Pride X Familiar ReVamp (Pride X ReVamp Book 1) (25 page)

BOOK: Pride X Familiar ReVamp (Pride X ReVamp Book 1)
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“Reasons I don’t agree with.”

He let slip an annoyed sigh. “Fine, that’s between you and her.”

“Caelum, I’m done here. If we keeping talking like this we’ll end up arguing and then we’ll both be angry with each other for days.” I hefted the straps of my carry-bag a little higher on my shoulder. “Goodbye. I’ll see you tomorrow for class.”

I turned and began walking toward the open school gate.

“Haruka, did you know the seniors were looking to beat me up?”

I stopped and half turned to face him. “What?”

“Is that why you brought me to the garden?”

It took a few moments for what he implied to sink in. “Are you…are you holding me responsible for what happened?”

“No, I’m asking you. Did you know they were coming for me?” He didn’t sound angry. Nor did he sound like he was making an accusation. He had carefree look on his face when he asked again, “Did you know?”

“Yes…I knew.” I swallowed quickly. “Siobhan and Alistair overheard some girls talking about it in the toilets. Those girls had heard a rumor that some senior girls were looking to teach you a proper lesson.”

“Senior girls? Ah, that explains it.” He snorted, then a relieved smile spread across his face. “Thank you. That answers a lot of questions. It’s big weight off my shoulders.”

He walked toward me, then stepped past me. “Like I said before, I’m glad you weren’t hurt. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Huh? He’s not angry? Was I the only one getting annoyed? Did I just show him my bad side once again?

I stared at his back as he walked away.

Abruptly he turned around. While facing me, he walked backwards toward the gate. “Haruka, I still don’t have an answer from you. I’ll be waiting for it.”

Answer? Answer to what? Never mind the answer, what was the question?

I started to call out to him, but he turned around and began jogging toward the gate.

I saw him wave at me as he did.

I almost waved backed.

Seconds later he left the school grounds via the open gate and disappeared from sight when he turned to the right at the sidewalk.

I stood there not understanding what had just happened.

Wasn’t he angry? No, that was just me.

Why was I acting this way? I was irritated by his behavior toward my friends.

Wasn’t it natural to get angry over that? Maybe I was over-reacting.

I looked at the slowly dwindling number of students leaving the Academy grounds, all of them Aventis like me.

The situation didn’t make sense to me.

Caelum hated the Aventis, yet he was attending a school where the student body was almost entirely composed of Aventis. I understood that he had no choice. The School Council President said all student Familiars were transferred to one of the five academies for Aventis within the Islands of Pharos.

But the President said Caelum was working to protect this Academy.

Why? Why would he protect a school full of people he hated?

I pulled up the strap on my shoulder, and held onto my carry-bag as I walked out of the Academy grounds.

I was lost in thought.

Had Caelum changed how he felt toward the Aventis?

That couldn’t be…could it?

Chapter 11


Caprice and I arrived at the training center.

However, fifteen minutes into our schedule and unexpected event took place.

We had visitors.

Unexpected visitors.

They walked down the metal stairs that connected the underground training floor space with the floors of the nightclub building above.

First to descend the stairs was Arisa, followed by the Countess.

Trailing behind them was Maya Khayman, Rina Sayen, and young man I didn’t recognize. I guessed him to be in his twenties.

It wasn’t long before they all stood on the training floor, gazing about at the expansive facility Arisa had provided her Familiars.

Caprice eyed them in her customary manner – completely expressionless.

For my part, I was wondering why Arisa had brought them here.

She approached us, as did the Countess. I was glad to see she was up and out of the hospital. Not having attended school today, Simone was dressed in casual wear. In summary, her outfit consisted of a short, pleated peach skirt, and matching sleeveless blouse, while on her feet she wore tanned, ankle high boots.

“I’m okay,” Simone said. “I’m a lot tougher than I look.”

I didn’t point out the obvious that it was her Symbiote she had to thank for her speedy recovery.

Arisa decided to cut through any pleasantries. “I’ll get right to the point. I brought them here because the four of you need to work as a unit.”

I blurted out, “What?”

Caprice muttered, “We’re not Artemis.”

Arisa smiled in disagreement. “In many ways, that is precisely what you are. Your physical and combat training is modeled on the basic training the Sanctum’s operatives undergo.”

“We are not Artemis,” Caprice repeated.

Arisa was quiet for a moment. “No, you are Familiars. You have a gift, that of being able to use the Fragments found in the depths of the Nebula.”

“And that’s our only worth,” Caprice added.

I watched the two women eye each other. Arisa put on a slightly annoyed expression, while Caprice remained as emotionless as ever. But I had a feeling that underneath the perfectly blank look, Caprice was keeping a lid on her simmering displeasure.

Arisa took a deep breath. “Caprice, what’s the problem?”

For a moment I thought Caprice would answer her, but then I watched her perfect mask break down as a wave of resentment washed across her features.

“Caprice?” Arisa asked softly.

“My apologies, Lady Arisa. For a moment, I forgot my place.”

I could see her words hurt Arisa, but I agreed with Caprice. As Familiars we had a place below the Aventis. We were subservient to them.

I felt a dull ache in my chest.

I knew Arisa treated us better than other Aventis treated their Familiars. I was thankful for that. After all, I had declared my loyalty to her in front of that jerk, Alessandro Alucard – Simone’s cousin.

But truthfully, I shared in Caprice’s resentment. In many ways, I would have preferred to have remained a Regular. At least then I wouldn’t have to serve an Aventis or their Pride.

That was the dull ache I felt in my chest.

A manifestation of my resentment toward the Aventis, and unfortunately toward Arisa.

Arisa clenched her jaw, then regarded us both with a hard look in her eyes. “You will work with them, and you will train with them. We don’t have much time. Crimson Crescent are certain to make their move in the coming weeks if not sooner.”

I asked, “Is this because the medical exams are taking place?”

“Probably. If they’re after that data, then they’ll make a move once it’s been recorded.”

“So you don’t know for sure,” I commented.

“No,” Arisa replied. “It’s not a certainty.”

Simone piped in. “That’s why we’re waiting for them to breach our school’s final two security layers and gain access to the network.”

“You’re taking a big risk,” I pointed out.

Simone nodded wearily. “We know. Believe me, we’ve had countless arguments about this.”

Caprice asked, “The Academy is not just an Academy, is it?”

Simone frowned uneasily. I caught the glance she spared Arisa standing beside her.

But Arisa said, “The Academy is a safe haven for us. A place where students can learn and not have to suffer the resentment of others. In that regards, it’s not just an Academy.”

Caprice remained silent.

I was confused by her behavior. Rarely did she ever express any sentiment toward our subservience to the Prides. Why now?

I was certain Arisa was going to have words with her later. For now, she turned and beckoned with a wave the three people waiting at the foot of the spiral stairs.

Then she faced Caprice and I.

“You’re acquainted with Maya and Rina. However, the gentleman with them is Kaleb Deneve. He’s a former instructor for the Artemis and Paladins…amongst other things….” Arisa looked faintly regretful, but recovered quickly. “He’ll be helping you work as a unit, and hopefully draw out the best of you and your Fragments.”

Caprice and I sparred against each other with our Fragments on a regular basis. We knew how the other reacted and fought. After all there were only a limited number of techniques and forms that we could employ. If our Fragments were complete Artifacts, then we’d have more choice in how to fight the other.

As such, I felt our Fragments were more like ‘magical’ weapons.

I looked at the young man. Kaleb Deneve was taller than me by half a foot. He had a swimmers build, long and lithe. I chose not to doubt Arisa’s words. She had told me of the vaunted Artemis and Paladin that served the Prides in a capacity well beyond what the abundantly resourced Enforcers could achieve.

If he trained them then he was certainly a master of his craft.

I studied him a little more carefully.

He had an easy, unassuming air about him. Confident but not cocky.

Damn, not another nice guy.

I disliked him already.

Arisa took an unnaturally deep breath that pushed out her chest to new dimensions. “Kaleb’s affiliation is Lanfear, however, I am not his Guardian. You could say he’s on loan to me. So be extra nice to him, and follow all his instructions. Is that clear?”

I nodded shallowly, and noticed the flat look Caprice gave Arisa.

Arisa shook her head slowly. “Kaleb, I leave them in your hands.” She swept her gaze over us. “Simone? You want a ride a back?”

“Ah…no. If you don’t mind I’d rather stay and watch.”

Arisa studied her for a moment. “Very well.”

Simone quickly bowed to her. “Arisa, thank you. This means a great deal to me. Having Familiars of different affiliation work together is rare and I know that you’re bending the rules.”

Arisa didn’t reply after a handful of heartbeats went by. “Galatea is my old school. I have fond memories of my time there. I just want to protect it like you do. Just keep to the agreement. I don’t want your Family’s personnel in here.”

“Y—yes,” Simone responded as though chastised.

“Relax, Simone.” Arisa turned and walked away. She waved a hand in parting. “Work hard. Don’t disappoint.”

When she had climbed up the spiral stairs and out of view, I looked at Simone. “Countess, was this your idea?”

She exhaled slowly. “Yes. However, Arisa made it happen.”

I looked at Kaleb but said to Simone, “She’s rather well connected.”

“The Imreh Family is…prodigious,” she replied.

Kaleb stepped forward, and offered me his hand. “Kaleb Deneve afil Sora, a pleasure to meet you.”

I shook it, noticing he wasn’t heavy handed in his greeting.

I disliked him a little less.

He introduced himself to Caprice.

She hesitated in shaking his hand. “Arisa sent a Familiar to watch over us Familiars.”

“That’s one way of looking at it,” he answered with an easy smile.

I looked at Maya and Rina. “You guys okay with this?”

Rina didn’t appear bothered by the turn of events. In fact, she was probably the most eager of us four. “Yes, I’m good with this. Although, I’m hoping I don’t drag you down.”

“Why is that?”

“Well, I only received my Fragment last month. I haven’t had much practice with it.”

“Last month?”

She looked sheepish. “The Fragment I was using before just wasn’t suited for combat. The one I have now is better. More versatile for long and short range fights.”

I gave Maya a look. “I can tell you’re not happy about this.”

“Really? And how is that?”

“Cause you look unhappy.”

She crossed her arms in a heated fashion. “I have no problem training with other Familiars. I have a problem with you.”

“Huh, why me?”

“Cause you’re a pervert,” she snapped.

“Ack—that isn’t true at all.”

“It’s no wonder the Princess and her followers hate you. Not just that, there isn’t a girl in school that isn’t aware of your perversions.” Unfolding her arms, she clenched her hands. “What’s with your insane ability to recognize women’s underwear? It’s unnatural!”

I shied back. “It’s a gift. What’s wrong with having a special talent?”

“Special talent? You call that a special talent? You’re sick. Perverted. You’re a menace to women in general.”

“Aren’t you over-reacting? And I’ve never hurt a girl in my life.”

“You’re missing the point,” she snapped.

Kaleb suddenly asked, “You can really do that?”

“Huh? You mean recognize a girl’s underwear? Yeah. Not just underwear, but shoes, bras, and clothes.”

“What an odd talent,” he muttered.

The way he said it I actually felt embarrassed. “Uh…well, I guess so….”

“It’s not odd,” Maya said. “It’s utterly shameful.”

“Ara ara, Caelum do you recognize mine?”

I looked at Simone. “Countess?”

She was slowly lifting the hem of her skirt while giving me a naughty look. “If you identify them in one guess I’ll give you a prize.”

I backed away from her a half step. “Countess, no please don’t.”

She looked confused. “Ara ara, you don’t want to see?”

I started raising my arms protectively before me. “No—I don’t want to see.”

“Why not?”

“Because—because you told me you don’t wear any!”

Her skirt went up and so did my arms. I hid behind them in a panic. “No, don’t show me!”

There was a long, long moment of silence. Actually, I could hear my heart drumming crazily.

But no one was saying anything.

Then I heard her voice. “Ara ara. You’re such a little boy.”

Then I heard a dull, flat voice. “Caelum…lower your arms.”

“Huh? No, no way.”

The flat voice grew a little insistent. “Caelum, put your arms down.”

I started turning away. “No, I’m leaving. I’m getting out of here.”

Then I felt a couple of hands grab my arms and yank them down with extreme force.

“Caelum—take a damn look!”

I had squeezed my eyes shut, but Caprice’s frustrated tone made me peek.

The Countess was smiling at me while holding up her skirt.

Hesitantly, like a man dragged off to the gallows, my eyes peered downward.

Huh? She’s not wearing panties. She’s wearing…gym shorts?

More specifically they were high cut gym shorts, and therefore easy to hide under her skirt.

I stared at them aghast then looked up at her smiling face. “You—you tricked me!”

She laughed wickedly. “Ara ara, are you upset? You really are such a little boy.”

I dropped to my knees, not knowing whether to feel relieved, shocked or angry. “How…how shameful.”

The Countess murmured, “Hmm, what was that?”

I looked up at her. “Countess…how could you? How could you shatter my image of you? Wearing gym shorts? That’s unforgiveable.”

“Eh?” She released her skirt.

I pounded the floor with a fist. “I cannot allow this sacrilege to persist.” Pointing a trembling finger at her, I declared, “Hear me now, Countess. I will see you dressed in lingerie befitting you, or my name isn’t Caelum Desanto.”

“Ara ara, is that a challenge?” She stood arms akimbo. “If so, then I accept. Do your best, young Desanto.”

I pumped a fist. “Yes, Countess!”

Maya groaned in deep disgust, and covered her face with one hand. “Shameless. Utterly and completely shameless.”

Caprice muttered loud enough to be heard. “I thought I was used to it by now.”



School Week Two. Tuesday morning.

I came to school feeling like a wet rag.

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