Read Prisoner in Time (Time travel) Online

Authors: Christopher David Petersen

Prisoner in Time (Time travel) (10 page)

BOOK: Prisoner in Time (Time travel)
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“No David, you can’t,” Dr. Johnson responded resolutely. “All you’re doing is frying this poor boy. It’s time to stop.”


Dr. Warner stood with paddles in hand and thought about his colleagues words. He looked to the patient, then to the monitors. The hard truth of the doctor’s words finally registered within him. He looked around the room and nodded in simple resignation.


“Call it,” he said, his tone barely audible.


The Waiting Room:


Time: 10:13pm


The Robbins family sat quietly as they waited for news of Bobby’s condition. As the TV broadcast its endless barrage of commercial advertisements, their minds slipped in and out of focus.


Geoff stared through the TV, the sound barely detectable and only registering in his subconscious. At the forefront of his mind was the fate of his brother. He replayed the events of the evening, considering his role in his brother’s tragedy.


“I should have waited for him,” he blurted out, breaking the silence between the three.


“What?” his mother asked, unsure of his statement as her mind was pulled from its own random thoughts and force to focus.


“I should have waited for him, earlier... If I had, we would have ridden together and none of this would have happened,” he replied in solemn tone. “Why didn’t I wait for him?” he spat angrily.


“Geoffrey, don’t you do that! This isn’t your fault,” she shot back instantly. “It’s no one’s fault. It’s just bad luck.”


“The hell it is,” Geoff’s father retorted angrily. “It’s that stupid redneck’s fault. When this is all over, I’m going to sue his ass for so much, his damn grandchildren will be paying.”


“Dad, Arles is dead. He died in the crash.”


The shock of Geoff’s words took a moment to register in his parents minds. With the chaos of the evening, he had forgotten to mention the death of Arles and now, hearing it for the first time, his parents had mixed feelings.


“Damn, I didn’t know that,” his father responded, using his simple words as an apologetic gesture, then added, “But nonetheless, that damn kid’s stupidity caused this whole mess.”


“My god, his poor parents. They must be heartbroken,” his mother responded, sympathetically. “There’s no greater tragedy for a parent than the loss of a child.”


The three sat quietly for a moment and thought about her last statement. With Bobby’s grave condition, each speculated whether her words would prove prophetic. As the thoughts of Bobby’s mortality raced through their minds, denial pushed the ugly idea deep into their subconscious, replaced only by positive conclusions.


Geoff noticed movement in his peripheral vision and quickly glanced in that direction. Instantly, he recognized the face. He smiled instinctively in greeting, but received a saddened nod in return.


“Mr. and Mrs. Robbins… I’m Dr. David Warner,” he said in a low, solemn tone.


“I’m Jim Robbins and this is my wife, Nancy,” he responded, both parents quickly coming to their feet.


The look on the doctor’s face sent a shiver through both parents and they braced themselves for the update.


“Is he ok?” Nancy Robbins asked directly, her voice now quivering with fear.


“I’m sorry… we did all we could.”


Three hearts raced. Blood rushed through their bodies. Each became momentarily light-headed and disorientated. Words suddenly felt distant and unrecognizable.


“Will he recover?” came the tragic words of a mother in denial.


Jim stared at his wife momentarily. Her confusing reply marked the beginning of her unraveling emotional state. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight.


“I’m sorry. We did everything we could… but he didn’t make it,” Dr. Warner said, sympathetically.


Tragedy and reality had now become one.


Nancy’s knees buckled and she collapse back into her chair. She let out a guttural cry of angst and wailed sorrowfully into her trembling hands.


“Oh God NO!,” she cried out. “Please don’t take my boy. Please God, don’t take my boy.”


Jim sat next to his wife and hugged her tightly, tears streamed from his face.


“I’m sorry honey… I’m so sorry,” he said softly over and over, sympathizing with her pain while ignoring his own.


Geoff leaned over and consoled his parents. Tears ran freely down his face at the shocking news. Listening to his mother’s anguish, he wished somehow he could take his brother’s place.


“I’m so sorry. His injuries were just too extensive. If there’s anything I can do…”


Geoff stood up and stared coldly back at Dr. Warner. The words penetrated his mind, yet seemed illogical. He felt desperate and angry.


“Yeah there’s something you can do… you can bring my brother back,” Geoff spat acidly.


“Son, I’m sorry… I did all I could,” Dr. Warner responded sympathetically once more.


“BULLSHIT! There’s still time. This is a big fancy hospital. You could do some transplants or something,” he shot back, now growing more irrational by the second. “You go back up there and save him. I know you can do it. I know you can.”


“Geoffrey, he’s done all he could. I’m sorry. Your brother’s gone,” Jim Robbins said, now reaching up and rubbing his son’s arm.


“No Dad!” he snapped angrily, pulling his arm from his father’s touch. “He’s still up there. He can save him. I know he can.”


“No son, I can’t. I tried, but his injuries were just too extensive,” Dr. Warner cut in.


“You can’t… or you won’t?” Geoff asked in insulting tone.


“Son, I’m really sorry… truly I am.”


“The great Dr. Warner… Hmm. Those EMS guys were really full of shit, weren’t they? You’re not great… you suck!” he shouted angrily.


Dr. Warner stared back at Geoff. He felt torn about how to respond.


“That’s right Doc. I read all about you from the plaques on the walls. Civil War hero… Great Surgeon…” he mocked. “What a crock of shit!”


“Geoffrey, I know you’re angry, but it’s not the doctor’s fault. Maybe if circumstances were different somehow… maybe if it weren’t raining; maybe if that boy hadn’t lost control of his vehicle… Your brother needed a miracle today, but unfortunately, he didn’t get one. It’s just fate,” his father reasoned.


“That stupid redneck!” Geoff shouted, bursting in anger.


He stood for a moment, tormented by sadness, consumed by anger. His mind raced as he tried to make sense of something so senseless. Suddenly, his mind conceived an idea.


“No Dad, you’re wrong. He
going to get a miracle,” he said assuredly.


He bent over and hugged his parents.


“I love you guys,” he said, his voice now growing bolder by the second.


He turned and hurried across the waiting room.


“Geoffrey! STOP!” his father yelled. “Where’re you going?”


He stopped in his tracks, turned and faced the doctor and his parents.


“Bobby needs a miracle… and I know right were to find it,” he said, then added cryptically, “…or should I say, right
to find it.”


Geoff spun on his heels and ran down the corridor, disappearing from sight. Dr. Warner thought about Geoff’s words, trying to make sense of the hidden meaning. Suddenly, his face dropped and his stomach churned.


“Oh no,” he said aloud.


“What is it?” Jim Robbins asked, now concerned by the doctor’s tone.


“Oh no… he read all the information about me. He knows about the time portal.”


“You don’t think…”


“Oh no…” Dr. Warner said once more, still in disbelief.


Dr. Warner shot the Robbins’ a worried glance. He looked back at the corridor that Geoff had disappeared around. In a moment of clarity, he sprinted down the hall.




Geoff rounded a corner and ran toward the far end of the hallway. As the corridor came to an end, it intersected another. He looked toward his right and saw rooms marked with various signs. He glanced left and found his destination. Quickly, he darted left down the hallway and stopped at a service elevator. He took a deep breath and pushed the button. Staring at the floor numbers above the elevator doorway, he watched each numbers light up as the elevator passed through that floor.


With two levels to go, he heard the sound of distant running from the hallway off to his right. He listened intently, then frantically pushed the elevator button several more times.


“Come on,” he said under his breath in frustration.


Looking back to the hallway, the running footsteps grew louder. Again, he pushed the elevator button several more times, hoping to speed its return.


“Come on you pile of crap. Let’s go,” he shouted in frustration.


Standing impatiently in the hallway, he heard a loud tone sound out as the elevator stopped on his floor. Looking up, he saw his floor number brightly lit. He glanced back at the corridor, then to the elevator button. Waiting for the doors to open, he pushed the button several more times.


Looking to his right, he heard the running steps grow loud and distinct. Suddenly, from around the corner, he watched in shock as Dr. Warner banked into the turn at nearly full speed. Seeing Geoff at the elevator, he sprinted harder. As the elevator doors finally opened, he came to a stop and partially blocked the entrance.


“Son, I know what you’re up to. It won’t work,” Dr. Warner said directly, getting straight to the point.


“First of all, I’m not you’re son. The name’s Geoff,” he responded bluntly. “Second, you have
idea what my plans are.”


“I think I do Geoff. I know you’re desperate to save your brother and I think you intend to go back in time to save him.”


“So what if I do. It’s none of your business anyway,” he responded defiantly, then added, “What’s the matter… you couldn’t save my brother and now that someone else is trying to save him, you’re jealous?”


“No, it’s nothing like that…”


“That’s really messed up, dude. You’re a real tool, you know that?”


“Geoff, you have to trust me on this. It has nothing to do with jealousy. I’m trying to save you from doing something you’ll regret for the rest of your life.”


“Save me? Like you saved my brother? No thanks. I’ll take my chances doing it myself,”


“Geoff, listen to me. Your plan won’t work. The time portal doesn’t work anymore.”


“Then why are you trying to stop me?”


“I’m not trying to stop you. I’m trying to help you work through your brother’s death. I know if you don’t get a hold of this right now, you’re going to do something that could affect you for the rest of your life.”


“I don’t believe you. I think this thing works and you just don’t want me to save my brother ‘cuz it might make you look bad.”


“Geoff, think about it. If the time portal really did work, do you really think the government would just leave it here, unguarded?”


Geoff thought about the doctor’s words. They made sense. For a moment, he began to reconsider his plan.


Dr. Warner could see the change in his eyes and continued with his plea.


“Trust me Geoff, I’m just trying to help you through your difficult time. One terrible tragedy has happened tonight. Let’s not make it two.”


“Terrible tragedy… terrible tragedy…” Geoff muttered to himself over and over.


His mind began to think about those terrible words. He thought about his brother’s broken body pinned inside his crushed car. He though about his mother’s grief and how she cried out in agony. But mostly he thought about the pain of never seeing his brother again. Tears welled in his eyes. He felt a gaping hole in his heart that he knew would never fill.


Geoff stiffened in his resolve. Staring back at Dr. Warner, he said, “I have to try.”


“Geoff, traveling back in time may not save him and in fact, could possibly void your own existence in its entirety.”


“I don’t care. I have to try.”


Geoff, you’re not thinking rationally.


“If your brother died and you knew the secret to bringing him back, what would you do?” Geoff asked.


“Knowing what I know now, I’d accept his death and move on… and that’s exactly what you should do.”


“Well I’m not. Just because you gave up, doesn’t mean I should too. I’m going to save my brother… which is more than I can say for you,” Geoff spat angrily.


Dr. Warner moved his body in front of Geoff’s, blocking his entry into the elevator. Previously, Geoff saw Dr. Warner’s presence as a nuisance; someone who was merely delaying him from his purpose. But now, he saw Dr. Warner’s move as an act of aggression; someone who was deliberately causing him harm. He was now the enemy.


Geoff curled his fist and lunged it at Dr. Warner’s solar plexus, instantly knocking the wind out of him. He stumbled backward into the elevator, as he gasped for air. As his back hit the rear of the elevator, he pushed off and instinctively lunged for Geoff. Grabbing his shirt, he pulled the young teen toward him, and wrapped his arm around his neck in headlock fashion. Like a caged animal, the young teen exploded with anger, ignoring the choke and driving his elbows into the doctor’s ribs. As Geoff coughed from choking, Dr. Warner groaned from the blows to his stomach.


Grappling for advantage, neither man heard the doors of the elevator close, nor did they feel its movement as it began to descend.


Geoff thrashed and twisted his body, slipping out of the doctor’s hold. Quickly, he lunged for the doctor and wrapped his arm around his neck, now placing Dr. Warner in a headlock. Although the young teen had position, the larger, stronger doctor had the advantage. Reaching down, he scooped his arm up under the teen’s leg and lifted him into the air.


Suddenly, the elevator stopped and the rear door opened. A warm gust of balmy wind blew into the cab. Time seemed to slow, but only for a moment.


Geoff cried out in rage and thrashed in Dr. Warner’s arms. As he began to lose his hold on the teen, he instinctively threw him out the open door. Geoff fell to the ground and tumbled across the grass. He jumped to his feet and readied himself for his next attack.


Suddenly, reality struck him. He was outside the elevator and the hospital had vanished from view. The impossible became the possible. Immediately, the young teen knew where he was.


Dr. Warner stared at Geoff and prepared to defend himself once more. Seeing him standing in the grass, he immediately knew the young teen was now standing in another world.


“Geoff, listen to me. As quick as you can, come back into the elevator,” Dr. Warner said in a low, deliberate tone. “I won’t hurt you.”


Geoff took a step forward, then stopped. He stared at Dr. Warner momentarily, then raised his hand. With a quick flick of his digit, he raised his middle finger, flashing the doctor “the bird”.


“Asshole!” Geoff shouted bluntly.


Instantly, his spun on his heels and sprinted into the nearby forest.


Dr. Warner shouted for the young teen to return, but he knew it was no use. He was gone.


“You’re on your own kid,” Dr. Warner shouted through the open doors in disgust.


Suddenly, the balmy breeze that signaled the portal’s opening, now signaled its closing. Dr. Warner watched as the grassy scene began to disappear. He felt bad for the teen, but also felt he had made his own choice.


“He’s going to have to learn the hard way I guess,” Dr. Warner said to himself.


As he watched the grass and trees fade further, he began to think about the young teen trying to survive in such a harsh world.


“Damn, he’ll never make it,” he said to himself in a low guilty tone.


Staring out the fading doorway, he felt tormented by indecision. He knew the right choice. He knew he had to decide quickly.


“Ahhh,” he groaned loudly in disgust.


As the door started closing, he took a deep breath and leaped through it. A second later, he stood in the grassy open field and looked back toward the elevator. It was gone. In its place were more grasses and trees. Dr. David Warner had once again, become a prisoner in time.



Chapter 4


Dr. David Warner stood at the edge of the familiar grassy field and surveyed his surroundings. The open field was small, less than two acres in size and rimmed by tall aspen trees. Through the forest, he recognized a dirt path worn heavy from use as horse and wagon had
previously delivered wounded men to the area for treatment. He craned his ear toward the path and listened carefully. He heard only the sound of the wind through the trees.


“Geoff!” he shouted.


He listened intently, hoping for a quick reply. There was none.


“Geoff!” he shouted even louder.


Still no response.


David looked around him. Alone, in the quiet, with only a vague idea of the time period, he felt a feeling of foreboding. He had no way of knowing who controlled the land: Union or Confederate. He could only hope it was the North.


David swallowed hard, his mind working to overcome his unwilling body. Reluctantly, he forced his legs to move and he darted up the worn path after the troubled teen.


Through the forest of white aspens, he ran in short sprints, stopping for a moment to listen, then continuing on as he realized the silence. With beads of sweat forming on his brow, his heart began to pump heavily as he winded. Ten minutes later, the forest broke out into another open field. He stopped once more and listened.


“Dammit,” he said aloud in frustration. “Where the hell is this kid? It’s like he vanished into thin air.”


On the opposite side of the open land, he heard a faint rustling through the trees. He squinted intently in the direction of the noise and spotted movement. For a moment, he felt relieved. Instantly, he broke out in a fast sprint, his eyes still focusing on his target.


Passing through the halfway mark, the movement became distinctive. He recognized the teen’s t-shirt and jeans and the casual pace at which he jogged. Closing in fast, he increased his speed, taking care to momentarily reduce the sound of his footsteps and breathing.


As he passed beyond the field and into the trees, he closed the distance to within twenty yards. Suddenly, the teen heard movement behind him. He glanced over his shoulder and spotted his pursuer. Instinctively, he burst into a full run. For a moment, the distance between them increased dramatically. With little time to react, David accessed his reserves and forced his legs faster. Closing in, he reached out his arm.


“Get the hell away from me you asshole!” Geoff shouted through heavy breaths of air.


“Stop!” David shouted, barely having enough breath for a one-word reply.


As he began to slow and Geoff pulled away, he made a desperate lunge forward. Too far away, his hand narrowly missed the teens shoulder. As he stumbled, his falling hands contacted the teens feet, causing him to trip. The two fell to the ground and rolled in a rough and abrupt tumble. Reacting fast, David wrapped his arm around the teen’s neck and held him tightly in a headlock.


“Let go of me you psycho,” Geoff shouted, now thrashing wildly.


“Not until you settle down,” David shouted back, increasing the pressure on his hold.


“Let go or I’ll sue your ass for everything you’re worth.”


David chuckled to himself at the teen’s logic, the responded, “Oh yeah? Well my uncle can beat up your uncle.”


“What the hell you talking about you douche?” Geoff retorted, now confused.


“I thought the game was to speak in bullshit. I think it’s your turn.”


“Dude, this is
game!” the feisty teen fired back. “Jeez, what the hell’s your problem?”


“My problem? Well for starters, I lost a young man on the operating table just a few minutes ago; I had to tell his family he won’t be coming back; his distraught brother cold-cocks me in the freakin’ elevator while trying to travel back in time; I’m trying to save that same kid who doesn’t want to be saved… and oh yeah, I’m not sure if we’ll ever get back to our time period.”


“Anything else?” Geoff responded unsympathetically.


“Yeah, I now have grass stains on my ass…”


Geoff thought about the doctor’s last response. At first he felt incensed by the doctor’s insensitive retort, but slowly, he began to chuckle to himself as he realized the humor. David felt the teens muscles soften slightly and detected a small giggle in his breath. Slowly, he relaxed his grip.


“Look Geoff, I’m not trying to hurt you or force you to do anything you don’t want to do. I just want to talk to you,” he said in a low, calm tone. “If I let go, do you promise not to run away?”


He didn’t answer.


“Geoff, do you know what the army does when they catch two men spooning?”

BOOK: Prisoner in Time (Time travel)
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