Private Emotions – Appointments (The Private Emotions Trilogy)

BOOK: Private Emotions – Appointments (The Private Emotions Trilogy)
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The Private Emotions Trilogy
by Elize Amornette

Private Emotions – Appointments (Book 1)

When Emily Harris agreed to meet her best friend for coffee, she had no idea of the chain of events that fate had planned for her. Emily is thrown into the path of the haze known as Ethan Sterling.

Emily’s trust in Ethan finally gives her the opportunity to step away from the veil that has suppressed her sexual desires all her life... but at what cost?

Private Emotions – Invitations (Book 2)

So Emily Harris has learnt a thing or two about herself but Ethan Sterling continues to push the boundaries forcing her to confront her inhibitions. Emily feels herself falling hopelessly in love with the forbidden Ethan but one night even he pushes the boundaries too far and Emily faces the moment she has been dreading since they met.

Emily must make a choice but what will that choice be?

Private Emotions – Promises (Book 3)

Emily Harris finally feels comfortable in her own skin. She is confident that there is nothing Ethan Sterling can do now to surprise her but he is not about to let her go that easily. Ethan is determined to fulfil his duty to Emily and in the process tame two wild hearts.

Will Emily and Ethan overcome life’s obstacles and eventually give true love a chance?

To discover more about Elize Amornette visit

Elize is an author of Erotic Short Stories, Sensual Romance Novels and Paranormal Love Tales that are enjoyed by many.

Private Emotions


Book 1

Elize Amornette

First published on Amazon – May 2013

Copyright © 2013 Private Emotions – Appointments
All rights reserved.

Elize Amornette has asserted her right to be identified as the author of this work.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters and situations are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition, including this condition, being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

To discover more about Elize Amornette visit

Elize is an author of Erotic Short Stories, Sensual Romance Novels and Paranormal Love Tales that are enjoyed by many.

Book cover design ©
Tracy Hebden

Thank You!

I am indebted to the following people for their help and support:

To the Divine force that is always by my side...

Thank you for your inspiration

To my mom and sisters who had faith in me even when I lost faith in myself...

Thank you for sharing your love.

To all my friends who brought laughter and fun to my life...

Thank you for sharing your joy.

To all who have worked in the background to help make my vision a reality...

Thank you for sharing your talent.

To all who have touched my life but had to go to soon...

You will remain forever in my heart.

To all my readers...

Thank you for sharing this unforgettable journey with me.

My Story

All my life I have been writing the stories in my head. I see romantic situations unfolding everywhere I go so the ideas for my novels come to me easily. After many years of contemplation I finally decided in 2013 to publish my work... to take the leap of faith... to make my thoughts public.

Why 2013?... I have usually been one to go with my intuition and 2013 simply ‘felt right’. Family and friends have also been a major positive influence and strangely more so this year than at any other time that I can remember.

In my sometimes crazy corporate world the escapism of a romantic interlude can be exciting, adventurous and calming all at the same time. My writing has been my constant companion throughout the years and it continues to be my best friend indeed.

It is my wish that you enjoy reading my work as much as I enjoy writing them and hopefully this will be the start of a lovely journey together.

Live, Laugh, Love


To discover more about Elize Amornette visit

Elize is an author of Erotic Short Stories, Sensual Romance Novels and Paranormal Love Tales that are enjoyed by many.

Chapter One
A Surprise Proposal

Standing here in the middle of the hallway, I watch as Nick packs to leave for the last time after I told him that I didn’t see a future with him. He tried to make me see that a relationship took work and even though we didn’t get along right now it didn’t mean that we couldn’t grow together. It seemed to me that he was desperate to cling on to something that just wasn’t there. This wasn’t the first time I had gone through this and I didn’t want to have this conversation with yet another man.

“You know what your problem is, Emily? You just don’t know how to let yourself go.”

“What do you mean by that!”

“It wouldn’t matter if I told you because you still wouldn’t step outside of your comfort zone to experience something new. You are an amazing woman, Emily, but do yourself and your next relationship a favor...learn to go with the flow a bit more.”

As I heard Nick close the door behind him I slumped onto the bed in a heap. I was more upset by what he said than seeing him leave. I knew there was an element of truth in his statement and although it was not his intention to be nasty, his words still ripped straight through me. I wondered just what the hell was wrong with me. I was a good looking woman for a shy type. My breasts were ample sized, I had great legs and a flat stomach from working out at the gym. My long, dark hair cascaded in soft waves over my shoulders. I had a witty sense of humor and I usually accomplished whatever I had set my mind to do. I’ve been told that I was a very desirable woman but I just didn’t see it in the mirror looking back at me.

I gazed at the ceiling as if all the answers to my questions were somehow buried in there. If I looked hard enough maybe I could resolve all my relationship issues but all I saw was a blank white wall, a cold response to the restless emotions in my mind. How did other couples do it? I thought to myself. I knew that relationships took work but it should not feel like a never ending battle. I have been in only a couple of relationships, far less than all the people I knew at my age, but my experiences never seem to go beyond a certain point. I hit the same brick wall every time, over and over, like the rerun of an average movie.

I kept thinking that it couldn’t have been a coincidence that every man who came into my life was gone now. A depression was starting to weigh down heavily on me and I found myself having a good cry, basically mourning another failed relationship.

I eventually composed myself and sat upright in bed. I instead decided to stare at the wall ahead and perhaps it would prove to be more interesting. At least it had a bit more color to it, or maybe it was my blurred vision from my tears of frustration that made me notice it in a different way. Is this how my life was going to be? ...Staring at ceilings and walls?

I felt anger starting to consume me, how dare Nick say that I needed to go with the flow a bit more. It took two to make a relationship work and as far as I was concerned, I did a lot for the relationship. I did all the planning for our socials, the grocery shopping, the dinners and I had even accompanied him to all of the local antique car shows. I was not particularly interested in antique cars but I thought that if it was important to him then I should at least make the effort. “Fuck you, Nick!”

I was determined to find a logical answer to my dilemma before I got out of bed but nothing came to mind. The harder I tried to bring reason to the situation the more my head hurt. It was now midday and I got bored of being in bed so I got up and walked into the bathroom. I could feel the coolness of the tiles beneath my feet. That was a good sign. It proved that I was still alive. I felt numb and decided that a long, warm shower would make me feel better.

I stayed under the warmth of the water until my fingers got all squeegee then got out of the shower and got dressed. Hunger was starting to get the better of me now so I made myself a quick bite to eat and put on some of my favorite music. I ate half of my sandwich and sat back into the sofa to finish my cup of coffee.

I probably would’ve sat there for another hour but I heard my phone ringing incessantly so I dusted myself off and went to retrieve it.

I answered and heard, “Hi, Em. It’s Mom, how are you?”

Sigh. “Nick and I broke it off for the final time. He left this morning.”

“Oh, I am sorry to hear that but I thought that it would only be a matter of time. You two have been on and off for a while now haven’t you?”

“I suppose, Mom. I don’t understand where I am going wrong. I know that he is not completely at fault because it takes two, so I must have some part to play in it. I refuse to go through this again.”

“What do you mean, refuse to go through this again? You have been in what...two relationships so far?”

“I know but it is just so exhausting. Why can’t I meet someone who appreciates the person that I am in this moment? Why should I have to change? I feel as if I am the only one doing all the compromising and that’s just so unfair.” I felt my anger getting stronger and stronger as I focused on what the world of romance owed to me.

“Maybe you should take some time off and concentrate on you first. The better you know yourself, the easier it will be to find your match.” She paused and waited for me to respond but I didn’t. What could I say? I knew that she was right. “Think about it, Em.”

“I will, Mom. I promise. Thanks for the call.”

“Oh, before you go, the reason that I called was to let you know that I just came off the phone with Ronnie. She is in town and may give you a bell to meet up later today.” Ronnie was my best friend since childhood. She was more like a big sister and even though she was only six months older than I was she was always looking out for me. We attended the same school, played the same sport and laughed at the same jokes. The one thing that was different about us was our taste in men. That was a good thing as that eliminated the likelihood of being competitive over the opposite sex. Ronnie knew me like no other and always had a way of making me feel better.

“That’s great, Mom, the timing couldn’t be better. I suspect that I don’t need to tell her what is going on because the ‘Emily’s Mom Broadcasting Service’ is in full operation?”

“Glad to see you have not lost your sense of humor.” She laughed knowing that I knew she had filled Ronnie in on the latest details of my so called life.

“Did she mention the reason for her visit?”

“No she didn’t but she did promise that she would call. Anyway darling, I need to rush off to the shop now but take care of yourself and remember to eat something.” Why do mothers always worry about whether or not their children are eating well in spite of the present circumstances? When you are depressed...don’t forget to eat something. When you have been evicted from your apartment...don’t forget to eat something. When you break your leg or any other body part...don’t forget to eat something. Sigh.

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