Prime Imperative (The Prime Chronicles Book 3) (20 page)

BOOK: Prime Imperative (The Prime Chronicles Book 3)
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Holding onto her ass with both hands once more, Iolyn let his fierce control loose and began pounding into her sex so hard and fast that Bria’s upper torso moved up and down on the bed. Her breasts bounced wildly now. The only sounds coming out of her were unintelligible grunts and gasps. He touched her mind and found a dreamscape of an infinite universe with billions of exploding stars.

As her body clenched and pulsed around his cock and her sexy little noises made him crazier with lust, he continued to soar until his pleasure-pain reached an apex and then he fell, roaring his orgasm against her neck. His cock fully lodged inside her hot, velvet channel, he held still as he released jet after jet of cum.

Locked together physically, he shared her pleasure and she, his. His mind merged with hers and took flight, leaving the real plane of existence.

Bria’s feminine essence twined and curled and tempted his masculine one until his spirit essence took hers into his. Their souls were now one, never to be separated in life or death.

bond was complete.

As he fell back into his body, he and Bria experienced another powerful joint orgasm, then another, and then another until neither of them could climax any longer.

Iolyn wasn’t sure how he managed it, but he pulled his spent cock from an unconscious Bria. He arranged her limp body on the bed. He ran gentle fingers over her sensuous curves with a sense of wonder and again thanked the One for gifting him this special woman. Then, more exhausted than he could ever remember being, he crawled into bed alongside her and pulled the covers over their damp, cooling bodies. He turned onto his side, pulled her sweet bottom against his cock, then placed an arm over her waist and his leg over her legs. He wanted…no, needed her close.

Finally, he planted his face into her sweet-smelling hair and let the welcoming darkness take him.

He was home now…and it felt wonderful.

Chapter 13

Later that day, Iolyn’s quarters

Bria woke slowly. Stretching, she discovered aches and twinges of pain in muscles and places on her body she was damn sure she’d never used before. She also found she was trapped on her side by a muscled arm around her waist. Her naked body was plastered against her very naked, extremely aroused

She had a full body spasm as Iolyn’s long, thick erection slid between the cheeks of her ass, the cockhead nudging at her puckered small opening. She held her breath, then sighed with relief when the tip settled against her lower back.

Some day,
. But not today.

Her relieved sigh elicited a chuckle and a kiss on her naked shoulder. “How are you feeling?” Iolyn’s voice was husky, loving. He massaged her stomach and then worked his hand lower.

How was she feeling?

She looked over her shoulder and found her mate’s heavy-lidded gaze on her. He idly caressed her puffy labia with a thick, talented finger, smoothing her sexual fluids over her clit. She inhaled sharply then exhaled on a long, low moan as her inner muscles clenched at her all-too-empty channel.

“You want me again?” she asked, the words coming out on gasping breaths.

“Yes, again. Then again. And then again.” He traced her ear with his tongue. “Forget Oz. We may not make it out of our rooms until we reach Cejuru Prime.” He nuzzled her cheek. “Now answer my question.”

What was the question? She couldn’t think. She was distracted by his emotions sweeping over her like a warm, sultry breeze, by his touches exciting little-used nerve endings—by his mental list of what he wanted sexually. It was a very long and decidedly kinky list.

Oh, yeah, the question…how did she feel?

“Needy. Aroused.” She angled her head to nip his chin. His low sexy groan made her tingly and happy. She could do that to him with just a small touch. Amazing. “Hungry…for you.”

Bria sent him an image of her sucking his cock and him holding her head steady, guiding her movements. An image she’d plucked straight from his head.

Her cheeks flushed, and she lowered her eyes. Her feelings were a mixture of shyness, embarrassment, and excitement. Would he think she was too forward? She’d never been tempted to perform oral sex on a man, but she’d seen how much it would please him, and she wanted to give her mate that.


Little pet.

Iolyn moved his hand from her mound and stroked her hip in a soothing motion, allowing her arousal to cool a bit. “I’d love for you to suckle me, but first, I think I’ll feed you.” He petted her stomach which took that moment to rumble loudly. “Can’t have you fainting from hunger.”

“I never faint.”


She wiggled within his hold, and he loosened his arm enough so she could look him in the eye. “Never,” she asserted. “I’m not weak. Just untrained.”

As a lover and a fighter. But she was more than eager to learn lessons in both arenas.

Iolyn brushed a kiss over the tip of her nose. “I don’t see you as weak,
. But you don’t need training as a fighter. You’re a doctor. A researcher. You’ll have security to protect you at work and me to protect you at home and when we’re out.” He grinned and moved his hand to cover her mound once more. “As for sex? I’ll teach you everything you need to know.”

“I’m sure you will,” Bria said, “but I still want warrior training. I want some offensive skills—just in case.”

As Iolyn massaged her labia and clit, driving her slowly insane with an increasing need, he frowned and shook his head. “We’ll see.”

Which meant “no.”

Bria’s arousal cooled, and she regained control over her body long enough to shove thoughts of what kind of training she wanted and when and how she’d get it into a corner of her mind. Then she built sturdy, thick walls around her plans.

She refused to argue with her
in bed. There were always ways to get around a stubborn, know-it-all, over-protective male without using sex.

And—she refused to be the weakest link in the bunch.

“Bria?” Iolyn turned her to face him, then rubbed his hands up and down her back. “What’s wrong? You seem…distracted.”

“Just thinking.” She rubbed her cheek over his chest. Time to do some distracting of her own. She placed a tiny, nibbling kiss on his
mark. It glowed and swirled with colors of red and yellow.

Oh my!
She trembled as her mark responded. The connection between them was very strong. Stronger than the first time Iolyn had demonstrated the link between the marks. She bet her mark was also glowing and moving. They were in the early, simmering stages of arousal and a mere wisp of breath or touch on the bond marks seemed to accelerate the race to climax.

Then her stomach growled again, and she realized she was actually low on fuel.

Iolyn chuckled and smoothed his hand over her ass then around to her tummy.

“Food does sound good.” She covered his hand with hers, just wanting the connection. “What do we have to eat? Or, do we need to get dressed and eat somewhere on the ship? I’ve never been on a starship this size before.”

“We’ll eat here. I want to feed you by my hand…while you’re naked.” Iolyn lifted her chin and stared into her eyes. She felt him touching her mind, seeking her thoughts. He found only what she wanted him to see—her need for food and him.

Iolyn growled when he bumped up against her solid mental shield. Then shook his head and shot her a smile which held the promise of fulfilling all her hungers. “Little menace, keep your secrets for now. I’ll uncover them eventually.”

Not if she could help it. She believed in
fait d’accompli

Bria relaxed into his hold and kissed the underside of his chin. It was a relief to know that even a completed bond with her warrior-
couldn’t compromise her ability to shield her private thoughts and plans. After all, a girl always had some secrets to keep from her man. She was lucky she’d learned to compartmentalize her thoughts while growing up. There’d been more than Terrans working on the Gliese 581C Alliance farming communes. Plus, the native Gliesians, a pseudo-amphibious species, were known for their psi powers, as were several other species which worked the farms.

Iolyn cupped her bottom and pulled her mound against his cock. “I don’t know how you battle-mates do it.”

“Do what?” Affecting ignorance, she traced his
marking with the tip of her index finger. His sharp inhalation had her smiling.

“Don’t act as if you don’t know what I’m talking about.” He nipped her lower lip. “I sense your emotions easily, because of our
link. But with us being battle-mates, I should have access to all your thoughts…at all times.” He gently tapped the tip of her nose. “But you, like Mel and Nadia, can hide your thoughts. You three are unique.”

Bria took his finger, nipped the end of it, and then sucked it into her mouth. Iolyn’s eyes darkened to the color of burnt honey. She let his finger slide out, nibbling on the tip once more. “Maybe, Mel, Nadia, and I, because of our personal history, have different strengths than Prime battle-mates of the past.”

Something to think about later and do some research on with her team. Now was a time for fun and bonding with her man, not a time to think about work.

“Maybe.” Iolyn’s breath hitched as she moved to suck on the spot where his neck curved into his shoulder. “
, if you keep teasing me, you won’t be eating
anytime soon.”

Which implied she could be eating him.

After one long lick from his neck to the top of his shoulder, Bria leaned back, smiled into his fiery eyes, and said, “Goody.”


Iolyn’s blood heated. While he knew she’d hidden something from him, it had nothing to do with here and now or with the sexual intimacy which grew between them in giant leaps and bounds.

Unlike their first sexual encounter—one which even he admitted had been fraught with his own chaotic emotions—whatever nerves or fears Bria had were now gone, burned away in the heat of their initial joining, in the rightness of their completed bond.

The discovery that his little battle-mate was willing to play games in the bedroom elated him. She was his perfect match.

With her last response—and the fervid emotions and desires her body and mind gave off—his
had sealed her fate. Food and drink would have to wait until his—and her—current sexual appetites abated. Total sexual satiation might not occur for years from his observations of other
bond couples.

“I’d like an appetizer before our meal.” Iolyn gently pushed Bria onto her back. He then pulled two lengths of silk from behind the headboard; a little addition he’d added after Mel and Nadia had helped him with his redecorating. “Hold onto these. Don’t let go. Don’t move.” He placed a kiss on her rounded mouth as she exhaled an “oh.” “You
take everything I give you. You’ll give me everything I demand. Understood?”

Bria frowned. Her nose scrunched as if she were working on an intricate puzzle. He lightly touched her thoughts which—
thank the One
—were wide open to him. She was excited, but wasn’t sure she should be.

He chuckled. “What we do in the bedroom is for us alone. There’s nothing wrong with indulging in pleasure.”

“O-o-kay,” she bit her lip, “but don’t you want to tie my wrists? I mean, that’s what I’ve read in some romance novels.”

“We can do that.” Iolyn brushed some locks of hair off her face and tucked them behind her ear. “But this time, I thought we’d start slowly. By holding onto the silken ties, you are submitting to me, to my will. You won’t let go or move, because you want to please me…and want me to please you in return.”

The look on her face, a mixture of excitement, trepidation, and curiosity, was so adorable Iolyn couldn’t help himself. He leaned down, gently forced her hands to the mattress above her head, and then took her mouth hard and fast until he had her moaning and writhing beneath him.

Breaking off, he left her gasping for breath. His cock had hardened to titanium steel and every casual brush against her body was a painful pleasure he’d willingly endure for the rest of his life.

“Later…once you trust me completely, and I have a better idea of what you like and don’t like…I’ll bind you and then push your limits.”

He took each hand and placed a silken tie into it, then wrapped her fingers around the fabric. As he did so, he sent her images of what he planned to do to her for the next standard hour or so. Of how he’d take claim of every single millimeter of her body. Of how he’d teach her the fine balance between pleasure and pain before he allowed her to come again and again. He planned to make her beg for his cock.

Most people perceived him as the “quiet” Caradoc, the “calm” Caradoc—the “nice” Caradoc. He was all those things, but more. He had an edgy side. Only one person in the galaxy knew of his sexual predilections—Susa—and she’d never tell a soul. Bria would be the second and final person to know his dominant sexual needs.

He kissed her fingers where she held onto the silken ties. “Don’t let go,
. You let go. Everything stops, and we eat dinner.”

Bria’s beautiful eyes glowed like the finest citrines. Her pupils were dilated. She sucked on her lower lip until it was rosy red. Her generously rounded breasts heaved with her rapid breathing. She was in his mind now. He could hide nothing from her, including his past with Susa. She could read his every salacious thought, and she was aroused…and maybe a little bit scared. She wasn’t going to let go. She wanted this…wanted what he’d give her, what he’d take.


But he needed her to agree out loud. Voiced words made it real. She could think she was okay with his sexual predilections, but until she voiced her accord, it was all fantasy.

“Are you afraid of my sexual needs, Bria

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