[Project Nemesis] Jungle Fever (22 page)

BOOK: [Project Nemesis] Jungle Fever
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            Her response
spurred him to action, as if he’d been trying to resist taking her so hard. 
But she liked it rough, liked feeling him unable to control himself.  That
wild, savageness turned her on more than anything else.

            Groaning, he
pushed deep, bumping her cervix, making her ache and tremble.  Her cunt
clutched his cock, unwilling to let him go.  She cried when he withdrew, then
moaned when he came back into her fold.

            “Hurt me,” she
said with a whimper, biting her full bottom lip.  “I want you to hurt me,

            “Don’t say such
things to me,” he said, his voice rough, hoarse and deep.

            His dark eyes
looked as hungry as she felt.  His black hair hung over his face, damp with
sweat, clinging to his forehead and making him look so sexy, she could happily
die beneath him.

            He did as she
asked, driving into her.  Hard.  Powerful.

            The mushroomed
head of his cock hurt, stretched her with piston-like movements.  Trembles
overtook her tight, strained muscles, quivering through every nerve-ending as
he worked to please her.

            “Yes,” she cried,
rising to meet him, taking him harder, deeper.  She couldn’t get enough.  She
could never have enough of him.

            He arched his
head back, his chest beaded with sweat from his exertion.  She wouldn’t let him
escape.  She wrapped her legs around him, holding him close and tight until she
burst inside with a white-hot heat that enveloped every nerve ending in a rapturous
hold.  The climax took over, melting her mind.  She screamed in ecstasy,
feeling his come wash inside her as his cock couldn’t resist the desperate
clutching of her pussy wringing every drop of cum in his body.

            He’d taken her to
the edge and pushed them both off.

            His arms shook
and he collapsed on top of her, his breath heaving, his heart beating as
rapidly as hers.  She felt the powerful organ through to her own chest.

            She wrapped her
arms around him, holding him tight, kissing his face, soothing his back with
concentric circles until he rolled off her and they both drifted into sleep.

            When the men
returned later on that day, Yvonne was bathing in the pool again.  She knew
that this mini-adventure would be over soon, never again would she swim or
bathe in a jungle pool, and although the thought didn´t sadden her too much,
she knew that it was an experience, and every experience, be it good or bad,
was a memory.  She was wearing her T-shirt in the pool, as she and Rafe had
been joined by the two lion shifters a couple of hours ago.  She watched their
return from a great angle.

            She saw Armando
and Remy´s faces, knew that everything had gone down as expected. The
generators were down.  They had an opening to escape.

            “We did it!”
Armando yelled.  “Well, Remy did it!”  He clapped him on the back and gave him
a one-armed hug.  “Couldn´t have done it without you,
!”  They
grinned at each other, and did a happy dance.

            “The fuckers are
down!”  Remy laughed heartily, from the belly up.  “The bastards are holed up
in the main building of the compound, scared shitless that we´re after them--we
stole a radio from one of the guards.  They´re telling everyone to get down to
the compound to protect and pack the evidence ready for sailing tomorrow!”

            “We need to wait
until twilight, then we can get the fuck out of here!”  Daniel shrieked, they
were all so excited, so much like little boys that she couldn´t help laughing.  Spinning
around to look at her, Remy and Armando narrowed their eyes at her, then dived
into the pool.  She yelped when they tried to pull her under, then squealed
when she was promptly felt up.

            “Let go!”  She
laughed out loud, happy that they were happy, relieved that they were safe and
back with her.

            Armando whispered
quietly into her ear, “Never.” It was a promise, she trembled slightly.

            The waiting
seemed endless and short at the same time, by the time twilight was there, they
were all so hyped up that they were ready for anything.  They ran to the port,
then gradually worked their way closer at a slower pace.  They downed each
guard they came across, taking them all out with a couple of punches.  It
didn´t take long to down them all, as they worked at a steady pace, and for
every one of them there was only two guards, so there were only eighteen to nineteen.

            Not too many, and
they were quickly able to work on sabotaging the other boats so they wouldn’t
be followed.  This took longer since Remy had to deal with each one.  Armando
wanted to be sure that each ship was out of service, and only Remy could ensure
that definitely.  They saved one ship for their return to the mainland, and it
didn´t take long for them to board the Schiff they´d kept working.

            There was a loud
sigh of relief when everyone was on board the ship.  It had been unbelievably
easy to escape, because of the scientist´s paranoia over their ´babies´.  They
knew what the shifters were capable of, knew that when they´d helped create
them, they´d made an enemy each time, that was why they´d protected themselves
so fiercely.  Well, now, on the ship, and sailing back to mainland South
America, they were free.

            They´d set course
to Peru, and through Peru some of the men wanted to cross the border to Brazil.

            Armando and
Rafael wanted to travel there since they had some relatives in Brazil.

            She wasn´t sure
what she was going to do when they docked.  She had no clue.  She wasn´t
looking forward to stepping foot on American soil and being welcomed by the IRS
and a jail cell.

            No, that wasn´t
her idea of fun at all.  She dreaded docking with an overwhelming fear.  Every
hour that passed was an hour nearer to being parted from Remy, Armando and Rafe. 
She couldn´t bear the thought of never seeing them again.  It killed something
inside her, but no declarations had been made, even she, who loved them, hadn´t
said anything to the men themselves.  She´d implied as much to Rafe, but in all
the excitement, he´d probably forgotten and hadn´t told the other two.

            She moped
despondently around the boat, not knowing what to do or say to tell the men how
she felt.  It should have been so easy, but those three little words stuck in
her throat every time.  She just couldn´t say a word, she would try, but they
just wouldn´t come out.  She feared their reaction and a rebuff.

            Yvonne wanted to
tell them she’d lost her heart to them, but that didn´t mean it had been
reciprocated.  She knew that they liked her, and had grown protective of her,
but in the long run, that meant jack shit.  She wanted their love, and feared
learning the truth.  If, when they docked, she had to leave them, she could
leave with the illusion that they´d loved her.  If she asked, then she would
know, and forever be heartbroken.  A woman can survive heart-break, but by
three different men and at the same time?  No way!

            She didn´t know
what time it was when they docked, but it was busy whatever it was. People were
bustling here and there, knocking people over in their haste.  The noise was
terrifying, a true cacophony of sound that made the jungle seem as quiet as a

            They docked.  The
time had come.  They all disembarked, the lion shifters and Nik waving goodbye
and going on their own merry way.  She looked at her three, felt herself tear
up, but forced them back, she refused to cry.

            “Have you decided
yet?” Armando asked impatiently.

            “Have I decided
what yet?” she croaked, the tears she was hiding, stuck in her throat.

            “Are you coming
with us?”

            The crowd
continued moving around her, but she felt a sudden stillness.  The hope she
felt shone through her eyes, but she tampered it down and joked, “Well, if I
consider my options, I can return to the States, and look forward to a welcome
committee from the IRS and a free bed for the night in jail, or I can wait for
the project to search for me and kill me.  I think my best bet is to stick with
you guys,” she finished cheekily, and winked at Remy, who laughed and shook his

            Rafe pulled her
into his arms, gave her kiss, and she whispered against his mouth, “I love

Te quiero,

            She jumped out of
his arms, and ran happily into Remy´s, she hugged him tightly and whispered, “
suis la tienne, je t´aime.

            He grinned at
her, and whispered back, “I´m yours too, sugar, I love you. Hey, I didn´t know
you spoke French!”

            “There’s a lot
you don’t know about me.”  She winked at him, paused for a second, then looked
at Armando and smiled weepily.  “I love you, Armando.”  She walked into his
arms, felt him kiss the top of her head, and mutter the words under his breath,
the words that she´d subconsciously longed to hear for a long time.  “
I love

            With a sigh,
Armando tucked her into his side, Remy leaned in close to her other side, and
Rafe led the way, holding his arm back to hold her hand.  As the crowd swayed
and jostled, three men and one woman became four, and they disappeared into the
bustling crowd never to be separated again.


The End

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