Pretend (78 page)

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Authors: Sharlay

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Pretend
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I did love that pain in the butt that was my sister. I also loved the fact that
and April were so close. T
here was something really special about their relationship that I admired.

As I approached the table where all of Kyle's little followers were sat I noticed how some of the girls were looking at me as though they were ready to pounce.

"Hey," I said to Jamie.

Even though he was the year below me he had quite a name for himself around our high school. He was known as Janeson High's next Richard Branson. If there was anything that you needed to buy then he was the man you would go to.

"What's up? Are y
ou he
re to buy some of this new make
? “He
asked, going straight into business man mode.

"No actually, I'm looking for April, my sister said that she's with Kyle," I said as more of a question than a statement.

yeah she came to me earlier. I just told her that he was on the field at a spot we used to hang out
, by the art room. I'm guessing they've finally decided to try and fix their problems. About time too, they make a hot couple," he said playfully.

"Is that what she told you?" I asked, although I already knew the answer.

"No but-"

"But nothing, you shouldn't jump to conclusions," I stated as I tried to keep calm.
For some reason it seemed that Kyle still had me on edge whenever it came to April.

"I'm not but those tw
o always get back together, it's just how it goes. I spent enough time with the two of them to know that they are completely in love. If they don't come back in here in the next ten minutes hand in hand I'll be surprised," he said as I felt my blood begin to boil as the image of them hand in hand played in my mind.

"I doubt it," I mumbled.

"How can you be so sure?" Jaime asked with a smug expression.

"Because she's my girlfriend," I grunted be
fore walking towards the cafeteria

, maybe I was wrong," I heard a nervous Jaime mutter as I walked away.

That moron was always running his mouth so I don't know why I was letting it get to me. I had no reason not to trust April and I wasn't going to start jumping to conclusions based on what some idiot said based on
theories in his head. The only reason
that I'm going to find April right now is so that I can make sure that she is ok. I know that she is always trying to please everyone but I know that the one thing that nearly ripped her apart was losing that baby. I didn't know how Kyle would react to their little 'talk' but I needed to make sure that everything was running smoothly. If I get there and all is well then I will just disappear as though I was never even there but I need to check first.

and I
were good lately and every
time that I thought about her I just couldn't shake the smile that she put on my face. I really was in love with this girl.

As I got close to the spot that Jaime had told me about, I tried to be as quiet as I possibly could. I just wanted to check that things were ok and then quickly disappear before any of them
even saw
seen me.

As I got to the edge of the art room I gently peeped
round the corner to see Kyle and April with their backs to me. I couldn't hear them clearly but as I watched April pull Kyle into a warm embrace my stomach dropped. Just as I went to turn around and run away in a fit of anger, I remembered what had happened last time that I had seen then hu
gging and jumped to conclusions,
so instead I stood still and listened. It was what I heard next that made me angry.

"We've been through way too much to just throw it all away. I love you too," April said as I watched the two of them hold each other tighter.

I may jump to conclusions about a lot of things but I had just heard it as clear as day. April was still in love with Kyle. After everything that we had been through, after all that we had said it was still him. I guess I was an idiot to believe that I could ever compete with him. He still had her heart. They were mourning a baby together, they had history and all I was, was an act at a party that became a little too real. I punched myself internally before walking off in anger.

"Aiden, wait!" I heard April shout from behind me. I wasn't about to allow her to see that she had affected me and so I just kept on wa
lking. She had made her choice so
she can drop the pathetic act.

"Aiden please,

"What it looks like, of course not," I said, interrupting her stupid attempt at trying to make me feel better. What really annoyed me is that even now, even when I had heard it with my own ears, she couldn't just be honest. I guess Jaime was right, maybe they were meant to be together.

"Aiden please," she pleaded one last time as she stared at me with the most sincere look in her eyes that I almost fell for it.

"I thought you meant it but I guess I was just kidding myself. It will always be him," I said as I looked her straight in the eyes. I watched as the tears began to roll down her cheeks. Every part of me wanted to take my thumbs and wipe them away, to kiss her and say that it was ok but it wasn't. None of this was ok, she loved him and to be quite honest I couldn't deal with that right now so I did what I do best, I walked away.

what's got you in such a hurry?" Murphy asked as I stormed past him in the hall way.

"Nothing," I
back angrily.

"Dude, this is definitely not nothing. What the hell's going on?" He asked as he followed behind me.

I ignored him and instead headed towards my car, got in and drove away. I needed to let off some steam before I actually hit someone.


* * *

After spending the rest of the day driving around like a maniac
I finally pulled back up at Janeson High. I had skipped the rest of my lessons but I didn't care, I needed some space and driving allowed me to let off some steam. I was going to head home but why the hell should I. Why should I go home, feeling sorry for myself when those two were probably skipping down the hall hand in hand. No
if she can move on then so can I. Screw being in love, I'm done with it!

I was suddenly dragged out of my thoughts as I heard a ba
g on my car window.

"Hey," I said as I stepped out of the car.

"Hey Aiden, where have you been?
Did you skip the rest of the day because that's what everyone's saying?" Kayley asked as she stared into my eyes.

Now honestly
Kayley had been flirting with me for as
long as I could remember. I knew that I could have her in a second if I wanted to but I was never interested until now that is.

"Yeah I did. Did you miss me?" I said as I threw her a smirk that I knew would drive her crazy.

"Did you want me to miss you?" She asked as she fluttered her eyelashes at me.
I could see the shocked expression on both hers and her friends faces as they watched me in action. By now I would have politely turned her down and walked away but hey I'm a free agent now, so what the hell.

"Maybe I did. How about I give you girls a ride home, maybe we can even catch up on all that 'missed' time," I said as I winked at them both, causing them to giggle like little kids.
Although their laughs were annoying what I found most annoying was that even though I didn't want to
I was still comparing them to April.

Just as I went to carry on flirting I heard a voice that caused me to freeze.

"Crystal don't," I heard April say as she followed my sister as she stormed towards where I was stood. Oh boy, she was mad.

"Goodbye," Crystal said as she eyed up Kayley and her friend.

Before I got the chance to argue Kayley had jumped in.

...We'll catch you later then," she said nervously as she tried to avoid eye contact with me. It took everything in me not to look at April even though that's all that I wanted to do. This wasn't my fault this time, she did this and she had to pay.

"No, I'm giving you guys a lift
, remember? S
tay there," I said
firmly before snapping my head back around to face
an even
madder looking Crystal.

"What the hell are you doing?" She growled at me.

"Talking, what does it look like?" I answered, sarcastically.

"Really, just talking?
Well can I just remind you that you have a freaking
" She screamed in my face as I tried not to look at April.

I could see how uncomfortable poor Kayley was and I was slowly regretting dragging her into this. I was also annoyed at Crystal for au
tomatically taking April's side. S
o much for blood is thicker than water.

Do I? Because as far as I know she i
s in love with someone else, oh and speak of the devil," I said bitterly as I
noticed Kyle heading towards me. Great! Why not
add a little salt to the wound?
I can't believe that this moron ha
the nerve to even walk over here.

"Can I have a word please?" Kyle asked in a voice that told me that he didn't really want to be doing this right now.

"I'm busy," I
back as my eyes glanced back to Kayley.

"Are you really this big of a moron?" He said, causing my fists to ball up. He was
pushing it now.

just leave it," April whispered as I watched her hand touch his arm.

"Yeah listen to her Kyle, it's the smartest thing
she's said all day," I sniggered as I kept my eyes on April this time.

I'm doing this for her not me. For some crazy reason she loves you, so are you going to listen to me or end up being a s
tupid jerk like me and lose the
one thing that you want because of a mistake?" He said, catching me a little off guard. Why was he still saying that she loved me when it was ob
vious what had happened earlier?
Although I wanted to walk away, a small part of me needed an answer to that question. A stupid and small part of me still needed her no matter how much I wanted to deny it. As my eyes looked at her sad face for a second my stomach dropped. I was mad at her but I never wanted to see her like that, it hurt me too much.

"Five minutes and then get lost," I said angrily before turning to Kayley and her friend.

"Could you
give me a second?" I asked politely as I watched April and Crystal walk off towards where Jess was stood. No doubt she was waiting on Anthony. She better get comfortable because that boys middle name is late.

"Yeah sure," Kayley said before her and her friend disappeared, leaving me and Kyle alone.

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