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Authors: Lavinia Kent

Price of Desire (16 page)

BOOK: Price of Desire
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She knew his wants and his purpose, but she would not deny
Let him play this game out
She would take
what she wanted and then . . .
then they would see who won the night
She smiled as she opened herself to him
He bent his head, his tongue flickering over her pulse where it throbbed at the base of her neck
She let herself go.











This was madness
This was hunger
Wulf nuzzled his face at the base of her throat, drawing that same scent of summer that had clung to her before
As they touched he could feel the fire, the rough magic rise up between them, burning them both.

He’d knocked on her door desiring only to talk, to make her understand that he needed to see his child, but then he s
her bathed in candlelight, so ravishing, so tempting
Even her words, denying him his daughter, had not abated the demons of desire that sprang forth, the urge to make her his, to conquer her
Her eyes beckoned him on, promising salvation

oblivion from every torment, every memory of darkness and despair
In her glance was only heaven, in her body forbidden nirvana
She was the siren he could not resist.

He whispered kisses over her neck, across her chest
She shuddered and stirred beneath him, the sweet honey taste of her skin urging him onward, binding him with memories of that other night

that night when she’d begun and he’d followed
His anger and passion combusted with uncontrollable force

“Do you remember how you
your breasts up to me
They glowed in the moonlight
” he growled
“I could see the desire in your eyes, feel how much you needed me
You shivered at my first touch, just as you do now.

He ran a single finger along her collarbone, his eyes glowing at her response

I could have stared at you for hours, but your impatience drove me on
And then I touched, caressed, the velvet of your skin, fed upon the bounty of your breasts
You were all the sustenance I needed, all that I need.

He finished speaking and lowered his head again
His tongue darted out and circled the pearled tip of her nipple
Each shudder
shook her
spread the fire of
his passion, dr
him deeper into the tangled web of their desire
When he finally drew a nipple deep into his mouth, sucking, nursing, licking, she sighed once and then melted beneath him, her thighs opening in welcome as she collapsed backwards onto the bed.

Then he feasted
He moved from breast to breast and back again, unable to deny himself the dream that had tormented him these last years
He pushed her gown lower, delighting in her response, gaining recompense for all she had denied him
She raked her fingers through his hair, clenching, clawing, urging him on, until he
smothered in her welcoming flesh.

He drew back for breath and she moaned, opening her eyes to reveal dancing fires of passion that would know no denial
He felt the pounding of her heart beneath his hands, smelled the growing musk of her desire
He slipped over her
he lay nestled between her thighs, pressing hard against her,
only the thin cotton of their clothing separated them.

He pulled back, staring deep into her darkened eyes, the pupils huge and round, burning with
desire equal to his own
She was so damned beautiful, so perfect

the cream of her skin, the gold of her hair, the soft body that so well
followed the contours of
his own
He lowered his mouth roughly, catching her inviting lower lip between his teeth
and tugging
She moaned and stirred beneath him, pressing her pelvis up.

With one hand he swept up the loose skirt of her
rail, curling his fingers deep into the soft flesh of her hip
Her eyes flared at his touch
He nipped harder at her lip before joining his mouth tightly to hers, delving into the sweetness of her depths
His tongue swept, and teased, and played, seeking to consume her all

He was lost in her, unsure where memory ended and reality began
Each move, each shiver, each caress blended with that afternoon so long ago
No other woman had ever tasted so sweet, ignited such fires within him, brought him to this peak of pleasure

or despair
He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, fighting for control, detachment.

“Is she my daughter?

He forced the words out
She could not deny him now
He pulled back, arched above her, poised, promising all and granting nothing
“Is she mine?”

“Damn you.

It was more of a cry than a word
She opened her eyes wide and stared up at him in the darkness
He thought she would answer, but then she moved beneath him, raising her hips to rub against him, blatant in her invitation, forcing his mind to the present, to the heat that sizzled between them
She clenched her thighs tight around him
She closed her eyes and threw her head back
She was as lost as he
If he asked again she would tell him the truth

He started to speak.

Her legs moved up his thighs, clasping tight about him
He drew a sharp breath as she shifted until he lay nestled against her very core.

He was vanquished, his mind
devoid of everything
but his driving need
Self-loathing stirred and was forgotten
All was forgotten, all but the beckoning siren beneath him.

He didn’t know whose hands moved, unfastening his buttons until he sprung free, didn’t know which of them positioned, pressed, progressed
He met her eyes, knew the cold reality of the present
Then he was lost in the passion of the moment, his demons free
All he knew was the heaven of sensation as he drew back and pressed forward, burying himself to the hilt
Her inner muscles clasped him, pulling him deeper, pulling him home.

“My God, it’s better than I remembered, better than I dreamed

e gasped against her hair, as he pulled back and surged forward.

“Is this real, then?

He almost missed her soft despairing question as her whole body drew taut beneath him

dream I cannot escape

Even as she whispered the last word
he felt her body shake, her inner depths pulsing against him
She buried her face in his shoulder, smothering her cry
He became still, holding himself with iron control until he felt her
quiet beneath him

Then he moved again, drawing them both back into the dance
Her response to his every move, every touch, every taste, shot through him
No other woman had ever moved as one with him, shown him all that could be.

Even now, in the midst of passion,
the midst of the fire, he wanted her to be the same as every other, needed to deny that there was anything unique or extraordinary about this encounter, this fire
His mind fought for independence, for
what he took for
sanity, even as his body merged and melded, drawing ever deeper into the dark flames until he knew nothing but
the swirl of scent, taste and touch that were uniquely this woman

He knew the end was near, knew he could not hold back longer, felt her fingers dig deep into his back urging him on, heard her cry, felt her dissolve, pulling him into
vortex of flame
He threw back his head, letting out his own cry of glory, of conquest, of homecoming
He had reached heaven and there
could be
no return.


This was madness, the sweetest of dreams, the most costly of fantasies
Even as Wulf’s weight collapsed upon her, pressing her deep into the downy mattress, the first glimmer of sanity returned
What had she done
How had an argument over Anna ended here
At least she had not answered
She had taken his seduction and thrown it back at him
If he could stab with passion like a sword, then so could she
She clenched her inner muscles around him one more time and felt him jerk in response, the last thro
s of desire still surrounding them.

She closed her eyes, drawing in a deep breath filled with sweat, brandy, and the joint musk of their bodies
How could she have forgotten how good this was
How could she have forgotten the magic of his touch, the way she responded to the perfection of his body

His body
She must remember it was only his body, his touch that drew her – nothing more
It was his body she had wanted
His body she had joined with.

She exhaled, her breath rustling the hairs that sprinkled his chest
He raised himself up on his elbows, still impaled deep within her
Their eyes met and for the briefest of seconds she glimpsed a vulnerability she had not expected
She reached up to touch his face, to feel the warmth of that stubble-roughened skin
Before her hand had moved even a fraction of an inch his eyes darkened, shuttered, almost punished
There was a renewal of passion, desire, but no warmth

He began to move again within her, swelling, growing, filling her completely, but his eyes burned with ice
Self-loathing shook her as his hands gripped her thighs without tenderness
This is what she had brought herself
The pace increased
She cried for him, begged for him, opened herself to him
But even as he brought her to the peak, even as she shattered around him, the intensity of the heat burning her to the quick, she shivered from the ice that encased him.


The first beams of sun
were just
peeking through the windowpanes
when Rose wakened the next morning
It was not the light that had awakened her, nor even the first sounds of the house coming to life
It was not even the knowledge that she had a house full of guests and a long day ahead of her

it was
an absence
His absence
d lain beside him all the night, his large body sprawled across her bed, their limbs intertwined
They had not spoken since the first time, had not looked into each other’s eyes since the second
But throughout the dark hours their bodies had sought each other, caressed each other as the most familiar of companions – while her soul bled alone

BOOK: Price of Desire
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