Prey (BookStrand Publishing Romance) (31 page)

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Authors: Mary Lou George

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Prey (BookStrand Publishing Romance)
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Jade had thanked Erick and Petra the night of the storm.. They really had saved the day. She walked towards Erick, and he looked up at her with such intelligence, she shook her head.

“You knew exactly what to do, didn’t you?” She stroked his neck.

Erick pretended not to understand, but finally he closed his eyes and accepted Jade’s admiration and nodded almost imperceptibly.

Next she put her hand on Petra’s neck and rested her head against the horse’s cheek. They communicated silently. When Jade and Rags left the barn she didn’t bother to put Erick, Tammara and Petra back in their stalls. What was the point?

There was no sign of Sam. Not sure what to do, Jade returned to McCann House. Reggie and Chase wanted her to spend Christmas Eve with them. She was happy to do so, but she wanted to be with Sam as well. Where was he?

Chase and Reggie prepared a fabulous Christmas Eve dinner, but Jade ate very little of it. Chase and Reggie exchanged knowing looks. Jade felt a little de trop. It was her brother’s first Christmas with his bride, and his sister was hanging around like bathroom tissue stuck to his shoe.

“Smells good, guys. Mind if I grab a plate?” It was Sam. Jade’s face lit up. She was ridiculously happy to see him. He breezed in with no apology whatsoever.

She frowned fiercely up at him. “Where the hell have you been?”

He raised his eyebrows. “This is Christmas Eve, what is every man in town doing? Christmas shopping.”

Reggie nodded her head ruefully. “It’s true, Jade. Testosterone makes it chemically impossible for men to shop earlier than December 24
. It’s baffled medical science for eons. That and the appendix…they still don’t know what that’s for.”

Jade tried not to giggle, but couldn’t help it. Her appetite returned. Sam didn’t wait for dessert.

He turned to Chase. “Dude, I intend to take Jade home to my place if she’ll come. I want to spend this night with her. I know as her brother you might have something to say about that, so I’m telling you up front. I’ll even let you take your best shot if you feel you have to.” Sam lifted his chin.

Chase looked at Jade a moment. “Jade is an adult. If she wants to go with you there’s nothing I can do to stop her. But trifle with her and you’re in for some weapon’s grade trouble.”

“Understood, man.” Sam stood and walked to Jade’s chair. He held out a large hand, and she slipped hers into it.

In Sam’s truck he said not a word. Jade started to get anxious. This was new. They always had something to say to one another. He surprised her by driving past his driveway. He pulled the truck up in front of the barn and helped her down.

He smiled and put a finger to his lips. He whispered, “Come with me. I have your Christmas present, and I can’t wait until tomorrow to give it to you.”

He was like a seven year old boy who had saved all his money to buy a very special present. He’d never been more handsome. Jade got caught up in the excitement. The thrill of every Christmas Eve as a child rushed through her memory, and her heart beat faster in response. She didn’t care what Sam had to show her. He’d already managed to give her back the childish joy of Christmas. It was a wonderful gift.

All was quiet in the stables. The animals wouldn’t talk to her. For a second she was alarmed. Soft hearted Tammara took pity on her. She reassured Jade that all was well with them. They were just anticipating Jade’s reaction to Sam’s gift. They didn’t want to let the cat out of the bag, so to speak.

He led her to the stall in which they’d made love the night Michelle had attacked. The gate was secured, and Jade looked over her shoulder at Erick. He looked at her innocently and she frowned. He was no help.

Sam stood in front of the stall and said, “Merry Christmas, Jade.”

Confused, she approached the stall. It looked empty and she couldn’t understand what he was trying to show her. At last she got close enough to look down into the space.

She laughed with delight. The stall was filled with hay. A tiny but very annoyed reindeer stood in the middle. Jade put her hands up to her mouth with utter joy. Very respectfully she welcomed the tiny creature. Reindeer could be very moody. Many people misunderstood them…but not Santa and not Jade.

Sam said, “I figured if anyone could get her to fly, you could.” Jade threw herself into his arms.


* * * *


She made hot cocoa, and he built a fire. He was stretched out on the couch when she brought the steaming mugs in. She put the cocoa on the coffee table, moved to take a seat, but he stopped her by pulling her into his arms.

He kissed her hungrily. “Sorry I took off today. I didn’t trust myself to keep the secret.”

She laughed. “I have a secret to tell you too.”

He looked wary and let her talk. “Well, I told you what a hero Petra was last night, right?” He nodded. “Erick saved the day, didn’t he?” She waited until Sam nodded again. “Well, when I was with them earlier today, they asked me to ask you something.”

Sam looked suspicious. “Please don’t say they want me to teach them to swim.”

“No, silly.” She grinned at him. “They want a baby.” There, she’d blurted it out.

Incredulous, Sam said, “Erick and Petra want to breed?”

Jade laughed. “Again, no, silly…they want Petra to have a baby that they could all love.”

Sam laughed heartily. “Well, that’s no problem. I’ll start looking for stud services as soon as the holidays are over.”

She shook her head. “No. That won’t do. Petra and Tammara want to pick the father.”

“The two mares want to pick the sperm donor?”

Jade smiled and nodded. “Yes, they’re female. They want the right to choose who will father this foal. Tammara has had babies, but they were all taken from her. She doesn’t know what happened to them, but she thinks about them every day. That’s just so sad.” Jade’s eyes filled with tears. “They all want a baby they can watch grow up, who will be part of their future, their family.”

Shaking his head with wonder, he said, “Consider it done. Just how do you suggest we introduce the ladies to the eligible bachelors?”

“You’ll find a way. They have great faith in you.”

Chapter 31


“Do you have faith in me, Jinx?” All laughter had drained from his face as he looked at her seriously.

She locked eyes with him and didn’t waver when she said, “Yes, I have faith in you.”

He smiled gently and shook his head. “I can’t do this anymore, sweetheart. I know I’m being unfair to you. You really should experience more of life before taking this step, but I just can’t do it. I’ve waited so long for you to grow up. I’m in love with you.” He broke eye contact and looked up at the Christmas tree. “Yes, I’m being selfish, but lately I’ve come to realize I’ve been in love with you since that summer on the beach when you kissed me. It shocked me to the soles of my feet, but I loved you, and it took every ounce of decency I had to turn away from you then. It took me years to prove to myself that one day I might just be worthy of you. If you hadn’t come home, I would have eventually gone and got you.”

Jade grabbed his handsome face and kissed him silent. When she pulled away to look at his beloved face, she said, “I’ve always been in love with you. It may have started as a juvenile crush, but instead of growing out of it, I grew into it. Adult love is so much more profound. I didn’t know how you felt.” She smiled apologetically. “I let Michelle and your mother shake my confidence. You told me that you were looking for your match. I couldn’t imagine that would ever be me. You’re so far out of my league. I’m so unsophisticated.”

Sam looked baffled. “What the hell are you talking about? You can talk to animals for Christ’s sake! Who’s out of whose league? Jinx, I’m ordinary…but you, there is no one in the world like you. I’m a better man because of you. I want to spend every day of the rest of my life making you happy. Will you marry me?”

Jade didn’t hesitate. “Yes.” He grabbed hold of her and kissed her soundly. When he lifted his head she was dazed but very happy.

He said, “I’m sorry about my mother. She’s evil.”

Jade giggled then realized that he was right. His mother
evil. “I guess we won’t be inviting your parents to the wedding.”

His deep laughter rang out. “There was never anything between me and Michelle. Thank God. I think if I’d had sex with her she’d have eaten me afterwards.” He shuddered. “Believe me, I tried to let her down easy.”

“I can’t help but feel sorry for her. She was so alone. The poor thing was a victim of circumstances. She knew nothing else…had only one purpose in life.”

Sam shook his head in disbelief. “Only
could feel sorry for someone who wanted to eat your flesh and gnaw on your bones.”

“I can’t help it.”

Sam nodded. “Of course you can’t.” He kissed her temple in awe. “I couldn’t reject her publicly. I tried to be a gentleman, the last thing I wanted to do was to hurt her. Ironic huh?”

“A little.”


* * * *


Sam and Jade spent a quiet Christmas morning opening presents. He loved the gift she’d agonized over. The strips of photos looked great mounted chronologically. Some of them made him laugh uproariously.

“This is wonderful. It’s us. Look at us, how young we were. Oh no, look at this one, my hair! A moustache, I look like a seventies porn star. What was I thinking? This is going to fascinate our children. You want children, don’t you?”

She smiled. “I want

“That’s good because I don’t think Reggie’s going to give hers up.”

She laughed at his joke, but Sam sobered and took her in his arms. “With you I have a chance at having a real family. With parents like mine I wouldn’t have risked it with anyone else.”

Jade sobered at the thought. “I don’t blame you.”


* * * *


They had Christmas dinner at McCann house. Reggie was excited to fill the enormous dining room with people. It reminded Jade of the table at the end of
How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
They even had something special for the dogs.

Almost spilling his wine, Sam stood and made the announcement about their upcoming nuptials. Gillian looked for a ring on Jade’s left hand. He caught her quick glance and said, “I haven’t put a ring on her finger yet because Reggie taught me well. No woman should get her engagement ring as a Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Birthday, or President’s Day gift.”

Reggie smiled proudly and toasted him with a fork full of mashed potatoes. “Fifty bucks says he trips on the way down the aisle.” They all laughed. There were some takers, but as bets go it was pretty clear Reggie would win this one.

Ernestine cleared her throat loudly and surprised everyone when she stood. She commanded and received absolute silence. She paused for effect. Ernestine Sinclair was very good at this.

She held up her glass of wine. Every eye was on her. “I’m happy to announce that in time Jade will take my place as Guardian so I can finally take retirement.” She waited for silence before continuing. “Gillian, Reggie and Jade will be the three Guardians of New Crescent. It was meant to be.” Before taking a sip of her wine, she lifted her glass higher. “To every woman who knows how to love, may the men they marry prove worthy.” She looked at Travis, Chase and Sam meaningfully.



A year later, Sam was still trying to find a worthy father for Petra’s baby. She didn’t seem to mind. In fact both Tammara and Jade enjoyed the process, despite Sam’s frustration. Jade told Sam that Petra would select her mate in all due time, he just had to persevere.

She looked at her husband. She loved him more every day. This day, this cold, crisp Christmas day, she and Sam were walking with the animals before making their way to McCann house for the more elaborate festivities. Sam and Jade savored this quiet time together. To an outsider it would have looked strange. But to the folks in New Crescent, it was a common sight. Jade and Sam walked together in the snow followed by a one-eyed horse, a three legged dog, a donkey named Erick, a former race horse, another dog named Rags and a tiny Reindeer named Fate.

They gasped as Fate leapt and took flight.







Mary Lou George lives within driving distance of Toronto. She’s worked in the design studio of a major art museum for over twenty years. The creative atmosphere there has helped to keep her imagination fertile and her humor well exercised. In her personal life, she’s surrounded by family, friends and an animal or two or three. It’s no surprise that her stories include four legged characters. She comes from a long line of earth mothers who’ve always believed there’s a little bit of magic in each of us and that working hard for the happy ending is always worth the effort.

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