Prometheus Rising (19 page)

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Authors: Aaron Johnson

BOOK: Prometheus Rising
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from "tribal" reality to "feudal" reality, from "feudal"

reality to "industrial" reality, and now are jumping to Future


Consider the revolution against death, if you think

haven't been brainwashed.

Not all people have accepted mortality. Mystics, of course,

have always insisted there is a species of "spiritual" immortality,

but aside from that, Taoists in China and alchemists in Europe

spent hundreds of years seeking the elixir of life that would

allow for physical immortality. Paracelsus, for instance, left

behind some of his sperm with directions to a student on how to

revive or recreate him out of it. (He seems to have had a crude

and inaccurate idea of cloning.) In the 1780s, both Benjamin

Franklin and Condorcet, in America and France, wrote that

medical science would eventually conquer death along with

every other disease.

The modern immortalist movement began with physicist

R.C.W. Ettinger who published
The Prospect of Immortality

1964. Ettinger, who had entered a reality-tunnel different from

the imprinted consensus-reality of our tribe, said bluntly that we

could be
the generation that abolished death and we should start

working for that goal.

158 Prometheus Rising

Since then, research on life-extension and longevity has quantum

jumped rapidly. Numerous books have come forth carrying

the same basic message as Ettinger's. Among them have been:

The Biological Time Bomb,
Taylor, 1968

The Immortalist,
Harrington, 1969

The Immortality Factor,
Segerberg, 1973

Here Comes Immortality,
Tucille, 1974

Rosenfeld, 1976

No More Dying,
Kurtzman, 1978

The Life Extension Revolution,
Kent, 1980

Dozens of societies have been founded for anti-aging

research, to lobby for more research, or just to publicize the

possibility before us—the enormous evolutionary jump from

mortality to immortality. Among these groups are: Committee

for the Elimination of Death, San Marcos, CA.; Bay Area

Cryonics Society, San Francisco, CA; Prometheus Society,

Baltimore, MD.; Long Life, Chicago, IL.; Alcor Foundation, San

Diego, CA; Foundation for Research Against Disease and Death,

New York, NY, etc. Now consider the cover of a recent book on

this topic:
Conquest of Death
Alvin Silverstein, Ph.D. The front

jacket says, in bold type but timid words:

A Controversial Look at the Revolution in Medicine and

Why We May Be the Last Generation to Die

Note the pessimistic implications: immortality is coming, but

not for me and you.
are still condemned to death. Our horns

won't fit through the door.

This fatalistic version of Dr. Silverstein's message must have

seemed necessary to the publishers because they felt that saying

we don't have to die
would be too shocking to the ordinary

reader. What? You and I live forever? Nonsense! Our realitytunnels

have all been imprinted to end with the dying of the light.

Inside the jacket, a more accurate version of what Dr. Silverstein

is saying appears:

We Need Not Be the Last Generation to Die—

We Can Conquer Death in Our Time

Prometheus Rising

Evidently, putting this on the front of the book would have

been too much of a "Neurological Revolution" for the average

reader—at least in the publisher's estimation.

One has to reach page 189 of the book to find Dr. Silverstein's

own estimate of the probable chronology of immortality,

which is:


c. 1983 We begin to halt the aging process

c. 1989 Life span prolonged indefinitely

c. 1999 Conquest of disease and death

Well, he was over-optimistic: but we've definitely reached the

first step (1997).

Who told you that you had to die? Were they any more infallible

than the people who programmed Patty Hearst, etc.?

"But—but—the Immortalists are only a minority..."
(So were

the Einsteinians in 1910.)

"But—but—Reverend Jones told me to drink the cyanide and

he knows what's right..."

"But—but my horns won't fit through the door...


1. Imagine yourself into the reality-tunnel of the far-right

group known as the John Birch Society. Believe for a while that

the U.S. government is 85% under covert United Nations (UN)

control and an open UN dictatorship will be declared soon. Turn

on the TV in that frame of mind and
look for all the evidence

each newscaster is either a conscious or an unconscious dupe of

the UN conspiracy.

2. Imagine yourself into the Head Space of a dogmatic Rationalist.

Analyze the Jim

as "mere coincidence."

3. Imagine yourself into the Head Space of an occultist.

Analyze the Jim-Jones-cyanide-///Mmmam.y synchronicity as an

Omen. What does it mean? Jungians say synchronicities contain

"messages" from the deep structure of the collective mind.

is the message ?

160 Prometheus Rising

4. Enter the Immortalist head-space for a few minutes. Imagine

you invest only $1000 at normal bank interest, compounded

annually. What will you have in 100 years? In 200 years?

(Nobody has used this conservative path to investment and

gotten rich on it before because nobody has lived long enough.)

5. Why are you not a nudist (if you aren't)? Make up five

good reasons, then go find a nudist and explain them to her (or


6. Become a Nazi for thirty three minutes. Believe that all

politics is a matter of strength, stealth and treachery: that all

liberalism is hypocrisy or folly. Plan a campaign to take over the

world by force and fraud.

7. Go to a Fundamentalist revival meeting where faith-healings

are performed. Or watch Jerry Falwell on TV. Remember

all the time that lim lones started out with that routine. See if

you can get into the head space of the Believers and decide

whether or not they would drink cyanide if their HOLY MAN

told them to.





There is no government, no industrial-military complex, no economic

system, no mass media that can ever reduce us to puppets

and robots as thoroughly as the biological and environmental dictatorships


— P.M. Esfandiary,


As noted earlier, when the bio-survival circuit flashes danger,

other mental activity ceases.

There is no "time" on the bio-survival circuit; reflexes act

without emotional ego, rational mind or adult personality participating:

"I just found myself doing it."

All the martial arts—judo, akido, kung fu, etc.—are reimprinting

techniques for the bio-survival circuit. They are intended

to ensure that
what happens mechanically
("without thought")

really does serve bio-survival, since the reflexes imprinted accidentally

on this circuit are not that dependable.

The mechanical nature of the bio-survival circuit is of key

importance in brainwashing.
To create a new imprint, reduce the

victim to an infantile state, i.e., first-circuit vulnerability.

As pointed out in the last chapter an army begins this process

with the draft notice, which informs the subject that his body no

longer belongs to him but to the government. The S.L. Army,

seeking quicker brain change, began the conversion of Patty into

Tania by taking her at gun point, but the message was the same:

"We can do what we want with your body from now on." Firstcircuit

bio-survival instincts thus become hooked to obeying

those who have this awesome power—just as the infant learns to

hook its bio-survival circuitry to the parental figures.

Patty's ride in the trunk of a car (after being taken at gunpoint)

is a classic rebirth ritual; the trunk is even womb-like in its

contours. When the trunk opened, she was reborn into a new

reality-tunnel, that of her captors. Similarly, where the earliest

forms of masonic initiation survive and have not been diluted

(Note the Adeptus Major Ritual in the
Complete Golden Dawn

System of Magic,
by Israel Regardie, Falcon Press 1983.) the

candidate is thrown into a well, and then "raised" as a newborn

Total submersion,
the form of baptism preferred by

Protestant fundamentalists, imitates this, but without the real

anxiety that made traditional masonry and the SLA so effective

as brain change agents.

All brainwashers empirically know (without in most cases

ever having read Leary's eight-circuit model of the brain) that

the oral bio-survival circuit seeks bonding with a mothering figure.

To increase panic and imprint vulnerability, then, the

subject, after being seized by the brainwashers (U.S. or S.L.

Army, "secret police," or whoever they may be in a given case)


164 Prometheus Rising

from all those to whom bonding had previously been

established. The draftee is sent to boot camp and sees no loved

ones (wife, girlfriend, parents, etc.) for a number of weeks or

months. The political prisoner is thrown into a dungeon. Patty

Hearst was locked in a closet as soon as she was "rebirthed" out

of the trunk of the car.

Experiments in isolation by the U.S. Marine Corps, Dr. John

Lilly and others—and the records of shipwrecked sailors, as

summarized by Lilly in
Simulations of God—
show that only a

few hours of pure isolation may be necessary before hallucinations

begin. These hallucinations, like those of psychedelic

drugs, indicate the breaking down of previous imprints and the

onset of vulnerability to new imprints.

The need to bond the bio-survival circuit to somebody (or

is indicated by the giraffe who imprinted on the

hunter's jeep as a mother-substitute. Similarly, children without

siblings, especially those in remote rural areas, often invent

imaginary playmates, which can become "real" enough to

frighten the parents into suspecting the onset of psychosis. Dr.

Lilly's records of sailors and explorers in isolation show that

such "guides," "companions" or "holy guardian angels" reappear

quickly even in adulthood when normal social contact is

removed. They also come promptly to those undergoing the

mysterious state called "near-death" or "out of body experience,"

(e.g., when the heart stops on the operating table.)

The first human being who appears to the subject after this

isolation can easily become bonded as the mother-substitute, or,

next best, as a father-substitute. This explains why people held

prisoner by terrorists (e.g., on hijacked airplanes) often develop a

"paradoxical" sympathy for those who are threatening to kill

them. It also explains why the draftee begins to look on his kidnappers

as protectors as well as captors, and why the brainwash

victim begins to please, gratify and eventually "respect" the


In all cases, since the bio-survival circuit is keyed to nourishment,

those who bring food become possible subjects for bonding.

The political prisoner, the draftee, the subject kidnapped by

terrorists, all move somewhat closer to identification/bonding

with their captors as they are fed regularly. Again, this is

Prometheus Rising 165

imitated crudely by various religions (without the terror that

creates true imprint vulnerability) by following baptism/rebirth

rituals with a communal meal or Holy Eucharist.

Adaptations of these principles can be applied even to those

who walk into the brainwashing environment voluntarily at first,

as in People's Temple, the Manson Family, and similar organizations.

The first step, once the victim is inside the territory

(commune), is to begin
by cutting off all communication

with the outer world and its conflicting reality-tunnels.

Meanwhile, a parental-protective atmosphere is quickly created

(sometimes called "love-bombing")
and food is

Whether the subject has entered voluntarily as in these communes,

or has been kidnapped or arrested (as in police states),

the next stage is to break down the second-circuit emotionalterritorial

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