Promise Them (The Callahan Series Book 6) (30 page)

Read Promise Them (The Callahan Series Book 6) Online

Authors: Mitzi Pool Bridges

Tags: #Contemporary, #suspense, #Western

BOOK: Promise Them (The Callahan Series Book 6)
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She sat down amid laughter.

Beau had remained standing. “Congratulations, Dani. I know you will make a success of this venture, because, like Emma said, you’re smart, and boy can you cook.”

Everyone had something to say. By the time they were finished, Dani was smiling. “Thanks. I don’t have a menu tonight. But starting tomorrow, there’ll be two choices each night and the menu will change weekly. How does that sound?”

“It sounds wonderful,” Nolan Murdock said. “Can we eat now?”

Dani sat down between Rey and Nolan. “With everything ready in the kitchen, I left Zach in charge.”

“Good for you,” Nellie agreed. “You should be here to enjoy this night.”

The food was melt-in-your-mouth wonderful. Pan-fried trout topped with a wine sauce full of crab and tiny shrimp followed a fresh salad. Asparagus, scalloped potatoes, and fresh made rolls completed the menu. After that came dessert and flavored coffee.

When everyone finished, the accolades began.

“This is just what the town needed, Dani,” Kate said. “The only thing I’ve missed about the city is fine dining. I feel like cheering.”

“Amen,” Phyl said. She turned to Donovan. “Now there’s a place to eat that won’t take so much of your time.” She turned to speak to everyone. “His excuse is always that it takes too long to drive to San Antonio and back for just a meal.” She looked at him fondly. “No excuses now.”

“I’m afraid every husband in the county is going to be forced to bring their wife here,” Dugan laughed.

“Yeah!” Nolan Murdock said. “But after that first trip, I’ll bet they won’t have to be forced again.”

Nellie stood. “Before you leave, I want to tell everyone here that you are all invited to my birthday bash next Sunday.” She looked over at Dani. “You’ll get a break from cooking. The boys do a pretty good job with barbecue. So everyone come. Please. One o’clock.”

The crowd broke up. Nellie followed Dani to the kitchen where Zach was cleaning up.

“You are a stunning success,” she told Dani, giving her a hug.

“Thanks. I was scared to death.”

“Everything looks great. The diner is brighter; the new space is spectacular. You
demanding reservations, aren’t you? Otherwise you won’t be able to seat everyone.”

“I am,” she said. “I’m so excited. My own place.”

“Molly’s Diner and Dani’s Fine Dining. Two separate experiences. It’s wonderful for you and for the town. It was especially nice to keep Molly’s name on the door.”

“Molly couldn’t help she got sick. Besides, she started Molly’s years ago. If I changed the name, no one would come.”

Nellie laughed.

“I’ll finish up here,” Zach said. “Why don’t you go home?”

“I think I will,” Dani said. “Be sure and lock up when you leave.”

“I will.” His grin was as wide as the plate in his hand.

“You’ve made him a happy young man,” Nellie said as they walked out to join Beau. Nolan stood next to Beau waiting for Dani.

“What’s going to happen to Jimmy?” Nellie asked Nolan.

“With the evidence we have and an eye-witness, he’ll do jail time for rustling and for attempted murder. He’ll be in the pen a very long time.” He smiled down at Dani. “I’ll walk you home.”

“Home? I don’t really have one,” Dani said. “But Emma is renting me a room, which is great because I can walk to work. Or not.” Emma joined them and they strolled out of sight.

Beau held his arm out for Nellie. She took it and smiled. “Ready?” he asked.

“Oh, yes.”

“I’m glad. I have plans for you tonight.”

“You do?”

Of course he did.

Nellie couldn’t wait.


Nellie woke up, stretched. She felt wonderful. Today she would celebrate her sixtieth birthday. She didn’t feel sixty. She felt young and loved. Her body still hummed from Beau’s lovemaking last night. Since the shooting, their time together seemed more precious. Not a night went by when she didn’t tell him again how much she loved him. He always responded in kind, except he didn’t ask her to marry him.

She sighed.

Now that she would say yes, the question wasn’t forthcoming. The children might not be happy with her decision, but Nellie had grown past the time when it bothered her so much. Her children loved her. They liked Beau and in time would come to appreciate how happy he made their mother.

She reached up, touched her earlobes. Last night, Beau had given her a pair of diamond earrings for her birthday. Sparkling dewdrop earrings. She didn’t want to think of what he paid for them.

She glanced at the clock and jumped out of bed. It was late. Though the kids had told her she didn’t have to do a thing today, she wasn’t about to sit around and let them do all the work.

Dressing carefully, she pulled on a new dress. Green in color, it matched her eyes. With its V-neck and flare at the ankle-length hem, she felt young and flirty again.

Going to the mirror, she started to apply makeup. Her reflection startled her. She didn’t recognize the woman she saw in the mirror whose eyes shone like emeralds—whose cheeks flushed a bright pink.

She was a woman in love. She’d loved Duncan, and never doubted his love, but she’d never felt free to glory in it. Never allowed herself to feel so confident or free. With Beau things were different. She’d never felt so ‘in love’, or so giddy.

Did the woman who had such a traumatic past fifty years ago have the right to feel like this?

You bet she did!

And she had Beau to thank for it.

Thanks to her sessions with Father Mike, she’d come to grips with her childhood and the aftermath of her rape. For the first time in her life she was truly content. The only thing that would make her life better was to be with Beau on a permanent basis.

She applied a touch of lipstick and turned to look at herself.

The dress made her eyes a deeper green. As an added bonus, it made her look slimmer.

There was a knock on the door. With one last look in the mirror, she went to answer, wondering if it was Beau. Her brow wrinkled. No. She’d told him to meet her at the main house, as she wanted to go early and see if she could help.

She opened the door to see Mark standing there.

“Hi, Gran.”

“Hi, yourself. Come in.” She held the door open. “Did your dad send you to get me?”

“No. I just wanted to make sure you were all right.”

Ever since the episode with Jimmy, Mark had been exceptionally protective. She understood. He’d been scared to death for her, for Beau, even for himself.

“Are you coming to the house now? You should see all the food. And the desserts. Everybody made something different. Mom made a huge chocolate cake. Aunt Kate made a coconut one.”

Mark loved both.

Nellie laughed. “I can’t wait.”

They went out the door together.


Excitement reigned over the Callahan ranch. Children and grandchildren were busy getting food ready for the big event.

“You went to too much trouble,” Nellie told Donovan as she checked the pit where brisket, sausage, and ribs were turning a nice shade of done.

“Nothing is too good for you, Mom.” He laughed.

“You kids spoil me.”

Douglas came over to plant a kiss on her cheek. “It’s time we spoiled you. Goodness knows you spent enough years spoiling all of us. Except for me,” he added with a grin.

“Yeah, right!” Darin said, punching Douglas playfully in the shoulder. “You were the most spoiled.”

“Nope,” Dugan said. “TJ gets that prize.”

“What prize is that?” TJ asked her brothers, as she walked out with a huge bottle of barbecue sauce.

“Most spoiled Callahan,” Donovan retorted.

“I challenge that comment.” TJ chuckled.

Nellie listened and watched with amusement.

Dani, with Emma in tow, had arrived earlier with her friend, Marissa, and were helping out, except for Emma who couldn’t stay away from the dessert table.

Rey, who was running errands for Donovan, saw Marissa and made a beeline her way. The two of them did make a lovely couple.

Beau pulled up in his truck with Helen and Lela. “There he is,” Nellie said, and went to greet him.

It took a while to help Lela out of the truck, but she immediately gave Nellie a hug. “Happy Birthday.”

Nellie waved her daughter over. “Introduce Helen and Lela around, would you?”

She took Beau’s arm, and they walked over to the children who were gathered at the food table.

The women brought out large bowls of potato salad and slaw along with a huge pan of baked beans, while the children were ordered into the house to wash up.

Nolan Murdock’s truck pulled into the drive. After telling Nellie happy birthday, he hurried over to greet Dani.

Beau made the rounds, shaking hands with each member of the family.

Nellie couldn’t take her eyes off him. He looked so handsome in his neatly pressed jeans and shirt. Even his boots were polished to a high shine.

The grandchildren bounded out of the house.

Then, they were all talking at once, a million questions about his wound and how he felt. Finally, he held up his hand. “I want you all to know how happy I am to be here.” He looked over at Nellie and smiled. “Alive. I’m sorry to say it took getting shot to realize how we take life for granted.”

He went to Nellie and took her hand. “There’s something else I want all of you to know. I love your mother.”

Nellie’s heart stood still.

There were audible gasps. Beau ignored them. “What you may not know is that I intend to marry her.”

The boys started to grumble. Beau raised his hand. He wasn’t finished.

Nellie’s heart was beating ninety miles a minute. This was so unexpected and right in front of the family.

“I know Nell pretty well by now, and I don’t think she would be totally happy unless her family is accepting of her choice.

“I’m asking all of you if I can have your mother’s hand in marriage.”

There was dead silence.

Nellie held her breath. What would they say? The boys were against any change. The girls more accepting. With all her heart, she begged them all to say yes.

“All those opposed say, nay,” Max said with a grin.

There were no nays.

Maybe because they were in shock, Nellie thought.

Whatever the reason, Beau took advantage of the silent acceptance, waved at Mark, who ran to him with a big smile and handed him a box.

Beau went down on one knee and opened the box. “Nell. I know I’m not worthy to be your husband, but I promise you and your children I’ll do anything and everything in my power to make you happy for the rest of our lives.”

Nellie looked around at her children—at all the smiles. Even the boys were smiling.

Her fingers trembling, Nellie held out her hand.

Beau slipped a large square cut diamond on her finger.

With tears in her eyes, she turned to face her family. “Thank you,” she said simply.

The boys, starting with Donovan, walked over to Beau to shake his hand. “You took a bullet for Mom,” he said. “I guess we don’t need any more proof than that how much you love her.”

Dani came over and hugged Nellie. “Dad made the best choice ever. You’ve been a wonderful friend, but it’ll be even better having you as a mom. Is it okay if I call you that?”

Nellie hoped her smile and hug were answer enough because her throat was frozen tight with happiness.

Hand shakes from the boys and kisses from the girls followed. Then the questions started.

“Have you thought of a date?” TJ asked.

Beau and Nellie looked at one another and shook their heads.

“Soon,” he said and kissed her.

“What about a honeymoon? Will you take one?” Donovan asked.

“If you agree to answer Rey’s questions, and give him a hand if he runs into trouble, I plan to leave the ranch in his hands. If the two of you agree to do that, then the answer is yes. A long one.”

Rey came over to his dad, shook his hand. “Congratulations. Are you sure you want to leave me in charge? I’m still a greenhorn.”

Beau put an arm around Rey’s shoulders. “I trust you, Rey. With everything. I know you’ll do the best you can. If you make a mistake, learn from it and move on. It’s what we all do.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

“He’s thrilled,” Nellie whispered when Rey walked off with a stunned look on his face.

“He’s going to make a helluva rancher. Just think of all the trips we can make and not have to worry about the ranch.”

“Where will you go on that honeymoon?” Dugan asked.

Beau looked at Nellie and pulled her close. “Your mom has never been out of Texas. I plan to show her some of those places she’s been dreaming of for years. Including France and Italy.”

Her eyes widened. “How did you know?”

He chuckled. “You have a few dog-eared books that tell their own story.”

Nellie’s heart overflowed.

No wonder she loved this man.

A Note From The Author...

This is the last book in the Callahan Series. I hope you have read and enjoyed them all.

I’d like to take a minute to thank all of my faithful readers who couldn’t wait for the next book to come out. It has been a fun ride that was at times rocky, others exciting.

I’d also like to thank my wonderful editor, Laura Kelly, who took me by the hand and led me through the first book,
Promise Kept
, to the last,
Promise Them.
I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve taught me. (I didn’t think I’d ever get those serial commas straight.) You’ve been wonderful, and the books wouldn’t be what they are without your input.

Another thanks goes to my critique group, Ann, Diana, and D’Anne. You kept me going when the going got tough, and your insight improved my work. Thank you, ladies.

I’m often asked which book I like best. Which is like asking which one of your children do you love the most. It’s a question with no answer. Every one has a special place in your heart.

I sincerely hope you enjoyed TJ’s romp through the pages as she set out to save the ranch for her family and ended up with a man she could love the rest of her life.

And what about Donovan? The oldest son who ran the ranch, the one who overheard a secret that could have ruined his life? He not only found a helpmate whose son stole his heart, but a woman he couldn’t live without.

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