Pride and Retribution (19 page)

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Authors: Lyndsey Norton

BOOK: Pride and Retribution
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She sighed and smiled as she reached for his cravat. It was off in no time and she was unbuttoning his shirt when he decided to wrench the whole thing over his head. As he dropped his linen on the floor, Lucy ran her hands over his chest, marvelling at the firmness and definition of his muscles as well as the blanket of coarse hair that felt like a pelt. She put her nose in the centre of his chest and sniffed. ‘Mmm, sandalwood.’ She murmured and her mouth found its way to his nipple, so while she was busy he stripped away her chemise, leaving her in only her stockings and garters. He kissed her lips again, picked her up easily, like a child and he moaned as she wrapped her legs about his hips. He slowly walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge, with Lucy straddling his lap. ‘Don’t you want to take off your boots?’ she asked softly as her lips left his.

‘Not yet.’ He murmured and ran his hands over her back, across her breasts before sliding down her flanks to caress her thighs. But Lucy wriggled off his lap and waited for him to lift his legs. Each boot thudded onto the floor. ‘Be careful,’ he admonished ‘or someone will come to check on you.’

‘I usually throw things around in my room
when I’m angry.’ She smiled and reached for the buttons of his britches, but had difficulty with them.  He clamped his left arm around her thighs and stood, with one hand he ripped the bedclothes back and then tossed her onto the bed. He stepped out of his britches, whipped off his stockings and followed her onto the bed. She giggled provocatively and his manhood throbbed so much it ached. She hadn’t taken her eyes off it and he again had a flash of how it felt to have her hand around it.

‘Touch it.’ He murmured and lay beside her. He folded his hands under his head and lay still while she got on her knees to examine him. She gently stroked her fingertips up the length of him from base to tip, before she pulled him this way and that, taking her time, swirling her finger over the head, spreading out his arousal discharge and then tweaking his testicles in her fingers, rolling them.

‘What do you call it?’ she asked as her fingers closed around it and made him inhale sharply. She was amazed to feel it pulse in her palm.

‘I call it my cock.’ He croaked and his blood roared through his veins as
she smiled wickedly at him.

Lucy was surprised to find it was alive in her hand. She felt every throb and pulse.
That was what he asked me to do!
She realised,
suck his cock!
She dipped her head and her lips closed over the silky head of his cock, making him judder and moan. When she sucked on the end it almost made him spend on the spot. It took all his self-restraint to hang on. He tried to think of something else while she laved and sucked his cock, using her hand like a courtesan to stroke him to higher and higher ecstasy.

His hips jerked off the bed as she swirled her tongue around the head again and as her mouth closed over him, he grabbed her hair and yanked her away, deftly rolling her on her back. ‘Two can play at that game, Madam.’ He said hoarsely and he stroked his
hands up her legs until he could get his palms between her thighs and he slowly opened her legs as wide as he could. ‘Hmm! That looks delectable.’ And keeping his hands on her inner thighs he licked up the crease of her labia and persuasively worked his tongue in the folds of skin until he could feel her silky core. Lucy was awash with sensations and emotions. Nothing had prepared her for the onslaught of this most wicked kiss. She was shocked at first, but then she started to feel the sheer blissful ecstasy and she lifted her hips for him without shame.

His tongue slid from clitoris to vaginal opening and back again, driving her mad. Evidence of her want and arousal poured out of her and he found himself drinking deeply of her nectar. It was paradise for him as he could feel every throb and pulse, especially when he flicked his tongue over her clitoris. He circled that bundle of nerves, listening to her gasp and pant, feeling her hips rise for him and tasting the very essence of her. She was nearly there; he could feel th
e tension in her body and closed his lips over her clitoris. He gently inserted a finger into her vagina and felt the walls flex at the intrusion, but he sucked hard on her clitoris and her orgasm burst like a thunderstorm raging through her body. It was incredible to feel her whole sex throb and pulse as her legs crushed his shoulders in her effort to close them. She was grunting and crying out in the throes of ecstasy and he was sorry that he couldn’t watch it while he was still suckling on her clitoris.

‘Stop, please stop!’ she begged and he gave one final slow lick and then scrambled up the bed, until he was over her, looking down into the face of unadulterated bliss. ‘What was that?’ she gasped out, her lungs were going like a pair of bellows.

‘That was your very first orgasm.’ He smiled softly and gently kissed her, allowing her to savour her own essence on his lips. ‘Now we’re both going to orgasm at the same time if we’re lucky.’ He kissed her again. ‘I need you to relax.’

‘I am relaxed.’ She said dreamily and her eyes widened as the blunt end of his penis pushed just inside her. ‘What are you doing?’ she asked curiously.

‘I’m going to make love to you.’ he said and his voice was really hoarse and rough. He slowly pushed in until he met resistance. He watched her eyes. ‘This will sting. It may even hurt. I’m sorry I cannot avoid it.’

‘Will it last for long?’ she asked and his heart squeezed at the innocent look on her face.

‘Not long, I promise you.’ he said softly and kissed her gently again.

To distract her he covered her face in small butterfly kisses at the same time as he sheath
ed his full length in her, breaking her maidenhead in one swift stroke. She gasped, but didn’t cry out. He felt her nails bite into his shoulders and he waited until she relaxed. ‘That’s better. It’s not so bad now.’ She panted.

‘Good, because I don’t think I can wait any longer.’ He gasped and slowly pulled back to the point of withdrawal before thrusting in again and taking her
breath away. It didn’t take long for her to learn his carnal rhythm and soon she was lifting him with her hips as her body demanded all that he could give.

At first she wasn’t impressed. It felt strange and invasive and then suddenly there was a stinging pain. It subsided quickly and when he started to move it felt even stranger, but then something started to happen inside and she could feel that blissful tension starting again and she allowed herself to go with it. The feeling grew until her body was shaking with the need for something, but she didn’t know what. ‘Come for me, my love.’ Wilfred whispered in her ear and he reached between their bodies and touched her in the same place as before and her body convulsed as the sensations swamped her.

He touched her clitoris again and her whole body was galvanised as her orgasm burst like a firework. He felt every pulse of her passage squeeze against his manhood as he thrust in for the last time and let go of his control. His orgasm came in a rush, as his sperm practically exploded out of the end of his penis and his body seized in the rapture of the moment. It was the deepest orgasm he’d ever experienced as he felt his manhood flex and the slight burn from his testicles, even as her vagina milched him dry. He was astonished to feel every single pulse from her. As the tension came off his body he sighed and looked down into her face and was pleased to see her smile at him, with that soft, dreamy smile that he hoped no other man would ever see.

Slowly she stroked her hands over his shoulders. ‘Is that what the Duke would have done?’ she asked innocently and frowned as his expression dissolved from love to disquiet. He slowly disengaged from her body and rolled off to lie beside her. He stroked his hand over her hip, rolled her onto her side and pulled her back against his chest. He propped his head on his palm as he levered his elbow under the edge of the pillow.

‘We have made love, not just had sex. Markham would have been brutal about it.’ He whispered in her ear as he stroked his fingertips over her collarbone and down her arm. ‘There would have been a beating, a rape and probably another beating if he wasn’t satisfied and after all of that, he would have left you for your maid to find.’

‘So he wouldn’t have kissed me in such an intimate place?’ she asked and he saw the blush on her cheeks.

‘No, probably not, nor would he have undressed you. He would either have insisted you get undressed and watched you do it or he would have torn the clothes off your back and violated you in a most obscene and brutal manner.’

They were quiet. ‘I think I prefer it your way.’ She said and he looked over her shoulder to see that dreamy smile again.

‘I love you, Lucille Hastings and I shall be proud to walk you down the aisle.’ Wilfred murmured as he reached for the bedding to cover them up. Lucy turned over and stroked her palm over his chest as he fluffed the bedclothes and settled on his side.

‘I love you, too.’ She said and shocked him. ‘I’ve been too stubborn and stupid to see that you were a gentleman that only had my best interests at heart.’ She smiled sadly and looked down at her fingers as they traced around his nipple. ‘I was too busy being affronted by your initial request, to see that you had genuine affection for me.’ She looked into his eyes and gently kissed his cheek. ‘I’m sorry.’

‘How..?’ he cleared his throat and tried again. ‘How long have you known that you loved me?’ he asked softly, stroking his fingertips over her cheek and down her neck.

She gave him a grin to light his heart. ‘Why, my love! From the very moment I looked in your extraordinary eyes and you propositioned me to “Suck your Cock!”

‘How do you know?’ he asked and a furrow appeared between his eyebrows as his gaze searched her face.

‘Because when Sir Roger tried to introduce you, I nearly fainted dead away and my heart was in my mouth!’ He smoothed his hand over her hip and pulled her lower body against his burgeoning erection, as his ardour rose once again.

‘For me it was the moment I saw you sitting on that bench, like a dream.’ He looked her in the eyes, ‘or a fantasy, if you will. I didn’t think you were real at first,’ he sniggered, ‘until your palm landed on my cheek!’

‘Hold me?’ she asked softly as she buried her face in his chest and wrapped her arm over his body to stroke his back. He gathered her in his arms and squeezed her until her bones creaked.
‘Was it difficult to keep you desires under control when you were nursing me?’

‘You have no idea!’ He said firmly. ‘It to
ok a gargantuan effort not to kiss your nipples when I was wiping the sweat from your body.

‘Thank you, Will.’ She sighed. ‘For saving my life, as well as my virtue.’

‘I must go and tell your brother.’ Wilfred murmured into her hair. ‘He’ll be relieved.’

She pushed away from his chest. ‘What from? The fact that he doesn’t need to face you on the field?’ she asked abruptly, a frown marring her beauty.

‘No.’ Wilfred kissed her softly, ‘he’ll be happy that you have agreed to marry me so that he can get on with courting my sister Caroline!’

‘Really?’ Lucy asked her interest piqued. 

‘Yes!’ He sniggered then, ‘Howard Cuthbertson is waiting for Eleanor to have a season and then he’ll swoop like a hawk!’

‘So you have effectively married your sisters off already!’ she said but she was already distracted by the throbbing length
of hard flesh against her lower abdomen. She swirled her fingertip around his nipple and was astonished to see it pucker and harden. While Wilfred was prattling on about his sisters, Lucy remembered how he had licked and tormented her nipples and she smiled mischievously and suddenly swirled her tongue over his nipple, before she closed her mouth over it and sucked firmly. The words hitched in his throat and a sigh gusted from his lips. She pushed against his shoulder and he dutifully rolled onto his back. Without taking her lips from his nipple, she clambered onto his body and laid full length on top of him, his manhood standing up the flat planes of his stomach and crushed between them. He was quiet then and absently stroked his palms over her back, buttocks and thighs. She changed to the other nipple and he groaned as his hands slid over her buttocks onto her thighs.

To Lucy’s surprise his hands gripped the back of her thighs and suddenly her legs were being pulled to either side of his hips. He pulled her a little further up his body, smiled at her as she smiled back and looked at him quizzically. Suddenly the shaft between them vanished and the expression on her face changed to astonishment as the head of his penis stroked over her silky core, making her mouth drop open and gasp as he gently effected re-entry by pushing her body down. It was sublime and erotic, feeling that subtle invasion stretching her. ‘You should sit up.’ He whispered hoarsely and Lucy pushed herself into a sitting position with her hands firmly on his chest. He lifted her on his shaft and then let her down and she moaned, but it didn’t take her l
ong to perfect the movements as they slowly made love this way. Wilfred stroked his palms over her body from throat to knees, lingering over her breasts as his fingers stroked the silky hairs in her armpits before caressing her nipples and smoothing over her flanks, until he settled his palms on her thighs. He manoeuvred his right thumb between her legs and just rested it in the right place.

Lucy was lost in the eroticism of their lovemaking and was not aware of anything. Her eyes were closed and she moved instinctively, but she felt something was missing until Wilfred’s thumb gently touched her in the same place as before. She moaned as a thrill coursed through her and she stroked herself over that stationary digit, every time she was down. It gave her a swirling motion that heightened Wilfred’s response and suddenly he was lifting his hips in an effort to plunge into her. As the sexual peak approached she moaned and he groaned as their bodies pounded together and she shuddered as her orgasm exploded and she literally mashed herself down on him. Wilfred cried out and was amazed to see the ecstasy on her face as she milched him for every sperm that jerked and jolted from him as his seed burst like a fountain inside her. She continued to writhe on him as they each recovered from a tumultuous joining. Eventually their bodies calmed and she looked down into his shining eyes.

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