Primal Instinct

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Authors: Helen Hardt

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Primal Instinct

by Helen Hardt

The Wild Rose Press

Copyright ©2010 by Helen B. McConnell

First published in 2010

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Primal Instinct

by Helen Hardt




Primal Instinct

About the Author

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Primal Instinct

by Helen Hardt

Primal Instinct


Helen Hardt


Primal Instinct

by Helen Hardt

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and

incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or

are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons

living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is

entirely coincidental.

Primal Instinct

COPYRIGHT (C) 2010 by Helen B. McConnell

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or

reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written

permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press except in the

case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or


Contact Information: [email protected]

Cover Art by
Angela Anderson

The Wild Rose Press

PO Box 708

Adams Basin, NY 14410-0708

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Publishing History

First Scarlet Rose Edition, July 2010

Published in the United States of America


Primal Instinct

by Helen Hardt


For you—you know who you are.

[Back to Table of Contents]


Primal Instinct

by Helen Hardt


Helen Hardt



"Is it hot in here? I mean it's July, the sun is blazing, but

I'm sitting in an air conditioned house sweating bullets.

Congratulations Ms. Hardt, you dropped me into the middle of

a scorching hot story and let me burn."

~Seriously Reviewed

Montego Lay

"All I can say about Ms. Hardt's scintillating tale is...Hot!

Hot! Hot!"

"A gorgeous man, a sizzling, exotic location and enough

rum drinks to go around...when you put them all together you

get a gratifying story that will leave you out of breath and

ready to book your own vacation."

~Cherokee Rose, Whipped Cream Reviews

[Back to Table of Contents]


Primal Instinct

by Helen Hardt

Primal Instinct

The scent was unmistakably female.

Columbine, yeast, mingled with fresh morning dew.

With something more.
The golden-brown lion perked his

ears. His flowing mane drifted softly in the night breeze.

is here.

A second lion, as pale as wheat, padded toward his

companion. He sniffed the air.

Brown eyes met blue.
Can it be?

The dark cat shifted from one large paw to the other.
If we

both sense it, it must be.

Needles on the evergreens whistled dulcetly, a nocturnal

melody to their feline ears. They inhaled in synchrony.

Female. Mate. Ours.

The spicy scent of wild plum sashayed through the air and

sprinkled zest amid the Columbine and yeast fragrance.

Different, yes. But unmistakably female.

Unmistakably theirs.

She was near.

The lions roared to the rising moon. The evergreens

rustled in response. Through the forest the animals ran, their

paws thudding against the cool hard ground.

The scent was unmistakably male.

Two bodies crushed hard against her. They'd appeared

from nowhere when Erin approached the small bar. Though

she'd planned to spend most of the week hiding away in the

small cabin she'd rented in the Rocky Mountains, after two


Primal Instinct

by Helen Hardt

days she craved company, so she decided to visit the

clubhouse of the rustic resort.

She breathed in the spicy aroma. Sand. Leather. A touch

of cinnamon. Undeniable male musk. Primal.

A year of voluntary celibacy—were all thirty-something

men married, gay, or brainless boobs?—had prompted Erin to

take a week of vacation from her job as a pharmacist and

embark on a soul-searching pilgrimage. Men? Who needed

them? She'd get to know herself. Get to know what made Erin

Monroe tick and contemplate a life of single solitude.

That enticing virile fragrance, not to mention the crushing

warmth of two hot bodies, wasn't helping her cause.

"Can I help you?" the bartender asked.

Erin's skin prickled as four slightly slanted masculine

eyes—two blue and clear, two dark and smoky—burned into


"She'll have what we're having," the dark-eyed man said.

She turned and met his gaze. "Excuse me?" A mug of stout

sat in front of him. "I don't drink beer. So no, thank you."

"Whatever you want then, honey," he said. "It's on us."

"For sure," the other said. His body edged closer to hers,

until not a part of her wasn't touching him. Erin tingled. What

the hell was going on? The caress seemed far too intimate,

though they were all fully clothed and in a public place.

Her skin warmed with embarrassment over how she was

dressed. Sweats and a tank top. Clingy, yes, and her body

was pretty good thanks to daily doses of yoga. But sweats?

She was hardly clothed for seduction. The two men, though,

looked gorgeous in loose faded jeans. Dark Eyes wore a black


Primal Instinct

by Helen Hardt

polo, Blue Eyes a faded gray T-shirt. Both sported finely

sculpted shoulders and arms that pleaded to be stroked.

And she wanted to stroke them.

But that would defeat the purpose of this self-imposed

Be strong, Erin.

"What's your name, beautiful?" This from Blue Eyes. His

voice was deep and his words drawn out. Almost like a purr.

One long finger drifted over her hand on the bar. More


Erin edged her hand away from his warmth. A sense of

loss consumed her. She ignored his question and faced the

young lady tending bar. "A gin and tonic, please." She

fumbled in her handbag for money, but Blue Eyes threw a

twenty onto the counter.

"Keep the change," he said.

Erin extended her hand to reach for the bill before the

bartender took it, but Blue Eyes covered her hand with his.

"Please, let us."

"But I don't even know you."

"You will, as soon as you tell us your name."

Erin's heart sped up at the man's gorgeous smile. He was

blond and perfect, and the warmth from his hand on hers

spread to every cell in her body.

"I'm Landon Kay," he said in his purring tone, "and this is

my...friend, Nick Foster."

She turned and gazed into Nick's dark eyes.

"Pleasure," he said and reached for her other hand. He

drew it to his full lips and brushed them lightly across her

fingertips. Perfect again, only Nick was dark where Landon


Primal Instinct

by Helen Hardt

was fair. Two incredibly perfect males. Two incredibly perfect

bodies, both pressed against hers. Her blood sizzled in her


Nick dropped her hand and traced one warm finger across

her cheek. A low hum resonated. His voice, just like Landon's.

A purr. "Tell us your name, honey."

"Erin," she said without meaning to. "Erin Monroe."

"Mmm." From behind, Landon purred into her neck.

Shivers raced through her and landed between her legs.

Erin wasn't sure how she ended up in their cabin. She'd

left her drink sitting on the bar, so she couldn't blame the

alcohol. Hell, one drink wouldn't have impaired her judgment


Both men rubbed up against her, Nick in front, Landon

behind, their bodies hard and ready. She should be

frightened. Freaked. Scared shitless.

She wasn't.

"You're beautiful." Landon pulled the band holding her

brown hair in a ponytail and let her tresses sift through his

fingers. "Like silk," he said. "Mahogany silk." He inhaled.

"Apples. Tart apples."

Nick smoothed the strap of her tank top off her shoulder

and dropped a light kiss onto her bare skin. The soft whisper

of his lips made her quiver.

"Apples," he echoed. "You sure it's her hair, Lan?" His lips

curved against her flesh.

Fresh juice gushed between her thighs. Her panties would

be soaked by now. What was she doing here with not one,

but two men? Two


Primal Instinct

by Helen Hardt

"No." Landon brushed his lips against Erin's cheek. "I

wasn't talking about her hair." He kissed her nose, her other

cheek. "I was talking about her sweet juicy cunt."

Her breath caught. The c-word. Instead of horrifying her...

Was that more moisture dripping down her thigh? "What am I

doing here?"

"Oh, honey," Nick said. "You're doing what you were put

on earth to do."

"And that is?" Her voice cracked.

"Make love to us." Nick's hand slid up her waist and

cupped one breast. He groaned. "Both of us."

"You can't mean..."

"Oh, yes we can." Landon cupped the other breast. "And

we do."

"But shouldn't we..." What had she meant to say?

"Get to know each other?" Landon chuckled into her hair.

"We will, don't you worry."

Erin fell limp between their two beautiful bodies. How had

Landon known what she meant? She looked into his sparkling

azure eyes. Though tall herself, these men dwarfed her, both

six-four at least. She stood numb, aching to touch them, to

sift her fingers through Nick's dark locks, Landon's blond

waves. Nick's broad and beefy shoulders beckoned. The

golden curls peeking from the vee of Landon's T-shirt begged

to be caressed.

"Go ahead," Landon said, reading her mind again.

"Yes," Nick purred. "Touch us. We like to be touched."


Primal Instinct

by Helen Hardt

"Especially by a beautiful woman." Landon thrust into her,

his erection apparent against her side. "The most beautiful

woman we've ever seen."

The most beautiful woman
ever seen. They talked as

one. Strange.

And strangely arousing.

Emotion, thick and heady, coursed through her. Her body

was ready, no doubt, but her mind? Her heart? Why did this

seem so normal? So right?

Shaking, she reached upward and cupped Nick's chiseled

cheek. His smile warmed her, his stubble scraped her palm.

"Your eyes are the color of pine trees in the moonlight."

Erin's nipples tightened. Her eyes were a dull greenish

gray. Nick made them sound glorious.

But glorious they were not. Her heart thudded to her

stomach. This had to stop. Now. No way was she going to

have a threesome with two strangers, no matter how wet she

was for them. She opened her mouth to say as much, but

Nick's lips covered hers.

The kiss was crushing, almost violent. He ate at her lips,

bit them, sucked them, and then sank his tongue between

them and devoured her mouth. His erection throbbed against

her belly, and another, Landon's, forced into her back. Tiny

nibbles trailed over the sensitive skin of her neck. Landon.

The throaty rumbles of their groans vibrated around her.

These primal men wanted her. Why? She hadn't a clue, but

at this moment, with her nipples straining and her pussy

pulsing, she couldn't bring herself to care. Mini-retreat be

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