Prime Imperative (The Prime Chronicles Book 3) (29 page)

BOOK: Prime Imperative (The Prime Chronicles Book 3)
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“Yes, I will—and I’ll stop if your pain is unbearable. But I think you might like it,
.” Then Iolyn cupped her face with his hands and took her mouth in a deep, ravenous kiss.

We’ll see.
She groaned deep in her throat as he slid one, then two fingers into her sex and began to stroke the spongy spot on her vaginal wall that pushed her into a quick, sharp orgasm.

Yes, we will.

* * * *

Iolyn drove her through six back-to-back orgasms before entering her pussy and taking his own pleasure. Without pausing, he pulled from her and proceeded to give her another orgasm. After checking to make sure she was comfortable, he teased and tormented her, keeping her on edge until he’d recovered fully.

His cock was once again hard, and he ached to bury it in her ass. He touched the surface of her mind. Her thoughts were fixed on her next orgasm. She teetered precariously on the peak of mind-blowing pleasure, just where he needed her so he could take her anal virginity and make it good for her.

Iolyn moved away from suckling her breasts and fingering her clit.

She moaned. “Iolyn…please…”

“Shh. I’ll take care of you.” He stroked a hand over her sweaty forehead and placed a kiss on her lips. “Just one adjustment then I’ll please both of us.”

Leaving her on her back, he reconnected her ankle cuffs to the head of the bed and shoved a pillow under her hips.

“Now, I’ll claim your ass.” He uttered the words. His tone was guttural and raw with primal lust.

Yes, the feelings of what this act meant to him were savage, elemental. The act itself was territorial, yet another physical marking of Bria as his and his alone. The claiming of this last virginal vestige of Bria’s body would make up for another male taking her hymen.


. Say nothing. I know you didn’t realize what the
mark meant. This is just what I need.

I understand.

?” Bria’s voice was a mere whisper. She sounded tired from the almost three-standard-hour-long session of sex play, strained from her need to come again.

Iolyn grimaced.
, he was a beast. He’d pushed her limits, but he couldn’t stop now…the final act was an imperative he couldn’t deny.

But that wasn’t completely true…if Bria asked him to stop, he would. Her needs would always come above his—every damn time from now until eternity. He loved her more than his own life and would do anything for her.

“Yes, Bria?”

“Fuck my ass.”

Love. Relief. Desire. Adoration. The mix of emotions swept through him, making him harder than he could ever remember.

“With pleasure,

With one hand cupping a buttock, he captured her loving gaze with his and then notched his generously lubed cockhead into her rear opening. He fed his painfully hard cock slowly, but steadily, into her tight channel, stopping every couple centimeters to allow her to adjust.

Once his cock was lodged, they sighed as one.

“Are you okay,
?” He’d touched her mind, but needed her verbal response.

His jaw clenched as he checked the urge to move in and out of her ass. He’d almost come as soon as he’d entered her fully, his aching balls pulsating against her bottom.

“I need…” She frowned and then glared at him. “I need to…come. So…move.”

Iolyn groaned. “Yes.”

As he began a slow push-pull movement, he watched her face for signs of pain and kept his mind merged with hers. He held her bottom steady for his thrusts with one hand and used the fingers of his other to trace her labia and clit, building her excitement level back to where it had been before he’d entered her ass.

Bria moaned with each retreat of his cock and grunted with each advance. He found no pain in her mind, only her need to climax—and that she also needed…more. More stimulation. More speed. Just more.

Needs he was pleased to fulfill.

Iolyn increased the speed of his hips until he was pistoning his cock into her. The fingers of his one hand were wet with her vaginal juices as he focused on rubbing her clit with his thumb and stroking the spongy erogenous zone inside her pussy with two fingers.

The gasps and guttural sounds coming from Bria heightened his arousal. The sight of her breasts with their jutting rosy nipples swaying and bouncing with each push-pull of his cock made him groan.

, she was a wondrous and beautiful creature. And all his.

As Bria screamed and arched her neck with her orgasm, her tight channel gripped him like a vice. The strength of her climax swept through him physically and over their mind link, sucking him into the maelstrom of her pleasure and igniting his own.

Iolyn’s climax tore through him like lightning. He threw his head back and shouted his release to the ceiling. His mind was a chaotic swirl of feelings intertwining and curling with hers, feeding from her pleasure and then returning the same a hundredfold.

As he shot one last spurt of cum inside her tight ass, she moaned and then went boneless under him.

Still connected, breathing heavily, he lowered her hips back to the support pillow and then supported himself on his forearms to lean over her torso and nuzzle along her neck and onto her shoulder. “You’re beautiful. Amazing.”

“Uh-huh. You, too.” She opened her eyes, heavy-lidded with exhaustion. “So tired. Hold me?”


He chuckled. She looked so cute. He placed a reverent kiss on her lush lips, then moved off her and unbuckled her cuffs. By the time he’d freed her and massaged her limbs, she was sound asleep.

He straightened the bed, cleaned himself up, wiped a warm cloth over her body with special attention to her bottom, and then slid in next to her. After placing her on her side, he cuddled her ass against his front, placed an arm over her waist, and pulled her into his body. He lightly touched her dreaming mind and found her fantasies now included him taking her ass from behind. He was on board with that position.

Iolyn smiled. His little menace liked what he’d done to her—and the One knew, he liked doing it. Fully sated, as he fell asleep, he planned how he’d awaken her in the morning.

Chapter 18

Bria awakened instantly. Something was wrong, but she didn’t know what. She turned within Iolyn’s arms and found him watching her.

“Do you feel it?” she whispered as she leaned into his warmth and strength and gained comfort from his mere presence.

“Yes.” He looked over his shoulder toward the wide expanse of glass doors leading to the balcony off their third-story suite. “Evil. Someone’s on the balcony.”

“But it’s a hundred meter or more drop on this side of the house.” She kept her voice low and toneless so it wouldn’t carry. They’d left the doors open to the outside to catch the night breezes off the ocean.

“It’s an easy climb with the right kind of gear.” He pulled away from her body and lifted the covers. Soundlessly, he slid out of the bed and pulled on a pair of loose pants with a drawstring waist to cover his nakedness. He threw her his T-shirt. “Put this on and go into the closet and hide.”

Bria caught the shirt and dragged it on, muttering under her breath, “Like hell I’ll hide.” But Iolyn wasn’t close enough to hear her response. He was already at the glass door and slipping outside. His mind was fully occupied with the hunt. She spotted a laser pistol in one of his hands and a battle-blade in the other. She had no clue where he’d found those weapons, but was glad he had them.

Moving away from the bed, she tiptoed to the house com unit and pressed the alarm. It would send a silent signal to the guardhouse, and they’d soon converge on the suite.

A loud crash, roars of outrage, curse words, and then a battle cry sent icy shards down her spine. Iolyn was fighting whoever was out there all by himself. His mind was red-hot mad and edging toward the icy heat of
batel rabia
. His focus was now on the kill.

Pain struck her. Iolyn’s pain.

She rubbed the phantom pain on her forearm. She gasped as she smelled, tasted the scent of his blood over their bond. He never slowed, brushed the wound off as negligible, and kept fighting. He was in full-blown battle rage now, and she found herself swept up into the morass of fierce emotions and punches of adrenaline. The other Prime coming to Iolyn’s aid had already joined the wave.

Before leaving the bedroom, she checked the outer room of the suite. She saw no one, so she ran across the room in order to open the door to the hallway so Iolyn’s backup could get in more quickly.

Almost to the door, she sensed rather than heard another presence in the room—the room which had been empty mere seconds ago. She looked over her shoulder. A man had entered the room through an opening in what had looked to be a solid wall. She froze in place and stared in disbelief.

Soundlessly, the intruder ran toward Bria, his arms reaching for her. Shaking off her momentary stupefaction, she spun out of his reach and executed a sweeping side kick to his knee. Mel and Nadia would’ve been proud. The intruder’s leg went out from under him, and he stumbled away from her long enough so she could get further out of his reach.

“Bitch!” The tall male swore as he regained his balance. As he stalked her, she was happy to see him limping. She also noted he wasn’t Prime. She wasn’t sure what he was other than some sort of humanoid-looking hybrid—and her enemy.

Keeping a wary eye on him for any sudden moves, Bria searched peripherally for a weapon. Any weapon. She vowed never to be caught weaponless again.

Backing away from the man, she edged toward the kitchen. Lots of nice sharp things in a kitchen. Heavy pans would do in a pinch.

All she had to do was keep him from hurting or taking her. Help was on its way. The wave of
roused males was getting closer. What she didn’t want to do was distract her warrior-
while he fought for his life.

She grabbed a nice sharp paring knife from the block by the stove. She threw it a bit wildly, because the man had gotten far too close for comfort. The knife took a chunk of flesh out of his upper arm. Her would-be attacker cried out, stopped, and then stared in shock at the rent in his shirtsleeve and the blood leaking from his arm.

Taking advantage of his momentary stupor, she selected another knife—a butcher knife—and took careful aim. This time, the knife lodged in his shoulder.

This time his roar of “Fucking bitch” attracted Iolyn’s attention.

Iolyn shouted, “Bria!” Then his battle cry echoed off the walls. But he couldn’t get to her, his way was blocked by the two men he fought.

Bria…you all right?

She sensed him dividing his attention between the two attackers and her.

I’m fine,
Take care of yourself. I have lots of knives to go through yet.

As much as she didn’t want to take a life, she was done messing around. If she didn’t eliminate the danger to her, then Iolyn would get himself killed trying to get to her. That was absolutely unacceptable.

She picked up another, thinner knife. She tested the point. Nice and sharp. With the right force, she could take the man out.

You aren’t in the closet. You are so in trouble,

Watch your ass. I like it.

“So not worth it…taking you in alive.” The male, whom she could see now had a small amount of reptile in his DNA, uttered. “He’ll just have to accept you dead.” He raised a laser weapon she hadn’t seen—then he fell to the floor with a grunt.

Bria stopped her throwing motion and thanked the One she didn’t have to kill anyone. She then grinned at her savior.

Her father-in-law stood in the middle of the suite’s living area. Like a dark Viking god, his long hair flowed about his shoulders, and he wore a loose pair of pants similar to Iolyn’s—and nothing else. Her geneticist’s eye noted the strong musculature for a man his age, while her woman’s heart fluttered. Lorinda was a lucky woman. Ilar was one sexy and strong warrior—and his sons hadn’t fallen far from that tree at all.

Several of the Caradoc estate guards ran past Ilar and onto the balcony. She touched Iolyn’s mind and found him immersed in gruesome satisfaction that he’d dispatched his two opponents.

Ilar, oblivious to her previous and totally inappropriate under the circumstances thoughts, cast a concerned look at her. “Are you all right, daughter-kin?”

“Super.” That wasn’t completely true. Her knees were shaking. Her throat was so tight it felt as if she was breathing through a glass pipette. However, she was alive and unharmed, so maybe her response wasn’t a total lie.

Bria came around the counter, knife in hand, just in case any more intruders popped out of the walls. “Where did they come from? How did they get into the house?” The place was a fortress with sheer cliffs on three sides and a heavily gated and guarded front entrance. “I swear that one,” she pointed at the moaning mass on the floor, “came through the wall.”

Ilar looked at the wall in question. “There are hidden passages all over the house, built for escape during a siege. They lead to the cave system below the house. You’re family now. Iolyn should’ve shown you the escape routes and safe rooms.”

“Well, we’ve been sort of busy,” she muttered. “He will now, for sure.”

Ilar’s expression darkened. His increasing anger felt like a storm front cutting through the room. She wouldn’t have been surprised to see lightning and hear its resulting thunder. She braced a hand on the bar counter separating the kitchen from the sitting area.

“This never should have happened. My security has some explaining to do.” Ilar paused and took several deep breaths and then it was as if his emotional tempest had never happened. She really needed to learn how the Prime males did that. “As for how they got in? Someone had to let them in—and I know who.”

Ilar pulled a com unit out of his pocket and made a call just as Iolyn strode into the room and said, “It was Darga!” Iolyn spat the name. “The bastard hired these mercenaries. I convinced one of them to give me their employer’s name before he died.”

BOOK: Prime Imperative (The Prime Chronicles Book 3)
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