Promise Made (The Callahan Series) (24 page)

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Authors: Mitzi Pool Bridges

Tags: #Contemporary, #small town

BOOK: Promise Made (The Callahan Series)
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He loved the woman. Maybe he should just tell her and see where the chips fell.

And send her running for the hills again?

Kate had just told him she was staying in Oaktree. Did it mean anything other than what she’d said? That she wanted to be close to Grace?

How would that play out? They’d see each other all the time. He was the sheriff, for God’s sake. Which meant he couldn’t go around with his heart on his sleeve and half the town feeling sorry for him.

Maybe it was better this way. At least they hadn’t made it to the altar this time before she changed her mind.

But the more he thought about it the worse it sounded. Kate loved him, he was sure of it. How could she make love to him like she had and

There was a reason she was so afraid. He had to find what it was.

Tomorrow. Starting tomorrow. As for tonight...

He shook his head and tried the lounger again.

This wasn’t going to work. Ten minutes later he dragged himself to his feet and paced the floor some more. Despite the hour, Dugan pulled out his cell phone and made a quick call to Rita to give her the all clear. Then he checked in on his prisoner.

“Doc bandaged his leg and gave him a tetanus shot. Said he’d be fine.” Ralph laughed. “Should have been here. He yelled like a sonofabitch. He cursed Kate until I told him to shut up or I would tape his mouth.”

“He deserves what he gets. Keep a close eye on him.” Dugan paused. “Did you feed Piper?”

“Taken care of, boss. You just take care of yourself.”

Right. He paced some more. The shower had stopped. After a rough couple of days, Kate was most likely asleep.

He began to pace again. To the window and back. To the door and back.

“You need to get some sleep. Instead you’re pacing a trench in the floor.”

He looked up to see Kate watching him, her eyes wide and solemn. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to keep you awake.” Even in an old T-shirt, she looked wonderful. Damp, curly hair spilled around her face. His eyes slid from her bare feet up those gorgeous legs, and back to her somber face.

“Is something the matter, Kate? And no, you’re not keeping me awake.” She moved into the room, walked over to the window. It was dark. He doubted she could see a thing. But it kept her from looking at him.

His throat tightened. Even now, he wanted her so badly it was an ache in his heart.

“Guess I’m just restless.”

She rolled her neck as if to get out the stress.

“I know it’s hard, but you need to forget what happened. Jerome can’t hurt you. You’re safe now, Kate.”

Her voice was a whisper when she finally spoke. “I thought we would die.”

She turned then and he saw the tears. He took a step toward her and did his best to gently wrap his arms around her. She needed comfort right now, not desire. “Kate?”

Or did she? She put a finger to his lips, lifted her face.

The kiss was electric.

“I…” he began, needing to get it out there.

“Shh,” she whispered.

“But Kate—”

“Enough talk.” She reached up and started kissing him as if there were no tomorrow. Familiar kisses, but more intense than ever, Desperate, almost. Had she changed her mind? Unless he was more dense than a block of wood, Kate had been determined to keep distance between them.

Dugan gave up his need to tell her he loved her and simply went with the moment. Sweeping her into his arms, he kissed her again and again while he carried her to her room, then shut the door before the animals followed them in.

It didn’t matter if she didn’t love him in return. He’d take her any way she wanted him.

Within seconds her nightshirt was gone and his clothes disappeared.

The tangle of arms, legs, and body, combined with never-ending kisses made him ready to explode.

He was wild for her. Five minutes ago he’d thought this—
were over. But here they were, Kate panting beneath him, her eyes and mouth as hungry as his own. Her hands were touching him everywhere, setting him on fire with desire. Nearly frantic now, she reared up to meet him as he thrust inside of her, then all but flew past him in a frenzy of want.

For the first time ever, Dugan had a hard time slowing her down.

“Wait, Kate, wait.”

He wanted this to last. He pulled back to stroke her curves, and kiss them. He moaned at the delicious feel of her beneath him. Familiar? Yes. Different? Yes. This was something he’d never experienced before. Sex? Yes. Wild, crazy sex? No. He growled and plunged deeper. Kate let out an answering shout of pleasure, stiffened, then trembled beneath him. Seconds later, she pulled him to her and started again. What little blood he had left in his head shot straight to his groin as he tried to keep up with her.

He gave all he had, then gave some more. His stomach quivered when she let out a low, long, primal moan of sheer pleasure.

His senses were on overload as he took her hips in his hands to slow her down. She finally followed suit, stroking his shoulders, touching his mouth with almost there kisses. He couldn’t resist and pressed his lips to hers. First soft and sweet, then deeper until she took his buttocks in both hands and yanked him into her. Closer. Tighter.

Dear God! Where had this woman come from?

He looked into her gorgeous blue eyes and saw the fire, and the frenzy. Was this her goodbye? Couldn’t be. Wouldn’t be. He wouldn’t let it. The taste and feel of her was like a drug. Addictive.

“Do you know what you do to me?” she gasped.

“Tell me.”

“I ache for you. Yearn for you, Dugan.”

Overwhelmed, he sank into her, deeper now, harder. The feel of her surrounding him filled him with joy. Forever, his heart begged.

She was his. No matter what happened after this night, Kate was his.


The haze over her eyes faded slowly as Kate reveled in the feel of Dugan’s body inside of hers, her legs wrapped around him to brand him as all hers. The feel of him under her hands made her itch with a hunger that couldn’t be quenched. There was so much more of him now that she wanted to pinch herself to prove he was real. Instead, unable to control herself, she once again set a faster pace, panting with the effort. It was as if she were suddenly insatiable.

Lord help her. What was making her go crazy like this? But she
crazy for this man. Always had been. Her mind went blank again as she met his hurried thrusts, felt his tongue dance with hers. When she at last flew over the edge she thought she might die from the sheer beauty of the freefall.

Hadn’t she promised not do this again? Would she be a total idiot to give him up? To give up all that Dugan offered? She was a strong woman, but when it came to Dugan Callahan, she clearly couldn’t resist, and all her promises flew out the window. How she’d missed him all these years. Missed this closeness, this love.

His mouth trailed kisses up and down her body. She purred her pleasure. He smiled and took her mouth again until she forgot everything else.

“Don’t stop.”

He didn’t. Unbelievably, once more, she had what had to be the world's most phenomenal orgasm. But this one shattered her into a million pieces, leaving her limp and barely able to breathe.

Dugan chuckled and put his arms around her, spooned her into his arms, and kissed the mole on her right shoulder.

Tears leaked from the corner of her eyes.

How could she do this to Dugan? She’d vowed not to hurt him again.

Apparently she wasn’t very good at keeping promises.

But every time he looked at her in a certain way all she wanted was him. How could she say no to that look? For that matter, how could she say no to herself when she wanted him so badly?

She sighed. It would take a stronger person than she.

His hands roamed her body, softly, sensuously. Her body quivered with want. Again?

She felt him against her back, hard and ready as ever.

The time for thinking was over.


The next morning, Dugan’s phone buzzed. He’d put it on vibrate so as not to wake Kate. He was needed at the station. Jerome was awake and raising hell. He left a note on the pillow telling Kate they’d talk later.

The sexual haze from last night hung around him. Could others see it?

“I want my lawyer,” Jerome yelled when he saw Dugan.

“Then call him.”

“I did. Bastard said he couldn’t see me today.”

“That’s your problem, Jerome. Cool it or I’ll have Doc Pullman give you something to calm you down.”

Jerome’s curses followed Dugan out the door.

He headed for Molly’s. Questions flew as soon as he walked in the door. The town was abuzz with the news and wanted more. Who brought Jerome down? Did Kate really stab him in the leg? Did old Sheriff Ed challenge a killer? Really?

He’d never get breakfast at this rate, so he held up his hand to stop them. They settled back in their seats, but didn’t stop talking.

“They all deserve medals.” Without turning, Dugan knew the voice belonged to Sadie Hicks.

“Our sheriff deserves the biggest one,” Emma argued. “He’s the one who saved the day.”

Dugan rolled his eyes as Molly arrived.

“Breakfast is on me,” she said with a grin. What’ll you have? Your usual?”

No choice but to accept gracefully. “Thanks, Molly.”

Minutes later she put his plate of eggs and biscuits in front of him, poured a second cup of coffee. “How are you and Kate?” she asked with a wink.

After she'd buttered him up with a free breakfast, he should have known. “Jeez. Can’t you people give it a rest?”

Molly eyed him sharply and put the coffee pot down with a thump. “I know the town seems too nosy at times, Dugan. But their concern and mine is because we care about you. Each and every one of us wants you to be happy. If it means you get back with Kate, we’re all for it. If it means you don’t, so be it. We just want what’s best for our sheriff.”

Dugan had swallowed all he could. He shoved the rest aside. “I know. I didn’t mean to say I don’t understand where you all are coming from. The truth is I really don’t know what to tell you.” Wild, crazy sex could mean anything. Even goodbye.

Molly smiled and patted his arm. “That’s actually a good sign.”

“It is?”

“Don’t worry, Dugan, I’m pulling for you. Heck, we all are.”

“Thanks,” he said, not understanding a word of whatever she was trying to tell him. “Will you wrap this up for Piper? If you have enough, wrap up a couple of those cinnamon rolls, too.”

In seconds she was back with a small foil wrapped package and a bag. “Good luck, Romeo.”

Another dry eye roll. “Thanks.”

The bag clutched tightly in one hand, he waved at the diners and hurried out.

Piper met him at the office door, sniffed. Dugan opened the foil, gave him the leftovers. Piper grinned his appreciation.

“Let’s go see Kate, Piper. What do you say?”

Piper barked.


In minutes, they were in the cruiser and headed for Grace’s. Maybe he and Kate could share a cup of coffee, along with a roll, and have a talk. After last night, they needed to discuss what had happened between them. Was it a new beginning? A repeat of old mistakes? Or her farewell?

Before he got there, his radio squawked. “Sheriff, there’s a big fight at the Hughes’ place. Everyone else is tied up.” Sybil’s voice was all business-like.

“Stay,” he warned Piper when he turned into Grace's drive. He placed the bag at the door, knocked, and was back to his patrol car in seconds.

There would be no coffee or talk this morning. The Hughes’ place was twenty miles from town.


Kate read Dugan’s note and threw herself back on the bed. They had never had sex like last night before. What had gotten into her? Into them? She couldn’t explain it even to herself. All she knew was it was the most mind-boggling, earth-shattering sex she’d ever had and she wouldn’t mind a second helping.

Only she’d vowed and promised sex between them had to stop.

Was she a hopeless case of broken promises?

She got out of bed, took her shower and dressed. A knock on the door sent her heart skittering. Yogi barked until Kate got there. She rubbed his head. “It’s all right. The bad guy’s in jail.”

Regardless, she opened the door carefully, only to see Dugan’s patrol car move down the street away from her. The aroma hit her nostrils before she spotted the bag.

She closed the door, leaned against it with a sigh, and clutched the bag to her chest. Dugan knew how she loved this cinnamon treat. Her heart turned over.

She took it into the kitchen, poured a cup of coffee, and sat at the table. It didn’t take long until both rolls were gone along with two cups of coffee.

Every bite made her think of Dugan. And last night. How wonderful it would be to get back what they once had. To let him spoil her like Ed spoiled Gram. But Dugan deserved more than the uncertainty she promised. Kate wasn’t sure just yet that she was able to give him the security marriage demanded. Not because she didn’t want to, but because she didn’t know if she had it in her to do so. Doc Pullman’s talk hadn’t fully convinced her there was nothing wrong with her.

She’d do better to forget what happened between them last night.

It wouldn’t be easy. She wanted him. Not just because he was a wonderful lover, but also because he was a wonderful person.

She walked into her office. She’d been gone one day and the answering machine blinked ten messages. Heaving a deep sigh, she took a pad and pencil and punched the button.

Work. Don’t think.

A few minutes later, she had four new prospective clients, five people asking how she was and one from Karl Theiss who had been given Jerome Johnson’s case.

She’d put that call off as long as possible.

The four prospective clients could wait.

Minutes later, she put down her pen. She couldn’t seem to concentrate. When the phone rang, it was welcome.

It was Gram calling to tell her that she and Ed were on their way to San Antonio for the day. Would she be all right?

“I’m covered with work, Gram. Take your time.”

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