Pride and Pregnancy (A Devil's Dragons Motorcycle Club Romance) (5 page)

BOOK: Pride and Pregnancy (A Devil's Dragons Motorcycle Club Romance)
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f I was going
to find this container for Sarah, I’d need a little help. If not for the attack on
Viboras Verde
, I could have probably just called the Outlaws. Things weren’t that easy, though.

They never are…

There were a lot of angry words spilt over the money we’d snatched up during the raid on the cartel. It seemed that the rest of the Outlaws were pissed that they didn’t get a cut, even if they weren’t fucking there.

The five nearest motorcycle clubs under my banner got their hands on a piece of the action because they were in the right place at the right time. I had less than a
to get my shit together and pull whatever allies I could.

I’d almost lost my life in the desert meeting. You could definitely say that some tempers flared. The traitor who tried to destroy my club the first time I lost Sarah even had the balls to show up, ready for a chance to topple me.

He was dealt with properly.

of my enemies were dealt with, one way or another.

I didn’t have time to think about the consequences...

The anger of the Outlaws was a hard price, and it was a price that I just wasn’t willing to pay. I had my men to think about, their livelihoods, my future with Sarah, and now my sister…

We were gonna be on our own for this one. Sarah came down to El Paso thinking that I could click my fingers and make shit happen, but reality has a funny way of slowing shit down.

It didn’t matter though… I still had an ace in the hole.


EagleEye was an outlier to the organization. She joined under the pretense of anonymity, asking for what she called an “independent contractor arrangement.”

She wanted to be hard to contact, and for nobody to know who she was. That was easy – most of us went by aliases anyway. Kept the law from quickly connecting the dots. This also meant that the other Outlaws weren’t going to find out about this, which worked for me.

When I found out
she wanted things on the hush-hush so much, it was easy to understand: the kid was a goddamn college student.

She was also a fucking prodigy of a hacker.

Tired of vigilantly pointing out flaws in credit card security with major retailers, she began exposing them with the help of other hackers, breaking free millions of sixteen-digit numbers, names, and addresses…

You remember that major home construction supply company a few years back, one of the first ones to fall prey to that shit?

That was EagleEye at work.

She’d pulled back from that kind of thing – selling credit card numbers wasn’t her style. But she still enjoyed cracking her fingers and tearing apart shitty security.

Like the Port of Los Angeles computer system…

When I told what I wanted, she laughed at the simplicity of it. The whole port ran on network terminals twenty years old, green screen text and all, with holes in the software a mile and a half wide.

I promised her half a week of armed protection on the drop of a dime if she ever needed it, and the deal was set. She’d get me a name.

Sarah had made some phone calls as well. Her retired sheriff father was supportive of her career move, and he was willing to pull some favors outside his old jurisdiction to see what could be done.

We had a pretty good start.

This left us with a bit of downtime. For the moment, I could focus more on the two major changes to my life:

The first was Hannah’s return.

The second was the pregnancy.

Hannah turned out to be a godsend. She took to Sarah like a fish to water. Whenever Sarah’s pregnancy symptoms started flaring – mostly morning sickness, the odd cravings here and there, and fatigue – Hannah was there to help.

All of this was on my mind as I rubbed Sarah’s aching feet, wishing we could just stay here like this forever…

“I wish my breasts weren’t always so fucking tender,” Sarah complained.

“Do they always hurt now?”

“Most of the time,” she replied. “Putting a bra on is a real pain in the ass. Lying on my chest? Totally out of the question.”

“I didn’t realize,” I told her, moving my hands to massage her calf. “Is there anything else I can do to help?”

“You’re doing a good job for being new at this,” she smiled down at me, playfully pressing her big toe of her other foot against my shoulder.

“What can I say?” I grinned. “Maybe I’m just fit to be a father. This isn’t so hard.”

“So, what do you want to do right now?” Sarah murmured, eager to enjoy our moment of peace.

“Not quite sure. Half the boys are out, showing off for Hannah… it’s almost as if we’ve got the whole place to ourselves.”

“Yeah, I’d kind of noticed that,” Sarah chuckled, glancing around. “Hell, I think the only few bikers here are passed out in the spare beds…”

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” I asked tentatively, still weighing out the changes to her sex drive.

“I think so…”

Suddenly, there was a commotion from nearby. We turned our heads as my second-in-command, Grizz, finally walked back through the door.

“Grizz!” I called out to my old friend and trusted confidante. “Where the hell have you been?”

“Removing the cast,” he replied calmly, before turning and nodding politely to me.

“Removing a cast doesn’t take a few days…”

“I wanted to try out the arm… I’ve been away from my ride too damn long. Took a trip out eastward and scouted out New Orleans. You wouldn’t believe some of the shit going down out there. People need protection, and they’re willing to pay for it,” Grizz replied, smiling. “The club needs to get moving soon… And I’m thinking heading that way might be the answer.”

“You might be right,” I replied. “I’ve been thinking the same thing... But first, I have to deal with some shit, and I could use a hand.”

“Oh?” He seemed curious.

“My sister’s back in town.”

Grizz seemed startled by this news. “Your sister… Hannah is here? When did she arrive?”

“She showed up the day you left to remove your cast,” Sarah answered for me. “The day that Hunter received a hoax letter from her.”

“A… hoax letter?”

“The proof of identity was missing. But the handwriting, the delivery from the Couriers, even mentioning a landmark significant to us, all of that was in place…”

“You suspect a trap,” Grizz concluded.

“I do.”

Grizz stroked his beard thoughtfully; his large and burly form was contemplative. I’d always found his foresight and methodical nature rather useful – it made him a powerful diplomat, an excellent shot, fantastic under pressure, and helped even out my wilder tendencies.

“So who sent it?”

“Not a fucking clue.”

“Interesting… what do you plan to do?”

“Nothing for the moment. For now, we’re focusing on the case.”

“The case?” Grizz asked.

“You take off for a few days and shit happens…”

“We’re tracking down a missing shipyard container from the Port of Los Angeles.”

Grizz turned towards me quickly.

“That is Talon’s territory.”

“I know,” I answered uncomfortably. “I’m not in a rush to rally up the troops and go kicking around on his turf.”

“Good,” Grizz noted. “Are you making much progress so far?”

“Not particularly,” Sarah lamented.

“I’ll offer up any help I can.”

“Thanks, Grizz.” I nodded.

I always knew that I could count on him.

But I noticed how exhausted he looked when he turned to smile warmly at Sarah. He was there for the announcement of her pregnancy, after all. “The road has made me tired… permission to hit the sack, Boss?”

“Get rested,” I nodded immediately. “I’m going to need you soon.”

After Grizz had given us another pair of nods and departed the main bar area, closing the door to one of the spare bedrooms, Sarah and I exchanged glances again.

“So, where were we?” I asked.

“I believe that you were about to jump my bones,” she smiled, “especially before we have any

I pulled Sarah up from her chair quietly dragging her towards my private room. With a locked door behind us, I took the opportunity to gaze deeply and lovingly into her eyes.

And everything else –

Hannah’s sudden reappearance…

The mysterious trap in the letters…

Sarah’s case…

It all slipped away with a kiss.


my lips on her throat, tasting her desperation. Sarah’s mouth parted while I engulfed her shoulders in my large, muscular arms. Her body surrendered to me, just as it always did – and as it always should.

I deeply enjoyed the effect that I had on her.

Sarah’s flesh was always mine. It belonged to me, and a primal sense overcame me when we made love. It was there when we were kids, and it was here now, uncurling inside and longing for sweet release.

My fingers wrapped around in her hair.

I thought to myself.
That’s the sensation I love, the ability to bend her to my whim…

I did just that, pulling her head back, exposing her neck openly to me. Her skin was right there, ripe for my lips…

No longer content with kissing the side of her throat, I dove in, planting my mouth beneath her chin. I felt her tremble beneath my touch. I heard her moan escape her lips, and I craved more,

My fingers released from her hair, and I took her beautiful face in both palms as I brought my lips crushingly down against hers. Sarah gave a surprised little squeak at my forcefulness, and I felt her giving way to me.

I guided her back towards the bed, lowering her down gently into the comforter.

The last time that we had been in here, she had slept alone while I worked at my table, scouring over notes and trying to keep my men from being killed in a midnight assault.

I had been the general in my tent, considering tactical possibilities and strategies.

But now…

Now, I was unburdened by these needs, and overwhelmed by my raw desire for Sarah.

I traced the lines of her collarbone with my tongue. My fingers dove between her fingers as I lifted her hands above her shoulders, pressing them down on either side into the bedding.

“Hunter,” she moaned my name.

Yes, baby.

Just like that.

I offered her a growl of appreciation, powered by feral impulses. I started to rip open her blouse, plucking her snaps apart as I lowered myself down onto the exposed flesh.

Her breasts were slightly larger, nipples just as perky as ever, and I was careful with them as I bent down to flick the erect nub with my tongue.

“Ooh…” She murmured.

“Relax,” I told her, my voice drawing out the command. “Relax, and let me take care of everything you need…”

She hesitantly put her head down on the pillow that I dragged over, and I lowered my lips around her spry nipple again.

This time, I was even softer than before, and soon I felt her body begin to squirm below me as her arms enveloped my head.

“That feels good, Hunter…”

I know it does.

I moved my attention to the other nipple, sticking my index and middle fingers into her mouth. She moaned as she licked around them, clutching them in her hands and bobbing on the digits before finally letting go.

While I suckled her nipple, I reached down and unzipped her jeans, tugging them down her hips. She shifted in her position, helping me pull them down and kicking them off at the end.

Wearing nothing but her panties, I dove my slickened fingers down beneath the cotton, feeling her moistened slit. The bead of her passion was already strengthening from her arousal, and I allowed my thumb to drift around it, playing with it lightly as I parted her lips and drove my fingers inside…

“Oh God, Hunter!” She moaned, hands clenching around my head. “Oh
, that feels even
right now…”

Unwilling to divide my attention and risk hurting her tender breasts, I pulled my lips free from her nipple and moved further south. Kissing a line down her abdomen, I came to a stop along the joint of her hips, finally choosing to tug her panties free and drop them to the floor as well.

“That’s how you should be,” I grinned hungrily. “Exposed for me. Ready for me. Begging me for my cock…”

“Oh Hunter,” Sarah murmured, her half-lidded eyes locked fiercely onto mine. “Fuck me…”

“Not just yet, Princess,” I told her, driving my fingers further inside her. Her lips parted in a hearty moan as I stroked the inner lining of her body, pressing against that bundle of nerves that needed attention so much.

“God…” She collapsed against the bed.

I loved exposing every one of her primal instincts, driving her wild with passion...

But I needed more.

I drew my fingers free from her slickened chasm. She moaned with the pressure of my exit. Sarah clearly wasn’t done with me yet. Her hands slid into my hair, grasping firmly and guiding me down between her thighs until my lips had descended far enough to taste her.

Hunter!” She whimpered out a gasp. “You have
no idea
how good that feels…”

“I have an idea,” I murmured deviously, marrying my tongue to her inner folds.

“Not sure that you do…”

I lifted away for a moment, catching her eyes.

“Too much talking, not enough moaning…”

She threw her head back in response, and I wasted no time drawing sensual circles aroud her sensitive nub.


“That’s better,” I groaned, pressing my lips from side to side as I burrowed deeper into her soaked pussy.

God, she tastes fucking incredible…

Sarah’s fingers clenched harder into my hair as she rode my face, murmuring incoherently under her breath. I could see that she was getting closer to the edge with the intensity of my flicking tongue and rolling thumb tip.

Any moment now…

“Hunter… fuck… I think… I…”

“Come for me, Princess,” I murmured against the folds of her wet cunt. “Come against my tongue… come as hard as you can… I want to
you do it…”

That seemed to do the trick, as her body began to tense, her thighs crushing harder against my head until I thought she’d crush it between them.

Her back spasmed, and Sarah let loose a string of stunted, groaning moans, fingers practically tugging the follicles from my head, until she finally slumped back down to the bed.

“Jesus… that’s the hardest orgasm I think I’ve ever had…”

“Not done yet,” I replied, ascending from between her thighs and rubbing my chin with the back of my wrist.

I’d felt her body tremor around me, tasted her passion, and it filled me with a need to be inside her at any cost…

Sensing my primal desires, she flexed her legs, parting them for me. “Come inside me, baby… I can’t get more pregnant than I already am…”

“Oh, I’m going to finish inside you alright,” I chuckled darkly. “But I want you on all fours.”

Her hands snapped to her breasts, and a look of indecision clouded her expression. “I don’t know if I can handle it… I’m not sure how that’ll be on my girls…”

“If it’s too painful, we’ll stop,” I reassured her, my need still pressing deep through my voice. “But I want you to try…”

Sarah slowly and reluctantly nodded, and then climbed onto her hands and knees. She glanced over her shoulder at me as I shrugged off my clothes and crept to a kneeling position behind her.

Stroking my thick, hard cock, I slipped it just barely into her folds, rubbing it along her nerve endings. Sarah threw her head over her shoulder again and started to groan.

“Hunter, you can’t just tease–”

I immediately plunged my hard cock into her sopping wet pussy. Her body shuddered, and her eyes rolled back as she turned her face away.

You were waiting for me to–”

Before she could continue, I started thrusting, my fingers clenching around her hips. I loved how her inner ridges felt, squeezing the life out of my heavy cock as I began to pummel her into submission.

She started to burrow her face into the comforter, but I grabbed her hair in a fistful and pulled her face back up, lining her up with a mirror.

“That’s right, baby,” I growled. “Watch us fuck. Watch me fuck this tight, soaked pussy of yours. You love it when I fuck your brains out, don’t you?”

She locked eyes with me through our reflection. “I do,” she murmured. “I love it so much when you fuck me like this…”

A grin crossed my face as I released her hair to land a solid wallop against the cheek of her ass. Sarah dropped her face again for a moment, but pulled back up before I tugged her hair again.

I did it anyway.

“God, Sarah,” I groaned in ecstasy, “your pussy feels so fucking good…”

“You gonna come for me, baby?”.

Her spontaneous burst of filthiness almost drove me over the edge, but I maintained my grip to get over the hump.

“I want to,” I groaned.

“I know you do,” she murmured.

We dropped the conversation to focus on fucking each other senseless. Sarah parted her knees a little more to tighten herself around my throbbing cock, and I clenched my fingers deeper into the skin of her hips as I pummeled her wet pussy harder and harder.

I knew that I was in the last lap of this race, and that I wouldn’t be able to hold out too much longer.

But it didn’t seem like I’d have to.

Sarah dropped her face into the pillow and moaned cute little bursts as I felt her body clenching around my rock-hard erection. Her thighs came a little closer together as what felt like a shuddering orgasm overcame her.

“Jesus,” she murmured in heat, “that was a good one too…”

“I’m getting close,” I groaned in a fit of pleasure. “Don’t think I can hold on much longer princess…”

“Cum inside me,” she murmured.

I grabbed a fistful of her hair and started fucking her as hard as ever. The mounting sensation built up towards a growing clash. I knew it wouldn’t be long now, and my resistance was weakening with every thrust…

“I’m getting close,” I groaned again.

The animalistic lust in what we were doing overcame me. Fueled by paternal need, I thrust harder into her welcoming body, overwhelming Sarah with my furious passion.

Passion for her…

Passion for the

With a mighty roar, I drove myself as far into her as I could, my hands firmly grasping her body. The building pressure in my thick cock released with a tremendous burst of brain chemicals, flooding my head with the best damn mixed drink that the world could offer.

Sarah gasped and tightened up as I felt rope after blinding rope of my seed pump into her willing depths. I could feel her own crushing climax as she convulsed around my cock, drawing out every last drop of my essense. She dropped to the bed moaning loudly after several long seconds of insane sexual tension.

“Good god, Hunter,” she murmured as I collapsed down into the bed with her. “That was… Incredible…”

She turned to me, her beautiful eyes sparkling with something so gorgeous that it made my head fucking spin.

“I love you, Hunter.”

A smile crept across my lips, with confidence and security enveloping my heart and filling my chest. “Sarah… I love you too.”

I wanted the world to freeze right there.

I wanted the feeling to last forever.

It was just such a goddamn shame that it couldn’t, because it wasn’t much longer before everything started falling the fuck apart.

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