Priestess of the Fire Temple (24 page)

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Authors: Ellen Evert Hopman

Tags: #Pagan, #Cristaidi, #Druid, #Druidry, #Celt, #Indo-European, #Princess, #spirituality, #Celtic

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None of these women came to Druidism out of rebellion against another religion. They came to it from a love for nature and the old European tribal ways. I can identify with these reasonings; they are all familiar to me and true.


Thanks to Stacey Weinberger (of RDNA), Sín Sionnach (a solitary Druid), and Athelia Nihtscada (of RDNA), for their input. For an overview of ancient reports, see John Matthews's
The Druid Source Book
(London, 1996). For Brehon Laws and the laws of marriage, see Fergus Kelly's
Guide to Early Irish Law
(Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Dublin, 1991).

To explore the status of ancient Celtic women, see

For more on sex and gender in Iron Age studies, see /gender_main.html

For more on modern shrines dedicated to the goddess Brighid, see;; and

For information about Druids and modern Druid orders worldwide, see The Order of the White Oak, World Druid Council, Ord na Darach Gile—Comhairle Domhanda na nDraoí,

Ellen Evert Hopman's home page: Please visit the site to order books and DVDs, sign my guestbook, and contact me:

Druid Groups in Ireland

Doire Lois Muileann (Lismullin Grove):
A group of people who came together out of the 2007 Direct Action protests against the construction of the M3 Motorway through the Tara Skryne Valley. We come from many different walks of life and from many different faiths; Druid, Catholic, Protestant, Hindu and others. We follow in the footsteps of our indigenous ancestors and guardians of the Sacred Valley at Tara seeking to keep alive the traditions and customs of our people and our deep connection to the land. In addition, many members are active in the preservation of the Tara Skryne Valley against further inappropriate development.
Our Grove is named Doire Lois Muillen ( Lismullin Grove) in honor of the Lismullin Henge, a unique ceremonial enclosure which was demolished and preserved by record during the construction of the M3 Motorway. For more information, see

Druid Clan of Dana:
The Druid Clan of Dana (DCD) is a Foundation-Center Society of the Fellowship of Isis. It was established by Olivia and Lawrence Durdin-Robertson in 1992. See

Irish College of Druids:
Northern Ireland–based Druidism. See

Irish Druid Network:
An organization run by Luke Eastwood to facilitate Druid communications. Includes grove and organization listings for Ireland and Northern Ireland:

Solas Bhríde (Brighid's light/flame):
A small Christian-based center that has as its focus St. Brighid and Celtic spirituality. They seek to unfold the legacy of Brighid of Kildare and its relevance for the world. Organizers of a weeklong celebration in Kildare at Imbolc, with dancing, spiritual drumming and talks on Brighid:

Learn and live as a Celtic Druid in Ireland. Run by Con Connor and Niamh Eustace, and based in County Roscommon:

I do not have personal experience with these Irish groups, with the sole exception of the Druid Clan of Dana. Lady Olivia Robertson made me an Arch-Druidess, Grove of Brighid, Druid Clan of Dana, when my first book came out (
Tree Medicine Tree Magic
, Phoenix Publishing Inc., 1991, now sadly out of print). I have visited with her at her castle in Ireland and taken the waters of her holy well. My grateful thanks go to Raymond MacSuibhne and to Carmel Diviney for providing this short list of modern Druid groups in Éire.


This article originally appeared in
The Magical Buffet
, February 2008 (

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