Prey (BookStrand Publishing Romance) (13 page)

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Authors: Mary Lou George

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Prey (BookStrand Publishing Romance)
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She didn’t need or expect a response. Finally Travis asked her, “Was there a reason you didn’t want to be outside earlier this morning?”

Her eyes were deadly serious. “Yes there most certainly was. That blasted thing was out hunting last night. I could feel it. Made me antsy.”

Travis told her about Jade’s experience, and she nodded. “Of course, that makes sense. Jade will have to be extra careful. It knows she can communicate with the animals. She’d also be a very tasty tidbit I would imagine.”

Sam gave her a panicked frown. “Was that really necessary?”

Ernestine pretended she didn’t hear him as she continued to speak. “You’re going to be busy today, Travis. Don’t think for a second that it gave up on the hunt last night. Its failure with Jade would only have made it more ravenous. I’m afraid there will be much for you to do.”

“Thanks for the heads up, but in the interests of public safety, care to give me a little more info?”

Ernestine shook her head. “You know better than that. I’ll tell you what I can at this point in time.” Travis sighed. “I was worried this thing was something I’d allowed into New Crescent, but I’m sure that is not the case. I cleared that up yesterday and was assured he’d broken none of the conditions we’d agreed upon when he asked for residence here. I choose to take him at his word.”

Baffled, Travis shook his head as if to clear it. “Okay… I’m almost afraid to ask, but this is New Crescent, so here we go…Is it a werewolf?”

No one laughed and Ernestine answered seriously, “No. I know that for certain. We haven’t had a werewolf in this town for over twenty years. And I’ll have you know, these days, werewolves have much more control over their urges. They are far more civilized than some humans I’ve met.”

Exasperated, Sam sighed. “Okay, forget the werewolf thing. Are you saying that you know what this thing is? Don’t you think you’d better come clean so we can protect Jade?”

The old lady took Sam’s hand in hers. “Protecting Jade will be your job, Sam. Only you can do that. Jade is family. That thing out there is unnatural and has to be stopped.”

Sam frowned. “Of course I accept the responsibility gladly. It goes without saying. Or at least I thought it did. I won’t let anything to happen to Jade.” He appealed to Ernestine. “You say this thing is unnatural. Does that mean it’s man-made? Some sort of uber Science project gone wrong?”


“Bloody hell! And I have to stop it? Is it possible that Daniels Pharmaceuticals is responsible for this? I’ve tried to stop my father from sanctioning animal testing, but you know Mengele, my protests fall on deaf ears. Yeah, my sociopathic family has been doing animal testing and that’s bad enough, but to have created something like this is positively Island-of- Dr.-Moreau-ish” Sam was furious.

Ernestine didn’t even try to calm him. “I’m not sure what it is, but it’s highly intelligent and more vicious than any animal Mother Nature ever created. After all, until now, man was the only creature to kill for pleasure.” She looked sad for a moment. “That’s all I can tell you without interfering with the natural order. Sam? It’s your destiny. You have to keep Jade safe. She’s in jeopardy, but she’s also the key to solving the whole thing. You’ll need her help just as she’ll need yours.”

That was all she would say. She bid them good day and turned away. With nothing else to do, Travis and Sam took their leave. Walking back to the parking lot, Sam swore creatively.

Travis smiled at his friend. “That goes double for me.”

Sam grinned ruefully. “Has she always been this frustrating?”

Solemnly Travis nodded. “Afraid so, man. It’s just your turn to notice, Trust Fund.”


* * * *


He wanted to get back to Jade as soon as possible, but just as he was about to turn onto the road that would take him there, Travis pulled up alongside his truck and signaled him to pull over.

A look of devastation had settled on Travis’s face, and Sam knew he would have nothing good to say. He put a hand on the top of Sam’s truck and leaned in through the open window. “I just got the call. Two women have gone missing. Neither of them showed up for work this morning and their boss is concerned for their safety…you know, what with Simpson’s murder…”

Travis hit the top of the truck with the flat of his hand, and the sound reverberated in the cab where Sam sat frowning behind the wheel.

At the end of his rope, Travis said, “Since Aunt Ernestine thinks you and Jade are the key to all of this, care to pick her up and meet me at the station?”

Sam considered leaving Jade out of it in order to protect her, but as if reading his mind, Travis shook his head. “I know what you’re thinking, buddy, and don’t get me wrong, I’d want to do the same thing, but you can’t keep Jade out of this. She’s needed and even if that weren’t the case, she’d be furious at you for making the decision for her.”

Sam didn’t want to agree, but he knew Travis was right. He nodded his head with such obvious reluctance his neck almost cracked in protest. “I’ll go pick up Jade, and we’ll meet you at the station.”

“Thanks, man.” Travis turned to leave, but looked over his shoulder at his worried friend and stopped, solemnly adding, “We’ll all do everything we can to help you both. You know that don’t you?”

Sam smiled ruefully. “You don’t even have to say it. I know.”

Travis tapped the hood of the truck twice and walked to his car. Sam turned down the road that would take him to Jade.

For the first time in his life, he hoped he wouldn’t see her. His heart dropped when he saw her car in the driveway. It would be easier if she wasn’t there. He wanted to send her away until he’d caught the thing, but he knew she wouldn’t go and he wasn’t sure he could do it without her. Feeling powerless, Sam walked into the clinic.

He found her in the kennel communicating with a cat that they’d spayed the day before. He could see the intense expression on her face and for a second he was able to delay telling her, grateful for her distraction. Too soon, she looked up at him with a smile. He knew he’d be forced to wipe that smile off her face and he hated himself for it, but he had no choice.

There was no way to break it gently. “We’re needed at the Sheriff’s office. Two young women have gone missing.”

With his words, all the color drained from her face, but she said nothing. She simply walked over to where she’d hung her coat. He held it while she shoved her arms into the sleeves. Without a word she walked out to Sam’s truck.

Chapter 13


When they arrived at the Sheriff’s office, the place was throbbing with activity. Despite the fact that the young women were missing only eight hours, Travis was setting up search parties. When he was finished mapping out the search sites, he walked over to Jade and Sam.

He put an arm around her slumped shoulders. “Thanks for coming. I know it’s not easy.”

Jade shook her head. “It’s no more difficult for me than anyone else, Travis, so stop mollycoddling. I’d like to join one of the search parties if you don’t mind.”

Travis nodded. “No one is to be alone. We’ve broken down large teams into parties of two. I’m going to stay here and coordinate things, but why don’t you join the team searching the woods near Kally’s?” He ran a hand through his hair. “The women’s names are Delia Brady and Julie Hanson. They were last seen leaving Kally’s Roadhouse around midnight last night.” One of his deputies started to talk to him, and he turned away.

Sam said, “Let’s go.” He took her arm and led her to his truck.

News traveled fast and everyone was worried. It hadn’t been hard to mount search parties to comb the area for the missing girls. The whole thing was very organized. Large areas were broken into grids, and each pair was assigned a section and told to search for any signs at all.

Jade was glad she’d worn her warmest coat. It had snowed in the night, but not enough for any significant accumulation. She looked at the blue sky and figured they were safe for the day at least. There would be no additional complication falling from the heavens. She prayed that would aid in their search.

Sam and Jade split up, but kept sight of each other at all times. They each had a whistle and were instructed to blow it three times if they found anything. Neither of them had reason to touch their whistles. They searched their section of the grid meticulously and found nothing.

Jade jumped when she heard three shrill sounds. Someone had found something. She looked over at Sam. Hope shined in her eyes for a split second, but it was replaced by a look of resignation. If something had been found out here, good news would be unlikely.

Sam walked towards her, taking her hand in his. “Come on, Jinx, we’re finished here anyway. Let’s go see what’s been found.”

The deputy in charge of the search stopped them before they got too close to the scene. “We’ve found them, folks. The Sheriff is on his way.” His face was grim, and he looked a little green.

They were surprised when a young woman ran towards them. It was Sandy Johnson. Jade recognized the athletic young woman from Reggie’s wedding. Out of breath, she grabbed Sam’s arm. “You’ve…you’ve got to come with me. There’s a dog caught in a bear trap. Come on.”

Sam and Jade didn’t waste time. They took off after Sandy. It didn’t take them long to come across the gruesome sight. Bear traps were illegal in New Crescent and its surrounding counties. This one had clamped down viciously on a large, prone and panting dog’s front left leg. Sam crouched down. Shrugging off his knapsack, he immediately fished out medical supplies.

He turned to Jade. “He’s in shock. Try to keep him warm.” Carefully Sam released the trap and put a field dressing on the dog’s leg. “We’ve got to get him back to the clinic. He’ll lose the leg for sure, damn it. He’s been out here for a while, but there’s a good chance we can save his life.”

Jade had taken off her winter coat and wrapped it around the wounded dog. He was barely conscious and in terrible pain. He was so insane with pain and fear she couldn’t make out what he was trying to tell her.

Sam took off his coat and put it around Jade’s shoulders. She was instantly warmed by the heat of his body by proxy. They didn’t waste time and hurried to get the dog to Sam’s truck.

Travis pulled up as Sam and Jade were about to pull away. He ran over to them. “Where are you guys going?” He spotted the dog in the back. “I won’t keep you. It sounds like they found the women.” He shook his head sadly. “Same as Allan Simpson. There’s nothing you can do here. Take care of the living for now.”

Sam drove off. Jade kept her eyes on their patient. He’d fallen into unconsciousness. She looked at Sam. “He’s passed out. Is that bad?”

Sam shook his head, “I gave him something for the pain, but we don’t have much time. I’m going to have to take that leg off and soon. He’s just lucky he didn’t sever a main artery or he’d have bled out almost immediately.” He slammed his hands on the steering wheel. “Damn it! What fool would set a trap in those woods?”

Jade couldn’t imagine anyone putting a trap anywhere, but she didn’t say so. Instead, she watched the dog’s chest rise and fall and willed the truck to move faster.


* * * *


To Jade’s novice eyes, Sam performed a miracle that day. The surgery didn’t take as long as she’d expected. Sam said that infection was the next hurdle facing their patient, and he’d have to be watched closely.

Sitting on the floor beside the dog, Jade stroked his side gently. He was a mutt and by the look of it a stray. She didn’t think there were any strays in New Crescent. The people wouldn’t hear of it. There was always some good hearted person who’d make room in their homes for a homeless animal. Maybe he’d been dropped off the highway and had made his way to New Crescent. A bear trap in New Crescent? It didn’t make sense. She sighed. At least the poor dog was safe now. Sam had saved his life.

“Since you’re going to be spending most of your day like this, here’s a cushion.” Sam bent, placed a pillow on the floor beside her and patted it.

She smiled up at him. “All the comforts of home.”

He grinned back at her, the tension of the past few hours forgotten. “I’ve got a few things I’ve got to check on. On my way back, I’ll get you some lunch from the diner. Any preferences?”

Jade felt that familiar tightening sensation in her chest. “Anything but French fries.”

After leaving Jade in charge of their patient, Sam drove back to the crime scene. He knew Travis would want to talk to him.

It was worse than the scene at Simpson’s farm. This time, two young women in their twenties had been slaughtered. Travis was talking to one of his deputies. He ran a hand through his hair and grimly looked over at Sam.

When he reached his friend, he said, “It’s them for sure. They were torn to bits, but notice something strange?”

Sam had noticed something, but it only made matters worse. “There’s not enough blood. The thing must have taken it, drank it. They were exsanguinated, then torn to bits.” He kept all emotion out of his voice.

Travis nodded. “You got it in one, man. How’s your patient?”

“He’s stable. I couldn’t save the leg without risking his life, multiple surgeries and a truck load of pain. But I try to console myself by remembering that animals accept these things much better than we do. With Jade’s help I think he’s going to make a great companion for someone.”

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