Prince With Benefits: A Billionaire Royal Romance (18 page)

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“You did.” The way he's talking makes me want to cry.

I sit down on a small bamboo bench by the stream, staring through the dense trees, wondering how hot the sun feels on the other side of the world in Mexico.

“I've got another appointment in about ten minutes, so I'd better go. Love you, darling. Always have, always will, and always gonna be –“

“I know, I know,” I cut in, finishing the phrase he's said to me since I was as little girl for him. “My daddy.”

“Damned straight.” My phone goes quiet.

I lower it to my lap, brushing the tears from my eyes. The furious lion that's always been a fixture in the media has turned into a gentle giant. I'm touched and scared for him just the same, and I spend the next few minutes enveloped in my thoughts, a thousand chances at life and death rolling by like clouds taking shape.

“What the hell happened?” I hear Silas growl it before I look up, feeling his protective hand on my shoulder.

“It's nothing,” I lie. “Just worried about my father. We talked. He's doing okay – or so he says – but he doesn't do details. It's almost like he knows he won't be around much longer.”

Silas sits next to me, putting his arm around my shoulder, and pulls me in tight. “People change when they're face-to-face with death, love. He's going to make it – none of those doctors would dare to let me down after all the money they've gotten for their research.”

“I don't know that cancer cares about your generosity, Your Highness,” I say, more sarcastically than I really need to.

I hate it when I'm sad.

I'm the kind of girl who wraps herself up in barbed wire to hide the pain. Anybody coming too close
get pricked, and bleed with me.

“No, but the small army I've got working on it are better than any disease. I've always been careful with who I fund. Nobody gets a penny unless they're the best of the best. Mom taught me that lesson.”

He squeezes my hand. I look at him slowly, the bitterness fading.

Different doesn't begin to describe the worlds we're from, but here, we're a lot more alike than we should be. His mother, the kingdom's beloved Princess for twenty years, already had her fight with the same thing hammering my dad. She lost hers when he was just a boy.

“I'm sorry,” I say, lacing my fingers through his. “I forgot, you've been through all this before...”

“Not quite. Mom's fight was hopeless. The technology wasn't as good, and she held off too long on treatment. The woman stopped caring about her health after the cheating started. My goddamned father, she never got over it...losing his heart, and his loyalty. Watching him ruin himself on women half his age. Pissing away his life, until the ocean put him out of his misery for good.”

I stare at him, not saying much, dragging my heel through the gravel underneath us. “I can't imagine what it's like, losing both parents. I barely talk to mom. She hasn't wanted much to do with either of us since the divorce. She's all work, spending her days and nights at the law firm in New York. Maybe she's trying to forget the life she used to have, including me. It's like addiction comes naturally to people trying to run from something. Like your dad, maybe.”

Silas snorts, lifting my hand to his mouth. He stops to kiss the back of my hand before he says anything. Heat blooms inside me, hot and red and wanting.

I still can't figure out how this man is so damned good at turning me on with nothing more than the slightest kiss.

“My father never saw past pussy and drink. Although I've inherited his knack for getting panties wet, I'd like to think I'm more than just another player.”

Right now, he's
player, and he's won the game. I'm burning up by the time his fingers trace through my hair, and he pulls my face to his, smothering me in another fiery trademark kiss.

“Let's forget all this shit. It's too beautiful a day to dwell on it,” he says, gesturing to the green vastness on the path I haven't even explored. “You haven't seen all the gardens yet, have you?'

I shake my head. “No. I might need a tour guide for that, I'm afraid.”

“At your service,” he stands up and does an exaggerated bow.

It's so ridiculous coming from a real life Prince, especially one as arrogant as Silas, that I burst out laughing. “I don't know if I can handle more of that on the trail.”

“Deeply sorry, love, I'm afraid I'm your only choice today,” he says, doing his very best to imitate Victor's prim and proper style. “These gardens go on for at least a thousand acres, so you're not going alone. And I'm not turning you over to fuck the gardener.”

Sticking out my tongue, I slap his chest. “Like I would ever do that!”

“I don't know, love. I think I've created a monster when I took you to bed. We both know you need it morning, noon, and night.”

There's Prince Asshole again, jerking me to his chest, guiding me into his next kiss. Everything says I should fight like hell to push him away, but I don't when I feel him, taste him, lose myself in his infuriating lips.

If this thing is a fairy tale, then it's the most twisted, incredible story a girl can live.

* * *

deep in the gardens, talking about everything and nothing at all. I find out things about Silas I never imagined.

He got suspended from the most prestigious prep school in Europe for sneaking in his childhood bulldog. The animal went on a rampage, chewing up several priceless books in the school library after getting spooked by a violin practice next door.

He likes his coffee strong and black. The only way it should be after a late night with too many drinks.

He remembers the war. Afghanistan follows him, especially when he sneaks away to the royal military cemetery once a year. Always on some dark, cold, rainy day when people hold their umbrellas low, reducing the chances he'll ever be recognized.

He isn't shy about his big, beautiful cock. Well, I knew that before, but he's still stroking his...ego.

At least he says I'm the finest, hottest pussy he's ever had wrapped around it.

I roll my eyes and laugh at his latest crude jests. They do their job, though, making me uncomfortably hot and wet. I'm grateful for the humid, lush forest surrounding us on every side. It's the only thing that distracts me, helps me keep my hands off his big, solid body.

“Since we're playing a thousand questions, there's something I'd like to know,” I tell him, holding his hand while we go over yet another beautiful stone bridge that's at least a century old. “What happened with Serena? What's her deal?”

His face darkens. “I made a big fucking mistake with that one. Put my dick somewhere it never should've gone last summer. She hasn't gotten over it.”

“Did you lead her on?” I look at him, point blank.

“Hell no. Truthfully, the bitch is psychotic or painfully desperate. Maybe both.” He shakes his head so adamantly I have to believe him. “I never promised her a damned thing. She let her Princess fantasies get to her, like some women do. They suck me, fuck me, think it means they're going to wear the royal ring and have Sunday dinners with grandmom. The other girls were easy to brush off. Serena, not so much, because she's too good at her job. I don't want to send her packing unless she crosses the line.”

She already has with me. Several times.
I keep my thoughts to myself, knowing it isn't my place to decide who he keeps as press secretary.

“You can't take back what happened. I get that.”

“Yeah, and we don't need to dwell on it, love. I've taken the liberty of chatting with the bitch myself so you don't have to. We're set for tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow? What's happening then?”

“Our second appearance in public.” He tightens his hold on my hand when I look at him, my eyes going huge. “We've got ourselves a royal parade scheduled. Show of power, really, to remind the Republic assholes who's still boss. We're going out for a ride with tight security. There'll also be several dignitaries present, paying their respects to Her Majesty while she's ill.”

My chest tightens. I have to hold my hand across my breast. Silas stops when I do, his head cocked, wondering what's wrong.

“You're sure it's safe? It seems so soon, riding out into crowds like that, after what happened at the palace.”

I took too many history classes for my own good at college. I'm having brutal flashes of JFK and Arch Duke Ferdinand, both cut down in their prime with their Princesses riding next to them.

“The rabble rousers don't have the balls to do anything except sneer at us from the sidelines with their signs and banners. I've been through this half a dozen times over the years, love. I promise it's safe. Trust me.”

He reaches for my hand. I hesitate for several seconds before I let my fingers wind around his. Reassured, for now.

Maybe he's right. Publicity is half of what I signed up for when I agreed to this marriage. I can't be scared.

“Okay. I'll do my best. Will they expect us to speak again?”

“A few words from me in front of the cameras, maybe,” he says. “Not like before. This isn't an announcement. We're there for eye candy, moving through the streets like living ornaments. We'll meet some dignitaries at the end of it, but whatever comes after with them will be said behind closed doors. Most of the people love us. We'll make the world see a couple thousand smiling faces, and just a few angry pricks. Believe me, if anything gets out of line, they won't get far with the extra agents stationed in the crowd.”

I hope you're right.
I hold my tongue, thinking it, without saying anything.

“I haven't gotten a tour of the capital yet. Good way to do that, I suppose,” I say.

“It's gorgeous. Lucky for you, I'll also be giving you that surprise tomorrow morning.”

Oh, God.
I'd almost forgotten it. Now, I can't think of anything else with the sly, mischievous glint beading in his deep blue eyes.

“Tell me, Silas. I don't like surprises.”

“You'll love this one. Small disclaimer, I'm not responsible if you accidentally come your brains out.”

I don't even have time to gasp, or hit him with a dozen questions. He takes my hand by the wrist and pulls me along, further along the path into the gardens. Deeper into this craziness and mystery, wondering how I'm going to survive.

Public Eye (Silas)

t takes everything
I've got not to smile when she opens the platinum box. It's morning, we're due in the car in about an hour, and my Princess is looking at an egg shaped remote-control vibrator custom designed for her pussy.

Her fingers tremble a little when she picks it up. She's eyeballing it like I just presented her with a stick of dynamite.

Hell, maybe I have. My cock certainly feels like it's going to explode in my pants while I'm watching her grasp it, hold it up, and turn that shocked little look on her face into total horror.

using this in public. You're out of your fucking mind, Silas.”

“Yeah? Then why are you holding it like you're already in love?” I smile, sit down on the bed next to her, and put my hand over hers. Our fingers both close around the cool, sterile gold, made to get her hotter than an incoming meteor when I crank it to high.

“No, just – no!” She says it again, shaking her sweet head, desperately trying to push my hand away with the device in it.

I don't let her. “Take a chance on it, love. Let yourself have a little excitement. I saw how nervous you looked yesterday, in the gardens, when I mentioned our outing. Believe me, with this thing in, you'll be too busy coming to think about all the eyes on you.”

“Bad idea! All of it.” She manages to wrestle out of my grasp, jumping up, pacing around the bedroom. “It really shouldn't surprise me what a crude psycho you can be, but for some reason it does.”

I clench the small metal object harder in my hand. Can't stop thinking about it wedged in her sweet cunt, shaking between her legs, making her soak everything she's wearing underneath that fancy formal dress.

It's thinner and more modern than the one she had to wear to meet grandmom. Perfect for hiding what I'm doing to her from everybody with a camera, while it shows me everything.

“Look, if you're dead set against it, I won't make you,” I say, standing up.

“Like you could!” Erin sticks her tongue out.

Ah, a challenge.
Fuck me.

My hand twitches for another reason. I want to spank that ass raw. For a split second, I think about pulling out my phone, calling Vic, and canceling the whole event.

Unfortunately, the interests of the kingdom and my ten inch cock are often quite different. I swear I can hear the world's smallest violin playing a sad song.

“Babe, take it.” I step up, pushing it into her hand. I'll risk her throwing it through the wall, or maybe at my head. “Go. Finish getting dressed. I'll let you decide whether you want to slip that thing in, or leave it on the bathroom counter.”

Her cheeks glow rosy. It's a conflicted, reddish flush spreading across her face when she stares at the filthy toy in her hand before she looks up at me, her brows furrowed.

“I can't believe you're thinking about sex again on the day we have a second chance to get this right.”

“Funny. I can't believe you think I'd rather be thinking about anything else. Especially when you're folding your arms, pushing your tits in my face, reminding me that I want to shred that fucking dress and have you against the wall.”

My dick's doing the talking now. As usual, I'm at a loss to shut him up.

“I have to get ready,” she says, briskly spinning around.

As soon as the bathroom door closes, I let myself smile. I'd bet my whole fortune she's wetter than she wants to be.

What are the odds I won't see my gift abandoned on the counter if I look in there before we head out?

I'm still crunching the numbers in my head, trying to distract my rampaging cock, when she finally steps out. The ladies assigned to help her dress this morning are gone at my orders, and I'm relieved to see she can handle the entire outfit herself.

Wait, handle it? No, she looks good. Sexy. Divine.

Good enough to eat my fill. My cock aches in tune with my lips, hungry to get her naked, spread her legs, and lick her hard and deep. I want to make this girl squirt on my face, and taste her own cream on my lips when I fuck her senseless.

“Well? How do I look?” she says, a husky edge in her voice that isn't helping me calm down.

“Like a Princess should,” I say, standing.

She smiles, calling me to walk on over and embrace her. There's a knock at our door just then.

“Your Highness, the men are performing the last security check on the motorcade. Everything's ready, at your convenience.”

“Thanks. We'll be out in just a minute.”

Not enough time to satisfy my evil desires. Just enough to kiss her, grab her ass, and realize there's one more thing I have to do before we leave.

“Go on, love. I'll be out in just a second. Need to make a quick pit stop.”

I head for the bathroom. While I'm there, I let my eyes wander to the counter.

No sign of anything there. I'm washing my hands while I let my foot slide to the pedal on the small steel trashcan.

The lid lifts up, and I see the hottest thing in my life after Erin's naked skin.

It's empty, which means...fuck.

Fuck yes.

The small, secret remote I've got concealed in my pocket burns like my pistol used to in Afghanistan.

Today just got a lot more exciting, and it's got nothing to do with playing head of state.

* * *

ere we go
,” I say, grabbing her hand as the car slowly rolls forward, perfectly positioned between two jet black SUVs with flashing lights.

She looks at me and smiles. Bashful. She knows that I know what's in her pussy by now, but she doesn't have a clue my words have double meaning.

Here we go, princess. Here we fucking go, and we're not stopping until you've come so hard you won't walk straight.

My thumb burns like mad, hovering over the little wheel that controls the intensity of the earthquake she's about to feel. I've already turned it on, as soon as Victor gave me the thirty second countdown, before our convertible started moving.

He's in the passenger seat next to our driver, eyes roaming like a sheepdog, making sure every little detail goes according to plan. He won't have a spare second to notice what's happening to my Princess in the back seat, next to me.

Seeing the city center with throngs of bystanders is nothing new. Having a woman riding next to me while I own everything that happens between her legs for the next hour or two is.

My finger nudges the switch. Erin's eyelids flutter, and she leans back in her seat, not even noticing the rows of people waving hysterically all around us. We're into the thick of it now. Christ, there must be thousands, all of them here to show their support for the royal family.

The speakers across the city start blasting
King of All Things.
My dick throbs to the heavy drumbeats and clashing cymbals like it's saluting the kingdom's anthem.

“You doing all right, love?” I ask, grasping her hand.

She barely nods. My signal to crank the power higher.

“Oh, God.” I can't hear her over the crowd screaming, but I know it's the only thing on her lips when they open up, form a perfect ring, and tell me I'm bringing her O closer.

I have to look away for a few seconds before I shoot off in my pants. Besides, the cameras are rolling. I sit up as tall as I can in the seat, waving to the people, giving them my very best princely salute.

I've watched my grandmom and my great grandfather do it a thousand times in old movies. My hand moves up and waves, every movement carefully choreographed. The people lining the streets swoon with the prince and future king so close.

Men and women alike. I think some of the girls are about to faint, visibly leaning into their friends and husbands for support when I flash them my smile.

It's boring. The only woman I want to see losing her mind is already next to me, ready to go over the edge as soon as I twist the dial higher.

And I do.

“Silas – oh!” I read her lips again. She's leaning back in her seat now, her hips squirming like mad.

Can't resist putting my hand on her thigh and squeezing it hard. I stare her down in between smiling at the crowd, throttling the controls back. Just enough to leave her on the precipice.

“You don't come until I say you do,” I growl, leaning over to whisper in her ear.

She looks at me like she wants to sink a knife in my throat. Smiling, I suppress a laugh, wondering what the media jackasses are capturing right now through their lenses. The video online later ought to be

We turn the corner, circling the next street, rolling down another double row of people screaming at us like we're rock stars about to bang out their favorite tune.

Everyone except one asshole, anyway.

A big, surly bastard in a trench coat rushes my car, hate twisted on his face. Secret service acts fast. I see them throw the fucker down on the pavement, a boot pressed firmly in his back. His sign slips out of his hands and hits the curb, right-side up.




I don't even bat an eye at the ridiculous slogans written there in thick black ink. I turn to Erin, wondering if he scared her, but she's in another world. She's balls deep in pleasure, lost there so deeply she's forgotten what pain and fear mean.

She's simply gorgeous. I pause, taking a good, long look, before I decide how I'm going to bring her off for good. Squirming, bucking her hips shallowly in her seat, desperately trying to milk the last burst of pleasure in the toy that sends her over the edge.

“What did I tell you, Princess? Can you hear me?” I say softly, placing my hand over hers.

“You're killing me. Please, Silas.

“Please what?” I smile, wondering how filthy and crazy she can get when she really wants it.

“I'm not going to...I can't fucking say it. God, you're a bastard!”

Guilty as charged.
My thumb slides across the little wheel in my pocket, but only for a split second, teasing with such sharp vibrations I'm sure she can feel it in her clit.

My dick leaks more pre-come in my pants. I hope like hell there isn't an improved press conference after this. The entire kingdom is going to see my hard-on if I don't get a chance to fuck her first.

“Sire, Mister Nelson from the Daily Eagle is just ahead,” Vic cuts in. “We'll do our very best not to let him get too close, but you know how aggressive he can be.”

Yeah, I do. The motherfucker ambushed me last year in my own nightclub, dancing with no less than Serena when I was drunk off my ass. The rumors that hit the press the next day didn't help me, or my secretary's ridiculous crush.

“Let him come up,” I tell my chief.

“Your Highness?” He looks behind him in the seat, both his eyebrows raised.

“You heard me. We have nothing to hide.”

Slowly, he turns back around, and whispers something into the radio to security. Perfect timing. I see Nelson's giddy, goateed face staring from the curb. The idiot steps out onto the asphalt with two assistants, all their cameras flashing.

That's when I throw my arm around Erin, pull her close, and smash my lips down on hers.

Sometimes, the only way to tame a tiger is to give the damned thing its red meat. I'm giving him exactly what he wants – the photo of a lifetime. Serving up huge, juicy steaks with this kiss, so hot and sudden I think we're going to set our custom made Rolls-Royce convertible on fire.

Her sweet, dark eyes are narrow. Lids half shut. Begging.

Not yet, beautiful,
I tell her with my kiss.
You don't get it unless I see how bad you want it.

Show me.

Her desperation tastes incredible. When I try to break the kiss so I can smile to my subjects some more, she doesn't let me. Erin throws her little hands around my neck, digs her nails into my skin, and bites my lower lip.

Fuck, doesn't she know I'm going to bite back harder? We're practically stripping off our clothes and fucking in the seat before it's over. I wonder if I can shut down the bullet shoved inside her, make her come with just my kiss.

It's goddamned tempting, if only it wouldn't ruin all the fun.

I have to break the kiss.
Have to
, before I roll around, push between her legs, and take her in broad daylight in front of several million people.

I've always had a bit of an exhibitionist streak, certainly, but even I'm not that big a freak.

I'm winded when I break away, settling reluctantly back into my seat.

My tension has nothing on hers, though. Erin has her eyes pinched shut, gently bobbing her hips, after the leverage she needs for sweet release.

My heart starts pounding. The car rolls on, reminding me I'm the sole heir to an entire kingdom someday. Lesser men would swell up and prance like peacocks at the prospect.

Not me. With Erin on the brink of coming next to me, it's nothing.

I'm not after power over anyone except her, and her next O. My fingertip burns against the remote, stuffed into my pocket, while I look back across the crowd and wave with my very best.

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