Prince of Scorpio (29 page)

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Authors: Alan Burt Akers

Tags: #Fiction

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Men of the Sunrise: An ancient people of whom now only their monuments remain, constructors of the Dam of Days and the Grand Canal. Also referred to as the Men of the Sunset.

Menaham: Nation of central North Pandahem.

miscils: Tiny, fragile cakes that melt on the tongue.

missal: A tree with white and pink blossoms.

momolams: Small round yellow tubers eaten with roast ponsho.

moon-blooms: Flowers with a double ring of petals, both opening during the day, and the outer at night when moons are in the sky.

moons: Kregen has seven moons. The largest, the Maiden with the Many Smiles, is almost twice the size of Earth’s moon. The next two, the twins, revolve around each other. The fourth is She of the Veils. The three smallest moons hurtle rapidly across the sky close to the surface of Kregen.

morfangs: Monsters of the Hostile Territories, squat, ovoid, with two arched coat-hanger-like shoulders each sprouting five long whip-like tendrils, which, if cut off, grow into new monsters. Quasi-intelligent, quick, treacherous, and incredibly strong.

Mother Zinzu the Blessed, By: A favorite oath of the drinking classes of Sanurkazz.

Mountains of the North: The mountain range in the north of Vallia from which flows the Great River and much of the canal headwaters.

muldavy: Small boat of the inner sea, generally clinker-built and with a dipping lug.

mur: The Kregan minute, fifty to a bur.

Murn-Chem: An area of western Loh.

muschafs: Cultivated bushes yielding crops.

mushk: A scented yellow plant used as a windbreak, attractive to bees.


na: “Of.” Usually used to denote a person’s land or province of origin. Sometimes rendered as

nactrix: Close cousin of the sectrix.

Naghan the Paunch: An overseer of caravan guards between Pa Mejab and Pa Weinob (SS).

Natema: The Princess Natema Cydones of the Noble House of Esztercari of Zenicce. Married Prince Varden Wanek (TT).

Nath: Sometimes Nath of Sanurkazz, sometimes Nath ti Zullia, from his birthplace. Oar-comrade to Prescot, Zorg, and Zolta. Son of an illiterate ponsho farmer. Big, a drinking man, intensely loyal to Prescot. Eventually a member of the Zimen.

Nath the Needle, Doctor: Gave medical attention to Prescot in Vondium.

Nath the Thief: Assisted the clansmen in Zenicce (TT).

nathium: Precious metal used in trinkets and objects of art.

Nemo: King of Tomboram (SS).

Nemo Zhantil Faril Opaz:
A King’s Swordship of Tomboram (SS).

Ng’groga: Land in the southeast of Loh.

Ngrangi: Spirit of Ng’groga appealed to and sworn by.

Nicomeyn, Pallan: Councillor of State to King Nemo (SS).

Nycresand: Islands off the east coast of Loh.


oars: Silver and copper coins of Magdag.

ob: One.

Ob-eye: A Blue Mountain Boy.

obi: Among the clansmen it is given and taken, at first meeting, with or without combat as necessary, to determine social order. Carries implications of responsibility for the taker as obligations of the giver. Less violent systems occur elsewhere on Kregen.

obs: Copper coins. In Pandahem, eighty obs to a dhem.

Ocher Limits: Badlands northwest of Vindelka.

Ochs: A halfling people not above four feet tall, with six limbs, the central pair used indiscriminately as legs or arms. Lemon-shaped heads with puffy jaws and lolling chops. Found as mercenaries over most of Kregen.

Ogier Cut: An east-west canal system in Vallia.

Old Superb: Nickname given to Prescot’s personal flag.

onker: Term of abuse.

Oolie Opaz: Words of a continuous hypnotic chant.

Opaz: Name given to the dual-spirit, the Invisible Twins, who are visibly represented in the sky by Zim and Genodras.

Overlords: The Overlords of Magdag, masters of the north shore of the inner sea (SU).

Owlarh Waste: Eastern section of the Hostile Territories leading to the Klackadrin.


paline: Yellow cherry-like fruit with the taste of old port grows almost everywhere on Kregen. Sovereign cure for hangovers.

Pallan: Equates with Councillor, Minister, or Secretary of State.

Pa Mejab: Colonial port city of Tomboram in Eastern Turismond.

Pandahem: One of the Nine Islands, off the east coast of Loh. People known as Pandaheem.

Panderk: Bay and Islands of North Pandahem.

Pandrite: A beneficent spirit of Pandahem.

Pando: Son of Tilda the Beautiful, inheritor of title of Kov of Bormark (SS).

Panifer, Paline: Young servant girl in Vondium.

Panvals: Vallian political party opposed to racters.

papishin: Leaves used as roof-coverings.

pappattu: Introduction.

Pass of Trampled Leaves: In Segesthes where Prescot’s clansmen fired the wagons of their foemen (TT).

Pattelonia: Chief city of Proconia.

Pa Weinob: Frontier town of Tomboram in Eastern Turismond.

Pela: Lady-in-waiting to Katrin Rashumin.

Perithia: An area inland at the eastern end of the inner sea.

Phokaym: Intelligent and cruel reptilian race of risslaca ancestry inhabiting area to the immediate west of the Klackadrin.

Plains of Mist: Happy Hunting Grounds of the clansmen.

Plicla: Rapa city of the Hostile Territories.

Pomdermam: Capital of Tomboram.

ponsho: Domesticated animal providing meat and wool.

ponsho-trag: A Kregan sheep dog.

Ponthieu: A House of Zenicce.

Pool of Baptism: On the River Zelph in Aphrasöe.

Port Marsilus: Port of Bormark.

Port Paros: Small port in Segesthes southeast of Zenicce.

Port Tavetus: Colonial city of Vallia in Eastern Turismond.

Pracek, Prince: Of Ponthieu, presumed to the hand of Delia (TT).

Presidio: Government of Vallia under the Emperor.

preysany: A superior calsany used as a saddle animal.

Proconia: Land at the eastern end of the inner sea with people distinct from the north and south shore peoples.

Procul: A wine rich and dark red.

Prophet: Inspirational leader in the warrens of Magdag (TT).

Pugnarses: Overseer of the balass in the warrens of Magdag (TT).

Pur: Not a rank or a title (although apparently used as such), a badge of chivalry and honor, a pledge that the holder is a true Krozair. Prefixed to the holder’s name, as:
Pur Dray.


Quanscott: Port of the Blue Mountains on the west coast of Vallia.

Queens of Pain: Infamous rulers of Loh.

Quest of Tyr Nath, The: A
rollicking tale of mythical adventure at least two thousand years old and known all over Kregen.


racter: Member of the most powerful political party in Vallia.

Rahartdrin: Island and Kovnate off the southwest coast of Vallia.

Rapa: Gray vulturine-headed halflings living over most of Kregen as slaves, workers, or mercenary guards, or in their own cities.

rapier: Often called the Jiktar. “A rapier to sharpen” equates with “an ax to grind.”

rark: Powerful hunting dog of Segesthes.

rashoon: Sudden and violent local gale on the inner sea.

Rashumin, Katrin: Kovneva of Rahartdrin.

rast: A disgusting six-legged rodent infesting dunghills.

Red Brethren of Lizz: A Fighting Order of Sanurkazz, devoted to Zair.

Relts: More gentle cousins of the Rapas.

Remberee: Universal salutation on parting.

Render: Pirate.

risslaca: Dinosaur.

River of Shining Spears: Flows from the Blue Mountains into the Great River.

Rodway, Pallan: In charge of the Treasury of Vallia.

Rojica Passage: Channel between Vallia and Can-thirda.

Rose of Valka, The
:An inn and posting house in Vondium.


sah-lah: Cultivated bush with pink and white sweet blossoms.

San: An ancient title for master, dominie, sage.

samphron: Cultivated bush, the fruits yielding oil.

Sanurkazz: Chief city of the men of Zair.

Savanti: Mortal but superhuman people of Aphrasöe.

Sea-Barynth: Huge serpentine monster with oval body, long dorsal fin, an immense head, and fang-filled mouth above two paddle-fins.

Sea of Marshes: Southerly extension of the inner sea past Sanurkazz.

Sea of Swords: Smaller extension of the inner sea past Zy.

sectrix: Six-legged saddle animal, blunt-headed, wicked-eyed, pricked of ear, slate-blue hide covered with scanty coarse hair.

Segesthes: A continent of Kregen.

Segutorio, Seg: Bowman of Loh from Erthyrdrin. Ran away to be a mercenary. Intensely loyal to Prescot and a good comrade.

Selnix: Vad of Thadelm.

Shallan: Prescot’s agent in Sanurkazz (SU/WA).

Shattered targes in Mount Hlabro, By all the: An Erthyr oath.

She of the Veils: Fourth moon of Kregen.

shorgortz: Giant reptilian monster with four eyes, in the Blue Mountains.

Shusha, Great-Aunt: The Lady of Strombor, married into the Ewards, from whom Prescot received Strombor.

shush-chiff: Sarong-like garment worn by girls on holiday.

silver trumpets of Loh: Famed trumpets that led on the armies of Walfarg.

So: Three.

Sooten and her Twelve Suitors:
Theatrical tragedy well known on Kregen.

Sorzarts: Lizard-men of a group of islands in northeastern inner sea.

Sosie: Wife of Ven Yelker nal Vomansoir, a canalwoman.

Sosie na Arkasson: Young lady rescued by Prescot in the Hostile Territories (SS).

Spitz: A Bowman of Loh (SS).

squishes: Tiny and delicious fruit.

Star Lords: The Everoinye.

Stentors: 1. Chunkrah-horn blowers in swifters; 2. Spiral-brass-horn blowers in Emperor’s canal boats.

Storr, Mount: Vineyards near Hiclantung.

Stovang, Hikdar: Vektor’s officer in charge of wedding presents.

Stratemsk, The: Enormous mountain chain of Turismond.

Strigicaw: Powerful fast-running, six-legged carnivore, with striped foreparts and double-spotted rear, in red and brown.

A zenzile swordship commanded by Prescot for Viridia (SS).

Strom: Title of Kregan nobility approximating to “count.”

Strombor: A noble House of Zenicce.

Strye: Island northwest of Zenicce which provides cheap grass for mastodons.

sturm: Wood of many uses on Kregen.

Stylor: Name given to Prescot in the warrens of Magdag (SU).

Sunset Sea: Ocean stretching between Segesthes and Turismond.

Susheeng: Princess of Magdag (SU).

swifter: Multi-banked galley of the inner sea.

swingers: Platforms attached to plant tendrils used for transportation in Aphrasöe.

Swinging City: Aphrasöe.

Sword of Genodras:
Magdaggian swifter captured by Prescot and Seg (WA).

swordship: Single-banked, broadside-armed galleass of the outer oceans.

Swordship and Barynth, The:
An inn of Therminsax.


talens: Gold coins of Vallia.

Talu: Eight-armed dancer (possibly mythical).

Ta’temsk: Guardian spirit of the inner sea.

taylynes: Pea-sized scarlet and orange vegetables. Good with vosk.

terchick: Throwing-knife, often called the Deldar.

Thadelm: A province of Vallia northwest of Delphond.

Tharu of Vindelka: Kov sent by Delia to find Prescot on inner sea (SU).

Tharu ti Valkanium: Leader of the high assembly of Valka.

Theirson: Koter of Valka who helped Prescot during his canal sickness.

Thelda: Lady-in-waiting to Delia (WA).

Therminsax: Market town of central north Vallia.

Thisi the Fair: Wife to Theirson.

thorn-ivy: Unpleasant sharp-spined bush.

thyrrix: Nimble mountain-animal of Erthyrdrin.

ti: “Of.” Usually used to denote a person’s town or city of origin.

tikos: Little green and brown lizards.

Tilda: Mother of Pando. A famous theatrical entertainer, known as Tilda the Beautiful or Tilda of the Many Veils (SS).

Todalpheme: Astronomers and mathematicians.

Tom of Vulheim: Young Koter of Valka.

Tomboram: Nation of eastern North Pandahem.

toonon: Shortsword mounted on bamboo shaft, aerial weapon of Ullars.

Tremzo: A city of Zair.

Trylon: Title of Kregan nobility intermediate between Vad and Strom.

tuffa: A thin willowy tree.

Turismond: A continent of Kregen.

Tyr: Title equivalent to “Sir.”


Ullardrin: Land of Northern Turismond.

Ullars: Barbarians from Ullardrin, with narrow-set eyes, square clamped mouths, blunt heads, hair dyed indigo. Whole tribes habitually travel by air astride saddle impiters.

Ullgishoa: Horrific monster belonging to Ullars (WA).

Umgar Stro: Leader of Ullars (WA).

Undurkers: Supercilious race of canine-headed halfling archers.

Undurkor: Group of islands of southwest coast of Segesthes.

Upalion: A rich estate of Proconia. The Lady Pulvia and her son were rescued by Prescot on orders from the Star Lords (WA).


Vad: Title of Kregan nobility intermediate between Kov and Trylon.

Valka: Island off the east coast of Can-thirda off Vallia.

Valkanium: Capital city of Valka.

Vallia: One of the Nine Islands situated between Segesthes and Loh.

Vandayha: City of Valka famed for its silversmiths.

Vangar ti Valkanium: A Deldar in the Vallian Air Service.

Vanki, Naghan: Lord of an island off Vallia.

Vaosh: Patron spirit of the canalfolk.

varter: Flat-trajectory ballista throwing rocks and darts.

Veiled Froyvil: Spirit appealed to and sworn by, of Erthyrdrin.

Vela’s Tears: Strong red wine of southern Valka.

Vektor, Kov of Aduimbrev: Selected by the Emperor to marry Delia.

Ven: Courtesy title of canalmen. Feminine is Vena.

Swordship of Viridia’s render maidens (SS).

Viktrik: A clan of the Great Plains of Segesthes.

vilmy: Blue flower with silver heart-shape on each petal; the paste makes a soothing ointment.

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