Pro Puppet (37 page)

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Authors: Jeffrey McCune James Turnbull

BOOK: Pro Puppet
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Installing from Source

We don't recommend installing the Dashboard from source because packages are much easier to manage and update, but it is possible. You can download a tarball from the Puppet Labs Download page:

$ wget

You can then unpack the tarball in an appropriate directory, for example:

$ cd /var/www/html
$ sudo tar –xzf puppet-dashboard-1.0.4.tgz

Alternately, you can clone the current Dashboard source code from GitHub. You will need to have installed Git to clone the required repository:

$ git clone

You can then change into the resulting directory:

$ cd puppet-dashboard

And continue installing the Dashboard.

Development versions of Puppet Dashboard may be unstable and could potentially have bugs and issues. We recommend you use the packages, or even the tarball, to install the Dashboard.

Configuring the Dashboard

Once you have installed Puppet Dashboard, you need to create a database to hold the Dashboard's data, configure that database in the Dashboard and populate that database with the appropriate tables. This is a three-step process:

  1. Edit the YAML configuration file (
    ) to specify the database
  2. Create the database “Dashboard” with the Ruby
    command based on the edited configuration file
  3. Populate the database

We start by editing the
file, which specifies our database configuration.

We assume you've installed the Dashboard via a package. If you have not, then be sure to use the appropriate directory where you installed the Dashboard.

The database.yml file is a YAML configuration file and any settings we specify in the file need to be valid YAML.

Ruby on Rails applications use the concept of environments (production, development, etc.) to allow you to specify multiple databases and configurations for different purposes in a single application. For our purposes, we're just going to create a single environment for a production Dashboard instance, as you can see in
Listing 7-1

Listing 7-1.
The database.yml configuration file

  database: dashboard
  username: dashboard
  encoding: utf8
  adapter: mysql

file contains a series of database configurations for the different Rails environments. Inside each environment block we need to specify the name of the database we're using, the username and password used to connect to that database, as well as the encoding and database type. In this case, we're going to leave all of the default settings except the password. Select an appropriate password and save the file.

We're now going to use the Ruby
command to automatically create a database based on the configuration in the
file. To do this we need to change to the root of the Dashboard. Assuming we've used the package installation, that would be

$ cd /usr/share/puppet-dashboard

Now run a
command, like so:

$ sudo rake RAILS_ENV=production db:create

This will create a database called “
” with a user of
secured with the password you specified in the
configuration file.

environment variable tells Ruby on Rails that we're working in the production environment. Every time you run a
command you need to specify the
environment variable with the appropriate environment.

You could also manually create the database using the MySQL command line interface, for example:

$ sudo mysql –p
mysql> CREATE DATABASE dashboard CHARACTER SET utf8; CREATE USER 'dashboard'@'localhost'
 IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dashboard.* TO 'dashboard'@'localhost';

After you've created the database, you then need to populate this database with the appropriate tables. To do this, use another
command. First make sure you're in the root of the Puppet Dashboard application, then run the required

$ cd /usr/share/puppet-dashboard
$ sudo rake RAILS_ENV=production db:migrate
Running Puppet Dashboard

Once you have the Dashboard database configured, you can run it. Puppet Dashboard is a Ruby on Rails application that can be run in a number of different ways, such as using the internal Webrick server or via integration with a server like Passenger (which we talked about in
Chapter 4
). Webrick is a good way to quickly get started with the Dashboard, but it doesn't scale very well and performs poorly when you have a large number of Puppet agents reporting to the Dashboard. We recommend using a server like Passenger to run the Dashboard, it is a better performing and scalable solution than the internal Webrick server.

In the next two sections, we're going to show you how to use either the Webrick server or Passenger to run the Dashboard.

Running Puppet Dashboard with Webrick

Running with the built-in Webrick web server is very simple; indeed, the init scripts provided with the Dashboard packages do exactly this. However, there are some important limitations to consider with Webrick. It's quite slow and can't easily handle multiple simultaneous requests.

To run the Webrick server, change into the root of the Dashboard application:
and run:

$ sudo ./script/server -e production

This will run the Webrick server on port 3000. You can now browse to your host, for example
and view the Dashboard.

Or you can run the init script that comes with the Puppet Dashboard package like so:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/puppet-dashboard start
Running Puppet Dashboard with Passenger

Passenger is rather more sophisticated and far better performing than Webrick, and it can be combined with Apache or Nginx. We're going to show you integration with Apache, but we'll provide you some resources where you can read about how to integrate with Nginx too. The main advantage of Passenger is that it is drastically faster and more scalable than Webrick as an engine for running the Dashboard.

Running Passenger, however, is somewhat more complex than using Webrick. It requires a web server, which Passenger integrates with as a module, and then some further configuration on the Dashboard side. We're going to take you through the steps required to:

  • Install any prerequisite packages including Apache and Passenger
  • Configure an Apache virtual host to run Passenger and the Dashboard

Passenger integration is also called
, and is similar in implementation to other embedded Apache modules like
. We also talked about Passenger in
Chapter 4
when we looked at how to scale Puppet with it.

Installing Prerequisite Packages

Our first step is to install the required prerequisite packages. This includes Apache, the MySQL Ruby bindings and Passenger itself.

Red Hat

On Red Hat and related distributions, this involves installing the following packages (we've assumed you've still got the EPEL repository enabled):

$ sudo yum install ruby ruby-libs ruby-devel httpd httpd-devel

Unfortunately, Passenger is not yet available for Red Hat as a package due to some packaging issues. We can however install Passenger from a gem, for example:

$ sudo gem install passenger

Once we've installed the Ruby Gem we need to use the
script to create the required Apache Passenger module.

$ sudo passenger-install-apache2-module

Follow the provided instructions to create and install the Apache Passenger module.

Ubuntu and Debian

On Ubuntu and Debian, the required packages are:

$ sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-passenger rails librack-ruby libmysql-ruby

You might have already installed some of these packages, either to run Puppet or earlier in this chapter when you were setting up the Dashboard.

Passenger is only sometimes available as a package on operating systems other than Red Hat or Ubuntu. Often, the easiest method of installing Passenger is via Ruby Gems, with
gem install passenger

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