Profiler (Fang Mu Eastern Crimes Series Book 1) (31 page)

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Authors: Lei Mi

Tags: #Mystery & Crime

BOOK: Profiler (Fang Mu Eastern Crimes Series Book 1)
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He was not a talkative person, so he just buried his face in his food and ate. Deng Linyue didn't seem to care and stayed silent as well. 

Eventually Fang Mu began to feel that just eating in silence as they were was a little awkward, as well as impolite, so for the first time he looked up at Deng Linyue. Just then she was spooning soup into her mouth. Her arm movements still looked a little stiff.

"Your injury…" he said, "how is it?"

She did not immediately answer him. After putting down her spoon, she laughed brightly and said, "I thought you were planning on ignoring me the whole meal."

He was a little embarrassed. "Of course not. It's just that I'm not much of a talker."

She laughed again. "Oh, I figured that out a long time ago." Realizing that she was talking about that time in the dining hall, he was even more embarrassed.

Seeing his discomfort, Deng Linyue quickly changed topics. "My injury is essentially fine," she said, rotating her arm slightly. "It just hurts a little sometimes. But I don't think it's a big deal."

"Why didn't you go back home to get better? I'm sure it's a lot nicer there. Safer, too."

"My family was saying the same thing, but I didn't want to go. Oh, that's right." She leaned forward slightly. "Last time that policeman said that the killer might try to attack me again. Is that true?"

After thinking about this for a moment, he decided not to tell her the real situation to avoid scaring her unnecessarily. "The guy's just a lunatic. And he's not necessarily going to come after you again. You don't need to worry."

"Gosh, I don't know what's been going on with our school this year; so much bad stuff has happened." She sucked on her straw. Suddenly, her expression grew mysterious. "So, master sleuth, are you helping the police investigate the case?"

Fang Mu was taken aback. "Not at all. I hardly have that kind of talent."

"Humph, you don't have to hide the truth from me. At the last assembly I heard the provost commend you." A girlish pout came to her lips. "Besides, if you're not helping the police solve the case, how come you were with a policeman the night you saved me?"

"I already told you, it was just a coincidence."

"Liar. I've heard what the kids at the law school say. Out of everyone in the criminology department, your grades are the best. Oh, I get it." Her eyes went wide and her voice dropped to a whisper. "Do you need to keep it a secret? I also heard from some classmates that you're an undercover agent sent by the PSB to infiltrate our school. Is that true? Like Stephen Chow in
Fight Back to School

Fang Mu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It was hard enough for the average guy to deal with an immature girl like this, let alone someone like him, who had barely any experience with the female sex.

"I'm not some undercover agent. I'm an average student. I just happen to be…quite interested in a few aspects of criminology."

"Oh, in that case you admit that you've helped the police solve cases?" Her tone grew excited. "Can you tell me about it? I've loved reading detective novels since I was little."

He felt a little uncomfortable. He didn't really want to discuss this stuff with her.

"Forget it; it's all really scary. It's not appropriate for a girl to hear."

"Don't patronize me. I've got strong nerves," she told him with a steady look. 

He had no other choice. "Fine."

Over the next hour, Fang Mu told her about Ma Kai, the "vampire case." At first he deliberately underplayed his role in the investigation, but as he watched Deng Linyue rest her chin on her palms and stare fixedly at him, every now and then exclaiming "Oh no!" or "My God!" He felt an unexpected faint sense of pride and a desire to show off. By the end, especially when he was describing his one-on-one conversation with Ma Kai, during which he had nearly been killed, Deng Linyue had her hand over her mouth in concern for him. Her brows were knit over her worried expression, and he couldn't help but feel a little conceited.

When the story was over, she placed a hand over her heart and stared at him with disbelief. "You're so brave. My God, I never would have thought I'd have a friend like this."

He just laughed. Turning his head, he caught a glimpse of his self-satisfied face in the window beside him, which immediately embarrassed him.

What am I doing?

To hide his discomfort, Fang Mu called for the check. It was obvious that Deng Linyue was reluctant to leave, but she didn't argue.

As they left the warm and cozy restaurant, the air outside felt especially cold. He was about to hail a cab when she stopped him. "Will you take a walk with me? I'm a little full after that meal."

After thinking about it, he agreed.

Side by side, the two of them strolled slowly down the sidewalk. Feeling a little ashamed of his arrogant behavior at the restaurant, the normally laconic Fang Mu was even quieter than usual. Deng Linyue also seemed to be thinking about something and didn't say a word either. The silence continued for a while, both of them quiet, just walking along.

The streetlights lengthened and shortened their shadows, and now and then they would blend together, as if they were embracing.

As local Bus 25 rumbled past, Fang Mu turned and watched it until it disappeared around the corner.

After they had walked for some time, Deng Linyue suddenly asked, "How is Liu Jianjun?"

"I went to see him a few days ago. The situation's not that good; some of the damage is going to be permanent." He turned to looked at her. "You…why didn't…?" As he was still considering the best way to put it, Deng Linyue had already grasped what he was going to say.

"I know that all of you probably think I'm heartless," she said slowly. "Honestly, I've really wanted to go see him, but my mom won't let me. She feels that if he hadn't asked me to wait for him in the gymnasium, I never would have gotten hurt. The one time I did sneak over there, his parents were both very cold, as if they thought I was the reason this happened to him. I didn't think this was fair at all, but I didn't get angry at them. After all, they've suffered enough already."

"Do you love him?"

She laughed softly and shrugged. "I don't know. As you're probably aware, he's been pursuing me for a long time, since before you and I were even introduced. To be honest, I do really like him. Whether it's his education, his looks, or how he treats me, I have nothing to complain about. We come from very different backgrounds, but that's not something I care about. And all my friends are always saying we should be together. But I never had that special feeling for him, the one that would let me count on him completely, would let me completely relax. That night I was almost there, but…" She shook her head and smiled bitterly.

Fang Mu was silent. He didn't know whether to console her or feel sympathy for Liu Jianjun.

"Let's talk about you," she said, regaining her previous cheer. She tilted her head toward him. "So, do you have a girlfriend? I don't think I've ever seen you with a girl."

"Me? No, I don't have one."

She laughed. "So then what is it? Are you too involved fighting criminals to have time for one?" She skipped ahead to face him and began walking backwards so she could see his face. "Or are your tastes too
?" Blushing, she gave him a mischievous wink.

Fang Mu's face turned bright red. "That was for an investigation… You wouldn't understand if I told you…in any case…"

Seeing that he was at a loss for words seemed to delight Deng Linyue, and she laughed happily.


A small fireworks stand sat under one of the streetlights ahead of them. The owner was walking back and forth, lighting one sparkler after another and periodically waving them at the passersby. Very few people were buying, however, and in the dark street the burning sparklers looked unusually lonely. 

"Wow, this long until Spring Festival and they're already selling fireworks?" said Deng Linyue. "Come on, let's go take a look." Full of enthusiasm, she ran ahead.

Fang Mu sighed, lit a cigarette, and inhaled deeply.

When she waved for him to join her, he held up his cigarette, indicating that it wasn't safe, and he'd be there when he was done.

After saying something to the stand owner, Deng Linyue handed him several bills. Beaming with joy, the man placed the cash in his pocket, handed her a big box of fireworks, and then started up his pedi-cab attached to the front of the stand and drove off.

The box in her hands, Deng Linyue walked back toward Fang Mu, a big smile on her face.

"How come you bought so many?"

She laughed. "I've loved this stuff since I was a little kid. The owner said that if we didn't buy him out he couldn't return home, so I figured I might as well get them all."

"The problem is, where are you going to set them off?" He looked at the box she'd set down. There had to be at least 50 fireworks inside.

"We'll do it right here." She held out her hand. "Can I borrow your lighter?"

"Are you crazy? If the cops see you shooting fireworks in the middle of the street they'll give you a huge fine."

She giggled. "When they see I'm with the master sleuth, they'll let us off, won't they?"

Having no other choice, Fang Mu took a look around. He recalled that there was an elementary school ahead.

"Let's head that way," he said, pointing in the direction of the school. He tossed away his cigarette, bent over and picked up the box of fireworks. As they walked along the street, Deng Linyue trotted behind him, a look of endless excitement on her face.

He smiled at her.

Just like a little kid.


When they reached the empty school playground, Deng Linyue impatiently lit one of the sparklers with Fang Mu's lighter. Holding it as it crackled to life, she jumped and danced, swinging her arm in a small circle while the sparkler glittered in the darkness.

Standing to the side, Fang Mu smoked and looked worriedly into the fireworks box.
How long would it take for the whole box?

"Let's do one together." Seeing that he was just standing there, she warmly invited him to join in.

He wasn't interested, but to spare her feelings, he lit a sparkler and swung it around.

In the flickering light, his mind began to wander. The girl silhouetted before him looked just like someone from the deepest part of his memory.

Sadness suddenly welled up inside him.

Noticing that he was staring at her, Deng Linyue blushed slightly and walked over to him.

"Are you okay?" she asked softly.

"I'm fine." He ducked his head and lit another cigarette.

Looking at the sparkler in her hand steadily burning away, Deng Linyue said thoughtfully, "The first time I saw you I felt you were someone with a story. But I also knew you were the kind of person who doesn't like to open up about himself to other people. That's why getting to talk with you this much tonight has made me so happy; because I…I really want to understand you."

Her gaze dropped as her voice grew slowly softer. "Do you remember how I said that Liu Jianjun never made me feel like I could relax completely, like I could completely rely on him?" She paused for several seconds, and then, with what seemed a great deal of determination, looked up. "That night, lying against your chest, I really felt that way."

Fang Mu said nothing. His hands began to tremble.

Thinking back on what happened, Deng Linyue spoke as if she were talking only to herself. "At the time I was so afraid. Of course, I'd been scared before, like when I saw a cockroach or had a bad dream, but that night was different. That was the kind of fear that makes you feel sick from the inside. My mind kept saying the same thing over and over:
'I'm going to die, I'm going to die.'
It felt like I was the only person left on Earth; that there was no one who could save me. But then you appeared, at that very moment you appeared. Leaning against your chest, I could feel your breath, your heartbeat. I knew that I had been rescued, that I was safe. No one could hurt me, because you were by my side."

Fang Mu looked down. Although Deng Linyue didn't see it, a huge teardrop rolled down his face.

Chen Xi, I loved you more than anything. And yet I was too late.

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