Projected Pleasure (3 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Salaiz

BOOK: Projected Pleasure
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“Thank you.”

They descended the steps leading to the garden area side by side.

The scent of roses and gardenias floated against the breeze as Cole wrapped his arm around hers and led her to the gazebo in the middle of the garden.

Darkness weighed heavily outside, but not as heavy as it should have been for her. She couldn’t help but notice how if she wanted to she could count every line of woven wood on the furniture that filled the large resting area.

Cole seated her on the fluffy cushions of the wicker sofa while she looked around at the surrounding area. With no walls to hide them from view, she still couldn’t help but feel as though she sat in an open living room. A glass coffee table rested in front of her followed by a love seat. The gazebo was as big as her old living room in Refugio, Texas, the place she lived before Zachary came and literally swept her off her feet.

“Marley, I want you to know I’m leaving soon. The last thing I wanted to do earlier was upset you. I’m sorry.”

The light blue of Cole’s eyes tugged at her heart. God, she didn’t want him to leave. Why did this have to be so hard?

“You have no reason to be sorry, Cole. I’m the one who should apologize. I had no right to run out on you like that. My emotions have just been out of sorts lately. I’m sorry for upsetting you. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing more that I want than for you to stay here. But I can’t keep you from finding a mate. You deserve to be happy.”

Cole’s hands lifted quickly, but he stopped them inches from Marley’s face. Her heart hammered away at the thought that he might touch her. She wanted him to. Her mind and body screamed for her to let him.


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“I know this, Marley. It’s the reason I’m leaving tonight.”

She watched his hands drop, along with her heart. Disappointment ate at her. Would one more time truly hurt?

Imagining Cole kissing another woman, thrusting into her while she moaned in pleasure, sickened Marley. An overpowering reaction to scream and beg him to stay caught her off guard. No, she couldn’t think of that. She’d deal with the new woman when the time came.

Right now she knew what she wanted. Claiming Cole one more time wouldn’t hurt.

Taking a deep breath, Marley bit her lip and reached for him. Her fingers gripped into the white button up shirt and pulled him toward her.

“You can’t leave, yet,” Marley breathed against his full lips.

The heat from his forehead radiated against hers. He was so close, not an inch away. The need to taste him caused her to grip the shirt tighter. Blue eyes pierced hers.

“Say it, Marley. Tell me what you want.”

“Make love to me, Cole, one last time.”

The end of the words almost got choked in her throat while it tightened. She held in the emotions that threatened to bring tears.

Everything was forgotten the moment Cole’s lips crushed into hers.

Her fists tightened around his shirt, and she felt the material disintegrate beneath her fingers.

Greedily, she ripped at the remaining cloth like tissue paper until he was completely shirtless. Marley couldn’t quit kissing him. His taste overwhelmed her. A surge of greediness swept through her senses leaving her feeling obsessed to sample more.

Large arms pulled her into his wide chest while he lowered her to the cushions, molding his body to hers. The silk material of the dress was pulled to her hips while Cole ran his hand up her inner thigh.

With the arm that rested behind her, he arched her back.

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The brush of his fingers against the edge of the thin, black lace panties had her moaning into his mouth. With a quick rip, cool air rushed against her pussy, causing her to shiver.

“Are you sure you want to do this?”

The pads of his fingers massaged the outside of her folds, moving right over her clit. Marley’s hips bucked wildly.

“Yes, I’m positive.”

If he stopped now she was sure she would lose it. She felt uncontrollable with lust. A part of her mind turned wild, animalistic with wanting to take control.

* * * *

Cole’s lips trailed down Marley’s throat, taking in the scent of her skin. The overwhelming feeling to sink his teeth into her nearly made him stop. God, he wanted her with everything he had. Why was his brain screaming for him to mark her as his mate? She was already marked. He knew this and yet the wolf in him had conflicting emotions.

If he bit her it would only mean one thing, and he’d never challenge Zachary. As much as he wanted Marley, he’d never hurt his best friend or even stand a chance in a fight against him. Cole knew he could easily take out anyone else in the pack, but Zachary was a prodigy, something all his own. No one could win against him.

Wetness enveloped his fingers while he slid them down against her opening. Marley moaned, moving her stomach against his cock.

With a thrust of two of his fingers, he buried them deep inside of her pussy. The pressure from her nails almost brought him to instant release.

Removing his arm from behind her back, he ripped the front of her dress open, exposing her generous breasts. The hard, pink tips caused a growl to pour out of his throat. Dream after dream he’d seen

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her just as she lay now, and it didn’t even come close to comparing with the beauty of the real thing.

The hardness of his cock throbbed against the material of his black slacks. Slowly, Cole worked his way down to the wetness encasing his fingers. Now that he was right where he wanted to be, he gave an upward push and felt Marley’s body rock with spasms. Her scent hit him head on.

It took a moment for Cole to focus. His tongue already probed into her, drinking in her release, but he hadn’t remembered getting there. Trying to clear his thoughts, it struck him just how powerful Marley’s scent had become. Impossible.

* * * *

The smoothness that thrust inside of her had Marley clutching Cole’s blond hair. She still couldn’t see straight from her orgasm.

Sensitivity covered her whole body causing her to twitch every time Cole brushed against her clit.

Light blue glowed above her while Cole lifted and looked directly at her face. She’d never seen his eyes physically glow before.

Zachary’s were the only ones she’d had the privilege to see illuminating in the darkness.

“Marley, there’s something about your scent.”

A surge of fear rushed throughout her body. No, she wouldn’t believe anything was wrong with her. She shook her head and reached for him.

“Don’t talk, just touch me.”

Her fingers gripped the front of his pants. With a quick pull, she felt the button pop off and the zipper come down. The weight of Cole’s cock spilled forward, and she instantly wrapped her hand around the width. A groan filled the emptiness of the gazebo, and she felt the moment he lost control.

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He pulled off his pants and positioned himself over Marley, entering her in one swift motion. His length pushed inside of her deeply, nearly making her scream. With her legs around his waist, she urged him on, pushing him deeper.

“Fuck, Marley. Your pussy’s so tight and warm. You have no idea how good you feel.”

The hardness of her nipples slid against his chest while he thrust.

A need to feel more of him pulled at her, but she wasn’t sure what exactly she needed. She just knew she needed him, all of him.

The thrusts became harder and faster. Tightness in her stomach became torturing while he rubbed against the spot deep inside of her.

His arms gathered behind her knees, spreading her wide while he pushed into her. Just as Marley exploded, instinct took over and she did the one thing her mind told her to. She sunk her teeth into Cole’s shoulder.

The taste of his blood filling her mouth had her eyes to rolling back and watering at the same time. Power began to surge through her veins at a rate that made it impossible to control her breathing.

Her lips broke from his skin as he lifted up and pulled his cock out, spilling his cum across her stomach. But she couldn’t focus on the warm liquid coating her skin or even the amount of pleasure that filled Cole’s face. All she could feel was how her body thrummed with unrelenting power. Blackness dotted before her, and she suddenly disappeared from reality.


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Chapter 4

Zachary and Cole loomed before her as Marley’s eyes fluttered open. Glimpses of her bedroom came into focus while she looked around at her surroundings. The ache in her body made her groan as she tried to quickly sit up.

“Lay down, Marley. You need to rest,” Zachary said soothingly.

Reluctantly, she obeyed. “What happened?”

Trying to clear her head, Marley rubbed her eyes. Images of her and Cole flooded her mind, making her smile. Then she remembered the bite.

“It would seem you were worn out.” Her husband laughed, brushing the hair away from her face. “I knew you both would make up. So, how are you feeling?”

She turned toward Cole and looked at his concerned face. “I’m better. I feel a little tired, but other than that I’m okay.”

“Are you sure?” Cole asked tensely.

He was dressed casually now. She wondered when he put clothes on. A dark blue shirt molded tightly against his chest enhancing the blue of his eyes. He wore a pair of loose fitted jeans, also a dark color.

She looked back into his face.

“I’m positive. It’s like Zachary said, you wore me out. It was amazing. You literally took my breath away.” The joke didn’t seem to relax the rigid stature of Cole’s body. He stared at her for endless seconds before he seemed to calm.

“If you’re okay then that’s all that matters.” Cole sat on the bed at her feet. “Zachary, I know everyone’s waiting on us. Why don’t you
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go to the meeting, and I’ll watch over Marley until you get back. Then I’ll head out.”

Her husband nodded and kissed her forehead. “Are you sure you’re all right? I can cancel the meeting.”

“No, I’m fine. Go. Everyone’s waiting. Cole will be here if I need you. Plus, I’m sure Kylie’s not far away.”

“Yes, she’s already fed Demetri and Aria. They’re in bed, now.

She told me to get her when you woke up. I’ll tell her on my way to go ahead and come in.”

“Already in bed! How long have I been out?”

“About an hour,” Cole said, rubbing her leg through the blanket.

“An hour, shit! Yes, tell her to come in. I need to thank her for watching over Demetri for me.”

Zachary laughed. “You couldn’t separate her from her nephew for anything in the world. She’s very attached to him. But I’ll tell her. Get some rest, love. I’ll see you in a few hours.”

Marley and Cole watched Zachary walk out of the door.

Uneasiness settled over her. What happened after she passed out? Did he sense anything when she bit him? She sure had!

“I’m going to use the restroom real quick. I won’t be long,” he said, standing.

Watching him walk into the adjoining room, she breathed heavily the minute he was out of sight. What in the hell was happening to her?

Jesus, the power she felt was amazing, too amazing.

Her bedroom door burst open, and Kylie ran in, shutting it quickly behind her. The look of pure terror masked her features while she rushed toward the bed. Marley opened her mouth to warn her, but she wasn’t quick enough.

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t tell my brother about what’s going on with you? Do you know how worried I was? Jesus, Marley! You can’t continue to hide your condition from him.”

Marley waved her hands around frantically, trying to cut her sister-in-law off, but it was no use. Cole stood at the bathroom door

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looking at both of them. With a groan, Marley pulled the covers over her head and said every curse word she knew.

“One of you better tell me what’s going on right this minute.”

Marley pulled back the blanket just in time to see him stalking toward them. She threw an aggravated look at Kylie. The shock registering on her face said she clearly wasn’t aware they weren’t alone.

“I just meant…well, I mean, shit.” Kylie collapsed on the side of the bed.

“Kylie, I outrank you and I order you to tell me. If something is wrong with Marley, I want to know. Don’t even try to hide anything, either.”

“She’s sick,” she said, letting the words burst out.

“What do you mean, sick? Describe.” Cole turned to stare at Marley.

“I’m right here, and I’m not sick, so don’t start this conversation without me in it. The doctor says its postpartum depression, that’s all.”

“Marley, we both know it has to be something more than what that quack says. I don’t even know why you continue to go to him.”

“Cole.” Kylie turned toward him.

“Don’t, Kylie,” Marley warned. The mix of panic and anger began rushing through her. If Cole knew, there was a chance he would tell Zachary, and she didn’t want that.

“I have to. You heard him. He ordered me to tell him what’s wrong with you.”

“I said don’t!” Marley yelled, rising to her knees on the bed. The insect feeling began crawling over her skin as anger took a prominent role. Her whole body started shaking from the rage that began to consume her. Every second that went by made her emotions flare.

“Calm down, Marley. Just lay down and you can tell me yourself.

How about that? Will that be all right?” Cole’s calm voice made her anger recede.

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Nodding, Marley lay down on the bed and looked up at him. How much could she tell him and get away with? The less he knew the better. If he worried anymore than he needed to then he might not leave to look for a mate. She wasn’t about to be the cause of his unhappiness.

“It’s only an emotional thing, really. I’ve been getting upset rather easily.”

“And the cravings,” Kylie led on.

Marley narrowed her eyes, snapping them in Kylie’s direction.

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