Prisoner of Glass (10 page)

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Authors: Mark Jeffrey

BOOK: Prisoner of Glass
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She nodded, impressed.
What’s the second thing?”

“Ah yes, that.
Have you heard about this guy ‘the Vizier’?”


This Vizier is supposedly Egyptian — and super ill.
And getting worse, from the stories.
Nobody can even tell what his disease is.”


“So you’re a doctor, Doctor Lune.
And this guy is not in a normal cell from what everyone says.
He’s basically living in a Hilton penthouse suite.”

“And again I say … so?”

“So there’s a reason why.
He knows something we don’t.
Sure, I can get a phonograph.
But I doubt even I could get as set up as this guy.
He’s too sick to work, but something tells me that even if he were completely healthy, he’d still be on permanent vacation in here anyway.”

“I’m getting tired of saying ‘so’.”

“So you should get the guards to let you see him.
Because you’re a doctor.
Get him talking.
Find out what he knows.”

“HEY,” Elspeth said to a guard at the end of her shift.
“This Vizier guy I keep hearing about.
Maybe I can help him.
I’m a Doctor.”

The guard ignored her completely.

The next day, she tried the same thing.
And the next after that.
Each time, the guard was as reactive as a piece of steel.

But then one evening, as she was preparing for sleep, a guard appeared at her door.
“Come on.
You wanted to see the Vizier.
I’ll take you to him now.”

“Oh,” Elspeth said, surprised.
The guard nodded.

THE CELL of the Vizier was unlike any of the others, just as James Card had predicted.

His was filled with amenities of all kinds.
His inviting bed was large and heaped with blankets.
He had a pantry filled with food, and a small kitchen.
Cold, fresh water sat in jugs. There was a small hearth with a fire crackling: this cell was warm and comfortable. His bathroom was private, with folding dividers hiding it modestly. Books lined the walls, as well as tapestries.
He had a wardrobe with plenty of clean clothes — mostly crimson robes and black belts and gold turbans.
A half-eaten meal on a silver tray with ornate silverware lay on a hard-carved and varnished wooden table.
And candles, candles, everywhere, happily lit, throwing warm light everywhere.

One might have thought they had stumbled into the tent of a sheik.

But the Vizier himself was not well.
That was clear.
He lay on a palette, coughing.
It was that gurgling cough of the deeply unwell.
He held a handkerchief up to his mouth: when he removed it, bright red mist-dots covered it.
His complexion was dark, but his gaze was even darker.
Thunder roiled beneath his brow.

“Come in,” the Vizier said to Elspeth.

“I’m a doctor,” she said immediately.
“Let me examine you.
I can help.”
She didn’t have her medical instruments with her, but there was plenty she could still —

The Vizier coughed a laugh.
“Your salves are effectless here.
Is it possible that you do not yet grasp this?
Then you are less than I had hoped for.”

She ignored him and stooped and took his arm, rolling back his sleeve.
She took note of the bubble-growths and lesions that covered his arm as she took his pulse.
That, and the faint stench of decay: the sickening sweet smell of rot.

“I’m a doctor,” she said.
“I ‘grasp’ that.”

It wasn’t like any disease she was familiar with.
She had never seen anything like this.

Her medical training took over.
She treated him clinically, like a patient with a bad attitude.
His pulse was strong at his wrist, same at the neck.
Without asking for permission, she pried his eyes apart and watched the pupil dilation response.
His eyes were old eyes, though he himself seemed no older than forty-five or so.

“You don’t know what afflicts me, do you?” the Vizier said, his smile crooked and his breath foul.

That roiled her anger immediately.
But only for a moment.
The funny thing was, though, he was right — and he was wrong.
something familiar about his condition, it was just that, it shouldn’t be possible, not now …

“Hansen’s disease,” she said suddenly, the words coming out of her mouth surprising even her.

He nodded.
“Otherwise known as leprosy.”

The Vizier was a leper.

“You mustn’t worry though,” the Vizier said.
“You can’t catch it.”
She nodded, remembering facts now from medical school.
Leprosy was not particularly contagious: in fact, 95% of humanity was naturally immune.

“I know,” she said.

you?” the Vizier said, coughing out a strained laugh.
“I wonder how much you really understand of your predicament here in the Glass Prison.”

She looked up sharply, cocking an eyebrow.
“You know about that name?”

Anyone who has been on The Road long enough has heard of the Glass Prison.
But there’s nothing you can do for me, as I’ve said.”

“Leprosy can be cured nowadays.
We’ve got antibiotics that will arrest it, even reverse it.”

“But I’ve
been cured,” the Vizier said, oddly.
“I’ve even got my missing toes and fingers back.”
He held up a hand that contradicted his claim: leprosy had claimed his fingers.
Now a small stump with bubbling flesh was all that remained.

The Vizier was delusional.
Of course he wasn’t
already cured
Leprosy was gnawing on him, literally eating him alive.
Maybe it was eating his brain.

“When you did first notice the symptoms?
Do you even know?”

“Oh, yes.
They began immediately when I was brought here.”

That got her attention.
His leprosy had started when he had entered the Prison?

The exact reverse had happened for her: she had been missing a pinky.
When she entered the Glass Prison, it had mysteriously regrown almost overnight.

How was that possible?

More importantly: What did it mean?

That the Prison hurt some people; but it cured others?

Part of her mind gibbered, Maybe I have a pinky now
he doesn’t.
And maybe this visit is his way of accusing me.
But instead of asking about that, she said, “What’s ‘The Road’?”

The Vizier’s eyes flashed: she’d hit a nerve, asked a right question.
“The Road,” he said solemnly, reverently.
“The Road is what I was on when I was unceremoniously swept into this miserable place.
And The Road is whence I shall return when I leave.”
And he drew a hexagon in the dust on the floor — a hexagon like those covering the wall of her cell, she realized.

What did that mean though?
What was with the hexagons everywhere?

Was there a connection?

“But it’s not a
road,” Elspeth said, her intuition jumping while she slapped his hand away as she continued to examine his legs.
“I’m a doctor, cut it out.
It’s not a literal road.
The Road is a spiritual journey of some kind.
What are you, Hindu?

“Egyptian,” the Vizier smiled.
“And you could say that about The Road, yes.”

“So what is it, then?
This ‘The Road’.
I mean exactly.”

The Vizier shook his head.
“My wisdom is for me alone, for I alone have earned it.”

“So you’re going to be a dick and not tell me.
You think because you have a turban, that makes you a holy man that can’t —”

“Oh, no,” the Vizier said, laughing.
“This I do
Wisdom burns the mind of the unearned.
It is not your time; the knowledge would harm you.
Would you give a small child a sharp knife to play with, simply because they asked for it?
Neither will I do this.”

“So when will it be time?”

“When you’re serious.
Tell me:
you serious?”

Elspeth fixed him with her gaze.
“Do I look serious?

The Vizier shook his head and withdrew.
You are not serious.
Not yet.
Perhaps you will become so.
Perhaps not.”

“I want to get out of here,” she said.
“Do you know how to get out of here?
Because I’m goddamn serious about that.”

“Yes,” the Vizier said.
“The way of escape is plain.”“

She stopped herself and then looked at him anew.
Is that it?
really want to get out of here?
To get back to your ‘Road’ or whatever?”

“Oh, yes,” he hissed.
There was no mistake about this: his tone said he desperately wanted to leave.
“I think of nothing else, continually.”

“Okay, then.
That makes us allies.


Allies share information.
They tell each other things.”

He shook his head.
“Not until you are serious.
You are not a worthy ally until then.”

“Look at my eyes!
about being in this place.
I want to get out of here!
You say we’re allies?
Let’s escape.
I’m game.
Right now.
I’ll come with you.
Let’s go.
Anytime you say!”

He shook his head.
“It is not yet time.”
Anticipating her eruption of questions, he said, “It would be …
to leave.
There would be unintended consequences.”

She could barely contain herself.
This guy was a princess.
“So when would be a
time for you to escape this Prison you say you are desperate to leave and know exactly how to do so?”

“When you’re serious.”

She dropped his robe in disgust.
“Is this a goddamn
with you?
Because it’s not with me
I am
What does it take to convince you?
I want out of here!
I need to find my husband, and I’m running out of time!”

At the mention of
, the Vizier grew visibly interested.
“You seek your husband.
This is good, auspicious.”

“Good to hear.
serious enough for you?”

The Vizier frowned.
“Alas ...”

She wanted to smack him.
“I don’t know how much more serious I could be.
I don’t know what you want from me.”

But the Vizier said nothing more, only smiling his creepy Egyptian smile.
His golden teeth glinted, even in the low light.
“I have faith in you, Elspeth Lune of cell fifteen fifteen.”

“SO?” Card asked the next morning at breakfast.
“I heard you went to see him.”

News travels fast.”

“It is a prison, after all.
What have we got, but gossip?
So what did he say?”

“Not a lot,” Elspeth said.
“He’s kind of a weird dude.
He wants to escape, though he says he can get out of here anytime he wants.”

“That’s BS,” Card said flatly.
“If he could really leave, he would have by now.”

That’s kind of what I think as well.”

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