards. My light was gone, but Callon was here. Callon was here bearing his soul and I couldn’t reject him anymore.

I moved closer tossing the cupcake and plate to the floor.

I’m here, Callon,” I murmured, my silence finally broken. “I’m here.”

His arms came around me and he buried his head in my hair as we both held on. Holding on for all our losses and for all our pain.

A sudden peace began to cover me like a warm blanket. Daniel had wrapped himself around both us. His salty tears ran down my arm.

You’re back,” Daniel whispered. “You came back.”

Eventually Daniel let go, but Callon held on until my limbs became heavy and sleep overwhelmed me.

I woke to the softest caress on my cheek.

Cheyenne,” Callon murmured. “Cheyenne…”

I inhaled and looked up into weary eyes.

I’m here,” I whispered.

A weak smile broke through. “I want you to stay.”

I grasped his hand.

I’ll try.” I knew I couldn’t say anymore than that. My heart was still heavy, broken, shattered, but I knew I needed to move on. I could deal with this heartache the way I’d dealt with the others…I’d bury it deep in my heart. It would all blend into the darkness at some point, it had to.

I want you to leave this room.” He hesitated. “I want you to come with me.”

I pressed my eyes closed for a moment. This room had been my sanctuary. Leaving it would open me up. I was safe here.

It’ll be okay.” He encouraged. “Daniel, Maes and I are here. It’s going to be all right. I want you to live here, to see and explore my home. We’re going to help you move on.”

My hands began to shake at the unknown…
move on
. I knew I needed to, but Callon vocalizing it caused me to panic. I didn’t want to move on from Colt, I wanted him alive and with me always.

Cheyenne.” Callon’s warm breath passed over my cheek. “He’d want you to see it.”

Callon helped me to sit up and pulled me to the side of the bed. I stood and suddenly my legs felt like jelly.

It’s okay. I’ve got you.” His arm quickly snaked around my waist. “You’ve been in bed a long time, it will take time to get your strength back. But I’ll be here every step of the way.”

He led me to the bathroom and for the first time I actually took in my surroundings. The room was decorated with white marble and ornate fixtures. Callon didn’t live in any ordinary home. This was plush and elegant, this was luxury at its finest.

After cleaning up and opening the door, I was astonished at what I’d chosen to ignore. An expansive four-poster bed adorned the center of the room, the bed I’d slept in with its silken fabrics. Large oil paintings hung throughout and a sitting area with antique furnishing held their own private corner. I glanced to my left and saw the sunlight peeking through the curtains.

Do you like it?” Callon’s hand covered mine.

Yes,” I whispered. “It’s just that I…”

I know,” he replied. “But you’re here now and you can take it all in.”

I looked up into the warmth of his hazel eyes. The eyes that I’d come to adore and the man I needed to make things right with.

I’m sorry.” Tears brimmed the surface.

I know.” He drew my hand up and kissed my knuckles. “Let me distract you for a while, okay?”

I nodded and allowed him to lead the way.

My bedroom door opened and Callon stepped out into the hall as I hesitated. I looked back. This was my safe place…

It’s going to be okay.” He tugged on my hand.

I lowered my head and stepped out into the unknown.

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