Read Primal Elements Online

Authors: Christine D'Abo

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

Primal Elements (13 page)

BOOK: Primal Elements
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They both snapped their heads around to look at her, Kyle with his mouth gaping and Ben with his tightly shut.

“We’re all on the same side with the same goal. If we want to figure out what our friend Rick is up to, we better pool our resources.” She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at them.

Kyle finally looked at Ben and broke out into a grin. “You’ve got your hands full with that one.”

“You have no idea,” Ben said in a serious tone, but his face betrayed the barest hint of amusement.

“You’re right, Miss Robins. But I don’t think my superiors are going to be easily convinced of your intent. It’s best if we keep this alliance low-key for the time being.”

Kyle sat back down behind his desk and set his foot on the edge of the desk.

“Agreed,” Ben nodded before he turned to face Jenna.

The pull of his body, the instant attraction whenever he stood close to her, was too much. For a moment she forgot they weren’t alone. If they were, she would have pulled him in. Jenna gave her head a shake, trying to clear it. Looking into Ben’s eyes showed he was feeling the same pull. Like they had back at the dig site.

“What’s in this building?” she asked Kyle, who clearly hadn’t missed the interchange between them.

He shrugged. “You’ve seen most of it. The front lobby, two viewing lounges and the can. It’s a pretty chickenshit operation.”

“Did you—” she started.

“Yes,” Ben cut her off and gave her a look that told her not to say anything else.

It was probably for the best if they didn’t reveal that little fact to Kyle just yet. Not until they knew they could trust him.

“Look, we don’t have much time left with the blocker. It muffles our speech beyond comprehension, but it’s limited.” Kyle nudged the small black device with his toe. “My boss will start to wonder what’s going on. Is there someplace we can meet later? To talk about this?”

“We can meet at my place,” Jenna offered, but both men instantly shook their heads.

“No, it’s one of the first places they’d look.” Ben took out an e-business card and quickly tapped in an address. “I got this place after Rick and I parted ways. I doubt he’s even aware of it. Come by tonight at nine. We’ll talk.”




Nodding once, Kyle leaned forward and hit the button on the jammer. “Look, buddy, I don’t care how much money you have, I’m not giving up my boss. Screw you and your slut girlfriend.”

Jenna thought for a moment he was serious until he winked at her. Ah, he had to maintain his cover. She’d enjoy herself then.

“Fuck you,” Jenna hissed and stormed out of the office.

“Don’t think I’m going to let you get away with that.”

She heard Ben slam Kyle against the wall and Kyle gasp, trying to regain his breath.

“I’m sorry, buddy, fuck!”

Jenna’s heart began to pound. Even though she knew it was all a ruse, there was something about the way Ben stood up to defend her that was intoxicating. And downright sexy.

“Ben, let’s get out of here. This jerk isn’t worth it.”

“Yeah, I’m not worth it. Listen to the lady.”

Ben growled and let Kyle fall to the floor before he stormed out of the office. Jenna had to fight the urge to giggle as the look of anger and disgust on his face when he wrapped an arm around her waist and escorted her out the door.

Neither of them said anything until they were sure they were out of sight of the store. Only then did Ben slow down his pace and drop the angry scowl.

“Well, that was interesting,” Jenna said as she looked back over her shoulder. “I certainly wasn’t expecting him to be one of the good guys.”

“Maybe. I find it hard to believe Rick let a protector into his organization.

Undercover or not.”

“And what was with that little…” she struggled to think of a name. “The
between us back there.”

Ben stopped and looked down at her. Again, she couldn’t help her attraction to him every time he looked at her like that. Her chest tightened and she couldn’t take a deep breathe. When she tried, her nipples hardened as they rubbed mercilessly against her thin camisole she wore under her shirt. Gods, she wanted him. Even if she couldn’t be the type of woman he needed and there was no way he’d change to be the man of her dreams. She still wanted him.

“I signaled Matt as we were walking. He should be here soon with the car,” his voice was a deep rumble as he spoke. “Let me take you home.”

She should refuse. After having spent the night and most of the morning cursing him, she should turn around, hop on the tube and not see him until their meeting later on. But despite everything that had happened between them, she couldn’t deny the thread of attraction.

Ben didn’t say anything to pressure her and she had to wonder why. He was never subtle with these things. The moment of refusal passed as Matt honked the horn and pulled the limo up behind them. He didn’t get out, instead Ben walked to the back door 97


and held it open for her.

“Are you coming?”

Not a command or an order. A simple question. Jenna only battled her internal demons for a moment before striding over and placing her hand on the door.

“Only if you promise to behave yourself. I’d hate to have to tie you up again.”

She didn’t wait to see his reaction and climbed into the darkness.



Chapter Eleven

Ben couldn’t take his eyes off Jenna. He could tell she was trying to avoid looking at him too by the way she half looked out the window before examining the floor between them. He made sure to take the seat opposite her when he climbed into the limo. It was the only way he’d be able to keep his hands off her.

And it was
a challenge.

“If there is someplace else you’d like to go, Matt can drop you off.”

He watched as her eyes widened for a second before narrowing. She still didn’t trust him. He couldn’t really blame her after being such an ass to her last night. So what if she went to work for his competitor? Jenna didn’t owe him anything.

So why did the idea piss him off so much?

“I should stop by the dig. I promised Roger I’d make an appearance today.”

Ben’s cock jumped to life at the idea of being with Jenna near the device. Merely the thought of what that thing did to him, did to her, set his libido on fire.
He adjusted his position on the seat to try to cover up his straining erection while reaching to hit the intercom.

“Matt, can you take us to the dig?”

“Sure thing. But it’ll be slow going. We’ll have to pass through old Mars to make it.”

“Thanks, Matt,” Jenna piped up and looked out the window.

He remembered she’d lived there as a kid. “Is your old home still standing?”

She shook her head. “It was torn down a few years ago to make way for condos. It’s too bad really. We’re losing all our history because the damn government keeps tearing them down.”

Gods, she was gorgeous, especially when she was angry.
He must have moaned, because she instantly looked at him. Jenna’s eyes roamed over him and he swore he saw desire in her gaze. He didn’t understand this push-pull attraction between them, but damn if he didn’t want her right now.

Ben dropped the leg he had resting across his knee to the floor and spread his legs.

Unless she was blind, she wouldn’t be able to miss his cock pushing against his pants.

Jenna’s gaze flicked to his crotch and he instantly felt the effects as his cock thickened.

She sucked in a breath and ran her tongue over her bottom lip before biting down lightly.

“How long ‘til we get to the site?” she asked breathlessly.

“Fifteen. Twenty minutes if there are people walking on the street.”



He watched her emotions race across her face. Jenna shifted forward on the seat, her knees pressed tightly together. She sighed so softly he didn’t think she’d done it.

“Regretting your decision?” he asked when she shifted restlessly back deep into her seat.

“The tube would have been faster. And not as stuffy.”

Jenna reached up and ran her hand from the back of her neck down the side until her fingers stopped just above her cleavage. She began to play with the neckline, the top button of her blouse threatening to come undone under the pressure. He couldn’t look away.

“If you’re hot, we can do something to fix that.”

She looked at him that time, her expression a mix of longing and annoyance. Ben prayed her annoyance would lose the battle in her mind.

“What do you suggest?” her voice was barely a whisper in the small space.

He could tell she wanted him, that she was ready to play his game this time. The way she sucked her bottom lip as she let her gaze roam over him. His cock was painfully full, but he fought the urge to reach down and squeeze it. No, he wanted Jenna’s hands and mouth to do that.

“Get on your knees,” he ordered, his voice firm with desire. When she didn’t move right away, he added softly, “Trust me.”

Still she hesitated. Ben wasn’t about to ask again for fear it would ruin the spell they’d both seemed to be under. Finally, she sighed. Without taking her eyes off his, Jenna slid to the limo floor three feet away from where he sat. Her hands dropped to her side as she waited for his next command.

“Unbutton your shirt.”

She didn’t hesitate, her fingers gently tugged each button, taking her time as she pushed each through its hole and spreading the thin fabric of her shirt to reveal a cream camisole. Her body stilled once she’d completed her task. He could see her nipples, two hard peaks poking through from underneath the camisole. His mouth watered at the idea of sucking them into his mouth.

“Take your shirt off.” His need made his voice sound thick.

Jenna blushed as she shrugged her shirt off, letting it pool on the floor behind her.

The cream camisole accentuated more than it hid, but it still wasn’t enough for him.

“The pants next.”

Jenna looked down and frowned. Ben’s heart pounded when her fingers began to work the buttons that held her pants closed and pushed them down over her hips. She sat back onto her ass and pulled them off the rest of the way, revealing a cream-colored thong. Ben’s mouth watered at the sight of her as she pushed her way back up on to her knees.

“Crawl to me.”

Before she moved, an impish smile appeared on her face. She pulled her hair free of 100


the elastic that held it in place. Her blonde hair spilled over her shoulders, down her back to softly frame her face. He wanted to feel her hair on his skin as he had last night.

Only this time he wanted more of it. More of her.

Jenna dropped forward so she now rested on her hands and knees. From that angle he could see her full breasts, watched as they swayed with each motion she made crawling towards him. Inch by inch she crept closer, her eyes never leaving his. She stopped when her head brushed his legs and she rose to kneel in front of him.

“Hi,” she whispered.

He couldn’t talk, she was so beautiful Ben could barely think. He reached out and traced a line down her cheek and along her neck until he came to the junction of her neck. With a gentle tug, he pulled the thin strap that held the camisole in place. It fell, until it came to a rest at her elbow. The weight of the material pulled the front down, exposing her breast in the dim light of the limo. Reaching up with his other hand, Ben pulled the second strap and the light fabric fell to her waist.


“How long do we have?” she whispered.

Ben reached forward and hit the intercom. “Matt, take the long way.”

He didn’t wait for a response and flicked it off. Jenna looked over her shoulder at the black barrier that separated the two of them from Matt. Ben knew what she was thinking.

“He can’t see a thing.”

She turned back to face him and grinned. “That’s good.”

Jenna pushed the camisole to the floor so she knelt before him in only her thong. He stared at her, memorizing every inch of her skin. Everything about her was perfect. The soft curve of her hips, the size of her breasts. His cock and balls tightened, needing release.

“Your turn,” she said with a purr.

A smile threatened to cross his lips and he had to focus hard to fight it. Instead, he frowned and leaned further back against his seat.

“I’d rather have you do it for me.”

Jenna cocked an eyebrow, but leaned forward and attacked his buttons. Her nimble fingers had the shirt pulled apart quickly and they began to explore his chest. She even pinched his nipples, sending a burst of pleasure and pain through him. He sucked in a breath and caught her wrists in his hands.

Ben pulled her hard against him and caught her in a fierce kiss. He struggled with his control, wanting to throw her on the floor and have his way with her. She didn’t back down, thrusting her own tongue in and out of his mouth. He moaned and deepened the kiss as he moved forward, pulling her to the floor, covering her body with his. He finally pulled back and began to lick and nip his way down her neck, over to her ear.



“You like to push, don’t you?” He nipped the fleshy ridge as he spoke.

“It’s more fun that way.” And she licked his lobe.

“You’re the only woman I know who does that.”

Jenna shifted so she could see his face. “It’s about time someone taught the mighty Ben Hawthorn a thing or two.”

“And you think it’s you?”

She ground her hips against his groin and smiled. “Damn straight.”

He couldn’t wait any longer. Ben sat up enough to undo his pants and push them off. The cool air felt good against the hot skin of his cock. But it wasn’t going to stay cool for long. Ben was back on top of Jenna, grinding himself hard against her pussy.

The thin thong proved to be an annoying barrier which he pulled aside.

Before he pushed inside her, Ben wanted to make sure she wanted this. That she wouldn’t regret the decision later and blame him. He began to ask her when she pressed her hand to his mouth.

“If you don’t ram your cock into me right now, I’ll scream.”

That was all he needed. In one swift motion, he pushed his way deep inside her until he couldn’t push any further. He held still for a moment before pulling back and thrusting deep again. Jenna moaned and clutched his back with her hands, flexing her nails against his skin. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him in closer with every thrust.

Ben had to close his eyes and concentrate on not coming too fast. Jenna deserved more than a quick fuck. But holding back proved difficult as her muscles contracted around his shaft.

He reached down and wrapped his fingers around her breast, squeezing and teasing her nipple. Jenna moaned louder this time and bucked her hips against his.

Gods, he forgot how sensitive she was there. Pulling out, he bent his head and captured her nipple in his mouth, sucking it to a tight peak.

“Ben!” She was desperate, her hands urging his head closer as she pulled him back inside her with the pressure of her feet on his ass.

Soon they fell into a steady rhythm, meeting each other’s thrusts, licking and tasting whatever part of skin their mouths and tongues came into contact with. He could feel her pussy swell around his cock, her juices making her passage slick and warm. She was close to coming. Ben ground against her clit, increasing the pressure enough to push her over the edge into pleasure.

Jenna gasped as she drove her nails into his shoulder. The first ripples of pleasure caused her muscles to squeeze his cock as she cried out with her orgasm. Ben didn’t slow his pace, pounding into her harder, chasing his own release. Jenna continued to meet him thrust for thrust, panting hard as a sheen of sweat covered her chest and arms. When she angled her hips up to meet his, Ben felt his cock swell and explode as he pumped his cum into her. He bit her shoulder to try to muffle his cries. Jenna’s 102


surprised gasp quickly turned into a moan.

He finally fell upon her in a heap, kissing her neck, tasting the mix of sweat and desire on her skin. Her fingers were stroking his hair, whispering his name as she returned his kisses.

“You’re so sweet,” he said and darted his tongue out to tease her earlobe. “I wish the rest of the planet would go to hell.”

“We can have Matt keep driving around if you want.”

He looked into her eyes and his heart thrilled to see the playfulness in her eyes. This was the Jenna he needed. He needed a woman who could put him in his place if needed. One who wanted the man, not the status.


“I’m sorry, I must be crushing you,” he said as he tried to roll off her.

Instead of letting him move, she tightened the grip of her legs around his hips.

Holding him close, she sighed.

“It feels nice.”

It really did. Ben lowered his face to the crook of her neck and breathed in her scent.

Everything about her was right. Then why couldn’t he let go and trust her? She’d been right when she’d accused him of being selfish, not wanting to let anyone get close. His father had warned him years ago that men in their position couldn’t afford to get close to anyone. In the end, it would come back to haunt them. As it had with his friendship with Rick. But he couldn’t believe Jenna would do anything to hurt him.

Not on purpose.

Ben placed a kiss on her neck. “We should get dressed. Matt must be driving circles around the site by now.”

She chuckled. “Do you make him do this often? Poor Matt.”

“No, never before.”
And never again.

Reluctantly, Ben pushed himself up and held his hand out for Jenna to take. Jenna smiled and a blush covered her cheeks and spread down her body to the tops of her breasts. His cock twitched at the sight. If he didn’t get her up and dressed soon, Matt was going to run out of power for the limo.

He handed Jenna her shirt and they got dressed in silence. It wasn’t uncomfortable, though. He caught her looking at him more than once and smiled every time he did.

“What?” he finally asked.

Jenna shrugged. “I never thought I’d be here with you. Doing this.”

“Why not?”

“I was really…attracted to you back then. Seven years ago, I mean. But you never seemed to notice me. Except when I was yelling at you about the project.”

BOOK: Primal Elements
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