Princess Ces'alena

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Authors: Mercedes Keyes

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Princess Ceś alena















Webster Fields


Book One


Princess Ceś alena


















© Copyright 2008 Mercedes Keyes, Lawrence James – All Rights Reserved


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Amber Swann Publishing Inc.

Email: [email protected]















By Mercedes Keyes


Other books & e-books:




Gold Raven


Family Reunion











For the accomplishments made concerning this novel and others, I must say my thanks… first to my best friend, husband, lover, co-writer & editor - Lawrence James. I love you sweetheart, and no greater support could there be, than the encouragement and support you’ve given to me. Manifesting the necessary actions to make it happen. I thank you for being a doer… and not, just a dreamer. My very own “Action Man”. Next, to Lee James Fieldsend, who listened, and said… “What can I do? I want to play a part n this.” He too followed through, another action man, it’s no wonder, he is his father’s son, and I Thank you.

Finally Gale Hunter, who is mentioned in my ramblings, and to all the people who added so much to my life that gave me very important lessons that I learned, and everyday that I live…I continue to learn. Thank

Author Ramblings


The humble beginnings of Webster Fields started in Chicago, Ill.1985. I was living on the south side of the city at 7130 S. Campbell. I first started writing it on tablets that I took to work when I was employed, with Jewel Food Stores. I was a checker and a facer when all I could think of was writing. My mind in a continuous escape to the world of Webster Fields. After work, I checked out a pawn shop that a fellow employee suggested, and there is where I found my 'First Writing Tool' A Smith Corona electric typewriter.

However, because of a constant need to change a scene or omit a line... I knew it was time to move up. So, thanks to a very dear friend, Gale Hunter - who charged for
a Panasonic Word Processor, being the true, and real friend that she was, her desire was to assist me any way she could in my dream of writing. On that Panasonic WP is where the story took off. Gale – I don’t know where you are right now… but I thank you for believing in me, and playing an active part in aiding me. You will never be forgotten.

We (my family & I) relocated to Wisconsin... and in the midst of writing "Aphrodisiac" the load drive on the disk went out after ten years of faithful service. My novels were trapped on a disk for 6 years with no way to get them off, because of format differences in writing machines. The blessing in disguise came while working at Best Power Uninterruptible Power Sourcing, in Necedah, Wi. There I learned the technical assembling of computer backups, and thus ... applied the knowledge to that Panasonic.

With encouragement from Brad Carver (thank you as well), I ordered the part, took a deep breath, and replaced the old with the new. Put it back together, plugged it in...slipped in the disk, praying that time, storage and moving hadn't somehow erased the disk...I was scared, and clicked on the upload file, and everything came back up! I screamed & then I cried. I - was - back!! After absorbing as much as I could about computers, and then, thanks to my daughter... Cecilia McCormick who introduced me to the free web hosting world of Geocities.

I began publishing my dream to the world wide web - www. As for Amber Swann Publishing Inc. it truly began in the year 2000. The name... Amber Swann was inspired by my most favorite character of all those I created in my mind. Ceś alena Huebana, named by the Indians... Amber Swann. Who inspired Ceś alena Huebana???

My mother - I love you mama! And book one, Princess Ceś alena is dedicated to her - Vera Mae Hunter McMullin Rios – continued on the next page.








Dedicated to...


Vera Mae Hunter McMullin Rios


I just want her to know, should she ever read this book that I've written, my main character, Princess Ceś alena was inspired by her. As I grew and watched her thru our struggle to survive alone in the crazy streets of Chicago, many things got her down but nothing would she let keep her down. She always gave her very best in everything she touched. She refused to be told there were things she could not do. No, she was not a saint, but she is a strong black woman that many men desired and she was the most ferocious and scary person I know when protecting her children. One of her major devastations was the divorce from my father that tore her happy home apart, shattering many of her dreams. I guess it was watching her, that made me
to know and understand the why's of actions committed by her at the time, when at a time I just could not in my youth understand.
I do. And last, her absolute need to love, worship and embrace our Creator, failing HIM, was her greatest misery. This too, I understand.


I love you mama, and though you were not always there for me, it made me...the strong black woman that I am. What I once cursed and cried over has become your greatest gift to me.


Your daughter,

Mercedes Keyes


Main Characters Of Book One


Maynard Ramsey Webster
...... (Manny)


Princess Ceś alena Huebana
...... (Lena)


Morris Roland Webster
...... (Manny's father)


...... (House servant & slave)


Michael Ramsey Webster
...... (Manny's son)


Golden Hope Webster
....... (Manny's daughter)


Katherine Sanders Webster
...... (Manny's wife)


Charles Anthony Wilson
...... (Manny's friend)


Josephine O'Brien
...... (Red Dawn)


Chief Long Bow
...(Chief of remnant Cherokee tribe)


Red Crow
...... (Son of Red Dawn & Chief Long Bow)


....... (Slave and Manny's friend)


...... (Young slave Manny brought home)


...... (Slave)


....... (Slave)


Thomas Sandoval
.... (Free man, abolitionist/teacher)


Kevin & James
....... (Overseers)















Part One



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