Private Emotions – Invitations (The Private Emotions Trilogy)

BOOK: Private Emotions – Invitations (The Private Emotions Trilogy)
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The Private Emotions Trilogy
by Elize Amornette

Private Emotions – Appointments (Book 1)

When Emily Harris agreed to meet her best friend for coffee, she had no idea of the chain of events that fate had planned for her. Emily is thrown into the path of the haze known as Ethan Sterling.

Emily’s trust in Ethan finally gives her the opportunity to step away from the veil that has suppressed her sexual desires all her life... but at what cost?

Private Emotions – Invitations (Book 2)

So Emily Harris has learnt a thing or two about herself but Ethan Sterling continues to push the boundaries forcing her to confront her inhibitions. Emily feels herself falling hopelessly in love with the forbidden Ethan but one night even he pushes the boundaries too far and Emily faces the moment she has been dreading since they met.

Emily must make a choice but what will that choice be?

Private Emotions – Promises (Book 3)

Emily Harris finally feels comfortable in her own skin. She is confident that there is nothing Ethan Sterling can do now to surprise her but he is not about to let her go that easily. Ethan is determined to fulfil his duty to Emily and in the process tame two wild hearts.

Will Emily and Ethan overcome life’s obstacles and eventually give true love a chance?

To discover more about Elize Amornette visit

Elize is an author of Erotic Short Stories, Sensual Romance Novels and Paranormal Love Tales that are enjoyed by many.

Private Emotions


Book 2

Elize Amornette

First published on Amazon – May 2013

Copyright © 2013 Private Emotions – Invitations
All rights reserved.

Elize Amornette has asserted her right to be identified as the author of this work.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters and situations are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition, including this condition, being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

To discover more about Elize Amornette visit

Elize is an author of Erotic Short Stories, Sensual Romance Novels and Paranormal Love Tales that are enjoyed by many.

Book cover design © Avrorra |

Thank You!

I am indebted to the following people for their help and support:

To the Divine force that is always by my side...

Thank you for your inspiration

To my mom and sisters who had faith in me even when I lost faith in myself...

Thank you for sharing your love.

To all my friends who brought laughter and fun to my life...

Thank you for sharing your joy.

To all who have worked in the background to help make my vision a reality...

Thank you for sharing your talent.

To all who have touched my life but had to go to soon...

You will remain forever in my heart.

To all my readers...

Thank you for sharing this unforgettable journey with me.

My Story

All my life I have been writing the stories in my head. I see romantic situations unfolding everywhere I go so the ideas for my novels come to me easily. After many years of contemplation I finally decided in 2013 to publish my work... to take the leap of faith... to make my thoughts public.

Why 2013?... I have usually been one to go with my intuition and 2013 simply ‘felt right’. Family and friends have also been a major positive influence and strangely more so this year than at any other time that I can remember.

In my sometimes crazy corporate world the escapism of a romantic interlude can be exciting, adventurous and calming all at the same time. My writing has been my constant companion throughout the years and it continues to be my best friend indeed.

It is my wish that you enjoy reading my work as much as I enjoy writing them and hopefully this will be the start of a lovely journey together.

Live, Laugh, Love


To discover more about Elize Amornette visit

Elize is an author of Erotic Short Stories, Sensual Romance Novels and Paranormal Love Tales that are enjoyed by many.

What Happened in Book 1


Emily has just been betrayed by her good friends Ronnie and Mark, and even by her new lover Ethan. She throws him out but after a few days of cooling off, she realizes that they were just trying to be good friends.

Now, Ethan has invited her to Au Chanté, a fancy restaurant that would put the bite on any wallet size. He wants an opportunity to explain himself and she agrees to the dinner. She is unaware that her lessons in love and sex have only just begun. Now, Ethan wants her to throw caution to the wind.

Chapter One
Au Chanté

Ethan has come calling once again and this time, I’ve bit the bullet and have decided to accept his invitation for dinner this evening.

“Do you suppose that he’ll tell you what he means to you and that he is crazy about you as much as you apparently are over him? It’s as obvious to me as the nose on your face. You now see that they were only trying to help, in their own twisted sort of way. I can assure you that I had no knowledge of this plan of theirs, and had I known, I would have stopped it from happening.”

“Doc, I know that they had good intentions but it was the way that they went about it that hurt me the most. They think that I don’t have a brain in my head concerning sex but I’ve learned little by little that everyone’s sexual awakening comes at its own time and can’t be rushed. In saying that, I really believe that Ethan and I have a connection but how am I to know for sure? He seems so guarded with his feelings. I know that I need to take things slowly as it takes time to truly get to know someone but there is so much about him that I want to know.”

“It looks like you might get the answer to that question sooner rather than later. Go to dinner with an open mind and let him say his peace and then you can decide if there is something truly there to salvage.” My doctor was wise beyond her years and our relationship had grown so much since first seeing her that I now saw her as more of a friend and confidant.

Dinner was at 7 PM, and I couldn’t wait to adorn myself in the uber ultra-classy white dress that I made for one of the shop’s wealthy clients. Luckily for me, her function was postponed so she delayed the collection of her purchase. This situation suited me just fine as this dress would be perfect for a posh place like Au Chanté. I knew that it would completely disarm Ethan. I was relieved that a shopping trip wasn’t in order because I usually did that over the phone with my best friend Ronnie. I was glad that I did not have to go it alone to find the dress of the century. I was still mad at her, even though her heart was in the right place. She should have known better than to agree to such a scheme.

I had a long leisurely bath to calm my nerves because I was not about to let Ethan get the better of me. Although he was everything a woman could ever want in a man, I was not about to let him think I was a pushover. His past lovers may have indulged his every whim but that would end with me. Damn it. It would be a lot easier to resist him if he didn’t have those twinkly eyes...and sparkly smile...and intoxicating masculine smell...and amazing pecs...and knew exactly how to...“Shit. Sigh.” This was not going to be easy.

I got out of the bath, dried myself off and started to sort out all the things that I would need to get ready for my grandiose entrance. Killer heels, stunning clutch purse, elegant jewelry, exquisite perfume, makeup and hair dryer; it was all there and now for the...drum roll please...The White Dress.

I pulled out the goddess of a dress that I had sewn. It was a strapless white dress that had slits in all the right places giving a hint to something more enticing underneath. It was a very posh dress so I knew that I would not have been able to afford it. Ahhh, the perks of working in the fashion industry. At least this perk, if no other, made up for all the stress that I had to put myself through on a daily basis. Constantly having to ensure that the shop’s top notch designs were made to perfection was a heavy weight to carry. It was even more burdensome given that my boss, Michelle, trusted no one else to get the job done.

I looked at myself in the mirror after I was completely dressed and felt every bit the part. It was easy to feel confident when no one was looking, when Ethan was not looking, but I needed to assert myself with him.

I walked into that restaurant like I was on the cover of Vogue. The dress was trailing behind me in such an elegant fashion that a few of the diners turned in my direction as I walked towards the table. The interior of the restaurant was the epitome of prestige. High ceilings, chandeliers, perfectly set tables, crystal glasses and a grand piano strategically placed in the far corner of the dining area. You could smell the money in this place.

Ethan pushed back his chair and stumbled to pull my chair out for me. His eyes were popping out of their sockets when he saw me, those eyes, those piercing eyes travelled all over my body and made me feel like I was standing naked in front of him. It brought out a desire in him that I found endearing and I loved how the dress took his breath away. I smiled secretly to myself and I thought, mission accomplished, one down, three hundred and sixty eight more to go.

“Oh my, now that is what I call classing up this joint. You have to be the most beautiful woman in this room and everyone else doesn’t even compare to your beauty.”

“Don’t think that sweet talk is going to stop me from remembering what you and my friends did to me the other night. It was humiliating and degrading to know that I was some sort of human guinea pig.”

“Don’t think of it that way, Em. I’m glad that all of this has happened because meeting you has been the high point of my month. Just because your friends thought that I could help doesn’t mean that we didn’t have honorable intentions. Let me explain from the beginning and by the end of my tale you’ll have a better understanding of the situation.”

“I have to admit that I am a little curious how the three of you came to conspire against me.”

“First off, it was primarily Mark and I that talked about you first and then we brought Ronnie into the mix. That girl was adamant that we shouldn’t do this but she also wanted to help you, and thought that she would allow this to take its natural course.”

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